宋代 蔡襄 Cai Xiang  宋代   (1012~1067)
Good near
Peace hall Book thing
Bao yue code wedding hall
North park garden Ascend That things were all cobber
North townhouse 10 Wing pick tea-leaves
North townhouse 10 wing The east gate Northerliness Townhouse Road
North townhouse 10 wing Revised Gong Ting
Bifeng Pavilion
aide Zhu Zhao o
Do not Song official
Bingshen autumn Aug Guo Yue Xi Mei relay relay a few lines to try the old poem in mind this Not have Also 2
Bingshen Mongol Yang Ling had Pucheng West Ridge
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Sizhou Teng Commode Mountain View Pavilion canal

   Cai Xiang

Temple community are laying the East, Germany and Africa rely rely risk.
Together three hundred thousand soldiers, to be feeding in no apology.
West pillar Jun, Shu Shan Mak is not over.
Qilu food Jian, Bashui not glittering.
CD Yu Bian drainage benefits, Zhiguanzhanghuai Yan.
Lost six million years, rivers and lakes very convergence.
Pull into the Taicang, loss of cover due to Chen Yanshan.
To do otherwise would Teng Cao, Yu is the honor hereby level.
Or that take too much, Jian Feng six road there.
During a stranger, who can die of hunger hunger cover.
Once the grain to serve. Italy is always contented man.
Missing the District Office should be, made against Sri Lanka as a blemish.
Changyu Please change, leather Fu also gradually.
Camp Rice and even today, Hong Ling gravy if the United States.
S not easy to follow, the official book review Cao Wei.
Pro Vision of a virtual booth, Bibi Weiqiang Zhan.
Come from thousands of miles, old time and space Ran Ran.
Yu Yu Shan Qi Zhao, Dai superficial, deep color dyeing.
Faint fishing boat out of the night, mortal lightning flash.
A minute later the moonlight air, cold water bamboo mat shop.
Meet hi tired old city repeatedly shifting points Watchman.
Hair length due to language ballad, who s Wan Yan.
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