Vast see the flowers the morning of Young Street away dust. Ten feet dust days, people who sleep Yan. Yu Liu dancing water, wild spring break Yingti. Only cloud more frustrated, You Zi Xi from the Qin. 在秦生楚思,波浪接禅关。塔碍高林鸟,窗开白日山。 树阴移草上,岸色透庭间。入内谈经彻,空携讲疏还。 马蹄京洛岐,复此少闲时。老积沧洲梦,秋乖白阁期。 平生五字句,一夕满头丝。把向侯门去,侯门未可知。 Yun Mi all this wood, autumn Xiao University Joseph string. Empty know 百馀 feet, uncertain few years. A cloud of ancient mill demolition, solitary catch to firmly root. He threw one thousand when, before the temple for the cover. 富者非义取,朴风争肯还。红尘不待晓,白首有谁闲。 浅度四溟水,平看诸国山。只消年作劫,俱到总无间。 Kei until the South, the parties come to know rising sea head. Junen over pillars, Rong limited cross-section of the state. Account lying overcast rhinoceros flowers, red miasma wave color flow. Yi is not much non-music, people naturally worry about the North. 辞天理玉簪,指日使鸡林。犹有中华恋,方同积浪深。 张帆度鲸口,衔命见臣心。渥泽遐宣后,归期抵万金。 Mr. Garden Tomb, robins of spring more injuries. Empty the remaining eight trees, Mao is still on a Church. Du buried the day, no Leiyang heaven. How Jigu force, even the vast reward. 冥心坐似痴,寝食亦如遗。为觅出人句,只求当路知。 岂能穷到老,未信达无时。此道须天付,三光幸不私。 Only a handful of heaven and earth, the night cool soul what light. See full round-frequency, which should bloom. Do not break a round win, and just has to be dumping. Personnel also that, because of the situation to know reliance volts. 栗杖出匡顶,百中无一枝。虽因野僧得,犹畏岳神知。 画月冷光在,指云秋片移。宜留引蹇步,他日访峨嵋。 Diarrhea on sound constantly, sitting idle to benefit heart. No one knows landing place, million wooden cold mountain air. Yung-Yuan Yi-Yun, the secluded crevice between the suspect. Tong Shu hear that speech, degree of blue-off tomorrow. Silently observe My Dao, Wang Rong to back troubles. Poems to be guilty, when the road is as feud. Unexpectedly difficult to land and sea drowning, Miracle fight it off. Outspoken reputation out of the sky is not white my head. World Road out sigh, what day the Park winds return. Is the line at too much risk, □ □ to be paid to fly. Thickness ceremony master, travelers and the new clothes so. So casting floating state, more so illegal entrants. Potential energy into Yue Ren, instant long Cui Wei. Dark bird less than Wind, blowing open. Sub-million state one day, forget the site to see back. To end the summer night rain, the river first heard thunder. 上将拥黄须,安西逐指呼。离乡俱少壮,到碛减肌肤。 风雪夜防塞,腥膻朝系胡。为君乐战死,谁喜作征夫。 Xiao color to teach not sleep, clean air in the shutter. On a few sticks of forest residue, a cold wind comb. And birds with clock language, interjection across the foggy air charge. Mo doubt camp day, the endless road. Striking to make illusory, magic in the can when. Worry to homes pleasures, sad thing to swallow Mo. 落笔胜缩地,展图当晏宁。中华属贵分,远裔占何星。 分寸辨诸岳,斗升观四溟。长疑未到处,一一似曾经。 Cold Mountain Cottage warm, quiet night with Yoshitomo. Read easily from high candle, Sencha get off the ice. Half-angle vertical Creek Court, micro-month window of exposed edges. Into all of your heart and fight those who hate without customs. Ling Chundi son Court, moving west at even balcony. Lang Ping took the potential dock, sail shade on the Liu Di. Wing Ning Lan hidden places, stacked drums broken foot return. Only this long chant, not because of high thinking fan. 冈扉聊自启,信步出波边。野火风吹阔,春冰鹤啄穿。 渚樯齐驿树,山鸟入公田。未创孤云势,空思白阁年。 River Court in the enemy, heavy to do leisurely. Seoul to free pool, and as I pour the first urn. Spare red maple leaf, fall fishing boat. Suspected Chongxu to go, not for heaven and earth prisoners. 紫檀衣且香,春殿日尤长。此地开新讲,何山锁旧房。 僧名喧北阙,师印续南方。莫惜青莲喻,秦人听未忘。 |