宋代 王安石 Wang Anshi  宋代   (1021~1086)
Gui Xiang
Huan Xisha
Tone of the South
Yu Jia Ao
Song Form
Qian qiusui casue
Song Form cento
Ming Fei Qu 2
Book Lake Yam Baas wall
Teng klippe
Berthing guazhou
Spring Evening
Ge River Relay
instruct Chang'an don
Yu jia ao twain gospel
Qingping Yue
Complain heartfelt emotion Yu Xiu-old crane and five words gospel
Complain heartfelt emotion E ter
Complain heartfelt emotion Five of the four
Complain heartfelt emotion Five of Five further and show
Tone of the south twain gospel
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Gao Wei stay

   Wang Anshi

Wei stay in seventh to help prevent edge, state of buried salt eighteen years.
Wu Yi sandals COPUOS poor women, embarrassing food hard to be Yamada.
Old River Road off frequency of back, front and two by the whip him.
Go get killed in encounter Jesus, the mother with the people to also desolate.
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