唐代 崔曙 Cui Shu  唐代   (704~739)
A Climb on the Mountain Holiday to the Terrace Whence One Sees the Magician a Poem Sent to Vice-prefect Lu
interest and charm of antique taste
Su Chase Bonze Tower With the compliments of Ibid Sun 2 people and was often hermit
accompany Xue ju The State Song
Yamashita Warm Life
en route Aldo
Gou Mountain Temple
With various Public ye Kai Mother Temple
Feng pay In the book xianggongzhuang Solstice Hammock Photo things Tally with The book After the court The only places for fast moving
On the rain Send Zheng Ling Tomb
Multiple poems at a time
Qiyan lushi,a poem of eight lines

A Climb on the Mountain Holiday to the Terrace Whence One Sees the Magician a Poem Sent to Vice-prefect Lu

   Cui Shu

The Han Emperor Wen bequeathed us this terrace
Which I climb to watch the coming dawn.
Cloudy peaks run northward in the three Jin districts,
And rains are blowing westward through the two Ling valleys.
...Who knows but me about the Guard at the Gate,
Or where the Magician of the River Bank is,
Or how to find that magistrate, that poet,
Who was as fond as I am of chrysanthemums and winecups?

    Translator: Witter Bynner

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