唐代 李贺 Li He  唐代   (790~816)
hadorwould urge sb. to drink (at a banquet)
Li with Harp cited
Send out of town right to Qu Yang Jingzhi
s son-in-law Fu de A ditch which flows through the imperial garden water
Feng Li Yi started the Chang-gu to live away from civilization
the seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid meet in Heaven)
Guo Hua Qing
Sing of one's feelings 2 Second
Recovery and Liu Yun
life Square is Sword child song words
Yanmen Procurator Row
Levee Song
Shu string
Su xiaoxiao grave
Dream Days
Green Chapter Letters do
Henan province prefectural examination under the former system of civil service examination Dec Words and Music an intercalary month
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Hao Ge

   Li He

South winds Hill for the ground, Di Qian Wu-day moving water.
Peach Red Queen Mother thousand times, PANG Wu Xian died several times?
Tsing Ma Cong Mao mixed money, the tender spring willow with fine tobacco.
Cheng Jin Qu goblet of people advised me that God is not the blood coagulation body ask who?
No waves are protecting the small drink, not the main hero of this world.
Buy silk embroidery for Pingyuan, but there is alcohol poured Zhaozhou soil.
Jade Toad reminder pharyngeal leak water, health Niang very thin hair comb.
Green saw the fall of eyebrow renewal, twenty man named to promote the thorn.
  Long drinks: one for the Flurry.
  Sunny spring day, Li came to the outskirts of horse riding along with friends who visit. Mountain front with delicate, water pan the new green, peach save the cluster of fire, willow swaying like smoke. Delightful pleasing to the eye, apart from the poet can not help but flow window object, the Gankaiwanduan. Water from the beautiful mountain state of posture, think of the changes are unavoidable vicissitudes; from dainty hearts pine thought ephemeral life. Mourning did not last long for a person, one who lament the long years of hard life. Expressed in poetry is such a special situation and feelings.
  Three, four two, Once upon a write, a write to earth. Legend of the Queen Mother of the peach tree species, "three years of a flower, real life three thousand years." Peng Zu and Wu Xian is the world's longest life expectancy of people. When the Queen Mother, a thousand times when the peach blossom, PANG, and Wu Xian did not know how many times death. Compared the two photos, see the shortness of life. PANG and Wu Xian longevity is still unable to stay long dead, are not we the generation of these unusual too! There are two comparison: First, compared to the immortals and mortals, first to human longevity in comparison with ordinary people. The former found in the literal, the latter Implications and. This layer cf, contrast, "Geometry of life" means life is more definite.
  Then switch to poetry and by the suppression Yang, Jiegufengjin, accused of ills, to express the feelings of cynicism. "Ding is protection," or, as Wang Qi said, there is its people, and is a participant in the outing of feasting (see "Li Changji Costa Health Solutions"); or there was "a D are nursing alcohol," the legend the poet to express the meaning of exhortation. "
  Waves are not required to protect the small drink, "which is advising people, but also had quit, meaning that the waves do not drink because of his talents are to be intoxicated, but should face reality and realize that times have fallen, and the hero is not inevitable reuse, less than to blame. poet the more so since the width of masturbation, the more cynical look strong deep feeling. "earth" sentence "without the Lord," the "main", alluding to take charge, which was the emperor, to vent dissatisfaction on the affairs of state . "bought silk," and so, so much admiration and nostalgia Pingyuan, rather, are critical of stupid is no way, buried talent in power. surface to write "love", the actual write "hate" hate themselves no chance to display their abilities and aspirations that squander a golden youth.
  Before the end of four parts of the content and has links with a certain general. "Jade Toad" is an ancient clepsydra. Tonghudilou, small quiet voice, with "swallow" the word to express it, very accurate. In addition, when the poet a sense of injury case, sad suppression watery, this inner thoughts and feelings are with "swallow" spread the word after another, even more vivid. "Guardian Mother" originally referred to the health post. She made many legends and the United States, won the Emperor's favor. Here, "Wei mother" on behalf of that young woman, or that singer Yoo wine. The meaning of the whole sentence is: Do not look now she has black hair like clouds, the United States can not be made, as the years go by, these gray hair will gradually become less white, until no comb. It is through concrete images, revealing "the roots of the old trade," the ruthless law. The end of two worsened, and pledged to carpe diem. "Michael Mei renewed shame Green" has two meanings: First, do not live up to the front of the kindness of the singer Yu-wine; Second, do not want their youth pass. Since the world did not know as Pingyuan sages who only love, why make contributions to Africa and Africa for the thought. Now, facing the singer, wine, BMW, Johnson spring to indulge in drink it and enjoy it. One at twenty of the man, a time when prime time, how can such a cramped Yan Jian! Obviously, the idea that immediate gratification is derived from the feelings of cynicism, and is issued by the indignant complaints of dark reality.
  This first talked in length about the poet of the Psalms, making language strange, too strange environment made people feel fresh and new. Horse riding outing poet, facing a great's spring, this should result in a joyous feeling of comfort.
  However, in this case happens, a scene out of tune with the outside world like a cloud of emotional distress as rising in the heart. That the joy and sad, bright, and so contradictory factors youleng blend together the phenomenon in Li He's poetry is common, it makes poetry more magical charm. The structure of the poem entirely out of the starting material Hing, the situation led the program to do. It is the first to write "Xing", written by the amazing scenery illusion caused. Spring went on to write, color Nong Yan, the spirit of The Servicing, very different from the previous state of illusion, but illusion is to produce the kind of material basis. They deliberately reversed the order of the poet, resulting in suppression of the atmosphere and landing sad situation.
  Back from the "blood of God" from the sentence are the words to express sorrow of life experience. They begin to adapt, eloquent expression of the feelings of grief. The poem live without chaos, sticky and not lag, language of the loop twists and turns and emotional ups and downs of change to adapt, blur of muddy, to the art of a perfect unity.
  (Zhu Shiying)

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