唐代 张若虚 Zhang Rexu  唐代   (660~720)
A Moonlit Night On The Spring River
Multiple poems at a time

A Moonlit Night On The Spring River

   Zhang Rexu

Spring tide with sea level, sea moon tide were students.
Glittering with wave thousands of miles, where the Riverside next month free.
The river reverberates around the Fang Dian, Yue Zhao Lin flowers are like sleet.
Feel flying in the flow of air frost, Ting invisible on the white sand.
No Qian Chen Tianyi Jiang color Bright, bright sky lonely wheel.
River first saw the moon, the moon first man river.
Ah, generations have come and just like in mid-March.
May be I do not know who Jiang, the whole Yangtze River sent water.
Clouds to a lengthy, Qingfeng Urakami very unhappy.
Whose child boat tonight, where Acacia moon floor.
Poor moon wandering, should light the makeup Mirror.
Volume not in the jade door curtain, pounding cloth brush also came on the anvil.
At this time not hear each other, willing to monthly flow Zhao Jun.
The degree of light is not wild goose flying fish leap and dive Dragon written.
Last night Tam, falling dreams, the poor half of the spring has not returned.
Spring water to Yu Jin Jiang Jiang Fu Tan sangrakwol West Ramp.
Oblique possession on heavy fog, Tateishi Xiaoxiang unlimited way.
I do not know how many people go by month, sangrakwol love man Jiang shaking the tree.
  "Moonlit Night" is Yuefu old theme is "Business Qu Qing Wu Sheng Song"
  According to legend, emperor of the Chen system, and later by the Emperor to re-compose.
  "Tang Yue Zhi," said: "" Moonlit Night "" Yushu Courtyard Flowers "" dignified "and Chen made emperor. Emperor of Tang and the palace courtiers phase and female undergraduate and poetry, too often that He Xu and at Wen-yung, who collected their You Yanli, that song. "
  Tang Yue Zhang Ruoxu According to this old wrote the famous "Moonlit Night" is a landmark in the history of the works of Chinese poetry. Its content for Lu Zhaolin "moon cited," but is used in Sao Lu, and Zhang Ruoxu Chanting is used in the body, Zhang Ruoxu thought and philosophy in the mood more than on the "moon primer"
  【Two】 Moonlit Night Emperor
  Mu Jiang Ping fixed, vernalization is full open. Flow wave will go on the tide with a star to.
  Ye Lu gas containing flowers, spring on Lake Yang Hui. Every tour Han women, the value of the two-Fei China Land.
  【】 Zhang Ruoxu with the former
  The original composition has been lost, and now we often hear, "Moonlit Night" is based on the pipa Daqu "Sun_set_ Black" adaptation, under which consists of several small title: "River House, bells and drums, on the island, the wind regression Qushui, shadows of flowers layer units, the water depth goes international, singing fish late, whirl Lan shore, were far from the radial _Set_o, Einai owned boat, the end "
  "Moonlit Night" is the most common folk ensemble, Pipa Guzheng Ensemble, pipa, or zither solo. The song "Moonlit Night" is based on playing the theme song Moonlit Night lyrics from, the performance of similar content and music.
  "Moonlit Night" is also one of our classics.
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  "Moonlit Night" is the songs in the classical music songs, classical music is the classic of classics.
  Its predecessor, is a famous lute solo, the original name of "Sun_set_ drum." "Sun_set_ drum" track, as early as seen in Xie Yao Qing (1805-1864) of "this music research." This first pipa music scores, were seen in the first Ju Shilin (about 1736--1820) The Biography "busy Syria quiet tone" Pipa Score (Philippine Long press: now see, was the year of his disciples Xianfeng Gengshen private copies of the 1860 ), and the year of the Qing Dynasty Jiaqing JiMao 1819 "North-South spectrum of the second to send the Secretary of the pipa true mass", as well as dynasty Renyin year of 1842 and Zhang Shan Songjiang, Jiangsu, manuscripts, "Tan Slot" Pipa spectrum, Guangxu seeing in the 1875 Wu Wanqing manuscripts, Guangxu Reform Movement of 1898 in the "Pipa Score transcript Patrick Chan," 1929 "Foster Xuan lute spectrum" and so on. "Patrick Chan Pipa Score transcripts" in the "Sun_set_ drum" song had been included in "Back to the wind, but months, waterfront, mountain climbing, Xiao cried, night Vision, owned the boat," the seven sub-headings. (Philippine Long press: For the song of the origin of the research, a recent paper 1, 1993, "Central Conservatory of Music," published Lin Wang "" Moonlit Night "song of the source and exploration." According to this article , in Jiangsu Chongming "County" in the Qing Xianfeng Song Heng years "since a novelty as the" Sun_set_ Black "Music" records.)
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  Is a decent music lyric, 1925, Shanghai Harmony Music Club adapted according to string and wind music by the song "Moonlit Night." Speaking of "Moonlit Night", I believe many people know this famous folk music ensemble. It features music genre that rich melody, a beautiful euphemism; smooth rhythm changing, highly poetic East. "Moonlit Night" has always been loved by the masses, has adapted Western musical instruments for a variety of solo, ensemble, their lyrics are also being used for drama, is most well-known traditional Chinese music. But do we know, "Moonlit Night" was originally adapted from a famous traditional pipa Venturi "Sun_set_ drum." "Sun_set_ Black" aka "Xunyang pipa", "Xunyang Night Moon." Venturi for the pipa is one of representative works. Latest song popular in the eighteenth century in the southern area. "Sun_set_ Black" is a lyrical freehand Venturi, there are 10 pieces of the original points were: First, Second Sun_set_ drums, flower scattered back to the air three or four months off Mountain Pro was, the _set_ting sun near the water five, Feng Di Qiusheng six, seven Chihiro Wu Gorge, where the mangrove study on three eight, nine Riverside night Vision, Boats ten, the sun shade of a boat owned by music to soften the melody, peaceful atmosphere, depicting the scenery all the world: Drum and bid farewell to the sun_set_, full moon of the evening study on three usher; people suffused with light boat, the waves on top of Spring; sides of Castle Peak Pinnacle, squid Nongying; swing on the heart surface wave, paddle oars add sound ... ...
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  River first saw the moon, the moon first man river.
  Ah, generations have come and just like in mid-March.
  May be I do not know who Jiang, the whole Yangtze River sent water.
  Clouds to a lengthy, Qingfeng Urakami very unhappy.
  ... ...
  Zhang Ruoxu "Moonlit Night"
  "Moonlit Night" is the songs in the classical music songs, classical music is the classic of classics.
  Its predecessor, is a famous lute solo, the original name of "Sun_set_ drum." "Sun_set_ drum" track, as early as seen in Xie Yao Qing (1805-1864) of "this music research." This first pipa music scores, were seen in the first Ju Shilin (about 1736--1820) The Biography "busy Syria quiet tone" Pipa Score (Philippine Long press: now see, was the year of his disciples Xianfeng Gengshen private copies of the 1860 ), and the year of the Qing Dynasty Jiaqing JiMao 1819 "North-South spectrum of the second to send the Secretary of the pipa true mass", as well as dynasty Renyin year of 1842 and Zhang Shan Songjiang, Jiangsu, manuscripts, "Tan Slot" Pipa spectrum, Guangxu seeing in the 1875 Wu Wanqing manuscripts, Guangxu Reform Movement of 1898 in the "Pipa Score transcript Patrick Chan," 1929 "Foster Xuan lute spectrum" and so on. "Patrick Chan Pipa Score transcripts" in the "Sun_set_ drum" song had been included in "Back to the wind, but months, waterfront, mountain climbing, Xiao cried, night Vision, owned the boat," the seven sub-headings. (Philippine Long press: For the song of the origin of the research, a recent paper 1, 1993, "Central Conservatory of Music," published Lin Wang, "Song of the source and explore." According to this article, in Jiangsu Chongming " County "in the Qing Xianfeng Song Heng years" since a novelty as the "Sun_set_ Black" Music "records.)
  In 1895, Pinghu sent Fang pipa virtuoso Park, this piece of music revenue, compiled by "South-North sent a new spectrum of thirteen _set_s of Daqu pipa" (The spectrum of work-foot), and changes of the name "Xunyang Pipa." Since then, this song was be named as "Xunyang Moonlight", "Xunyang song." Fang garden of "Xunyang Pipa" has been "Sun_set_ drums, flower scattered regression wind, but on Guanshan Pro, the Pro Mountain _set_ting sun, Feng Di Qiusheng, Wu Gorge Chihiro, study on three mangrove, the Riverside late balcony, singing fishing boat evening, the sun_set_ shadows of a return boat "and ten sub-headings.
  In 1923, Shanghai "Harmony Club" (1920, founded by Cheng Kun Wen) Liu Yao Zhang, Zheng Kun Wen spectrum according to Wang Tingyu pipa solo "Xunyang Moonlight," it adapted into a variety of national musical instruments of the ensemble, song title and easier to for "Moonlit Night." Fang song of the subtitle and the proposed park is different, is: "River House, bells and drums, on the island, the wind regression Qushui, laminated shadows of flowers, the water depth goes international, singing fish late, whirl Lan shore, radial Ming Far _Set_o, Einai owned boat, end. "
  For this song, the kind of "Imagery", people always have different viewpoints and interpretations.
  Of course, the so-called "music" and "Imagery" was not caused by the composer to create the mentality of the "object event", not directly equivalent to the composer's "creative attitude"; but in the state of mind caused by composers of "object event ", which" object event "converted from a composer" creative mind_set_ ", and the resulting" creative mind_set_ "conversion from the" sound of the music than the "between a" French "nature," Le style "abstract nature" with the state of heterogeneous heterogeneous counterparts, "the" line transport situation. " (See the author "The new model of musical art ─ ─" from the same state into the cluster, "Summary", in 1992, Guangzhou 2 "Xinghai Conservatory of Music", also contains the Chinese People's University of Beijing Information and Data "J6 of Music and Dance "1992 No. 8;" Three Notes on Philosophy of Music ", in Beijing in 1994 1," Central Conservatory of Music ";" music philosophy with the domain perspective "(May 3, 1996 Xi'an Conservatory of Music Seminar Outline), containing Xi'an "Symphony" of 1997, Phase 3, 9-13 pages, and _set_ in Beijing, China People's University Books and information sheets "J6 music and dance of" No. 2 of 1998 pages 16-20.) for " Moonlit Night "is concerned, the so-called" Imagery ", is also not directly resort to the" language "," text "of the" object event plot "," creative state of mind concept, "and so on. (See the author "device and the Road - Comments on" Music Criticism "", in 1994 2 "Brass bells.") However, the so-called "music", were not completely divorced from other civilizations like the real thing, "Pure Art . " Composer, performer, appreciator of the cultural patterns, philosophy, life experience, artistic accomplishment, talent savvy, etc., are restricted to varying degrees, their music acts of artistic practice, and the so-called "musical art" exists in the "Source" field within the sector, "meaning" exists in the "channel" within the domain industry, "information" found in "the destination" within the domain industry, "meaning" to produce different levels of feedback. (See the author, "Three Notes on Philosophy of Music", in 1994 a "Central Conservatory of Music."), Therefore, for the song "Title" of the understanding and interpretation to some extent, the impact of restricting " Audio Dynamic Model "," playing shape "; and change the music more or less" line state "," exotic "," charm. "
  This purpose, but of "Moonlit Night" and "Title" and "text"; reveal this "title text" of some kind of "should", "may have" the "content"; and further based on classical Chinese art aesthetic tradition, more in-depth to explore the ancient Chinese literati, the ancient Chinese musicians on the nature, history, where the characteristics of life experience to deliver a dominant in the interpretation of the current are different from the Chinese classical song "Moonlit Night" Another possible interpretation.
  Originally, the "Sun_set_ Black" is the title, reminiscent of Ma Zhiyuan ditty "Tian Jing Sha" in the famous line "the sun _set_s, heartbroken people in the End of the World"; also reminiscent of the Han dynasty "Autumn speech" in the The famous "Flute and Drum Song Ming Zhao Xi-fat, happy Come grief very much. young and old when Ho Nai Xi"; and cause us a deep feeling of life.
  Even "Xunyang pipa", "Moonlit Night", two titles, but also implies Fang Garden, who understand this song, and Bai, "Pipa", Zhang Ruoxu "Moonlit Night," the poem is still no contact there is still some kind of "hit me" in this. . Is the so-called "Happy Spring Moon towards the night, often from wine but also independence dumping"; "Xunyang Jiang first night visitor, Juventa water Pipa Sheng, ... ... Full House re-cover all heard weep, ... ... Pathetic Jiangzhou Sima wet"; is the so-called "River first saw the moon, the moon first man river? life, generations have come and just like in mid-January, I do not know who to be on river, the whole Yangtze River water delivery." (Long Philippines by: Fang Garden " Xunyang Pipa "and" Sun_set_ drums, flower scattered regression wind, but on Guanshan Pro, the Pro Mountain _set_ting sun, Feng Di Qiusheng, Wu Gorge Chihiro, study on three mangrove, the Riverside night Vision, Boats, sun_set_ shadow return in a boat "and ten subheadings, and Liu Yao Zhang, Zheng Kun Wen adaptation of" Moonlit Night "and" River House, bells and drums, on the island, the wind regression Qushui, laminated shadows of flowers, the water depth goes occasion, singing fish night shore Lan whirl, radial Ming Yuen Nakase, Einai owned boat, the end "and the ten sub-headings, are" objective situation "description, and less special" mood "," attitude "," value " "concept" means.)
  If we "Sun_set_ Drum" ("Moonlit Night"), and another song is more aloof, clear refreshing mood of the Chinese classical song, "Boats" comparisons; then "Sun_set_ Black" in a deep boundless, wave whirl Jiuzhe the atmosphere, as described above should enable us to accept the title of the song to understand.
  However, later on, due to various reasons, people in this song the "title" as well as for the understanding of the interpretation of this song, there is a qualitative change. Such as: "this song is a description of the evening is likely to play Flute and Drum at the situation on board is a beautiful lyrical music (military Chi, Li Xian" National Musical Form and Analysis, "Music Publishing in June 1964 Edition).
  "Beautiful spring flowers, the river in the shadow of the moon, shadows, shadows on the overlap, dead of night, the bird flew Puchi" (see Yu Hui Hai "happy to see a few folk dance", in "People's Pictorial" 1978 No. 8);
  "Beautiful lyric Venturi, the South has a rich folk music flavor. It perfectly expresses the 'sun_set_, fishing boat late, landscape rich in beauty, the picturesque' in the mood, to express the people's love of the motherland and beautiful land Love "(see Shahan Kun," the structural characteristics and the Melody ", in" Music "in 1980 3);
  "Some factions Title relatively simple, and some even avoid the vulgar pursuit of elegance. ... ... Although both are more or less interested in the performance of the scholar Yi, but the latter is more reveal-back atmosphere to avoid the dust" (high thick Wing "Introduction to National Instruments", Jiangsu People's Publishing House in June 1981 1st edition); "from, you can clearly see the adapter (Philippine Long press: that Liu Yao Zhang, Zheng Kun Wen) the implication and interpretation of the music. Although title and the "Pipa" in the verse: 'Happy Spring Moon towards the night, often from wine but also independence dumping' similar, but the music has transcended fun 'in autumn maple Dihua howling' in late autumn river do not, and highlighted the 'Spring flowers Moonlight 'of spring river the night the United States ";" vividly depicts Jiangnan Spring Moonlight beautiful scenery, to express the motherland great mountains and rivers of appreciation and love "(see Zhouzong Han" ethnic instrumental music, "a text containing" National Instruments Broadcast Lectures " People's Music Publishing House in August 1981 edition, p. 37); "depicts the beautiful mountain landscapes in China, music, elegant chic, style novel, is the richest man in the Eastern atmosphere of the Nocturne"; "It idyllic mood and affectionate tenderness, showing the harmony between man and nature "(Li Xian" piano music analysis ", 1982, No. 1," Chinese music "). "Praise the motherland and beautiful land, depicting warm spring breeze, bright moon in the sky, mountains and rivers, flowers on Jiao Hui, fishing boat coming home scenes, it seems natural scenery painting like poetry" (see Xu Guangyi "to talk about the best classical music", in "People's Music" 1983 No. 2); "painted by sun_set_ fishing boat coming home, praising the country's beautiful rivers and mountains" (Ye Dong "instrumental music in the genre and form," Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House in February 1983 Edition .) "The song to freehand techniques, describe people hiking in the mountains and rivers. Sound of a drum Xiao Xiao Song, in the land so intended." (Lin Shicheng "Foster Xuan lute spectrum" of the "love song language superfluous," People's Music Press, September 1983 edition.) "music through the sun_set_, river boat owned by the description, the performance of the feelings of the scenery of nature and love"; "moment of the evening to show the beautiful waterfront view of the faction" (Yuan Jingfang ed "National Instruments", People's Music Publishing House in March 1987 Edition). This, as the Central Conservatory of Music edited by the Institute of Chinese music, "Introduction to folk music," the book said: "The original pipa" Sun_set_ Black "in the string and wind ensemble music adapted after being put on the" Moonlit Night "and title, may be renamed are in accordance with the 'Moonlit Night' imagination to explain this song (at least today's players is so interpreted). "(Music Press, March 1964 Edition)" Introduction to folk music, "a book said: "Musically speaking, are basically the same; from the color that will naturally be different due to some changes in the instrument. This title change, the number does not appear to change music, but the interpretation different. It does not cause a distortion of the original work, so it can be accepted by all. "
  However, in my opinion, by the aesthetic values that dominated before the song playing faster than speed up the style, the increasingly extravagant floats, completely lost the original kind of "limited life" sentiment, and the "sad but not wounded," the charm. (Case: This is the so-called "consumer classical," or "elegant music secularization.")
  "Scenery" had a saying: "Spring and Autumn Preface, Yin and Yang Shu miserable, identify the action, the heart will shake Yan." Generally, people identify the psychological and nature is synchronized with the state. Such as "Scenery" said: "The hair is offered year-old spring feeling Yue Yu Chang; surging muong xia, Yu Tao heart condensate; sky and clean air, murky and the Zhiyuan; sleet snow vast, pretentious Su apprehension of depth. years of age, its physical and material has its capacity; Emotion Migrating, resigned to feeling fat. leaf or welcome, and Italy, there is sufficient lead Chongsheng heart; conditions with the night breeze and the moon, sun and spring total towards the holy forest. "
  However, it is beyond the images of the mind, beyond time and space. "Things perseverance posture" and "Mind no fixed location" ("Scenery"). People's minds, is not immutable, "corresponding" to natural looking. Because of their experience, experience, values, culture mode, and so different, for the same identification, different time in different subjects, have their differences, compared with other, even diametrically opposite, the relative response.
  For the "good" and "spring", it is not the only "Spring Hill wins more things, enjoying the night forget to go home. Jushui month in hand, get flowers over clothing" (History of the Tang in the good "Spring Hill Night Moon"), the sort of superficial sense. Am sharp for the love of writers, musicians, beautiful spring, more likely to touch their hearts, like dumping Flanagan hypertonic crisis in the column of Aiqie urgent strings! This, as Su Shi, "Shuilong Yin," said: "Spring-thirds, half dust, a sub-flow. Look to, not Yanghwa, little bit of a tear away from the people!"
  Mr. Ye Jiaying said: "The so-called 'looking for the move, the heart will shake Yan', and especially in the spring of fiber gentle beauty of life showing signs of recovery, the most adequate to evoke the poet's mind was something missing in the recovery of some the vast search for affection "(" Jialing repeated old poetry Poetry from the draft ", Zhonghua Book Company, April 1984 edition, p. 162).
  Chunlin Fang tourists, spring off the injured heart. (Jin Lu Shiheng "sad indeed line")
  There are thousands of birds in spring sound of a twitter, a clump of flowers, thousands of names.
  Traveler sat silent canopies Ying, Homesickness blog it hard soil. ... ... (Sui Liu, "Spring Song")
  Melancholy heart with willow, spring wire as confusing as possible. (Tang Liu Xi Yi "Spring Women Bank")
  Whispering color change this year, next year, who re-bloom? (Liu Xi Yi Tang, "Generation bulbul")
  Nishinomiya dead of night, potpourri, want to hate the long spring roll through the curtain. (Wang Changling "West Wing Chun Yuan")
  Spring Swallows, such as old injuries, Palace took off Xuanfei want to go. (Tang Li Yi "Suigong complaints")
  Li asked the spring by whom? Liu Tsui million wire smoke deep. (Tang Xue Tao "and the Secretary Li gallery, see a gift")
  For the Acacia at blossom time. (Tang Xue Tao, "Spring Hope the word" one of four)
  Singing Sorrowful is cut off, spring birds re-whine. (Tang Xue Tao, "Spring Hope the word" four bis)
  Dongfeng another year of green dye, Chuke more injured thousands of miles of spring. (Tang Li Ye "Liu"
  Flowers fall to, familiar to swallow to return. (Song Yan, "Huan River yarn")
  Petals were independent, light rain Yan Flying. (Song Similarities "Lin Jiangxian")
  Every spring, melancholy still remains. (Song Feng Yansi "Magpie Tap Chi" one of two)
  Jie Yuan, the ancient romantic wrong boy, nakan late spring days.
  Material should be held in spring me, and I was let down of non-spring
  To my sweetheart, for adding more gloomy view. (That "Jin Ping Mei")
  Both spring from hate Qiuchou provoke, Huarongyuemao Yan whom? (Clear "Dream of Red Mansions")
  "Jason Jiang best feeling of sadness off" (Kou Zhun "Jason Jiang"), "have lost is lost" (Li Yu, "Gold and Sand").
  "Whispering to go with the flow, where flow also renowned for" (the ancient "song before the River"). Spring is like water, passed away and gone. "Spring River" in Hustle and more people up_set_ endless. Li Yu, "Beautiful Lady Yu" word so-called "Memories can be misery, like a Spring River Flows East" and famous, it is beyond the ancient and modern in its tone, watching the endless weather, shock the hearts of countless man of letters!
  "Flu flower splash tears, startling the birds do not hate" (Du Fu's "Spring Watch");
  "Often sick before the day spent wine" (Feng Yansi "Tap Chi Magpie");
  "Asked the flower in silence tears" (Ouyang Xiu, "Butterfly in Love").
  Spring everywhere, in the poet's eyes, is the Tears of Blood Tears from the people come together to form the endless sadness; everywhere Fallen flowers, in the poet's eyes, is a night of rain across Fengkuang kill mess destroy the remains. Li Yu, "REUNION" wrote: "Thanks Chun Lin spent too hastily, helpless to move to Hanyu night wind. Yanzhi Lei, Acacia drunk, when heavy? Naturally holocaust ordinary East." In Chinese literati, musicians seem to spend the rapid fall, but "people of life and death, something of the success or failure, and material of the Rise and Fall" and "acronym." "It's every process, every encounter, are easy to evoke the sense of human sympathy." "Flowers on the branches gaunt bleak, wind blown to the floor than to be more complicated red makes people feel embarrassed. The latter, although people profoundly sorry for their premature death, while the former makes clear understanding of the Decline of life, the bad and destroy the cruel truth. the latter is the chance to avoid the accident, the former is unavoidable the end of all life is destined to "(Ye Jiaying" Ode to spend the first few poems and some of the poetry, "and contained" Jialing Poetry from the draft ", Zhonghua Book Company in April 1984 Edition). .)
  "Dream of Red Mansions" of the twenty-seventh back to her is "Enjoyed by" Responding to this injury is very concerned: "Flower anthesis Feifei sky, red, the scent off who pity? ... ... Peach next year recurrence next year, boudoir Who? ... ... hundred and sixty days a year, cutting wind and biting frost; beautiful Xianyan to when, once drifting hard to find. ... ... Once the old roots in spring to do, Whispering I do not know the two people getting killed! "
  "Poor Jinxi months, trance is indeed worrying" (ji "Magnolia"), "as they worry about how to, sad sad destroy the pride and joy" (Li Bai "ancient Brightness line"); "Every spring, melancholy yet still" in " melancholy ", not only because of" blossom "and Dou Qi, especially because of" moon waxed and waned "and doubled.
  Beautiful sound dust Que Mai Come, Come a total of a thousand miles across the moon, the Wind will sigh Xi Yan break, River Road, Long Xi is not more. (Song Xie Zhuang "month Fu Song")
  Tonight the moon, the Acacia is on the table, poor free distance, light note of wandering. (Emperor Jianwen, "Moon Poems")
  Hovering upstairs month window feeling of anxiety people. (Liang Yu my shoulder, "and Xu Main Book")
  How to be this time, pregnant with the situation over one's mind. (Liang Liu Xiaochuo "Moon but gorgeous")
  Visitors from the south to come and when the wound month. Streams lengthy, three see the pure light circle.
  Xiao-line with the moon, new moon evening and places. Who is that cruel month, thousands of miles away by phase.
  Wei flow toward the fat, twilight into the Chang'an street. Tonight I do not know month, and as someone's guest. (Anonymous "off the Moon")
  Sea the moon, 天涯共此时. Human resentment away the night, actually since the eve of Acacia.
  Po candle light off pity, chlamydia feel exposed AIDS. Ying hand bear gifts, but also sleep a dream wedding day (Tang ling "Mochizuki far pregnant")
  Moonlight, the suspect is frost on the floor, raise my eyes to the moon, looking down and think of home. (Tang and Li Bai, "Nostalgia")
  Heartsongs million end, sad to say but difficult, after the CD do not think, a total horizon moon. (Tangmeng rural "Do not blame the ancient")
  See the color months palace sad, heartbroken Night Moon heard the bell sound. (Tang Bai "Everlasting Regret")
  Autumn Sunshine decline coming from the Sun, thousands of miles on heart go out. The old has to do with the campaign, more worthy of the river drum Pi sound. (Tang Lu Lun "late plays Ezhou")
  Thanks to the new moon, new moon, victorious love; Pretrial wind Lu Qing, who from the old Pro month, people Mochizuki longevity.
  Mama club also worship, worship of a sadness of a break. Previous years thanks to succeed Yung Hua month, and now worship, tears down. Worship the moon look back at her daughters, young women's apartment when the memory is red. (Don's wife Ms. Zhang Jizhong Fu "moon worship")
  Months from the silent person silent, the moon bright people love, people do not like Acacia months after, the clouds have water to the city. (Tang Li Ye "moon night, do not leave")
  Water Country Jianjia Night Cream, a total of gray color on Han Shan, who made thousands of miles from the Jinxi, such as off road away from the long dream of dark and quiet. (Tang Xue Tao "Song You Ren")
  Thin film will be a round mass, several world to see? (Tang Xue Tao "month")
  Mid-night, Yuet Wah, such as training, is one thousand miles long. (Song Fan Chung-yen, "Royal Street Bank")
  Happy Star depolymerization on solutions, and how not people go? (Ru Song, "Lin Jiangxian")
  Days off to sleep off a round toad photo. What people? Gui Ying from the moon. (Song Cai Zhong "Cangwu Ballad")
  Regret that you do not like on the river tower, north and south east and west It is only to go on without leave;
  Regret that you just like on the river tower, temporarily at least still losses, but also loss of at least temporarily, until the time of reunion when? (Lu Song Book "Song of Picking Mulberries")
  When the moon there? Wine the sky. I do not know sky palace, Jinxi is what year. Wind I want to go back, but also fear Qionglouyuyu, standing above the crowd. Dancing clear shadow, like in the world. Turn Zhu Court, low-chi households, according to the sleepless. Should not have hate, going on since the beginning of time? People have sorrow, month also wanes, the matter ancient difficult wholly. Tangshan Tangshan, Trinidad new moon. (Sung Su Shi's "Prelude to Water")
  In the banks of Spring River, bonus season, full moon, how many people "have the moon, for fear CASTLE" (Wu Wenying "Don more so"); how many people "of the tower alone, overlooked the endless distance" (Yan " Butterfly in Love ").
  Ancient Chinese philosopher, poet, is in this "forever and sometimes do, sorrow was everlasting period" (Bai "Everlasting Regret") and unforgettable life experience, and gradually from the "sense of crisis" in the detached out and began to consciously human The "limitations" began to consciously the absolute constraints of human limitations, and raising it to the "concept of free and easy," the lofty realm. If some of the poet's "Clear and Resentment", it is not no "bitter bitter" words; then, some of the poet, the heart has been detached, but not the power of detachment; and only those who mind broad enough to accommodate the "vast endless the space of heaven and earth "and" distant long time for the ages, "the poet, only this time and space are connected each phase, large stretch of a deeper experience of life, the poet, to the philosopher of the heart, realize" life Affectionate tears stained chest, the water took ye Ultimate River "(Du Fu," Jiang Ai head ") to arguments. If, Bai of "the sun people" so-called "Ying Yan return quietly to the long spring to autumn, excluding years. CD to the palace moon, four to five hundred back to round things," only from a fixed viewpoint, in the framework of a limited space-time, self-paralysis of the "sense of crisis" in an attempt to forget the words; then, Li Bai, the "ask the wine month" so-called "ancient modern people but not March, according to the ancients used this month. ancient modern people, if water were to see moon are so, "already" a panoramic view through past and present "(Wang Guowei," Human Words _delete_ draft "), in a ages that the" universe ", up and down the Quartet that the" woo "the space-time architecture among the attempts to transcend "sense of crisis." But this "beyond" the attempt, the impossible. Finally, the Poetry, "If only when the song of the wine, according to Jinzun in the moonlight often," a few words, is "beyond" the "attempt" did not materialize, but evidence of falling into self-anesthesia. Chinese philosophy, the Chinese art of the highest state, not only know these limitations, know not; knows it can not go beyond the limitations of, knowing of the attempt will certainly not beyond realization. The depth of the "limited mentality", it sublimated into "free and easy view of" the lofty realm of art and philosophy of life realm. Zhang Ruoxu of the "solitary chapter overwhelming for the whole Tang" (I have heard more than one language) (1), "Moonlit Night" is true.
  As the comprehensive reading said: Poems, "some strong cosmic consciousness, cosmic consciousness is sublimated pure love, and compassion radiate from the love, this is the poem of the poem, the pinnacle of the summit" (" Yiduo Complete Poems of Tang palace complex of self-redemption, "life SDX Joint Publishing in August 1982 Beijing version 1 on page 21.)
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