宋代 姜夔 Jiang Kui  宋代   (1155~1221)
Yangzhou slow
Monkey Music
Tsui Yin
Four guilty of exquisite
Xi ying move defer
Partridge days
Partridge days
Partridge days
Partridge days
Partridge days
Heng fa chuen days picture
Yumei so high transfer sth. gratis
Tasha Hang
Huan Xisha
Seduction of order chiefly
Chun-Ching Gong
A red calyx
Stories of
Pipa cents
Tan Chun slow
Road-side pavilion Resentment slow in Lu Gong
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Xi poetry

   Jiang Kui

Hill as the first nine horses, one by one Ben Dongting.
Boat over the next Fortunately, Kazuya wave level.
Wind suddenly angry, the I boat, such as leaf light.
Qian Zhang slope or rise, or fall A little hole.
Looking back nine Masan, political struggle with the big waves.
Fei Ngo Shan cars such as the gun emplacement, Cookin Suiyang city.
Another example is the white lion, mountain jump ferocious.
Do not even for a moment into the pump, million die life.
Shi Zhi Yin seats wet, cover the cup to make soup.
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