唐代 李贺 Li He  唐代   (790~816)
hadorwould urge sb. to drink (at a banquet)
Li with Harp cited
Send out of town right to Qu Yang Jingzhi
s son-in-law Fu de A ditch which flows through the imperial garden water
Feng Li Yi started the Chang-gu to live away from civilization
the seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid meet in Heaven)
Guo Hua Qing
Sing of one's feelings 2 Second
Recovery and Liu Yun
life Square is Sword child song words
Yanmen Procurator Row
Levee Song
Shu string
Su xiaoxiao grave
Dream Days
Green Chapter Letters do
Henan province prefectural examination under the former system of civil service examination Dec Words and Music an intercalary month
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Potpourri Songs Dec music speech october

   Li He

Yu Hu a little difficult to pour Silver Arrow, Gang Ning nether spent the night laughing. Dancing on broken frost ramp Romley,
Cage two vehicle registration candle fly Court. Bead curtain blame lay not sleep, Jinfeng thorn clothing body cold,
Zhang Mei bent on fighting ring on.

【Source】 卷28_60

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