宋代 李复 Li Fu  宋代  
Ai Qin Jin Department
aug Caroche daily rear Ikegami
Baisha Relay
Villa hold urns
Do not crane song
Bing feed line
Disease present
Disease from
CAI Yuan degree if his son can be made Preexistence Uncle Jiang dark matter there is poetry write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
CAI Yuan degree if his son can be made Preexistence Uncle Jiang dark matter there is poetry write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
Cao Temple
Chen Yuan Chang Drunk sleep hut
Chen Mei-opened again later poetry blame on pay
And tear Dong Xuan
Choufenshouzheng doctor
Jin Zuxufacheng pay proposal
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Be occupied with nothing palace Give on Grace into Province

   Li Fu

Embroidery pro-looking seat right close Wei, Christine Edward language comfort decline late.
Temple Pi Chuan Kam book early, thanks to Baifa Lang and diffuse the potential.
九日 redistribution fan straight night, the six participants will go to early stage.
Knew elk refractory learning, deep shame Yuan Yu Luan access device.
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