法國 人物列錶
杜洛杜斯 杜洛 dos維庸 Francois Villon
杜·貝萊 Joachim du Bellay高乃依 Pierre Corneille
維剋多·雨果 Victor Hugo夏爾·波德萊爾 Charles Baudelaire
斯特芳·馬拉美 Stephane Mallarme魏爾倫 Paul-Marie Veriaine
洛特雷阿蒙 Comte de Lautréamont蘭波 Arthur Rimbaud
古爾蒙 Remy de Gourmont保爾-讓·圖萊 Paul-Jean Toulet
弗朗西斯·雅姆 Francis Jammes法爾格 Léon-Paul Fargue
剋洛岱爾 Paul Claudel保爾·瓦雷裏 Paul Valery
夏爾·佩吉 Charles Peguy蘇佩維埃爾 Jules Supervielle
布洛東 André Breton艾呂雅 Paul Eluard
阿波裏奈爾 Guillaume Apollinaire雅剋·普萊維爾 Jacques Prévert
阿拉貢 Louis Aragon保爾·福爾 Paul Fort
亨利·米修 Henri Michaux埃雷迪亞 José Maria de Heredia
阿爾托 Antonin Artaud勒韋迪 Pierre Reverdy
拜斯 Saint-John Perse普呂多姆 Sully Prudhomme
勒內·夏爾 René Char伊凡·哥爾 Yvan Goll
博斯凱 Alain Bosquet博納富瓦 Yves Bonnefoy
安德烈·保爾·吉約姆·紀德 André Paul Guillaume Gide繆塞 Alfred de Musset
弗裏德裏剋·米斯特拉爾 Frédéric Mistral
埃剋多·馬洛 Hector Malot
法國 法蘭西第三共和國  (1830年五月20日1907年七月17日)

兒童小說 Children's Story《苦兒流浪記 Nobody's boy》

閱讀埃剋多·馬洛 Hector Malot在小说之家的作品!!!
  埃剋多-馬洛(Hector Malot),1830-1907,法國作傢。

  Hector Malot (May 20, 1830 - July 17, 1907) was a French writer born in La Bouille, close to Rouen. He studied law in Rouen and Paris, but eventually literature became his passion. He worked as a dramatic critic for Lloyd Francais and as a literary critic for L'Opinion Nationale.
  His first book, published in 1859, was Les Amants. In total Malot wrote over 70 books. By far his most famous book is Sans Famille (Nobody's Boy, 1878), which deals with the travels of the young orphan Remi, who is sold to the streetmusician Vitalis at age 10. Sans Famille gained fame as a children's book, though it was not originally intended as such.
  He announced his retirement as an author of fiction in 1895, but in 1896 he returned with the novel L'amour Dominateur as well as the account of his literary life Le Roman de mes Romans (The Novel of my Novels).

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