南宋 范成大 Fan Chengda  南宋   (1126~1193)
Magpie Fairies the seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid meet in Heaven)
Azolla midwinter
Azolla Before the date of Qiu Zongqing Health Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china To carry a Toast Fu sitting in the word Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Thank the
Azolla After the rain Brought home Swim the west lake lotus in (full) flower
Qian qiusui Important to the peach Flowers dock
Huan xisha Candle under Chinese cherry apple
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Huan xisha Lantern Festival three days after the king Civilisation scholars
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Chao zhongcuo Heigo The beginning of spring Heavy snow Is old Dec The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar the period from 1 to 3 a.m. the Beginning of Spring
Chao Zhongcuo
Chao Zhongcuo
Chao Zhongcuo
Chao Zhongcuo
Butterfly in Love
NanKe child
NanKe child
NanKe child the seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid meet in Heaven)
Shuidiaogetou Yan On the 9th to
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Shut up Weng

   Fan Chengda

Gentleman take middle, often in language between silent.
Say more solid at their own expense, not talk good alone difficult.
This Weng body, such as Zheng Wenyuan, and distinguish such thinking, such as spring hanging river.
For wall near to shut up, hesitated for fear of turning off the poor!
Do not you see the brothers okho club, beating the Utah language distinct solutions.
Appreciate further muddy profound meaning of embryo, will make a self-dumping.
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