斋后与金老铦朴翁聪自酌龙进而发 After fasting and gold from the old keen-edged discretion Dragon Park Chung Weng Then proceed to the next step hair
竹友为徐南卿作 Friends of the Xu Nanqing for bamboo
自题画像 Since the question drawing
江梅引 Jiang Mei cited
莺声绕红楼 Ying sheng Around the red Building
鬲溪梅令(仙吕调丙辰冬自无锡归,作此寓意) Geximeiling Xian lu stressed Bing-Chen Dong from Wuxi Return for this moral
鹧鸪天 Partridge days
杏花天 Heng Fa Chuen days
醉吟商小品 Drunk yin Business cameo
玉梅令 Yumei Order
浣溪沙 Huan Xisha
霓裳中序第一 Seduction of order chiefly
庆宫春 Chun-Ching Gong
齐天乐 Monkey Music
西窗又吹暗雨。为谁频断续,相和砧杵。候馆迎秋,离宫吊月,别有伤心无数。幽诗漫与。笑篱落呼灯,世间儿女。写入琴丝,一声声更苦。(宣政间有士大夫制蟋蟀吟。) Xichuang and blow the dark rain. Whom intermittent frequency, phase and Zhenchu. Waiting hall Yingqiu, Palace hanging on, do not have hurt many. Man and quiet poetry. Lei laughed off the call light, the world children. Written piano wire, I heard the soun