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威廉·豪夫 Wilhelm Hauff
德國 德意志邦聯  (1802年十一月29日1827年十一月18日)

短篇小說 novella《年輕的英國人》

閱讀威廉·豪夫 Wilhelm Hauff在小说之家的作品!!!
  威廉·豪夫(Wilhelm Hauff):世界最著名的童話作傢之一,其作品帶有明顯的諷世意味。亦是德國十九世紀著名的小說傢和詩人,在德國文學史上是個彗星似的人物。他生於1802年11月29日,1824年在神學院畢業後,當了家庭教師,同時也為孩子們寫童話,這樣開始了他的創作生涯。1827年11月18日,他因病逝世,年僅25歲。他的作品大都是他逝世前一兩年寫成的,主要有長篇小說《列希登斯泰因》(1826)、《藝術橋畔的女乞丐》(1826)、《皇帝的畫像》(1827)等。在他的整個創作中,童話創作占有重要地位,並使他舉世聞名。他的童話被譯成多種文字,在世界各地廣為流傳。

  Wilhelm Hauff (November 29, 1802 – November 18, 1827) was a German poet and novelist.
  Early life
  Wilhelm Hauff was born in Stuttgart, the son of August Friedrich Hauff, a secretary in the ministry of foreign affairs, and Hedwig Wilhelmine Elsaesser Hauff. He was the second of four children.
  Young Hauff lost his father when he was seven years old, and his early education was practically self-gained in the library of his maternal grandfather at Tübingen, where his mother had moved after the death of her husband. In 1818 he was sent to the Klosterschule at Blaubeuren, and in 1820 began to study at the University of Tübingen. In four years he completed his philosophical and theological studies at the Tübinger Stift.
  On leaving the university, Hauff became tutor to the children of the famous Württemberg minister of war, General Baron Ernst Eugen von Hugel (1774–1849), and for them wrote his Märchen (fairy tales), which he published in his Märchen almanach auf das Jahr 1826 (Fairytale Almanac of 1826). Some of these stories are very popular in German-speaking countries to this day, such as "Der kleine Muck" ("The History of Little Mook"), "Kalif Storch" ("Caliph Stork") and "Die Geschichte von dem Gespensterschiff" ("The Tale of the Ghost Ship") — all set in the Orient and "Der Zwerg Nase" ("Dwarf Long-Nose"), "Das kalte Herz" ("The Cold Heart") and "Das Wirtshaus im Spessart" ("The Inn in the Spessart"), set in Germany.
  While there, he also wrote the first part of the Mitteilungen aus den Memoiren des Satan (Memoirs of Beelzebub) (1826) and Der Mann im Mond (The Man in the Moon) (1825). The latter, a parody of the sentimental and sensual novels of Heinrich Clauren (the pseudonym of Karl Gottlieb Samuel Heun) (1771–1854), became in the course of composition, a close imitation of that author's style and was actually published under his name. As a result, Clauren brought and won an action for damages against Hauff, whereupon Hauff followed up the attack in his witty and sarcastic Kontroverspredigt über H. Clauren und den Mann im Mond (1826) and attained his original object: the moral annihilation of the mawkish and unhealthy literature with which Clauren was flooding the country.
  Meanwhile, inspired by Sir Walter Scott's novels, Hauff wrote the historical romance Lichtenstein: Romantische Sage aus der wuerttembergischen Geschichte (Lichtenstein: Romantic Saga from the History of Württemberg) (1826), which became hugely popular in Germany and especially in Swabia, treating as it did the most interesting period in the history of that country, the reign of Duke Ulrich (1487–1550). This novel was the inspiration for Duke Ulrich's heir, Duke Wilhelm of Urach, to rebuild the castle, which had fallen into disrepair, in accordance with Hauff's description.
  While on a journey to France, the Netherlands, and northern Germany he wrote the second part of the Memoiren des Satan and some short novels, among them the charming Die Bettlerin vom Pont des Arts (The True Lover's Fortune; or, the Beggar of the Pont des Arts) (1826) and his masterpiece, the novella Phantasien im Bremer Ratskeller (The Wine-Ghosts of Bremen) (1827). He also published some short poems, which have passed into Volkslieder, among them "Morgenrot, Morgenrot, leuchtest mir zum frühen Tod?" ("Dawn's light, you are lighting my way to early death") and "Steh ich in finstrer Mitternacht" ("I stand in the darkest midnight"). The novella Jud Süß was published in 1827.
  In January 1827, Hauff undertook the editorship of the Stuttgart Morgenblatt and in the following month married his cousin Luise Hauff, but his happiness was prematurely cut short by his death from fever on 18 November 1827.
  Considering his brief life, Hauff was an extraordinarily prolific writer. The freshness and originality of his talent, his inventiveness, and his genial humour have won him a high place among the southern German prose writers of the early nineteenth century.
  [edit]See also
  Little Longnose, a 2003 Russian animated feature based on one of his stories.
  Geschichte vom kleinen Muck, a 1953 film.
  Sämtliche Werke, with a biography, edited by Gustav Schwab (3 vols, 1830–1834; 5 vols, 18th ed., 1882), and by Felix Bobertag (1891–1897)
  Selection by M. Mendheim (3 vols, 1891).
  J. Klaiber, Wilhelm Hauff, ein Lebensbild (1881)
  M. Mendheim, Hauffs Leben und Werke (1894)
  H. Hofmann, W. Hauff (1902).

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