唐代 吕岩 Lv Yan  唐代  
assume Chung-li Cloud Room
a procession of lanterns or torches in the flesh swordsmanship
In the flesh Row Baling tomb Municipal Procurator Angry Make light of employ Officials in the case of With incrimination In the flesh Poem says
I Xianle Yoo
Question Tongbaishan Huang Baas An Men
Wu Yan
Emperor huizong of the song dynasty whose reign extended from 1101 to 1125 a.d., noted for his accomplishments as an artist Fast will
the seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid meet in Heaven)
Good gift Li Decheng Tak Medical
Tanzhou Crane will
Cao gifts baas
Carriage by sea Come across Zhao same
inscribe Fung cheung House days Qingguan
Sword drawn this poem in Yangyang Snow
View of left poetry Qinzhou Kitayama
Yongkang title Alcohol Building
present Teng Zongliang
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Song Kiln Blank

   Lv Yan

Kiln blank, with the rain break, but did not have fire and water. If the firing by the water and fire brick,
Years to the world left to live. After Kennedy no longer bad edges and corners, of rhyme worthy of grinding Juan deduction.
Where the fire, yet successful, all things Kennedy who finished the same. How many people practice on the road,
In the spirit of poor refining maintenance fee. Road does not have water and fire does not, once the provisional Jun impermanence itself.
Not realize, the end does not regret, to take the essence of Jewish dead. Mindfulness big hard chair,
A lost person is heterogeneous. Do not you see Luoyang Fu Cheng public speaking and saver, such as blind and deaf.
Repair of truth come to their senses, how can we know good fortune combined power potential. Jiujiang has not seen Zhang Shang,
Blind medication air dry. I do not know Dan is also the non-quality, turn any stone is too stupid bait.
Zhao has not seen Sanqu senator, Zen did not know the final ghosts. Completion of any foreign body in the side,
Jie language final debate is not true. Kiln blank, with the rain break, Piansi practice a few.
A real man, super awareness, Buddhism is not the best card. As for the current mission Fu Xi,
The Pursue of life. How is the element of life, the first and fourth are considered Kanli.
Kanli is truth often at home, who see into the extraordinary to be holy. Hom is a tiger, from a dragon,
Two-body would have the same house. Dragon Tiger taste of home in which to swallow and clutch first downs the final complex.
Stripping undone, not the Thai, advance and retreat between the scheduled rendezvous. Strings and Wang, Ming and dark,
Fluctuation Yingxu match. Crystal Palace fairy-depth, time to drink more strong wine Daigo clear.
The power feeding it into a thousand days, Kim Yu-bone tendon itself is light. However, this a picture of themselves,
Three cleared up early the DPRK. Saint-bit I have three clear, had won only universe fine.
Where to drink wine, eat fishy smell of mutton, red is more nourishing elements and profit. Since the financial end, turn light,
Yu Jing Fei turned to pearls. A minute later years intestine not hungry, difficult to destroy the blood of white paste.
Side is true must not eat food, infuriating fumigation body strong. Neither food, ten billion,
Nose and mouth are no where to breathe. Who live in the heel of the larynx, from where the two sides and real.
This gradually into the seamless body, fetal breathing real fire pubic Bay. Since then, the baby's old number,
Nine have been heat. I do not know stay in shape the world to live in spring, Huer-day break the door in the roof.
Real big supernatural powers, from angel He could be compared. Sage three religions are not different door
Ignorant of the change of position by Auntie Sue Mody. Have knowledge of self-love life, the visible end of immortal. Sigh fool,
Empty drive said. No fool will wander off, fall when interest Toru cycle.
Scholars who study fine looking, and have to study the ancient Golden. Excluding the years with Infinity reference,
Miao Miao Xi in the Yuen Yuen.

【Source】 卷858_48

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