唐代 李商隐 Li Shangyin  唐代   (813~858)
Note on a Rainy Night to a Friend in the North
A Cicada
Wind and Rain
Falling Petals
Thoughts in the Cold
North Among Green Vines
The Inlaid Harp
To One Unnamed
The Palace of the Sui Emperor
To One Unnamed I
To One Unnamed II
In the Camp of the Sketching Brush
To One Unnamed III
Spring Rain
To One Unnamed IV
To One Unnamed V
The Leyou Tombs
A Message to Secretary Linghu
There Is Only One
The Sui Palace
The Jade Pool
To the Moon Goddess
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry


   Li Shangyin

Little Black Man-pass Huachi Court, after the threshold in front of endless thinking. Mi Fei Lu Sheng waist only,
Zhao want to lean on after the light as the wind. The solitude of the red cliff walls of honey make, Bristol fog curtain Tiao nest empty handed.
Hugh Lihen Seiryo butterflies, long scheduled meet mid-February.

【Source】 卷539_133

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