首页>> 文学论坛>> 乡土风情>> 露西·蒙格玛丽 Lucy Maud Montgomery   加拿大 Canada   世界大战和冷战   (1874年11月30日1942年4月24日)
红头发安妮 Anne of Green Gables
  加拿大女作家露西· 蒙格玛丽创作了一套“安妮系列小说”,《红头发安妮》是这个系列的第一部。这部小说被译成几十种文字在世界各地出版,发行量达到八百多万册。根据这部小说拍摄的电视剧曾经风靡西方国家,“红头发安妮”也成为全世界青少年最喜爱的少女形象。

  Anne of Green Gables is a bestselling novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery published in 1908. It was written as fiction for readers of all ages, but in recent decades has been considered a children's book. Montgomery found her inspiration for the book on an old piece of paper that she had written at a young age, describing a couple that were mistakenly sent an orphan girl instead of a boy, yet decided to keep her. Montgomery also drew upon her own childhood experiences in rural Prince Edward Island. Montgomery used a photograph of Evelyn Nesbit, which she had clipped from New York’s Metropolitan Magazine, and pasted the framed clipping on the wall of her bedroom, as the model for the face of Anne Shirley, the book's main character.
  Montgomery also found inspiration in the "formula Ann" orphan stories, the Anns without the e. Other characters, like Gilbert Blythe, were modeled, in part, on real-life characters. Montgomery wrote the novel in the twilight of the day, sitting at her window and overlooking the fields of Cavendish.
  Since publication, Anne of Green Gables has sold more than 50 million books. In addition, this book is taught to students around the world.
  Plot summary
  Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert, brother and sister who live together at Green Gables, a farm in the village of Avonlea, on Prince Edward Island in Canada, decide to adopt a boy from an orphan asylum in Nova Scotia as a helper on their farm. Through a series of mishaps, the person who ends up under their roof is a precocious girl of eleven named Anne Shirley. Anne is bright and quick, eager to please and talkative, but dissatisfied with her name, her pale countenance dotted with freckles, and with her long braids of red hair. Although wishing she was named Cordelia, she insists that if you are to call her Anne, it must be spelt with an 'E', as it is "so much more distinguished." Being a child of imagination, however, Anne takes much joy in life, and adapts quickly, thriving in the environment of Prince Edward Island. She is something of a chatterbox, and drives the prim, duty-driven Marilla to distraction, although shy Matthew falls for her immediately.
  The rest of the book recounts her continued education at school, where she excels in studies very quickly, her budding literary ambitions and her friendships with people such as Diana Barry (her best friend, "bosom friend" as Anne fondly calls her), Jane Andrews, Ruby Gillis, and her rivalry with Gilbert Blythe, who teases her about her red hair and for that earns her hatred, although he apologizes many times. Anne and Gilbert compete in class and Anne one day realizes she no longer hates Gilbert, but will not admit it; at the end of the book, they both become very good friends.
  The book also follows her misadventures in quiet, old-fashioned Avonlea. These adventures include her games with her friends (Diana, Jane and Ruby), her rivalries with the Pye sisters (Gertie and Josie) and her domestic mistakes such as dyeing her hair green or accidentally getting Diana drunk (by giving her what she thinks is raspberry cordial but is actually red wine). Anne, along with Gilbert, Ruby, Josie, Jane and several other students, eventually go to the Queen's Academy and obtains a teaching license in one year, in addition to winning the Avery Prize in English, which allows her to pursue a B.A. at Redmond College.
  The book ends with Matthew's death, caused by a heart attack after learning of the loss of all his and Marilla's money. Anne shows her devotion to Marilla and Green Gables by giving up the Avery Prize, deciding to stay at home and help Marilla, whose eyesight is diminishing, and teaching at the Carmody school, the nearest school available. To show his friendship, Gilbert Blythe gives up his teaching position in the Avonlea School to work at White Sands School instead, thus enabling Anne to teach at the Avonlea School and stay at Green Gables all through the week. After this kind act, Anne and Gilbert become friends, and Anne is proud of following the "bend in the road."
  Anne Shirley - An imaginative, red-headed orphan who comes to live with Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, unmarried siblings.
  Marilla Cuthbert - A crisp, practical, no-nonsense woman who doesn't approve of Anne's wild imagination although she does grow to love the orphan. Her sense of humor develops greatly upon Anne's arrival and Mrs. Lynde states that she became "mellow".
  Matthew Cuthbert - Marilla's brother, a shy, awkward man who takes a liking to Anne from the start. The two become fast friends but he dies of a heart attack in the end.
  Diana Barry - A bosom friend of Anne, Anne's kindred spirit. Anne and Diana become best friends from the moment they meet. She is the only little girl who lives close to Green Gables. While Anne does not think Diana is very imaginative, Diana is noted for being pretty, merry and very amiable. She doesn't really have an imagination.
  Gilbert Blythe - Anne's enemy from pulling her hair and calling her "Carrots". Even though Gilbert apologizes shortly after the incident, Anne remains scornful toward him for a few years but Gilbert never abandons his quest for her friendship as he is in love with her. Anne forgives Gilbert by the end of the book and the two become friends - and eventually marry in a later book in the series, "Anne's House of Dreams".
  Rachel Lynde - A neighbor of Matthew and Marilla and the nosiest person in town. Although she did not take a liking to Anne in the beginning, she soon warms to the freckled faced orphan. She is incredibly industrious, helpful and loves doing work for the church. She is married, but her husband, Thomas Lynde, is only mentioned on a few brief occasions, and never speaks.
  Miss Muriel Stacy - Anne's new teacher. Miss Stacy is truly a mentor to Anne. Miss Stacy worked hard to be accepted by Avonlea, as her teaching methods were new.
  Josie Pye - Anne's sometimes friend, sometimes rival, and classmate. She is vain and generally disliked by the girls of Avonlea like all the other Pyes. Her younger sister is Gertie Pye. Josie is to some extent a minor character, but one episode she appears in is very important- Anne breaks her ankle whilst walking the ridge-pole of the Barrys' kitchen roof, after being dared to do so by Josie.
  Jane Andrews - One of Anne's friends whom she is very fond of, although Diana remains her closest friend. Jane is described as rather staid, plain and with very little imagination. Like Josie, she is a minor character- her most significant role is probably the episode where Anne and her friends dramatise a poem they have been studying at college.
  Ruby Gillis - Another one of Anne's friends. Ruby is flirtatious and always discussing beaux. She is portrayed as pretty with long, golden hair and an imagination like Anne's. Ruby loves getting the attention of the boys but dies in the third book "Anne of The Island", after finding her one true love. Ruby plays a minor role in "Anne of Green Gables".
  Reverend and Mrs. Allan - The minister and his wife, two friends for Anne. Mrs. Allan becomes one of Anne's best friends.
  Minnie May Barry - Diana's even plumper younger sister. She tags along and plays a pivotal role when she gets croup and Anne nurses her.
  Mr. & Mrs. Barry - Diana & Minnie's parents. Mr. Barry also farms, and offers to rent some tracts near the end to help out Anne & Marilla. Mrs. Barry has a severe personality, expecting her children to follow strict and sometimes unreasonable rules. She's quick to condemn Anne for mistakes.
  Miss Josephine Barry - Diana's aunt. Initially a malevolent character, but is charmed by Anne's imagination, and eventually invites her out to tea, and sends her a very expensive Christmas present.
  Mr. Phillips - Anne's first teacher at Avonlea, whom she despises (he spelled Anne's name without an 'E', among other things). She actually refuses to attend school for a long time, after Mr. Phillips humiliated her by punishing her and only her when a dozen pupils arrive late, and by making her sit with Gilbert Blythe. Mr. Philips is not a competent teacher, as Mrs. Lynde admits. He has no discipline, and is courting one of his pupils.
  Montgomery continued the story of Anne Shirley in a series of sequels, and they are listed in the order of Anne's age in each of the novels.
  Lucy Maud Montgomery's books on Anne Shirley # Book Date published Anne Shirley's age
  1 Anne of Green Gables 1908 11—16
  2 Anne of Avonlea 1909 16—18
  3 Anne of the Island 1915 18—22
  4 Anne of Windy Poplars (US&Canada)
  Anne of Windy Willows (Other) 1936 22—25
  5 Anne's House of Dreams 1917 25—27
  6 Anne of Ingleside 1939 34—40
  7 Rainbow Valley 1919 41
  8 Rilla of Ingleside 1921 49—53
  9 The Blythes Are Quoted 2009 (Completed shortly before Montgomery's death in 1942) —
  Related books in which Anne Shirley plays a lesser part
  # Book Date published Anne Shirley's age
  — Chronicles of Avonlea 1912 —
  — Further Chronicles of Avonlea 1920 —
  The prequel of Anne of Green Gables was written by Budge Wilson, with authorization of heirs of L. M. Montgomery.
  Budge Wilson's books on Anne Shirley # Book Date published Anne Shirley's age
  — Before Green Gables 2008 0—11
  The history of Anne of Green Gables was written by Irene Gammel, with authorization of heirs of L. M. Montgomery.
  Irene Gammel's books on Anne Shirley # Book Date published Anne Shirley's age
  — Looking for Anne of Green Gables: The Story of L.M. Montgomery and her Literary Classic 2008 0—40
  The Green Gables farmhouse located in Cavendish
  Sign marking trail through Balsam Hollow
  The Green Gables farmhouse from which Montgomery drew her inspiration is located in Cavendish, Prince Edward Island. Many tourist attractions on Prince Edward Island have been developed based on Anne, and provincial licence plates once bore her image.
  Balsam Hollow and the forest that inspired the Haunted Woods described in the book are also located in the vicinity. Each summer, the musicals Anne of Green Gables and Anne & Gilbert are performed at theatres in Prince Edward Island.
  The popularity of Anne has extended into many countries and Anne of Green Gables has been translated into 36 languages. Tourism by Anne fans is an important part of the Island economy. The novel is very popular in Japan, where it has been on the school curriculum since 1952 and Anne is revered as "an icon." Many Japanese couples have wedding ceremonies on the grounds of the Green Gables farm and some girls arrive with red-dyed hair and pigtails, to look like Anne.
  Bala's Museum With Memories Of Lucy Maud Montgomery located in Bala, Ontario, Canada, is dedicated to Montgomery information and heritage, located in the former home of Fanny Pike where Montgomery and her family stayed for a vacation in 1922. She based her novel The Blue Castle on the region, changing the town's name to Deerwood, the only book she wrote not to be set in Atlantic Canada.
  In 2008 Canada Post issued a two postage stamps and a souvenir sheet honoring Anne and the "Green Gables" house.
  Panorama of Green Gable farmhouse
   * 1919: Anne of Green Gables - a silent film adapted to the screen by Frances Marion, it was directed by William Desmond Taylor and starred Mary Miles Minter as Anne. This is considered a lost film.
   * 1934: Anne of Green Gables - directed by George Nichols Jr., this Black & White version was made with RCA Victor sound and starred Dawn O'Day as Anne. It is worth noting that after filming, O'Day changed her screen name to Anne Shirley.
  Television movies
   * 1956: Anne of Green Gables - made for television, this version directed by Don Harron starred Toby Tarnow as Anne.
   * 1972: Anne of Green Gables - a made for television 5-part mini-series, this British version was directed by Joan Craft with Kim Braden in the role of Anne.
   * 1975: Anne of Avonlea - a made for television 4-part mini-series, this British version was directed by Joan Craft with Kim Braden in the role of Anne.
   * 1985: Anne of Green Gables - a highly acclaimed made for television (CBC) 4 hour television mini series, it was directed by Kevin Sullivan with Megan Follows as Anne.
   * 1987: Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel, a sequel to the 1985 miniseries which aired on the Disney Channel as Anne of Avonlea: The Continuing Story of Anne of Green Gables.
   * 2000: Anne of Green Gables: The Continuing Story was a television miniseries whose script was very loosely based upon the novels.
   * 2009: Anne of Green Gables: A New Beginning is a television miniseries whose script is not based upon the novels.
  Television series
  Anne as she appeared in the 1979 Japanese anime adaptation of Anne of Green Gables.
  Anne of Green Gables: The Animated Series
   * 1979: Akage no An ("Red-Haired Anne") - an animated television series, part of Nippon Animation's World Masterpiece Theater, which was produced in Japan in 1979, directed by Isao Takahata.
   * 1990 - 1996: Road to Avonlea - a live action television show produced by Kevin Sullivan based upon characters and episodes from several of L.M. Montgomery's books. Anne herself did not appear in the TV series, but Gilbert Blythe, Marilla Cuthbert, and other characters from the Anne books are included. Shown on The Disney Channel in the U.S. under the title Avonlea.
   * 2000: Anne: The Animated Series - a PBS animated series for preschoolers airing on PBS, created by Sullivan Entertainment Inc..
   * 2009: Kon'nichiwa Anne 〜 Before Green Gables - part of the World Masterpiece Theater.
  Opening the summer of 2008, Adam-Michael James' The Nine Lives of L.M. Montgomery was set in Georgetown, PEI staged at the Kings Playhouse. This musical is based upon Lucy Maud Montgomery, the author of the popular Anne of Green Gables. It depicts true events that happened in L.M. Montgomery's life and ties them in with her fictional world of Anne and Gilbert. Emmy-nominated composer Leo Marchildon composed this work with precision. The production was nominated for the PEI museum and Heritage Foundation's Wendell Boyle's award. It is set to take its second run on the 11th of July 2009 at the Carrefour Isle-de-Saint-Jean theater in Charlottetown, PEI this summer.
  The Confederation Centre of the Arts' annual "Charlottetown Festival" headlines Canada's longest-running main stage musical production Anne of Green Gables - The Musical. This show has run every summer since the Centre opened in 1964 has played to over 2 million viewers. Anne of Green Gables - The Musical was composed by Canadian theatrical legends Don Harron and Norman Campbell, with lyrics by Elaine Campbell and Mavor Moore. The production has played to Queen Elizabeth II and has also toured across Canada, the United States, and Europe. Festival Artistic Director Walter Learning directed and organized a successful national tour of Japan in 1991. The musical also had a run in London's West End in 1969.
  The Harbourfront Jubilee Theatre in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, hosts Anne and Gilbert, The Musical. Written by Nancy White, Bob Johnston and Jeff Hochhauser, the production is based on Montgomery's sequel novels to Anne of Green Gables.
  Theatreworks USA, a New York based children's theatre company, is currently casting their Anne of Green Gables musical, which premiered at the Lortel Theatre in 2006. The production will tour grade-schools, and features musical contributions from Gretchen Cryer.
  The Peterborough Players, based in Peterborough, New Hampshire, staged an adaptation of Anne of Green Gables in August 2009 adapted by Joseph Robinette.
  As one of the most famous characters in Canadian literature, Anne of Green Gables has been parodied by several Canadian comedy troupes, including CODCO (Anne of Green Gut) and The Frantics (Fran of the Fundy). Megan Follows also appeared on Made in Canada as Mandy Forward, the star of Pyramid Prodigy Productions' Adele of Beaver Creek series who discovered that the company was secretly producing an Adele of Beaver Creek porn knockoff.
  In response to massive funding cuts to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation during the later tenure of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, the Vancouver-based political satire duo Double Exposure noted the effects of the budget cuts on CBC Television productions were so severe that several prominent fictional Canadian characters were being sent out to raise funds independently. There followed the sound of a doorbell, and the words: "([ding-dong]) Anne of Avon calling!"
  加拿大女作家露西·蒙格玛丽创作了一套“安妮系列小说”,《红头发安妮》 是这个系列的第一部。这部小说被译成几十种文字在世界各地出版,发行量达到八 百多万册。根据这部小说拍摄的电视剧曾经风靡西方国家,“红头发安妮”也成为 全世界青少年最喜爱的少女形象。
   安妮是一个父母双亡的孤儿,长了一头红发,脸上还有不少雀斑。在小说开始, 绿山墙农舍的马歇和玛里拉兄妹想领养一个男孩,以便将来帮助年老的他们干点活, 不想阴差阳错,领回来一个不好看的女孩,差点给退了回去。由此可见安妮的处境, 但是安妮是一个在任何境遇下都不放弃自己的梦想和希望的女孩。她自尊自强,通 过自己的努力,不但得到马歇和玛里拉的喜爱,而且也赢得了老师同学和周围人的 敬重和友谊。在这部小说里,安妮的个性被刻画得极其鲜明。她纯洁、正直、倔强、 感情丰富,还非常喜欢说话,对于大自然的美有着敏锐的感受力。更有意思的是, 她的想像力极为丰富,她能够把眼前的事物想像得美好而富有诗意。但这些想像有 时又闹出一连串的笑话,使得绿山墙农舍的故事妙趣横生。
   在这部小说中,美丽的爱德华王子岛、绿山墙农舍以及周围的自然景色,不论 是花草树木,还是小溪流水,都被作者通过主人公的眼睛和心灵描绘得美丽动人, 它们随着季节的变换不断变幻,五光十色,多姿多彩,令人神往。以至到了今天, 安妮生活过的那个爱德华王子岛的绿山墙农舍成了一个闻名遐迩的旅游景点。
   小说中感人至深的是人物美好的心灵。马歇和玛里拉都是极其平凡的普通人, 他们一个沉默寡言,一个严厉苛刻,但都有着金子一般的心,他们把爱埋藏在心灵 深处,默默抚育着安妮这个孤儿,使她长大成人。安妮以优异的成绩从专科学校毕 业,并获得了进入大学深造的奖学金。然而,正在这时马歇去世了,玛里拉几近失 明,为了陪伴和照顾孤独的玛里拉,安妮毅然放弃了上大学的机会,留下来当一个 乡村小学教师。安妮的同学吉尔伯特·布莱恩因为骂过她“红发鬼”,一直得不到 安妮的原谅。但是当他们一同以优异成绩毕业时,为了让安妮能够就近照料玛里拉, 吉尔伯特把已经联系好的本地学校的教师职位让给了安妮,自己去离家远得多的地 方去当教师,并因此要支付好些额外的费用。这些人物的美好心灵,在作品中得到 了富于感染力的表现,使人难以忘怀。
   作者行云流水般流畅的语言和幽默的笔调,使读者快乐地欣赏着安妮的世界, 和她同喜同忧,并与她一起去向往未来的梦。
第一章 林德夫人的疑惑
  雷切尔·林德的家就在亚邦里村沿街的一片小洼地里。四周长满了梢树和野生 花草,往里走是卡斯巴特家古老的农场,自农场背后树林中流淌出来的小河,就从 这片小洼地上横穿而过。
   小河上游水流湍急,从树林中蜿蜒交汇而下,形成了许许多多鲜为人知的深渊 和小瀑布。不过,当小河历尽曲折,流到林德家门前时,早已变成了一条安静、乖 顺的小河了。
   也许是从雷切尔·林德家的门前穿过的缘故吧,即便是秉性顽皮的小河也一点 不敢大声喧哗了。雷切尔·林德常常端坐在窗前,监视那外面的世界。从小河到孩 子,只要是从她眼前经过的东西,一个也不会被她漏掉。
   若是目睹到什么奇怪的事情,不弄个水落石出,她就会一直守在那里,这个脾 气,可能连小河也都一清二楚吧。
   亚邦里人大多都有一副助人为乐的热心肠。而林德夫人不仅具备这种美德,自 己的事情也做得相当出色。论起做家务来,她可以说是得心应手,头头是道,干净 利落。这且不算,她还指挥着一个裁缝小组,协助着礼拜日学校的工作。另外,她 还是教会妇女团体和外国传道互助会最得力的于将之一。
   尤其值得一提的是,林德夫人竟能一连几个小时地坐在厨房的窗前,一边把目 光越过洼地,监视着对面那条通向陡峭的红色丘岗上的街道;一边飞针走线地缝做 木棉被子。最多的一次竟一气缝做了16床被子。因此,林德夫人在亚邦里村的主妇 中间名望很高。
   亚邦里村位于一个伸入圣·劳伦斯湾的小三角形半岛上,三面环海,因而人们 出入都得从丘岗上的街道经过。也就是说,谁也逃脱不过林德夫人那双敏锐的眼睛。
   六月初的一个下午,林德夫人又和往常一样,坐到了窗前。和煦的阳光从窗外 照洒进来,显得格外明亮。在林德家下面斜坡上的果树园里,盛开着浅粉的花。伴 随着“嗡、嗡”的振翅声,蜜蜂们正成群结队地在花丛中上下飞舞着。托马斯·林 德,一个身材短小、老实厚道的男人(亚邦里的人们都称他为“雷切尔·林德的尊 掌柜”)正在小仓房对面的丘岗上种着晚播的芜菁。
   雷切尔·林德猜想,此时此刻,马歇·卡斯巴特也一定在那片绿意葱葱的人字 形屋顶一般的靠河沿宽阔的红土地里,干着同样的活儿吧。因为前一天傍晚,在卡 摩迪的威利阿姆·布莱亚的店里,她曾听见马歇对皮特·莫里森说过,要在第二天 午后种芜菁。马歇·卡斯巴特可是个决不同比自己强的人主动搭话的人,所以,这 当然是他回答皮特的问话了。
   是什么缘故呢?按理说下午三点半左右正是人们忙忙碌碌的时候。可是,马歇 ·卡斯巴特却不慌不忙地走下洼地,而不是翻过丘岗呢?从他身上穿着的最上等的 带有白领的礼服看,肯定是有事要离开亚邦里村,还赶着马车,准保是要到很远很 远的地方去。究竟马歇·卡斯巴特要到哪里去呢?去干什么呢?
   如果是换了别人的话,雷切尔只要脑子稍微一转,便会轻松地得出正确的答案。 而马歇出门,肯定是有相当紧迫的事情要做。马歇这个人性格内向,最讨厌与陌生 人相会或者是到某个不得不说话的地方去。所以,在林德夫人看来,他今天身穿白 领礼服赶着马车出远门,真像太阳从西边出来了。
   雷切尔·林德绞尽脑汁,冥思苦想,却怎么也不得要领。午后至今好不容易转 好的情绪又变得一团糟了。
   “喝完茶我便到格林·盖布鲁兹走一趟,看来,这件事要弄个水落石出,非得 去问玛里拉不可了。”这个女强人暗下决心,默默地点了点头。
   “眼下这时候没有人进城,马歇决不可能到谁那儿去玩的。假如是芜菁种子不 够的话,又何必身穿礼服,刻意打扮后,坐着马车去弄呢?若是去请大夫,为何又 那么不慌不忙,神态自若呢?所以一定是昨晚到今天这段时间里发生了什么事情, 而我竟一点儿也不知道。不把事情原委弄清楚,我一时一刻也安稳不了!唉。”
   就为这事儿,下午喝完了茶,雷切尔·林德便出了门。这里离卡斯巴特兄妹所 住的格林·盖布鲁兹并不太远,那幢掩映在果树园中的特别宽敞的房子离林德家的 洼地仅有四分之一英里。因为房舍距街道太远,所以不得不另开辟了一条很长的直 通屋门的小路。
   马歇·卡斯巴特的父亲是个比儿子还要腼腆内向的老实人。当年开垦这个农场 时,虽说没能隐居在树林里,却也尽可能地选择了这块远离邻人的僻静之地,营造 了自己的窝。格林·盖布鲁兹位于开垦区的最偏僻处。从亚邦里那些鳞次栉比的住 宅区街道甚至望不到它,用雷切尔·林德的话说,人住在这种地方,根本算不上是 生活。
   “唉,住在这种地方只能算是活着吧,真是的。”林德夫人沿着两边长满了野 蔷蔽的坑坑洼洼的小路,一边走一边嘟囔着,“照这样闭门不出,马歇和玛里拉非 变成怪人不可,树就是再多,也不能和人闲聊呀。确实,这儿的树是不少,不过, 我看还是人比树强。这两个人虽然看上去生活得很满足,那只不过是习惯了罢了。 真好像是勒住了脖子还不在乎的爱尔兰人。人哪,真了不起,什么都能适应!”
   刚嘟囔到这儿,林德夫人已经从小路走进了格林·盖布鲁兹的后院。院子里一 片葱绿,收拾得整整齐齐。一侧栽着柳树,另一侧则排立着笔直的白杨。地上干净 得连一块碎石、一根树枝都找不到。如果有,自然也逃不过林德夫人那双敏锐的眼 睛。她猜测,玛里拉·卡斯巴特准是频繁地出入这所院子,即便是把饭菜摆在地上 吃,也不会挑出一粒砂子的。
   雷切尔·林德用力敲了敲厨房的门,随着一声“请进”她迈步走了进去。格林 ·盖布鲁兹的厨房干净得简直过了头,如同崭新的客厅一般,让人有一种冷漠疏远 的感觉。倘若不弄得这般干净,或许会是个更加充满情趣的房间。
   房间的东、西两面都有窗户。从面朝后院的西窗透射进来一抹六月温暖的阳光。 东窗上爬满了常春藤,左侧的果树园里,盛开着白色的樱花。生长在小河边洼地上 的桦树叶在风中轻盈地摆动着。
   生来勤快的玛里拉,经常喜欢端坐在爬满常春藤的东窗边,晒晒太阳。果然, 玛里拉今天依旧照例地坐在那里,边沐浴着夕阳,边织着东西。里面的桌子上摆着 早已准备好了的点心。
   林德夫人随手关门时顺便扫了一眼桌子,但见上面摆放着三个碟子。显然,是 马歇要带什么人来。不过,碟内装盛着的都是些普通点心,有果脯、野生苹果和一 种水点心。看来客人也不会是什么特别的客人。那么,马歇的白领礼服和马车又是 怎么回事呢?平时一向平静,并非那么神秘的格林·盖布鲁兹,今天到底是怎么了? 雷切尔·林德百思不得其解地转起了眼珠。
   “晚上好,雷切尔。”玛里拉快活地招呼说,“今天心情真好啊!是借了您的 光吧?府上各位都好吗?”
   玛里拉和雷切尔是两种不同类型的人。不过也许性格相反,反而更容易相处, 两个人从很早以前就保持着一种近似友情的关系。
   玛里拉个头很高,干瘦,满头的花发被络成一个发髻,用两只发卡别在脑后。 显示出一种事事缺乏经验,头脑僵硬的味道。事实上也确实如此,幸亏嘴边的那几 分幽默表情才算挽救了她。
   “托您的福,谢谢了。”林德夫人说道,“话提起来了,我对府上的状况也是 很挂念的呀。刚才我瞧见马歇出门了,是不是谁生病要请大夫呀?”
   玛里拉的嘴角不自觉地抽动了一下,没料到雷切尔果真来了。“没有哇,我身 体一直很好,只是昨天有点头痛。”玛里拉说道,“他是去布莱特·里巴了。我们 哪,打算从诺巴斯科西亚的孤儿院里领养一个男孩儿,那个男孩儿今天晚上就坐火 车来。”
   就是闻听到马歇迎接来自澳大利亚的袋鼠,都不会令林德夫人感到如此吃惊。 她怔在那里呆呆地半天都没说出话来。连玛里拉在看她,她都没觉察到,心里只是 想着这件事。
   “当然是真的了。”玛里拉回答道,“只不过是从诺巴斯科西亚的孤儿院领养 一个男孩儿罢了,有什么大惊小怪的。这不就和在农场里每年耕耘劳作差不多一样 普通吗?”
   林德夫人吃惊不小,脑海里涌现出来的话,全都带上了惊叹号。男孩儿!而且 是玛里拉和马歇兄妹领养男孩!从孤儿院领养!她心里暗想,“这个世界完全颠倒 过来了!不知道今后还会发生什么事情,自己可要有思想准备呀。唉,真是的!”
   “你们俩怎么会异想大开要这样做呢?”林德夫人责备道。她心想,“玛里拉 他们也不同自己商量一下就随便决定领养孤儿,自己责备他们也是理所应当的。”
   “怎么是异想天开呢?我们可是从很早以前就考虑这件事了,详细地说是在冬 天的时候。圣诞节前几天,亚历山大·斯文萨的妻子到我们家来做客时,曾说起过 春天时要从霍普丹的孤儿院领养一个女孩儿的事儿,她曾多次去过那所孤儿院,还 曾在那里住过,孤儿院里的事情她都了如指掌。
   “从那以后,我和马歇商量了好几次,总想领养一个男孩儿。哥哥已经60岁了, 以前那种精神头早就没了,心脏也不太好。而且如今这年头,想雇到一个好人也很 难哪,雇来的都是些笨蛋。好不容易找了几个半瓶子醋似的法国小毛孩子,可谁知, 等熬到他们熟悉了活计,却一甩手都不干了,不是去了罐头厂,就是跑到了美国。
   “开始,马歇主张从英国的孤儿院领养一个,我对此坚决反对。可他却说,英 国的孩子也有好的呀,不能说他们一个也不行。如果伦敦的流浪儿有好的,他就领 养一个。不过,说起领养,无论什么样的,都让人有些不放心,但加拿大出生的孤 儿性情既能摸得透,晚上又能让人放心地睡着。
   “结果,斯文萨夫人领养女孩时,我们也托她给物色一个,因此才引出了上面 那些话。我们希望找一个十岁左右,头脑聪明,较合适的男孩,年龄不那么正好也 行,只要能马上做一些简单的活计,以后再进行正规教育也不晚。我们打算好好培 养他,并送他上学。
   “今天邮差送来了斯文萨夫人打来的电报,说就坐今天下午五点半的火车到。 所以,马歇便去布莱特·里巴接站了,约好了在那儿下车。当然了,夫人就从那儿 回到怀特·桑德车站。”
   雷切尔·林德一向是想说什么就说什么。好不容易弄清了事情的原委之后,她 便直截了当、毫不客气地说道:“玛里拉,明确地说,我认为这件事可太危险了, 危险得都过了头了。根本无法预料斯文萨夫人会领来个什么样的孩子。就这样把个 来历不明的孩子接到这里来,他是什么样的性格,父母是什么样的人,他是怎么长 大的?一概都不知道呀。
   “就在上礼拜,报纸还登了一条消息,说岛西边的一对夫妇从孤儿院领养了一 个男孩。可那孩子却半夜放火,而且是故意的。天哪,是故意的!夫妇俩差一点儿 被烧死在睡梦中。另外告诉你呀,凡是领养的孩子都有喝生鸡蛋的陋习,怎么也改 不掉。你们要是和我商量了……唉,虽然没商量我也要坚决制止这件事!”
   “雷切尔,你说的也有道理,我并不是事事都放心,可马歇无论如何也要领养, 为了这件事,他整天心事重重的。看见他那难受的样子,我总觉得应该帮助他实现 自己的宿愿。
   “而且,虽说有危险,可什么事没有危险呢?要是那么说,连自己亲生的孩子 也有危险了,不见得每个孩子都是受过正规教育的。”
   “那么,但愿事情能地发展下去。”林德夫人以怀疑的口吻说,“谁知道 他会不会把格林·盖布鲁兹烧个净光呢?说不定还会往井里下毒药呢。听说在新布 兰兹维克,一个被收养的孤儿院的孩子就往井里下了毒药,整整一家子人都痛苦地 死掉了,而且好像是女孩子干的。”
   在玛里拉看来,投毒杀人不过是女性特有的行为,对男孩子则不必担心会做出 这等事来。
   “领养女孩儿,我们连做梦都没想过,不知亚历山大·斯文萨是怎么打算的。 像她那种人,一旦心血来潮,兴许会把整个孤儿院都收下。”
   林德夫人原打算一直等到马歇带孤儿回来后再走,可一算还要足足等上两个小 时。她转念一想,与其坐等到他们回来,还不如到罗伯特·贝尔家唠唠这件事更有 趣。这个消息一定会引起一场大轰动的。雷切尔平时就很喜欢搞个什么轰动效应开 开心。因此,雷切尔·林德便起身告辞了。玛里拉这才略微地松了一口气。回过头 来再品味一下林德夫人刚才说过的话,一种不安的感觉又涌上了心头。
   “简直太让人难以相信了!”林德夫人出了门一踏上小路便不由得脱口说道, “他们不是在做梦吧,还说是特别同情那个孩子。唉,马歇、玛里拉对养育孩子都 一无所知,那个孩子是否需要他们也值得怀疑。就凭这两个人,不见得孩子将来会 有什么出息。绝对!果真这样,一想到在格林·盖布鲁兹住着一个小孩子,该有多 糟糕啊!他们家盖房子时,马歇和玛里拉都已经长大成人了,怎么也想像不出他们 俩也曾有过童年,不管怎么样也不能让人相信,在他们的教育下,孩子会变好,我 敢打赌。真是可怜哪!”
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