唐代 张籍 Zhang Ji  唐代   (768~830)
Thinking of a Friend Lost in the Tibetan War
Send distal convoluted
Passerby adversity
Zheng women complain
Song Bai Zhu
Farmer Song of a word for hill farmers
Send Yi Qu
Distal delivery
Fortification words
Tiger Line
Parting Song
Shepherd words
Immortality in line
Old Chai sigh
apiece affair
Virtuous woman Send Tung Ping Li Yin Minister of public works in ancient china Profession
Banquet words
Yongjia line
Lotus song
injure A style of old chinese poems The title of emperor li chun's reign in tang dynasty within Yang ping Bianlinheyu
(surname) Palace blame
North mang line One for white Name of a hill Mountain
Watching the mountains
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Tiger Line

   Zhang Ji

Ming Ming Shan Kitayama tree, the day the Tigers around the forest line.
Evening among the one in power food, a silent mountain elk do.
Adopted son in the Valley every year, by male and female mountain incompatible.
A village near Cave Valley, long home to the village to take Huang calves.
Five Hills youth not shoot, look at the line blank to forest tracks.
  This is a fable written by Yue body of poetry is written on the surface of the scene the villagers against the Tigers, but the actual writing of certain evil forces rampant in society, enlightenment awareness of reality. Apt metaphor poem, describing the vivid, profound meaning.
  The beginning of the poem, point out the Tigers of residence, and the daring of the form: "Ming Ming Shan Kitayama tree, the Tigers line of the day around the village." Tigers out of the deep dark of the forest, and around the village in broad daylight dare aggressive , metaphor forces rely on power, running amok. Two originator conception, command the whole chapter.
  Then, step by step in-depth portrait of a tiger ferocious cruelty, reckless act.
  "An evening among the food in power, to make silent elk in the mountains." Evening on the occasion, the Tigers prey lives alone in the road. This is a poem full of inspiring, can not help but make people think Habayashi Army's "robbing the passengers upstairs downstairs drunk," eunuchs who were buying real wins the "Palace City", party town of their "own the government from the" massacre killing and corrupt officials Tax "Fu grabbing" Redundancy, these are not all take advantage of the occasion of the court dark weak "in power," Prey it? Tigers at the mercy of fear, the mountain can not have the slightest movement of the elk, a metaphor for society at that time a terrorist, good working people had to hard work, swallow hard life.
  "Foster child in the mid-valley, down male and female non-relative by" metaphor is a dead society. It was profoundly reveals the forces of society has a very broad and deep social ties, royal, wealthy Han, the use of the feudal clans and nepotism, to form deep-rooted, entrenched ruling clique, Guanguanxianghu, up and down collusion, one of the tyrants, harm people.
  Tigers abusive damage, must be the most affected ventured near the village: the "Valley Village, near Cave has a long yellow calf to the village to take home." "Yellow Calf," is a small cattle. Cattle production is an important farm, "take calves" away, the people He Yikan! These two surfaces is that the tiger claws extended to the vicinity of the Villa, the small cattle farmers killed and eaten, but in reality is written out of the "tiger" with a "Banded", "Jiezeeryu" means the cruel abusive people , which makes the times of hardship cases.
  Description of "Tigers" of the victims, so far has been most vividly, the last stroke to "shoot a tiger," the man: "Wuling young not shoot, and air to forest to see deeds." Northwest of Wuling names of Chang'an, the Han Dynasty because of the five named after the emperor's tomb here. Wuling young, generally refers to the gallant young. These two, the literal is said that these Tigers all kinds of evil, even those known as good at riding and shooting, to gallant self-proclaimed people did not dare touch, just to look at their line of forest tracks. Ironically, in fact condoning the court, as to deceive the public, bravado, posturing. "The track space point of view", with a sharp ridicule.
  Blame the poet chest but can not speak, can not explain, then the keyed words out to the subtle, state of anxiety, implicitly Yun therein. The poem is written everywhere Tigers, sentence Yu personnel; write "Tiger" in line with the characteristics of the tiger, and combine things of visibility within the meaning of things, to send away deep thinking, without saying that the chest is intended, since the see infinite emotion.
  (Fu Jingshun)

【Source】 卷382_9

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