唐代 赵嘏 Zhao Gu  唐代   (806~?)
Potpourri songs Xi xi salt Weeping willow Cover Gimje
Potpourri songs Xi xi salt Millet-wu Fu Qi Ye
Potpourri songs Xi xi salt Water overflow Hibiscus billabong
Potpourri songs Xi xi salt Tao Li Xi flower fly
Potpourri songs Xi xi salt Fortress and mountains allo- debauchee
Potpourri songs Xi xi salt Constant convergence A thousand jin gold laugh
Potpourri songs Xi xi salt Beaulieu with hidden mirror
Potpourri songs Xi xi salt Cry with Night magpie
Potpourri songs Xi xi salt I wait for the morning tired chicken
Potpourri songs Xi xi salt Air Liangluoyanni
Potpourri songs Xi xi salt The year before last Than on behalf of the North
Potpourri songs Xi xi salt No one is also intended to
Sanctum After Snow
Send Dao
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Su Ho Amanuensis Antecedent Yan Fu new home

   Zhao Gu

Panasonic has not received free piano, a rock cluster lights stay high for. Similar to the Hill family poetry night
Royal Water Color Light Tree with autumn. End guidance and help small Ke Yong-day, half-raw spot volume coming from the diffuse worry.
When asked by customs Jun Fu Zhang, purple canopies do not move head heap Court.


【Source】 卷549_78

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