宋代 姜夔 Jiang Kui  宋代   (1155~1221)
Yangzhou slow
Monkey Music
Tsui Yin
Four guilty of exquisite
Xi ying move defer
Partridge days
Partridge days
Partridge days
Partridge days
Partridge days
Heng fa chuen days picture
Yumei so high transfer sth. gratis
Tasha Hang
Huan Xisha
Seduction of order chiefly
Chun-Ching Gong
A red calyx
Stories of
Pipa cents
Tan Chun slow
Road-side pavilion Resentment slow in Lu Gong
Multiple poems at a time
Four guilty of exquisite

Four guilty of exquisite

   Jiang Kui

Stacked drums Yehan,
Hanging lamp light spring,
Rush current events such as Xu.
Juanyou Huan Italy less
Heritage pitch sad.
Yan and Yin Fu hate.
Remember that time,
Friend is easier lost Nampo.
Miles heaven and earth,
Years life experience,
This situation can only suffer.
Yangzhou Liu,
Down the official way.
A light horses,
Correct glimpse of households.
Sober moon, the
Dream by Chaosheng go.
Know how to use U.S. letter paper,
Man wins, Roam horizon.
Speaking and teaching.
To spring, look for flowers partner.

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