唐代 孟郊 Meng Jiao  唐代   (751~814)
过彭泽 Over Penzer
过分水岭(一作东岭) Across Backbone uni- Host Ridge Ridge
分水岭别夜示从弟寂(一作示于孟叔) Backbone Do night show Sons of one's paternal uncles who are younger than oneself Lonely one as shown in Meng-Shu
连州吟 Even state-yin
旅行 Travel
上河阳李大夫 ascending Heyang (a surname) doctor
投赠张端公(一作赠裴枢端公) Investment grants Zhang End public A hub for gifts PEI End public
赠苏州韦郎中使君 present Suzhou (city) (surname) Physician trained in herb medicine honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
上张徐州 The Chang Xuzhou
上包祭酒 Evolution of the Imperial on the package
赠别崔纯亮 Parting words Cui Chunliang
赠文应上人(一作赠高僧) The text should be donated Buddhist monk To grant a dignitary
严河南 severe Henan province
赠李观(观初登第) present Li guan Early View Registration No.
吴安西馆赠从弟楚客 Wu Anxi Hall gifts Sons of one's paternal uncles who are younger than oneself Chuke
抒情因上郎中二十二叔监察十五叔兼呈李益端公柳缜评事 Express one's emotion Because of the Physician trained in herb medicine Score Di Supervise Fifteen Uncle and was Li yi End public Liu Zhen appraise things through discussion
赠城郭道士 present Bailey taoist
桐庐山中赠李明府 tung Lushan mountain In gifts Li ming changwat
献汉南樊尚书 Xian Fan Hannan Shang Shu
赠转运陆中丞 present Handling triphibian an official's name
赠万年陆郎中 eternity triphibian physician trained in herb medicine
擢第后东归书怀,献座主吕侍御 Pull out the first go after the East Form was Block main Lvshi Yu Xian
古诗 ancient style poetry




【资料来源】 卷377_10
