To the Tune of P'u-san man
A Night Thought on Terrace Tower
A Nanjing Landscape
诉衷情 (一)
Complain heartfelt emotion twain
Consider place where god lived uni-
Consider place where god lived twain
Henbane uni-
Henbane twain
Henbane three
Henbane four
Henbane five
_Set_ zephaniah uni-
_Set_ zephaniah 2 Flowers _Set_s Poor crop The first
Jiang chengzai uni-
Jiang chengzai twain
Uplink cup uni-
Uplink cup twain
Jiuquan child
Woman crest uni-
Woman crest twain
Huan xisha uni-
Huan xisha twain
Huan xisha three
ancient style poetry
Tijijianlu Gleaning Village Village 题吉涧卢拾遗庄 Wei Zhuang Journey to the West did not return from the owner, full spring Changchun Wei River. Strange to immediate good poetry, Indian breaking Castle egrets fly.
【Collections】白鹭 【Source】 卷696_54