唐代 曹松 Cao Song  唐代  
荐福寺赠应制白公(一作栖白大师) Jianfu gifts Write poem according to the emperor's order Albino 1 for Qi bai daddy
观山寺僧穿井 View Hill monks Chuanjing
送德光禅师(重礼石霜长者) Send Deguang Honorific title for a buddhist monk Shigenori Shishuang father
赠南陵李主簿 Lee donated the main book Nanling
慈恩寺东楼 Jionji East Tower
古冢 Ancient Tombs
林下书怀寄建州李频员外 Retirement Form was Send statehood Li pin ministry councillor
猿 ape
秋日送方干游上元 Autumn accompany Fang gan swim the fifteenth of the first moon (which is Lantern Festival in China)
哭李频员外(时在建川) cry Li pin Ministry councillor River when construction
山中言事 in the mountains Words matter
望九华寄池阳太守 Send Chi Yang Wang Jiuhua procurator
上广州支使王拾遗 ascending Canton Order about amir gleaning
题僧松禅(一作题僧院松) A Zen monk theme song for title Monastery Song
赠华阴李明府 Gift Huayin Li ming changwat
送人庭鹤 To see (or walk) someone home Crane Court
山中 in the mountains
寄崇圣寺僧(一作关山寄诗赠清越) Send a Chongsheng for monks Fortress and mountains Send poems to him crystal
金陵道中寄 Jinling road The Send
都门送许棠东归(一作送进士张乔) All doors accompany Xu tang East normalized to give A successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations Zhang Qiao
送进士喻坦之游太原 accompany A successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations Yu tanzhi swim Taiyuan City
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷716_25
