唐代 崔颢 Cui Hao  唐代   (704~754)
The Yellow Crane Terrace
Passing Through Huayin
A Song of Changgan I
A Song of Changgan II
The music diction an Road
In proper proportion Songs Encounter line
Potpourri songs Weicheng Junior Bank
Potpourri songs Errantry book
Potpourri Songs Passerby adversity
Potpourri songs Ji Lu articles
Pregnant with a donated Buddhist monk
swim India temple
If ye into the river
Miscellaneous Poems
Results efficient Tao body Dingxiang County Prison
Weicheng Junior Bank
Ji Lu articles
The river bank Companion anxious
Handan city Court ladies complain
Multiple poems at a time
Qiyan lushi,a poem of eight lines

Passing Through Huayin

   Cui Hao

Lords of the capital, sharp, unearthly,
The Great Flower's three points pierce through heaven.
Clouds are parting above the Temple of the Warring Emperor,
Rain dries on the mountain, on the Giant's Palm.
Ranges and rivers are the strength of this western gate,
Whence roads and trails lead downward into China.
...O pilgrim of fame, O seeker of profit,
Why not remain here and lengthen your days?

    Translator: Witter Bynner

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