加拿大 世界大戰和冷戰
露西·蒙格瑪麗(Lucy Maud Montgomery,1874~1942)1874年11月30日出生在加拿大的愛德華王子島上,她在30歲時創作的《緑山墻的安妮》,出版後很快成了暢銷書,一年中重印6次,第二年英國版也印刷了15次。千百萬崇拜者的信如雪片般飛到愛德華王子島的女作傢傢中,希望知道“小安妮後來怎麽樣了?”有趣的是,大文豪馬剋·吐溫的文字也擠在成堆的信件中,他晚年虛弱凄涼,安妮的故事照亮了他的苦境,他激動快樂地寫道:“安妮是繼不朽的愛麗絲(指《愛麗絲漫遊奇境記》的主人公)之後最令人感動和喜愛的兒童形象。”在馬剋·吐溫的鼓勵下,女作傢又連寫了另6部小說:《少女安妮》,寫安妮在家乡生氣勃勃地做小學教師;《女大學生安妮》寫安妮在大學讀學士學位,經歷交友、戀愛;《風吹白楊的安妮》,以安妮給未婚夫寫信的方式,敘述她大學畢業後任中學校長的多彩故事;《夢中小屋的安妮》,寫安妮開始了婚姻生活,依然對一切充滿愛心和好奇;《溫馨壁爐山莊的安妮》,書中的安妮操持着一個6個孩子的大家庭。至此,她纔真正成熟了;《彩虹幽𠔌》,在這裏,孩子們長大了,安妮給他們熱情、歡樂、愛的教育。安妮係列在問世後不久就被改編為各種版本的電影和電視播出。蒙格瑪麗後來又寫過許多其它作品,卻始終未能取得安妮所帶給她的那種巨大的成功。1942年4月24日作者在多倫多去世。
Lucy Maud Montgomery CBE (November 30, 1874 – April 24, 1942), (called "Maud" by family and friends) and publicly known as L.M. Montgomery was a Canadian author, best known for a series of novels beginning with Anne of Green Gables, published in 1908.
Once published, Anne of Green Gables was an immediate success. The central character, Anne, an orphaned girl, made Montgomery famous in her lifetime and gave her an international following. The first novel was followed by a series of sequels with Anne as the central character. The novels became the basis for the highly acclaimed 1985 CBC television miniseries, Anne of Green Gables and several other television movies and programs, including Road to Avonlea, which ran in Canada and the U.S. from 1990-1996.