观三圣御书应制 to look at Sam shing books offered to the emperor for reading write poem according to the emperor's order
观宋中道家藏书画 to look at Song of Taoist school conceal painting and calligraphy
广陵 Guangling Tomb
过白乐天坟 Over white Happy-go-lucky grave
过皇甫侍郎 across A surname assistant minister
过南剑州芋阳舖见桃花 Yang Jian state lines through the South Shop, see Peach
过泗州岭 Ridge had Sizhou Ridge
过天津桥 across Tianjin Bridge
过杨乐道宅西桃花盛开 Guo Yang Take delight in talking about sth. West peach house in (full) flower
寒食梨花小饮 Cold Food Pear nip
寒食西湖 Cold Food the West Lake
韩玉汝山堂会别梅花已盛至苏州示谕水乡天寒未开 Han yu Ru-Shan Conrmunal gathering for celebration Do mei Huayishengzhi Suzhou (city) Show encyclical Watery region Profile for unopened
杭州访吉祥璘上人追感苏才翁同赏牡丹 auspicious luster of gem Buddhist monk Su Weng before recovering with a sense of admire peony
杭州璘上人以花栽数种见寄 Hangzhou luster of gem Buddhist monk To plant flowers Numerous types See Send
和陈殿丞南州新咏 And the State of New South Chendian Cheng Yong
和答孙推官 and Dasuntuiguan
和答孙推官久病新起见过 And dasuntuiguan Invalidism new In the interest(s) of across
和答孙推官入病新起见过钱塘之什二首 And dasuntuiguan Into the new disease In the interest(s) of Pay Pool of even two