唐代 孟郊 Meng Jiao  唐代   (751~814)
A Song of a Pure-hearted Girl
Ba river on gently Frivolous
Chang'an halter Travel
an Road
ancient (usu concubine
_set_ oneself against scape reluctant to part company
Miscellaneous complain 1 for Ancient official conservatory in the han ynasty (206b.c.-a.d.220) Miscellaneous complain
Jing Daughter
Yin return letter
Lo Yin Shan
Saphenous Yin
Forever Yin
Injury zai Line
pass away complain
Bamboo Yinchouluqian End public See and Xiang string complain
Qu Yuan worry
Poor girl Send the word Father's paternal male cousins who are younger than him Antecedent simple, terse, succinct, a letter
Border Town Yin
Ping Xu asked to send the new song
Murderous look Absence border
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

class Chunyan

   Meng Jiao

Thirty young persons, Jiahui Liang in the hereby. Spring roll singing, Zuiwu destroy flowers.
Italy swing Wan at dusk, when the hi Fangfei condensate. Save Yaoniao horse track, Music Rhythm vary.
Visual interest to change the old, the images with new look. Take the red rain drops and green vertical inter Yan Liu.
About flooding in the essence of South offer clear words. Worthies and modern people, golden for a period.
Reflection for a bright and clear, Cheng Yu-phosphorus Buddhists. Wing and mud do not, the whole instrument Hon.
Sheng gas from the product, fame at four Chi. Chou Hung plug must match, difficulties in the sea on Hawaii.
Yu suppression suddenly done, friends and family music knows no boundaries. Heng Fat empty quiet music, Fang Du cotton thoughts.
Since everything is floating track, Zhuangxin who leave. SHI Zhi May premium, so there are no wins shift.


【Source】 卷376_4

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