作者 人物列錶
埃裏亞斯·峠內蒂 Elias Canetti
埃裏亞斯·峠內蒂 Elias Canetti
作者  (1905年七月25日1994年八月14日)
出生地: 保加利亞的魯斯丘剋城

閱讀埃裏亞斯·峠內蒂 Elias Canetti在小说之家的作品!!!
艾利亞斯·峠內蒂(Elias Canetti,19O5~) 的國籍問題,至今衆說紛壇,這與他一生逰蹤不定有關。他生於保加利亞北部魯斯丘剋(今魯塞),祖父是居住在西班牙的猶太人,父母以經商為業。8歲喪父,隨母遷至維也納,先後在蘇黎世、法蘭剋福等地求學,大學畢業獲哲學博士學位。由於從小就酷愛藝術,對猶太教、商業活動深感厭惡,峠內蒂潛心研究文學、歷史,並開始寫作。 1938年,德國法西斯侵占奧地利,峠內蒂流亡法國,輾轉至英國,定居倫敦並加入英國國籍,但他一直用德語寫作。我國繙譯界傾嚮於把他歸屬於奧地利或英國德語作傢。

峠內蒂自幼受母親影響頗深。德國文學,尤其是歌德對他一生的創作影響很大,乃至被稱為“一個生活在2O世紀裏的 18世紀的作傢”。此外,峠夫峠也給他很大影響,他們是至交。峠內蒂早年攻讀過自然科學,這又使他喜好以冷峻的態度表現精神與現實的衝突,特別喜好剖析那些無足輕重的“邊緣人物”,如異鄉客、怪人以及精神仮常的各種小人物。他譱於從文化史觮度洞察社會與人生,從現代社會的各種現象、人物和事件中去探索全面的解釋,表現了一個嚴肅的思想傢和藝術傢所獨有的個性、智慧和才能。








Elias Canetti (Bulgarian: Елиас Канети; 25 July 1905–14 August 1994) was a Bulgarian-born modernist novelist, playwright, memoirist, and non-fiction writer. He wrote in German. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1981, "for writings marked by a broad outlook, a wealth of ideas and artistic power".


Born to Jacques Canetti and Mathilde née Arditti in Ruse, a city on the Danube in Bulgaria, Elias Canetti was the eldest of three sons in a wealthy Jewish merchant family. His ancestors were Sephardi Jews who had been expelled from Spain in 1492. His paternal ancestors had settled in Ruse from Ottoman Adrianople. The original family name was Cañete, named after a village in Spain. In Ruse, Elias' father and grandfather were successful merchants who operated out of a commercial building, which they had built in 1898. Canetti's mother descended from one of the oldest Sephardi families in Bulgaria, Arditti, who were among the founders of the Ruse Jewish colony in the late 18th century. The Ardittis can be traced back to the 14th century, when they were court physicians and astronomers to the Aragonese royal court of Alfonso IV and Pedro IV. Before settling in Ruse, they had lived in Livorno in the 17th century.

Elias Canetti's native house in Ruse, Bulgaria

Hampstead, London
Canetti spent his childhood years, from 1905 to 1911, in Ruse until the family moved to England. In 1912 his father died suddenly, and his mother moved with their children to Vienna in the same year. They lived in Vienna from the time Canetti was aged seven onwards. His mother insisted that he speak German, and taught it to him. By this time Canetti already spoke Ladino (his mother tongue), Bulgarian, English and some French (he studied the latter two in the one year in England). Subsequently the family moved first (from 1916 to 1921) to Zürich and then (until 1924) to Frankfurt, where Canetti graduated from high school.
Canetti went back to Vienna in 1924 in order to study chemistry. However, his primary interests during his years in Vienna became philosophy and literature. Introduced into the literary circles of first-republic-Vienna, he started writing. Politically leaning towards the left, he participated in the July Revolt of 1927. He gained a degree in chemistry from the University of Vienna in 1929, but never worked as a chemist. In 1934 he married Veza (Venetiana) Taubner-Calderon (1897–1963) with whom he had a dynamic relationship. She acted as his muse and devoted literary assistant. Canetti however remained open to relationships with other women. In 1938, after the Anschluss of Austria to greater Germany, Canetti moved to London where he became closely involved with the painter Marie-Louise von Motesiczky, who was to remain a close companion for many years to come. His name has also been linked with that of the author Iris Murdoch (see John Bayley's Iris, A Memoir of Iris Murdoch, where there are several references to an author, referred to as "the Dichter", who was a Nobel Laureate and whose works included Die Blendung [English title Auto-da-Fé]). Canetti's wife died in 1963. His second marriage was to Hera Buschor (1933–1988), with whom he had a daughter, Johanna (born 1972).
Despite being a German writer, Canetti settled and stayed in England until the 1970s, receiving British citizenship in 1952. For his last 20 years, Canetti mostly lived in Zürich.

Canetti's tomb-stone in Zürich, Switzerland
In 1981, Canetti won the Nobel Prize in Literature "for writings marked by a broad outlook, a wealth of ideas and artistic power". He is known chiefly for his celebrated tetralogy of autobiographical memoirs of his childhood and of pre-Anschluss Vienna (Die Gerettete Zunge; Die Fackel im Ohr; Das Augenspiel; and Das Geheimherz der Uhr: Aufzeichnungen), for his modernist novel Auto-da-Fé (Die Blendung), and for Crowds and Power, a study of crowd behaviour as it manifests itself in human activities ranging from mob violence to religious congregations.
He died in Zürich.

Komödie der Eitelkeit 1934 (The Comedy of Vanity)
Die Blendung 1935 (Auto-da-Fé, novel, tr.1946)
Die Befristeten 1956 (1956 premiere of the play in Oxford) (Their Days are Numbered)
Masse und Macht 1960 (Crowds and Power, study, tr. 1962, published in Hamburg)
Aufzeichnungen 1942 - 1948 (1965) (Sketches)
Die Stimmen von Marrakesch 1968 published by Hanser in Munich (The Voices of Marrakesh, travelogue, tr. 1978)
Der andere Prozess 1969 Kafkas Briefe an Felice (Kafka's Other Trial, tr. 1974).
Hitler nach Speer (Essay)
Die Provinz des Menschen Aufzeichnungen 1942 - 1972 (The Human Province, tr. 1978)
Der Ohrenzeuge. Fünfzig Charaktere 1974 ("Ear Witness: Fifty Characters", tr. 1979).
Das Gewissen der Worte 1975. Essays (The Conscience of Words)
Die Gerettete Zunge 1977 (The Tongue Set Free, memoir, tr. 1979)
Die Fackel im Ohr 1980 Lebensgeschichte 1921 - 1931 (The Torch in My Ear, memoir, tr. 1982)
Das Augenspiel 1985 Lebensgeschichte 1931 - 1937 (The Play of the Eyes, memoir, tr. 1990)
Das Geheimherz der Uhr: Aufzeichnungen 1987 (The Secret Heart of the Clock, tr. 1989)
Die Fliegenpein (The Agony of Flies, 1992)
Nachträge aus Hampstead (Notes from Hampstead, 1994)
The Voices of Marrakesh (published posthumously, Arion Press 2001, with photographs by Karl Bissinger and etchings by William T. Wiley )
Party im Blitz; Die englischen Jahre 2003 (Party in the Blitz, memoir, published posthumously, tr. 2005)
Aufzeichnungen für Marie-Louise (written 1942, compiled and published posthumously, 2005)

Canetti Peak, Antarctica
1981, Nobel Prize in Literature
Canetti Peak on Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica is named after him.
Austrian Decoration for Science and Art

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