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朝鲜 Korea (North)
首都:平壤 国家代码: kp
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朝鲜民主主义人民共和国(Democratic People's Republic of Korea)
简称:朝鲜(DPRK) 其他称谓 日本的官方称谓:北朝鲜(きたちょうせん) 欧美、南洋、香港、韩国、台湾的官方韩文翻译成中文称谓:北韩(북한 North Korea) 国名由来 1392年,“高丽王朝”三军都制使李成桂废除了亲蒙古帝国的高丽王朝第三十四代王,为了争取明朝的支持,李成桂派使臣向明朝称臣。明朝皇帝朱元璋(明太祖)取“朝日鲜明”之意,赐国号“朝鲜”,史称“朝鲜王朝”。“朝鲜”之名由此而来。二战后,朝鲜革命领袖金日成主席于朝鲜半岛建国时,采用了“朝鲜”这一称呼,定国名为“朝鲜民主主义人民共和国”。 领土面积:朝鲜半岛南北双方虽然社会制度不同,但是双方都宣称到朝鲜半岛南北为同一国。朝鲜半岛总面积222004平方公里,其中朝鲜半岛北方122742平方公里,朝鲜半岛南方99262平方公里。 国旗 朝鲜国旗呈横长方形,长与宽之比为2∶1。旗面中间是一条红色的宽带,上下各有一蓝边,在红色和蓝色之间是白色的细条。在红色宽条中的靠旗杆一侧有一白色圆地,内有一红色五角星。红色宽条象征崇高的共产主义精神和顽强斗争的精神,白色象征朝鲜是一个单一的民族,蓝窄条象征团结、和平,红五角星象征革命传统。 注:朝鲜半岛北部在1948年建国之前,和南韩一样,都是以太极旗作为国旗。直到“朝鲜民主主义人民共和国”正式建立之后,才废除太极旗,采用了今天的朝鲜国旗。 国徽 朝鲜国徽呈椭圆形。由红色绶带束扎的稻穗构成椭圆形图案,顶间一颗光芒四射的红五角星,其下有朝鲜伟大领袖金日成诞生地革命圣地白头山。国徽中间为水坝、水电站、高压输电线架等图案,底部的红色饰带上用朝鲜语写着“朝鲜民主主义人民共和国”。红五星象征革命,水电站和稻穗分别象征工人、农民、红色绶带束扎在国徽周围象征团结和胜利。 国歌 《爱国歌》。创作于1947年,歌词作者为诗人朴世永(1902年—1989年),作曲为音乐家金元均(1917年—2002年)。 朝鲜新国歌更加激昂雄壮,更加显示强大社会主义强盛大国的威力。 国庆日 9月9日(1948年该日建国) 人口 全国为单一的朝鲜族,属“三韩后裔”,通用朝鲜语,民族传统服饰为韩服。 2000年6月南北方领导人举行首次高峰会谈,把半岛北部1/3人口与半岛南部2/3人口紧紧握在一起。半岛北部2330万人口,半岛南部4850万人口,总计7180万。 在此说明一下: 韩语与朝鲜语略有不同。因为战后南北韩长期分裂,使得南北语言也出现略微差异。一般将南韩惯用的表达方式称为“韩语”,将北朝鲜惯用的表达方式称为“朝鲜语”。 首都 平壤 (Pyongyang) ,人口200万,下设18个区、4个郡。年平均气温9.7℃。 行政区划 全国划分为3个直辖市和9个道,分别为平壤市、开城市、南浦市和平安南道、平安北道、慈江道、两江道、咸镜南道、咸镜北道、江原道、黄海南道、黄海北道。 主要领导人 1972年12月第五届最高人民会议通过《朝鲜民主主义人民共和国宪法》,根据该宪法,设立朝鲜民主主义人民共和国主席为国家元首。同年,金日成同志当选为国家主席。 1998年9月,最高人民会议修改宪法,决定金日成同志为“永远的国家主席”。从此以后,朝鲜不再设立国家主席一职,废除了象征国家元首的国家主席制度。但原宪法中规定,国防委员会委员长一职由国家主席兼任,因此,废除国家主席制度后,国防委员会委员长成为实际上的国家元首,而最高人民会议常任委员会委员长代表国家. 现任朝鲜劳动党中央委员会总书记、国防委员会委员长、朝鲜人民军最高司令官是伟大领导者金正日 ,二号人物最高人民会议常任委员会委员长金永南 ,2003年9月当选 国防委员会第一副委员长赵明录 ,1998年9月任职,内阁总理金英日2007年4月当选。 朝鲜最高人民会议议长崔泰福 朝鲜劳动党中央政治局委员(7人) 金正日(65岁,朝鲜党和国家最高领导人,朝鲜劳动党总书记、国防委员会委员长、朝鲜人民军最高司令官。1942年2月生。1960-1964年在金日成综合大学学习。1964年起在朝鲜劳动党中央委员会工作。1973年9月当选党中央书记,翌年2月当选党中央政治委员会委员。1980年10月在朝鲜劳动党六大上当选党中央政治局常委、书记和党中央军事委员会委员。1990年5月任国防委员会第一副委员长。1991年12月任朝鲜人民军最高司令官。1992年4月获朝鲜民主主义人民共和国元帅称号。1993年4月任国防委员会委员长。1997年10月出任朝鲜劳动党总书记。1998年9月和2003年9月再次被推举为国防委员会委员长。) 金永南(79岁,朝鲜最高人民会议常任委员会委员长。1928年生于平壤市。1961年任朝鲜劳动党中央国际部副部长。1963年9月任外务省副相。1970年当选劳动党中央委员。1972年任党中央国际部部长。1974年被选为党中央政治委员会候补委员,1978年升任委员,1980年当选党中央政治局委员、书记局书记。1983年12月任副总理兼外交部长。1998年9月和2003年9月两次当选最高人民会议常任委员会委员长。) 朴成哲(94岁,朝鲜半岛庆尚北道庆州市人,1913年9月2日生。1959年10月任朝鲜外务相。1962年10月任人民军第5军团长、中将军衔。1976年4月任政务院总理,1976年4月当选朝鲜劳动党政治局委员,1991年8月任祖国统一民主主义战线议长,1998年9月任最高人民委员会常任委员会名誉副委员长。) 金英柱(金日成幼弟,历任劳动党政治局委员、书记局书记、中央组织指导部长、国家副主席、最高人民委员会常任委员会名誉副委员长。) 桂应泰(朝鲜劳动党政治局委员、分管治安工作的书记局书记,2006年11月23日去世,享年81岁。) 全炳浩(81岁,朝鲜劳动党政治局委员、分管军需工作的书记局书记,国防委员会委员,大将) 韩成龙(84岁,朝鲜劳动党政治局委员、分管外交工作的书记局书记) 朝鲜劳动党中央政治局候补委员(7人) 金铁万(89岁,朝鲜目前仍然在世的仅有的几位老游击队员之一,大将,第二经济委员会即国防工业委员会委员长) 崔泰福(77岁,朝鲜劳动党政治局候补委员、书记局书记、最高人民会议议长) 崔永林(78岁,朝鲜劳动党政治局候补委员、前中央检察所所长,现任最高人民会议常任委员会秘书长) 洪成南(78岁,英文名:Hong Song Nam,1929年10月2日出生于平安北道定州郡。科学技术专家。历任化学工业部长、重工业部部长。1973年9月任副总理兼国家计划委员会委员长,1980年10月当选朝鲜劳动党(第六届)中央委员会委员。1982年11月任平安南道劳动党责任秘书,1986年12月当选劳动党政治局委员,1987年10月—1988年2月任政务院副总理兼国家计划委员会委员长,副总理任至1997年2月。1997年2月-1998年8月任政务院代总理。1998年9月5日出任朝鲜内阁总理。2003年9月总理卸任后任咸镜南道党责任秘书。) 杨亨燮(82岁,金日成的堂妹金申淑的丈夫,现任最高人民会议常任委员会副委员长) 洪锡亨(前国家计划委员会委员长,现任咸镜北道省委书记) 延亨默(1931年11月3日-2005年10月22日,朝鲜劳动党中央政治局候补委员、朝鲜国防委员会副委员长。1988年12月12日-1992年12月11日任朝鲜总理。自1968年起在朝鲜劳动党内担任党中央副部长、部长、书记等职。从1975年起先后担任朝鲜政务院副总理、第一副总理和总理职务。1998年,延亨默担任朝鲜国防委员会委员,并于2003年9月当选为副委员长,在国防委员会中排名仅次于朝鲜最高领导人金正日和第一副委员长赵明录。) .PI-U7cG 朝鲜劳动党中央中央书记局书记(8人) 全炳浩(81岁,朝鲜劳动党政治局委员、分管军需工作的书记局书记,国防委员会委员,大将) 韩成龙(84岁,朝鲜劳动党政治局委员、分管外交工作的书记局书记) 桂应泰(朝鲜劳动党政治局委员、分管治安工作的书记局书记,2006年11月23日去世,享年81岁。) 崔泰福(77岁,朝鲜劳动党政治局候补委员、书记局书记、最高人民会议议长) 金国泰(83岁,朝鲜开国功臣、副总理金策之子,1924年生,1963年被授予中将军衔,出任朝鲜人民军总政治局副局长,1992年出任分管干部工作的书记局书记,金日成高级党校校长。) : 郑河哲(78岁,1950年毕业于金日成综合大学哲学系,1973年5月任《劳动新闻》评论室主任,1990年2月任中央广播委员长,2000年8月任劳动党中央宣传鼓动部部长,次年9月兼任分管宣传工作的书记局书记) 金仲麟(83岁,分管工会、文体、科技工作的书记局书记) 金己男(81岁,最高人民会议常任委员会委员长金永南的兄弟,分管韩国工作的书记局书记,朝鲜祖国和平统一委员会副委员长) 朝鲜国防委员会 金正日(65岁,朝鲜党和国家最高领导人,朝鲜劳动党总书记、国防委员会委员长、朝鲜人民军最高司令官。1942年2月生。1960-1964年在金日成综合大学学习。1964年起在朝鲜劳动党中央委员会工作。1973年9月当选党中央书记,翌年2月当选党中央政治委员会委员。1980年10月在朝鲜劳动党六大上当选党中央政治局常委、书记和党中央军事委员会委员。1990年5月任国防委员会第一副委员长。1991年12月任朝鲜人民军最高司令官。1992年4月获朝鲜民主主义人民共和国元帅称号。1993年4月任国防委员会委员长。1997年10月出任朝鲜劳动党总书记。1998年9月和2003年9月再次被推举为国防委员会委员长。) 赵明禄(79岁,朝鲜国防委员会第一副委员长兼人民军总政治局长,次帅) 延亨默(1931年11月3日-2005年10月22日,朝鲜劳动党中央政治局候补委员、朝鲜国防委员会副委员长。1988年12月12日-1992年12月11日任朝鲜总理。自1968年起在朝鲜劳动党内担任党中央副部长、部长、书记等职。从1975年起先后担任朝鲜政务院副总理、第一副总理和总理职务。1998年,延亨默担任朝鲜国防委员会委员,并于2003年9月当选为副委员长,在国防委员会中排名仅次于朝鲜最高领导人金正日和第一副委员长赵明录。) 李用茂(84岁,又名李要武、李勇武,英文名:Ri Yong Mu,1923年生,朝鲜平安南道人。1970年11月当选朝鲜劳动党中央委员,1974年2月至任人民军总政治局局长、上将,1974年6月当选朝鲜劳动党政治局委员。1977年由于无视党的政策被解职。1985年1月任两江道人民委员会副委员长,1989年2月任社会安全部政治局局长(政委),1991年12月任交通委员会委员长、政治局长。1998年9月当选国防委员会副委员长,晋升人民军次帅。) 金永春(71岁,英文名:Kim Yong Chun,1936年出生于平壤,万景台革命学院毕业。1986年当选朝鲜劳动党中央委员,1992年4月晋升人民军大将,1993年10月任军需动员総局局长,1994年3月任人民军第6军团长,1995年10月晋升人民军次帅,并出任人民军总参谋长。2006年4月晋升国防委员会副委员长。) 金一哲(74岁,又名金益铉,英文名:Kim Il Chol,1933年出生,朝鲜平壌市人。万景台革命学院和大连海军大学毕业。 1962年10月任人民军第5军团长、中将军衔。1980年10月当选朝鲜劳动党中央委员和中央军事委员会委员,1985年8月晋升人民军上将,1992年4月晋升人民军大将,1997年4月任人民武装力量部第一副部长,并晋升人民军次帅,1998年5月当选国防委员会副委员长兼人民武力相。2003年9月当选国防委员会委员。) 全炳浩(81岁,朝鲜劳动党政治局委员、分管军需工作的书记局书记,国防委员会委员,大将) 崔龙洙(内阁人民保安相,因参与张成泽宗派活动,作为其亲信的崔龙洙在出任人民保安相一年后即被撤职) 节日 1月1日 元旦 2月16日 金正日花节:伟大领导者金正日诞辰纪念日(1942) 4月15日 太阳节:伟大领袖金日成主席诞辰纪念日(1912) 5月1日 国际无产阶级劳动节(1890) 8月15日 祖国解放纪念日(1945) 9月9日 国庆节(1948) 10月10日 朝鲜劳动党建党纪念日(1945) 12月27日 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国社会主义宪法节(1972) 纪念日 2月20日 机械节 3月5日 劳动节 3月8日 国际妇女节 3月22日 渔夫节 4月5日 保健节 4月6日 植树节 4月8日 电信节 4月25日 建军节(1932) 5月11日 铁路节 5月15日 地质勘探节 5月21日 建设者节 6月1日 国际儿童节 6月6日 朝鲜少先队成立节 6月7日 地方工业节 7月1日 矿工节 7月7日 煤炭工节 7月8日 金日成同志逝世日(1994) 7月27日 祖国解放战争胜利纪念日(1953) 8月10日 林业劳动者节 8月20日 空军节 8月28日 青年节 8月28日 海军节 9月5日 城市经营节 9月5日 教育节 9月15日 商业节 10月9日 金属劳动者节 10月14日 广播节 10月第二个星期日体育节 10月15日 纺织工业节 11月1日 出版节 11月16日 陆海运节 12月6日 化学工业节 地理 位于亚洲东部,北部与中国为邻,东北与俄罗斯接壤,隔海与日本相望。平均海拔高度440米,山地约占国土面积的80%。半岛海岸线全长约17300公里。属温带季风气候,年平均气温8~12°C,年平均降水量1000~1200毫米。 1948年8月15日大韩民国成立。1948年9月9日,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国宣告成立。 1950年6月25日,朝鲜战争爆发。美国、苏联与中国三个国家不同程度地卷入这场战争。1953年7月27日,联合国军与朝中方面在板门店签订停战协定。1958年10月中国人民志愿军全部撤出朝鲜。1958年,朝鲜宣布完成了城市、农村生产关系的社会主义改造,建立了社会主义经济制度。1970年宣布实现了社会主义工业化。1991年9月17日同韩国一道加入联合国。 新闻出版 主要报刊有《劳动新闻》,朝鲜劳动党中央委员会机关报;《民主朝鲜》,政府机关报;《勤劳者》杂志,月刊,朝鲜劳动党中央委员会机关刊物。另外还有《朝鲜人民军》、《青年前卫》、《平壤新闻》等报。朝鲜外文综合出版社用多种外文出版杂志《今日朝鲜》和画报《朝鲜》。此外,还发行英文和法文周报《平壤时报》。朝鲜中央通讯社简称朝中社,为国家通讯社,1946年12月5日成立。发行日刊《朝鲜中央通讯》等。朝鲜中央广播电台: 为国家广播电台,1945年10月14日成立。除用朝鲜语广播外,还用多种外语对外广播。朝鲜中央电视台和开城电视台60年代开始播放节目;万寿台电视台1983年底开播。 【政治】 最高人民会议是国家最高权力机关,行使立法权。最高人民会议常任委员会是最高人民会议休会期间的最高国家权力机关。最高人民会议代表由选举产生,每届任期5年。国防委员会是国家主权的最高军事领导机关和全面管理国防的机关,由最高人民会议选举产生,向最高人民会议负责,任期5年。国防委员会由委员长、副委员长、委员组成。委员长统率、指挥全国一切武装力量,并全面领导国防工作。内阁是国家最高权力的行政执行机关和全面管理国家的机关,任期5年。 【经济】 矿产资源丰富, 已探明矿产300多种,其中有开采价值的矿藏200多种。石墨、菱镁矿的储量居世界前列,铁矿石及铝、锌、铜、金、银等有色金属和煤炭、石灰石、云母、石棉等非金属矿物储量丰富。水力和森林资源也较丰富。工业以采矿、电力、机械、冶金、化工、纺织等为主。农业以种植水稻和玉米为主,产量各占粮食总产量的一半左右。主要港口有清津、南浦、元山、兴南等。主要出口钢铁、有色金属、人参、纺织品和水产品等,进口产品主要有石油、机械设备、电子产品、纺织产品等。主要贸易对象为中国、韩国、日本、俄罗斯、东南亚国家等。 朝鲜农业非常发达,粮食基本可以自给自足。在工业领域,朝鲜在伟大领袖金日成领导下,仅用14年时间完成了西方资本主义国家需要50~100年才能完成工业化进程。朝鲜在汽车,造船,钢铁,电子,机械灯工业领域高度发达。 【军事】 朝鲜人民军于1948年2月8日建立,前身为1938年4月25日在中国东北创建的朝鲜人民革命军。国防委员会是国家主权的最高军事领导机关和全面管理国防的机关,由最高人民会议选举产生,向最高人民会议负责,任期5年。国防委员会由委员长、副委员长、委员组成。国防委员会委员长为全国武装力量最高统帅。实行普遍义务兵役制,陆军服役5年,海军、空军3至4年。 军史 朝鲜人民军成立于1948年2月8日。 军制 国防委员会为国家最高军事领导机关,国防委员长为全国武装力量最高统帅。 兵役制度 实行义务兵役制。服役期:陆军6 ~ 8年、海军5 ~ 10年、空军3 ~ 4年。义务兵可服役至40岁。 军费 2001年军费开支只占国家财政支出的14.4%。 总兵力 现役部队105.4万人。 陆军 92.3万人。编有20个军(其中1个装甲军、4个机械化军、12个步兵军、两个炮兵军、1个首都防御军)、26个机械化步兵师、15个装甲旅、24个机械化步兵旅、3个独立步兵旅;1个特种作战军8.8万人,10个狙击旅、14个步兵旅、17个侦察团、1个炮兵旅;6个直属炮兵旅、1个“飞毛腿”地地导弹旅、1个“蛙”式地地导弹旅、14个特种炮弹火箭炮旅。 主战坦克:约3500辆,主要有T—54/—55型、 T—62型、59式。 轻型坦克:约560辆,主要有 PT—76型、M—1985型。 装甲输送车:2500辆、主要有STP—40/—50/—60/—152型、Type—531型、M—1973型。 牵引火炮:122毫米、130毫米、152毫米共3500门。 自行火炮:122毫米、130毫米、152毫米、170毫米共4400门。 火箭炮:107毫米、122毫米、240毫米共2000门。 迫击炮:82毫米、120毫米、160毫米共7500门。 地地导弹:蛙—3/—5/—7型24部、“飞毛腿”C型约30部。 地空导弹:SA—7/—16型1万余枚。 反坦克导弹:AT—1型、AT—3型、AT—4型、AT—5型若干具。 无后坐力炮:82毫米1700门。 高射炮(高射机枪):14.5毫米、23毫米、37毫米、57毫米、85毫米、100毫米共11000门(挺)。 海军 4.6万人,编有2个舰队司令部。 潜艇:苏制R级22艘、W级4艘,小型潜艇45艘,海岸潜艇21艘。 护卫舰:“罗津”级2艘、“苏湖“级1艘。 轻型护卫舰:“沙里院”级4艘。 导弹快艇;“西州”级15艘、“黄蜂”级12艘、“蚊子”级10艘、“瑞兴”级6艘。 鱼雷艇:共103艘,其中“新兴”级3艘、P—6级155艘、“新浦”级40艘。 巡逻艇:158艘,其中“海南“级大型巡逻艇4艘、“大青”级大型巡逻艇13艘、“索曼”级大型巡逻艇6艘、“索”I级近海巡逻艇18艘、“上海”Ⅱ级高速攻击艇12艘、“椒岛”级高速攻击炮艇3艘、渔船改装巡逻艇约100多艘。 扫雷艇:“陆岛”系列25艘。 水陆两栖登陆艇:10艘。 水面支援船:7艘,其中海上施船2艘、侦察船1艘、气象测量船1艘、潜艇救护船3艘。 岸防部队 地对舰导弹团2个,“蚕”式导弹基地6处;122毫米、130毫米、152毫米岸炮若干门。 空军 8.5万人,编为6个航空师。作战飞机607架。 战斗机:米格—17型107架、米格—19型159架、米格—21型130架、米格—23型46架、米格—29型30架、苏—7型18架、苏—25型35架。 轰炸机:H—5型82架。 运输机:安—2/雅—5型282架、安—24型6架、伊尔—18型2架、伊尔—62M型4架、图—134型2架、图—154型4架。 直升机:“休斯”500D型80架、米—2型139架、米—8/—17型15架、佐—5型48架。 教练机:米格—21型6架、雅克—18型170架、FT—2型35架、CJ—5型10架、CJ—6型7架。 空空导弹:AA—2型、AA—7型若干部。 地空导弹:SA—2型300部、SA—3型36部、SA—5型24部。 预备役部队 约350万人,最大年龄为60岁,其指挥预列为旅、营、连、排,装备有轻武器、迫击炮和高射炮。 驻外兵力 在12个非洲国家派有军事顾问。 军队节日 建军节 4月25日 【外交】 朝鲜一贯奉行自主、和平、友谊的外交政策,在完全平等和相互尊重的原则基础上发展同其他国家的关系。由于西方国家采取敌视朝鲜政策,企图扼杀朝鲜社会主义制度,使得朝鲜与多数西方国家之间没有外交关系。2006年10月9日,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国实施地下核试验。中华人民共和国外交部对于朝鲜民主主义人民共和国进行核试验发表声明,希望六方会谈各方保持克制态度,不要采取过激行动,主张通过对话解决问题。 朝鲜现任外长朴义春第一副外相姜锡柱副外相金永日金桂冠等 与中国关系 中国和朝鲜自古以来就是唇齿相依的友好邻邦。1949年10月6日,中朝两国建交。1950年朝鲜战争爆发后,中国人民志愿军与朝鲜军民并肩浴血奋战,与美韩联军作战,最终签订停战协议。1961年7月11日,两国签署了中朝友好合作互助条约。中朝两国一直保持着传统的睦邻友好合作关系。20世纪90年代以来,两国领导人进一步加强交往,中朝睦邻友好合作关系进一步发展。1990年3月,中共中央总书记江泽民访朝。2000年5月和2001年1月,朝鲜劳动党总书记、国防委员会委员长金正日两次访问中国。2001年9月,中国国家主席江泽民访问朝鲜。2003年10月,吴邦国委员长率中国国家代表团对朝鲜进行正式友好访问。2004年4月,朝鲜劳动党总书记、国防委员会委员长金正日对中国进行了非正式访问。2005年10月,胡锦涛总书记致电朝鲜劳动党总书记金正日祝贺朝鲜劳动党成立60周年(全文)。2005年10月,中共中央总书记、国家主席胡锦涛对朝鲜进行正式友好访问。2006年1月,朝鲜劳动党总书记金正日对我国进行非正式访问。金正日即将访问中国。 平壤作为中国境外19个火炬传递城市之一,于2008年4月28日承办奥运圣火传递。这将是朝鲜首次参加奥运火炬接力活动。北京奥运会圣火在朝鲜首都平壤的传递开始,这是奥运圣火“和谐之旅”境外传递的第十八站。朝鲜对外的最高领导人、最高人民会议常任委员会委员长金永南将军出席了今天的火炬接力起跑仪式。今天的平壤风和日丽,有大约40万名当地市民在接力沿线,为北京奥运会圣火加油助威。还有400位左右的艺术家参加了接力沿途的表演。 最高人民会议常任委员会委员长金永南将出席北京奥运会。 中朝两国领导人重要互访一览表 1、朝鲜领导人访华 姓名 当时身份 访问性质 访问时间 金日成 首相 正式访问 1953.11.10-11.27 金日成 首相 友好访问 1954.9.28-10.5 金日成 首相 友好访问 1958.11.21-11.28 金日成 首相 友好访问 1959.9.25-10.3 金日成 首相 友好访问 1961.7.10-7.15 崔庸健 委员长 正式访问 1969.9.30-1 许锬 外长 正式访问 1973.2.9-2.14 金日成 主席 友好访问 1975.4.18-4.26 李钟玉 总理 正式访问 1981.1.10-1.14 金日成 主席 国事访问 1982.9.16-9.25 金正日 书记 非正式访问 1983.6.2-6.12 金永南 副总理兼外长 正式访问 1984.2.7-2.14 姜成山 总理 正式访问 1984.8.5-8.10 金日成 主席 非正式访问 1984.11.26-11.28 金日成 主席 正式访问 1987.5.21-5.25 李根模 总理 正式访问 1987.11.9-11.14 金永南 副总理兼外长 正式访问 1988.11.3-11.7 金日成 总书记 非正式访问 1989.11.5-11.7 延亨默 总理 正式访问 1990.11.23-11.28 金日成 主席 正式访问 1991.10.4-10.13 金永南 委员长 正式访问 1999.6.3-6.7 白南舜 外务相 正式访问 2000.3.18-3.22 金正日 总书记 非正式访问 2000.5.29-5.31 金正日 总书记 非正式访问 2001.1.15 -1.20 金润赫 最高人民会议秘书长 友好访问 2001.7.10-7.14 杨亨燮 最高人民会议常任委员会副委员长 正式友好访问 2002.10.15-19 金正日 总书记 非正式访问 2004.4.19-4.21 金永南 最高人民会议常任委员会委员长 正式访问 2004.10.18-10.20 朴凤柱 内阁总理 正式访问 2005.3.22-3.27 卢斗哲 内阁副总理 正式访问 2005.12.24-12.27 金正日 总书记 非正式访问 2006.01.10-01.18 2、中国领导人访朝 姓名 当时身份 访问性质 访问时间 周恩来 总理 友好访问 1958.2.14-2.21 刘少奇 主席 友好访问 1963.9.15-9.27 周恩来 总理 正式访问 1970.4.5-4.7 姬鹏飞 外长 友好访问 1972.12.22-12.25 华国锋 党主席、总理 正式访问 1978.5.5-5.10 邓小平 党副主席、副总理 友好访问 1978.9.8-9.13 赵紫阳 总理 正式访问 1981.12.20-12.24 胡耀邦 党主席、邓小平党副主席 非正式访问 1982.4.26-4.30 吴学谦 外长 正式访问 1983.5.20-5.25 胡耀邦 总书记 正式访问 1984.5.4-5.11 胡耀邦 总记 非正式访问 1985.5.4-5.6 李先念 主席 友好访问 1986.10.3-10.6 杨尚昆 主席 友好访问 1988.9.7-9.11 赵紫阳 总书记 正式访问 1989.4.24-4.29 江泽民 总书记 正式访问 1990.3.14-3.16 李鹏 总理 正式访问 1991.5.3-5.6 钱其琛 国务委员兼外长 正式访问 1991.6.17-6.20 杨尚昆 主席 正式访问 1992.4.12-4.17 胡锦涛 政治局常委、书记处书记、中国党政代表团 1993.7.26-7.29 罗干 国务委员兼国务院秘书长、中国党政代表团 1996.7.10-7.13 唐家璇 外长 友好访问 1999.10.5-10.9 迟浩田 军委副主席、国务委员兼国防部长、中国高级军事代表团 2000.10.22-10.26 姜春云 全国人大副委员长、中国友好代表团 2001.7.9-7.13 江泽民 总书记、国家主席 正式访问 2001.9.3 - 9.5 贾庆林 中共中央政治局委员、北京市委书记 中共代表团 2002.5.6-5.10 李长春 中共中央政治局常委 正式访问 2004.9.10-9.13 唐家璇 国务委员、胡锦涛主席特别代表 2005.7.12-7.14 吴仪 副总理、政府代表团 正式访问 2005.10.8-10.11 胡锦涛 总书记、国家主席 正式访问 2005.10.28-10.30 刘云山 中共中央政治局委员书记处书记中宣部部长友好访问 2007.10.29-30 杨洁篪 外交部长 正式访问 2007年7月2日至3日 习近平 国家副主席 正式访问 2008年6月17日至6月19日 朝鲜王朝 指朝鲜/韩国历史上的“朝鲜王朝”,又称“李氏朝鲜”。 1392年,“高丽王朝”三军都制使李成桂废除了亲蒙古帝国的高丽王朝第三十四代王,为了争取明朝的支持,李成桂派使臣向明朝称臣。中国明朝皇帝朱元璋(明太祖)取“朝日鲜明”之意,赐国号“朝鲜”,史称“朝鲜王朝”。 古朝鲜时代 指朝鲜/韩国历史上的古朝鲜时代,包括箕子朝鲜、卫氏朝鲜 箕子朝鲜,中国先秦时代东北地方政权; 卫氏朝鲜,中国汉代地方政权。 “箕子朝鲜”和“卫氏朝鲜”虽然当时存在,但这两个名称却是后人追加的称呼。 附: 韩民族的迁徙 朝鲜族原本不是跨国民族,高丽人迁徙到中国来的时期有两个。 一是1996年,朝鲜公民大量移民中国,促进朝鲜半岛与中国经济联系与文化交流。 二是近代时期,由于日本帝国主义的侵略,许多高丽人为了躲避战争而迁徙到中国东北边境 。 Abbreviations: North Korea (DPRK) Other title Japan's official name: North Korea (ki ta う せ ん ち ょ) Europe, America, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan's official Korean translated into Chinese title: North Korea (북한 North Korea) Origin Country Names 1392, "Koryo Dynasty," Armed Forces have made the abolition of the pro Lichenggui Koryo dynasty, the Mongol Empire thirty-fourth generation of the king, in order to win the support of the Ming Dynasty, sent envoys to the Ming Dynasty Lichenggui concede defeat. Ming Emperor Zhu Yuan (Tai Zu) take "Asahi clear" meaning, thanks to the country, "North Korea", known as "the Joseon Dynasty." "North Korea" in the name of the resulting. World War II, the Korean revolutionary leader President Kim Il Sung in the founding of the Korean Peninsula, the use of the "Korea" the call, will be the country called the "Democratic People's Republic." Territory size: although the two Koreas have different social systems, but both sides claim to the Korean Peninsula for the same country. The total area of 222,004 square kilometers on the Korean Peninsula, including 122,742 square kilometers north of the Korean Peninsula, the South Korean peninsula 99,262 square kilometers. Flag Korean flag horizontal rectangle, the length and width ratio of 2:1. The middle of the flag is a red broadband, up and down each side of a blue, red and blue in between the thin strips of white. Wide section of the red flag on one side by a white circle, the five-pointed star inside a red. Red Wide lofty communist symbol of the spirit and indomitable fighting spirit, the white symbol of the DPRK is a single nation, a symbol of the blue narrow unity, peace, red five-pointed star symbol of the revolutionary tradition. Note: The Korean Peninsula in 1948 before the North, and South Korea, as are the national flag as the national flag. Until the "DPRK" formally established only after the abolition of national flag, adopted today, the Korean flag. National emblem North Korea oval emblem. By the red ribbon banding pattern of rice oval form, between the top of a red five-pointed star shine, the great leader Kim Il Sung, North Korea under the sacred birthplace of the revolution Mt. Emblem middle dams, hydropower stations, high voltage power line planes and other patterns, the red sash on the bottom with Korean words "Democratic People's Republic." Red star symbol of revolution, a symbol of hydropower and rice were workers, peasants, the red ribbon banding around the emblem symbolizes unity and victory. National anthem "Patriotic Song." Writing in 1947, the lyrics of poets Pu Shiyong (1902 -1989), the composer for the musicians, Jin and Yuan were (1917 -2002 years). North Korea magnificent new national anthem is more passionate, more shows strong Shengda Guo powerful socialist power. National Day September 9, 1948 (the date of founding) Population A single Korean nation, is a "three Korean descent", General Korean, traditional costumes for the hanbok. June 2000 the leaders of North and South held their first summit, the Peninsula and the northern 1 / 3 of the population and the peninsula in the southern 2 / 3 of the population, hold it together. 23.3 million people in northern peninsula, the peninsula in the southern population of 48.5 million, a total of 71.8 million. Elaborate here: Korean and Korean is slightly different. South and North Korea because of the long-term post-war division, making the North-South language also appears slightly different. Generally the preferred way of expression in South Korea as "Korean", the usual expression of North Korea as "Korean." Capital Pyongyang (Pyongyang), population 200 million, consists of 18 districts, 4 counties. The annual average temperature 9.7 ℃. Administrative Division Country is divided into three municipalities, and are 9, respectively Pyongyang, Kaesong, Nampo City Peace Annan Road, Ping North Road, Tsz River Road, Two Rivers Road, South Hamgyong, North Hamgyong, Kangwon Province, South Hwanghae Province, Yellow Sea and North Road. Key leaders December 1972 by the Fifth Supreme People's Assembly, "the DPRK Constitution," according to the constitution, the establishment of the Head of State President of the DPRK. In the same year, Comrade Kim Il Sung was elected as President. September 1998, Supreme People's Assembly to amend the constitution, decided to Comrade Kim Il Sung "eternal president." Since then, North Korea is no longer a national chairman, and abolished the symbolic head of state President system. But the original provisions of the Constitution, the post of chairman of the National Defense Commission Chairman concurrently by the State, therefore, abolished the system of State President, National Defense Commission Chairman to become the de facto head of state, and chairman of the Standing Committee of the Supreme People behalf of the State. The current general secretary of the WPK Central Committee, chairman of the National Defense Commission, Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army is a great leader Kim Jong Il, Supreme People's number two Kim Yong Nam, chairman of the Standing Committee, was elected in September 2003 National Defense Commission First Vice Chairman Cho Myong Rok, September 1998 office, Prime Minister Kim Yong Il was elected in April 2007. Speaker of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly Cuitai Fu Korean Workers Party Central Committee Politburo member (7) Kim Yong-nam (79 years old, the Korean Supreme People's Assembly committee chairman. Born in Pyongyang in 1928. Any of the WPK Central Committee in 1961 Deputy Minister of International Department. September 1963 appointed Foreign Minister Kim. WPK Central Committee members elected in 1970. 1972 appointed Minister of International Department of CPC Central Committee. 1974 was elected alternate member of the Political Committee of the CPC Central Committee in 1978 was promoted to a member of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau, member elected in 1980, secretary of the Bureau of the CPC. December 1983 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs. September 1998 and September 2003 the Supreme People's twice elected chairman of the Standing Committee.) Pak Sung Chul (94 years old, the Korean Peninsula, Gyeongju-si Gyeongsangbuk-do people, September 2, 1913 students. In October 1959 of any North Korean Foreign Minister Paek Nam. October 1962 5 Ren Renmin Army Army chief, lieutenant general. 1976 April appointed Prime Minister of the Government Administration Council, April 1976 election of the WPK Central Committee, August 1991 Renzu Guo unified Democratic Front for the Speaker, in September 1998 the Supreme People's Committee appointed an honorary vice chairman of the Standing Committee.) Kim Yong-chu (Kim Il Sung younger brother, served as Labor Party Central Committee, secretary of the Board secretary, minister of the central organization and guidance, Vice President, Supreme People's Committee vice chairman of the Standing Committee reputation.) Gui Ying-tai (WPK Central Committee, in charge of the work of the secretary of the Bureau of Public Security Secretary, November 23, 2006 died at age 81.) All Bing Hao (81 years old, the Korean Workers Party Central Committee, secretary of the Bureau in charge of the work of secretary of military and defense committee, general) Hancheng Long (84 years old, of the WPK Central Committee, secretary of foreign affairs bureau in charge of secretary) Alternate member of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee (7) Gold and Iron million (89 years old, North Korea is still alive is one of only a few old guerrillas, generals, and the second that the Economic Commission for Defense Industry Committee Chairman) Cuitai Fu (77 years old, the Korean Workers Party Politburo alternate member, secretary of the Board Secretary, Supreme People's Assembly Speaker) Cuiyong Lin (78 years old, the Korean Workers Party Politburo alternate member, former director of the Central Prosecutor, the incumbent secretary general of Supreme People's Assembly) Hong Song Nam (78 years old, English name: Hong Song Nam, 1929 年 October 2nd _set_ was born in North Pyongan gun. Scientific and technical experts. Served as minister of chemical industry, heavy industry minister. September 1973 Deputy Prime Minister and members of the National Planning Commission long, in October 1980 was elected the Korean Workers Party (sixth) Central Committee. November 1982 responsibility for Ping An South Road, Secretary of Labor Party, in December 1986 was elected Labor Party Central Committee, in October 1987 -1988 February appointed Deputy Prime Minister and the State Administration Council and Planning Commission chairman, vice prime minister from February 1997. February 1997 -1998 Administration Council appointed acting prime minister in August. September 5, 1998 as the Korean Prime Minister. 2003 9 he served as the outgoing Prime Minister on South Hamgyong Secretary of the party responsible.) Yang Hyong Sop (82-year-old cousin of Kim Il Sung Jin Shenshu husband, incumbent Supreme People's Assembly Standing Committee Vice Chairman) Hong Xiheng (former State Planning Commission chairman, the current North Hamgyong Provincial Party Committee Secretary) Yon (November 3, 1931 -2005 on October 22, the Korean Workers Party Central Committee Politburo alternate member, vice chairman of the DPRK National Defense Commission. December 12, 1988 -1992 term on December 11 North Korean Prime Minister . since 1968 served in the Korean Workers Party Central Committee, deputy ministers, ministers, secretaries and other staff. Since 1975, the Korean Government Administration Council, has served as deputy prime minister, first deputy prime minister and prime minister. In 1998, as the DPRK National Defense Yon Committee members, and in September 2003 was elected vice chairman of the National Defense Commission ranked second only to North Korean leader Kim Jong Il and Cho Myong Rok, first vice chairman.). PI-U7cG Central Bureau of CPC Central Committee and secretary of the WPK secretary (8) All Ping-ho (81 years of the WPK Central Committee, secretary of the Bureau in charge of the work of secretary of military and defense committee, general) Hancheng Long (84 years old, of the WPK Central Committee, secretary of foreign affairs bureau in charge of secretary) Gui Ying-tai (WPK Central Committee, in charge of the work of the secretary of the Bureau of Public Security Secretary, November 23, 2006 died at age 81.) Cuitai Fu (77 years old, the Korean Workers Party Politburo alternate member, secretary of the Board secretary, the highest People's Assembly Speaker) Jin Guotai (83 years old, the Korean founding fathers of the son of Deputy Prime Minister Jin strategy, 1924 years old in 1963 was awarded the rank of lieutenant general, as the Korean People's Army General Political Bureau deputy director, in 1992 as secretary in charge of cadres Board secretary, Kim High School as principal.): Jeong (78 years old, graduated from Kim Il Sung University in 1950, the Department of Philosophy, May 1973 term, "Rodong Sinmun", director comments, February 1990, chairman of the Central Broadcasting, August 2000 appointed Labor Party Central Committee propaganda Minister in charge of publicity following year in September to work part-time secretary of the Board Secretary) Jinzhong Lin (83 years old, in charge of trade unions, sports, science and technology bureau secretary, secretary work) Kim Ki Nam (81 years old, chairman of the Standing Committee of the Supreme People's brother, Kim Yong Nam, secretary of the bureau in charge of the work of secretary of Korea, the peaceful reunification of the Korean Committee Vice Chairman) DPRK National Defense Commission Zhaoming Lu (79 years old, first vice chairman of the DPRK National Defense Commission and the KPA General Political Bureau, sub-commander) Yon (November 3, 1931 -2005 on October 22, the Korean Workers Party Central Committee Politburo alternate member, vice chairman of the DPRK National Defense Commission. December 12, 1988 -1992 term on December 11 North Korean Prime Minister . since 1968 served in the Korean Workers Party Central Committee, deputy ministers, ministers, secretaries and other staff. Since 1975, the Korean Government Administration Council, has served as deputy prime minister, first deputy prime minister and prime minister. In 1998, as the DPRK National Defense Yon Committee members, and in September 2003 was elected vice chairman of the National Defense Commission ranked second only to North Korean leader Kim Jong Il and Cho Myong Rok, first vice chairman.) Li Yong Mao (84 years old, also known as Lee to Wu, Li Yongwu, English name: Ri Yong Mu, 1923 years old, the Korean flat Annan Road Flyover. November 1970 election of the WPK Central Committee, in February 1974 to Ren Renmin Army General Political Secretary General, in June 1974 was elected member of the Political Bureau of the WPK. Since 1977, the party's policy of ignoring the dismissal. January 1985 River Road, two appointed Vice Chairman of People's Committee, appointed in February 1989 the Ministry of Social Security Politburo Secretary (political commissar), December 1991 Chairman of Communications Committee, Political Bureau. September 1998 was elected vice chairman of the National Defense Commission, was promoted People's Army plays handsome.) Kim Yong Chun (71, English name: Kim Yong Chun, 1936 was born in Pyongyang, graduated Mangyongdae revolution. In 1986, he was elected member of the Korean Workers Party Central Committee, in April 1992 promoted to the People's Army general, any military in October 1993 Mobilization 総 Secretary in March 1994 Ren Renmin Jun 6 Army chief, was promoted in October 1995 the People's Army plays handsome, and served as Chief of Staff of the People's Army. April 2006 promoted to vice chairman of the National Defense Commission.) Kim Il-chol (74 years old, also known as Kim Yi-hyun, the English name: Kim Il Chol, 1933, was born in North Korea square Rang city people. Mangyongdae revolution, Dalian Naval Academy and graduated from college. October 1962 5 Ren Renmin Army Army chief, Lieutenant General rank. October 1980 elected members of WPK Central Committee and Central Military Committee, August 1985 was promoted General People's Army, was promoted in April 1992 People's Army generals, armed forces in April 1997 Ren Renmin the First Deputy Minister and promotion of the People's Army plays handsome, in May 1998 was elected vice chairman of the National Defense Commission and the people of force. September 2003 was elected member of the National Defense Commission.) All Bing Hao (81 years old, the Korean Workers Party Central Committee, secretary of the Bureau in charge of the work of secretary of military and defense committee, general) Cuilong Zhu (People's Security Cabinet phase, Jang for their involvement in sectarian activities as its cronies Cuilong Zhu security phase in the year as people are duly dismissed) Festival January 1 New Year's Day February 16 Kim Jong Il Flower Festival: a great leader Kim Jong Il's Birthday (1942) April 15 Sun Festival: The great leader President Kim Il Sung's Birthday (1912) May 1 International Labor Day proletariat (1890) August 15 Fatherland Liberation Day (1945) September 9th National Day (1948) Oct. 10 anniversary of the Korean Worker's Party (1945) December 27th Democratic People's Republic of socialist Constitution Day (1972) Memorial Day February 20 Machinery Festival March 5 Labor Day March 8 International Women's Day Fisherman's Day March 22 Health Day on April 5 Arbor Day April 6 April 8 Telecom Day April 25 Army Day (1932) Railway Festival May 11 May 15 Festival of geological exploration May 21 builders of the Day June 1 International Children's Day June 6 the establishment of the Korean section of the Young Pioneers June 7th section of local industry July 1st Day Miners July 7th Festival of coal workers July 8 at the death of Comrade Kim Il Sung (1994) July 27 Fatherland Liberation War Victory Day (1953) August 10 forestry workers Festival August 20th Air Force Day August 28 Youth Day Aug. 28 Navy Day September 5 Urban Management Programme Education Day on September 5 Sept. 15 Business section October 9th section of metal workers October 14 broadcasts, The second Sunday in October Sports Festival October 15 Textile Industry Day Section published Nov. 1 November 16th section land sea December 6th section chemical industry Geography Located in eastern Asia, northern China, is adjacent to the northeast border with Russia, and Japan across the sea. Average altitude of 440 meters, mountain about 80% of land area. Total length of 17,300 km coastline of the peninsula. A temperate monsoon climate, annual average temperature of 8 ~ 12 ° C, the average annual precipitation of 1000 to 1200 mm. August 15, 1948 the Republic of Korea was established. September 9, 1948, Democratic People's Republic was proclaimed. June 25, 1950, the Korean War broke out. United States, the Soviet Union and China, to varying degrees, the three countries involved in this war. July 27, 1953, the United Nations in terms of the military and the Korean Armistice Agreement signed at Panmunjom. October 1958 China's total withdrawal of the Korean People's Volunteers. In 1958, the DPRK announced the completion of the city, the socialist transformation of the rural relations of production, the establishment of a socialist economic system. Achieved in 1970, announced the socialist industrialization. September 17, 1991, together with South Korea joined the United Nations. Press Political】 【 Supreme People's Assembly is the highest organ of power, the exercise of legislative power. Supreme People's Assembly is the Supreme People's Assembly Standing Committee during the intersessional period the highest organ of state power. Supreme People's Assembly representatives are elected for a term of 5 years. National Defense Commission is the highest military leadership of national sovereignty and the overall management of the defense organs of authority, elected by the Supreme People's Assembly, the Supreme People's Assembly is responsible for a term of 5 years. By the National Defense Commission Chairman, Vice Chairman, members. Chairman of the Lord, and command of all armed forces of the country, and the overall direction of national defense work. Cabinet is the highest power of the executive authorities and the overall management of the country's authorities for a term of 5 years. 【Economy】 North Korea is well developed in agriculture, food can be basically self-sufficient. In industry, the DPRK under the leadership of the great leader Kim Il Sung, in just 14 years to complete the Western capitalist countries need 50 to 100 years to complete the process of industrialization. North Korea in the automotive, shipbuilding, steel, electronic, mechanical light industry is highly developed. Military】 【 Korean People's Army on February 8, 1948 the establishment, formerly known as April 25, 1938 in northeast China to create the Korean People's Revolutionary Army. National Defense Commission is the highest military leadership of national sovereignty and the overall management of the defense organs of authority, elected by the Supreme People's Assembly, the Supreme People's Assembly is responsible for a term of 5 years. By the National Defense Commission Chairman, Vice Chairman, members. National Defense Commission Chairman for the nation's armed forces supreme commander. Introduction of universal compulsory military service, the Army service 5 years, the Navy, Air Force 3 to 4 years. Military history Korean People's Army was founded in February 8, 1948. Military System National Defense Commission, the highest military leading organ for national defense, chairman of the nation's armed forces supreme commander. Military service system Compulsory military service. Service period: 6 to 8 years Army, Navy, 5 to 10 years, the Air Force 3 to 4 years. Conscripts to military service to 40 years old. Military expenditure Military expenditure in 2001 accounted for only 14.4% of the state financial expenditure. Total strength 105.4 million active duty troops. Army 92.3 million people. Code 20 Army (including one armored forces, 4 mechanized army, army of 12 infantry, two artillery troops, a capital defense forces), 26 mechanized infantry divisions, 15 armored brigades, 24 mechanized infantry brigades , three independent infantry brigades; a special operations forces of 8.8 million, 10 attack brigades, 14 infantry brigades, 17 reconnaissance regiment, an artillery brigade; six direct artillery brigade, a "Scud" to-surface missiles brigade, a "frog" type of ground missile brigades, 14 artillery rockets special trip. Main Battle Tank: about 3,500, mainly T-54/-55 type, T-62 type, 59 type. Light tank: about 560, mainly in PT-76 type, M-1985 type. Armored personnel carriers: 2,500, mainly STP-40/-50/-60/-152 type, Type-531 model, M-1973 type. Towed artillery: 122 mm, 130 mm, 152 mm total of 3500. Self-propelled artillery: 122 mm, 130 mm, 152 mm, 170 mm total of 4400. Rocket Launcher: 107 mm, 122 mm, 240 mm total of 2000. Mortar: 82 mm, 120 mm, 160 mm total of 7500. To-surface missiles: Type 24 frog -3/-5/-7, "Scud" C-type of about 30. SAM: SA-7/-16 Type 1 million pieces. Anti-tank missiles: AT-1 type, AT-3-type, AT-4 type, AT-5-type number of tools. Recoilless gun: 82 mm 1700. Anti-aircraft gun (machine gun): 14.5 mm, 23 mm, 37 mm, 57 mm, 85 mm, 100 mm in a total of 11,000 (very). Navy 4.6 million people, prepared with 2 Fleet Command. Submarine: Soviet-made R-22, W-class 4, small submarines 45, 21 coastal submarines. Frigate: "Rajin" level 2, "Su Wu" level 1. Corvettes: "Sariwon" level 4. Missile boats; "Western State" level 15 "Wasp" class 12, "Mosquito" level 10 "Ruixing" level 6. PT Boats: A total of 103, where "emerging" level 3, P-6 级 155, the "new pump" level 40. Patrol boats: 158, including "Hainan" class patrol boats four large, "Daqing" class large patrol boats 13, "Soman" class large patrol boats 6, "Cable" I-class coastal patrol boats 18, "Shanghai" Ⅱ class high-speed attack boats 12, "Law Island"-class gunboat three high-speed attack, about 100 fishing boats patrol boats. Minesweeper: "land Island" series 25. Amphibious landing craft: 10 vessels. Surface support ship: 7, in which two ships at sea Shi, Zhen Chachuan 1, a weather tracking ship, submarine rescue ship 3. Coastal defense force to 2-to-ship missile regiment, "Silkworm" missile base in 6; 122 mm, 130 mm, 152 mm coastal artillery several doors. Air Force 8.5 million people, compiled for the six air divisions. 607 combat aircraft. Fighters: MiG -17 Type 107, Type 159 MiG -19, MiG -21 Type 130, Type 46 MiG -23, MiG -29 Type 30, Type 18 -7 Su Su -25 Type 35. Bombers: H-5 type 82. Transport: An -2 / Ya -5 Type 282, An -24 type 6, type 2 IL -18, IL-62M Type 4, Type 2 Figure -134, -154 Type 4 Fig. Helicopter: "Hughes" 500D Type 80, Type 139 m -2, m -8/-17 type 15, type 48 Junior -5. Trainer: MiG -21 type 6, Jacques -18 type 170, FT-2 type 35, CJ-5 type 10, CJ-6 type 7. AAM: AA-2 type, AA-7-type if the cadres. SAM: SA-2 Type 300, SA-3 type 36, SA-5 type 24. Reserve force of about 350 million people, maximum age is 60 years old, and as a brigade pre-command, battalion, company, platoon, equipped with light weapons, mortars and antiaircraft guns. Troops stationed abroad In 12 African countries have sent military advisers. Army holiday Army Day April 25 Foreign】 【 North Korea has consistently pursued independence, peace and friendship, foreign policy, in full respect for the principles of equality and mutual development with other countries on the basis of the relationship. As Western countries hostile North Korea policy in an attempt to stifle the DPRK the socialist system, so between the DPRK and the most western countries have no diplomatic relations. October 9, 2006, the implementation of the DPRK nuclear test. Ministry of Foreign Affairs People's Republic of Korea conduct a nuclear test for the statement, I hope the six-party talks, all parties to exercise restraint and not take drastic action, and stands for dialogue to resolve the problem. DPRK Foreign Minister Pak Ui Chun is currently First Vice Foreign Minister Kang Sok Ju, Vice Foreign Minister Kim Yong Il Kim, etc. Relationship with China China and the DPRK are friendly neighbors since ancient times is closely related. October 6, 1949, China and the DPRK established diplomatic relations. 1950 Korean War broke out, the Chinese People's Volunteers and the Korean soldiers and civilians fought bloody battles side by side with South Korea allied forces, finally signed the armistice agreement. July 11, 1961, the two countries signed the China-DPRK friendly cooperation and mutual assistance treaty. China and the DPRK have maintained traditional friendly and cooperative relations. Of the 20th century, 90 years, to further strengthen contacts between the leaders of China-DPRK friendly and cooperative relations. March 1990, the CPC Central Committee General Secretary Jiang Zemin's visit to the DPRK. May 2000 and January 2001, the Korean Workers Party general secretary, National Defense Commission Chairman Kim Jong Il visited China twice. September 2001, Chinese President Jiang Zemin's visit to DPRK. October 2003, Wu Bangguo, chairman of a Chinese state delegation on an official goodwill visit to DPRK. April 2004, the Korean Workers Party general secretary, National Defense Commission Chairman Kim Jong Il paid an unofficial visit to China. October 2005, Hu Jintao, general secretary of the WPK General Secretary Kim Jong Il calling to congratulate the 60th anniversary of the Korean Workers Party (full text). October 2005, the CPC Central Committee General Secretary and State President Hu Jintao to the DPRK on an official goodwill visit. January 2006, the Korean Workers Party General Secretary Kim Jong Il an informal visit to China. Kim Jong Il will visit China. Pyongyang as the torch relay outside China, 19 cities, on April 28, 2008 host the Olympic torch relay. This will be the first time North Korea Olympic torch relay activities. Beijing Olympic torch pass in the North Korean capital Pyongyang began, this is the Olympic Flame, "Journey of Harmony" to pass outside the eighteenth station. DPRK's foreign top leaders of the Supreme People's Assembly, General Kim Yong Nam, chairman of the Standing Committee, attended the launching ceremony today's torch relay. Pyongyang sunny today, about 400,000 local people along the relay for the Beijing Olympic torch cheered. There are about 400 artists took part in the Relay along the show. Supreme People's Assembly, Kim Yong Nam, chairman of the Standing Committee will attend the Beijing Olympics. List of important visits between the leaders of China and the DPRK 1, North Korean leader to visit China At that time the nature of the name as the access time to access Prime Minister Kim Il Sung, an official visit to 1953.11.10-11.27 Prime Minister Kim Il Sung visit 1954.9.28-10.5 Prime Minister Kim Il Sung visit 1958.11.21-11.28 Prime Minister Kim Il Sung visit 1959.9.25-10.3 Prime Minister Kim Il Sung visit 1961.7.10-7.15 Choi Yong-Jian, chairman of an official visit to 1969.9.30-1 Foreign Minister official visit 1973.2.9-2.14 Xu-yan President Kim Il Sung visit 1975.4.18-4.26 Lizhong Yu 1981.1.10-1.14 official visit to the Prime Minister 1982.9.16-9.25 state visit President Kim Il Sung Informal visit 1983.6.2-6.12 Secretary Kim Jong Il Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Kim Yong Nam, an official visit to 1984.2.7-2.14 Official visit to the Prime Minister Kang Song San 1984.8.5-8.10 Informal visit 1984.11.26-11.28 President Kim Il Sung 1987.5.21-5.25 official visit to President Kim Il Sung Lee, Prime Minister of an official visit to 1987.11.9-11.14 mode Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Kim Yong Nam, an official visit to 1988.11.3-11.7 Kim Il Sung, General Secretary of informal visit 1989.11.5-11.7 Prime Minister Yon official visit 1990.11.23-11.28 1991.10.4-10.13 official visit to President Kim Il Sung Kim's official visit to 1999.6.3-6.7 Official visit to Foreign Minister Paek Nam-sun 2000.3.18-3.22 General Secretary Kim Jong Il informal visit 2000.5.29-5.31 General Secretary Kim Jong Il informal visit 2001.1.15 -1.20 Kim Yun-Hyuk Secretary-General of Supreme People's Assembly visit 2001.7.10-7.14 Supreme People's Assembly Yang Hyong Sop, vice chairman of the Standing Committee official visit 2002.10.15-19 General Secretary Kim Jong Il informal visit 2004.4.19-4.21 Kim Yong Nam, chairman of the Standing Committee of the Supreme People's official visit to 2004.10.18-10.20 Premier Pak Pong Ju official visit 2005.3.22-3.27 Ro Tu Chol, vice premier of the Cabinet official visit 2005.12.24-12.27 General Secretary Kim Jong Il informal visit 2006.01.10-01.18 2, the Chinese leader's visit At that time the nature of the name as the access time to access Premier Zhou Enlai visit 1958.2.14-2.21 President Liu Shaoqi visit 1963.9.15-9.27 Premier Zhou Enlai official visit 1970.4.5-4.7 Foreign Minister Ji Pengfei visit 1972.12.22-12.25 Party Chairman Hua Guofeng, the Prime Minister official visit 1978.5.5-5.10 Party Vice Chairman Deng Xiaoping, Deputy Prime Minister visit to 1978.9.8-9.13 Prime Minister Zhao Ziyang official visit 1981.12.20-12.24 Party Chairman Hu Yaobang, Deng Xiaoping, vice chairman of the party unofficial visit 1982.4.26-4.30 Foreign Minister Wu Xueqian official visit 1983.5.20-5.25 General Secretary Hu Yaobang, an official visit to 1984.5.4-5.11 Total recorded an unofficial visit 1985.5.4-5.6 Hu President Li Xiannian visit 1986.10.3-10.6 President Yang Shangkun visit 1988.9.7-9.11 General Secretary Zhao Ziyang official visit 1989.4.24-4.29 General Secretary Jiang Zemin's official visit to 1990.3.14-3.16 Premier Li Peng, an official visit to 1991.5.3-5.6 State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qian Qichen official visit 1991.6.17-6.20 President Yang Shangkun official visit 1992.4.12-4.17 Hu Jintao, member of the Secretariat, the Chinese party and government delegation 1993.7.26-7.29 Luo Gan, State Councilor and State Council Secretary General, the Chinese party and government delegation 1996.7.10-7.13 Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan visit 1999.10.5-10.9 Chi CMC Vice Chairman, State Councilor and Defense Minister, China's senior military delegation 2000.10.22-10.26 National People's Congress Vice Chairman Jiang Chunyun, the Chinese delegation 2001.7.9-7.13 General Secretary Jiang Zemin, President official visit 2001.9.3 - 9.5 CPC Central Committee Jia Qinglin, secretary of Beijing Municipal CPC delegation 2002.5.6-5.10 Li Changchun, Politburo Standing Committee of the official visit 2004.9.10-9.13 State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan, special envoy of President Hu Jintao 2005.7.12-7.14 Vice Premier Wu Yi, an official government delegation to visit 2005.10.8-10.11 General Secretary Hu Jintao, President official visit 2005.10.28-10.30 Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Liu Yunshan Propaganda Department visit 2007.10.29-30 Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi official Access 2007 年 2 to 3 July Vice President Xi Jinping official visit 2008 年 17 June to 19 June Joseon Dynasty That North Korea / South Korea in the history of the "Korean dynasty", also known as "Lee Korea." 1392, "Koryo Dynasty," Armed Forces have made the abolition of the pro Lichenggui Koryo dynasty, the Mongol Empire thirty-fourth generation of the king, in order to win the support of the Ming Dynasty, sent envoys to the Ming Dynasty Lichenggui concede defeat. China's Ming emperor Zhu Yuan (Tai Zu) take "Asahi clear" meaning, thanks to the country, "North Korea", known as "the Joseon Dynasty." Ancient Korea Times That North Korea / South Korea in the history of ancient Korean era, including Jizi Korea, North Korea's health Ji Zi Korea, China, the local government pre-Qin era of Northeast; Wei's Korean, Han Chinese local government. "Ji Zi North Korea" and "Guardian's North Korea," although there was, but the two additional names are called descendants. Attachment: Migration of ethnic Han Koreans had not cross-national, Koreans migrating to China two times. First, in 1996, a large number of immigrant Korean citizens in China, the Korean Peninsula and China's economic ties and cultural exchanges. Second, the modern period, because the Japanese imperialist aggression, many Koreans migrated to escape the war in northeast China border. |