唐代 张籍 Zhang Ji  唐代   (768~830)
Thinking of a Friend Lost in the Tibetan War
Send distal convoluted
Passerby adversity
Zheng women complain
Song Bai Zhu
Farmer Song of a word for hill farmers
Send Yi Qu
Distal delivery
Fortification words
Tiger Line
Parting Song
Shepherd words
Immortality in line
Old Chai sigh
apiece affair
Virtuous woman Send Tung Ping Li Yin Minister of public works in ancient china Profession
Banquet words
Yongjia line
Lotus song
injure A style of old chinese poems The title of emperor li chun's reign in tang dynasty within Yang ping Bianlinheyu
(surname) Palace blame
North mang line One for white Name of a hill Mountain
Watching the mountains
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Festival back of

   Zhang Ji

Alas board of civil public and the Road Cheng Wei Ang. Big Yin Zi born, an angel of light I'm Don.
Germany and Italy, moving spirits, can not be _set_ by Kam. Scored male straight gas, made for the old article.
Learn all the consistent, official lent their side. Zheng three times on the back, Kwong also strong.
Then the level of Shandong, the plan is not made Zang. Recommended to be lean are cold, but whichever it good.
Juveniles are solitary relatives and friends, marriage has to do business. If their days of struggle, people can often believed.
Years of age if their spring material should be Huachang. Alas, not Shen Shi, middle-aged mourning pass away suddenly.
A total of government and good grief, moreover in the know the old intestine. Membership in the lakes, the independence from the Tao.
Poem for the public body, a long time is the overflow Ji sac. Without knowing each other a little person, dark as the fog line.
Every trip to the North even the public, commensurate with Ming Sheng language. Were heard by the world, who passed into the song.
Public collar taxi test, the first to recommend to Beijing. Davydenko then the one, but not bitter tribute field.
View my sex Puzhi, is Speaking of his life. Hereby class by the clique, not flesh and blood to when.
Ordered child seat worship, and often call childhood name. Strokes do not chase the next day, following the practice hall of the public.
Even a spot out of the Chi, then sleep on the couch bed. Search the poor ancient and modern books, every phase proportionally.
Flowers will look the same, there will be the same look on. Vision for the paper grass, stuffed cooked kai were springs.
New fruit and different salmon, all treat each other try. To this three decades, has a lot more different.
Master documents too, I have silenced. Then the scholars, or number Han Zhang.
I get Lin, Taichung, the public is as big Division. Study commissioned at the end of this rank, do not afford Yang.
Special shape for the Dr. started toward the line by the liter. However, soon after sharing the information, then honor Palace Lang.
Lai Fu Zheng is a matter of such estates leaders. Please tell the public last summer, the sick city Nanchuang.
Strike when the government closed membership, the same trip two months Cheung. Wong Pei shore music, to desert color clear.
Siping up new pool, in Hong Po sludge. Pro domain of rice in northern Taiwan, Mao Liu and more cool.
Pavilion sitting board fishing, a little tired of suffering has been flat. Ikegami total love good, love ya Shu United sentence.
Jia occasional scholar, and to hereby likewise. Move the ship into the South Stream, things vertical support pole.
Shock wave side of the ship program, before flying gull 鶬. Back into the lake _Set_o, the network cut carp and bream.
Tap water, sand drop-vegetables, trees steam new japonica. Japan to phase play, I do not know long summer days.
Chai Weng carrying Tonger, poly view near the shore. Beach in mid-climb, to pay down the Han Star Mountain.
Car throwing long fishing has been scared of Qi Huan. Ye Lan owned horses, clothing of light exposure on the grass.
River to tour the public poetry, singing and more generous Yong Kang. Since the period of this may be old, association of its township.
Membership by the new official Chao, Byrne when into the city. The public for the same return, the Home Office Square, every one.
Mid sixteen nights, poor soul round sunny days. Both from the nearby public to stay, sit Ying language in the order.
Is the second maid, and co-zheng playing the pipa. Rinpu hear fan wire, and then suddenly heard a more rapid pace.
The number of care I had was cold the night memorable. Public illness Baptist, Japan and Canada, Ruren as Yao Tang.
Not to designate places, not to mention every time out. Needless to say will be critically, traveling climate aspect.
Servants were sent against the door, I went to sleep alone room. Broad-minded public knowledge, life and death as a key link.
And when dying the morning, which means no shortage of color. I treasure made gifts, proudly commissioned quilt clothes.
Common ratio prefer to give the book, leaving about alterated. Department of the end I thought the funeral process.
No family in the former, to no avail as his book. Sub-Fu Feng to his words, even in the pro Imperative.
Lu is not finished on the Note, this Weimang handwriting. Not registered into the new kiosks, closed in the Village West Wing.
Letters and poems, overlapping my hamper earnings. Are interest to do everything, destroying more than gut feelings hurt.
Old grave-chun, North Union, wild coffin in grave Zheng moving drum. Liu cars went out to figure no return box.
Membership poor without gifts cheap, Camps with sincere sorrow application. Under Chen Yi device off, lay the magnificent mash bait.
Ming Ling Shu Kam know, like Sri Lanka to Xiang.


【Source】 卷383_28

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