法國 人物列錶
埃萊娜·格裏莫 Hélène Grimaud
小仲馬 Alexandre Dumas, fils
法國 十九世紀的法國  (1824年七月27日1895年十一月27日)

外國經典 outland bible《茶花女 The Lady of the Camellias》
西方戲劇 occident drama《茶花女》

閱讀小仲馬 Alexandre Dumas, fils在小说之家的作品!!!
閱讀小仲馬 Alexandre Dumas, fils在影视与戏剧的作品!!!

小亞歷山大·仲馬(法語:Alexandre Dumas fils法語發音:[alɛksɑ̃dʁ dyma fis],1824年7月27日-1895年11月27日),法國劇作傢、小說傢,世界文學名著《茶花女》的作者。

其父大仲馬也是法國著名文學家、《基督山伯爵》的作者。為區別,通常稱為小仲馬(法語的Dumas, fils)。

亞歷山大·仲馬,Alexandre Dumas,1824年7月27日-1895年11月27,是法國劇作傢,小說傢。為了與同為作傢的父親區別,多稱為小仲馬,Alexandre Dumas, fils (fils 相當於英文 Junior的意思)。小仲馬的代表作是《茶花女》。


1824 -- 1895

1802年   7月24日,大仲馬(1802 -- 1870)出生於巴黎附近的縣城維萊-科特雷。他的父親仲馬-達維是聖多明各的德-拉帕德裏侯爵和一個名叫瑪麗的女黑奴所生的混血兒,曾是拿破侖麾下的一名英勇善戰的將軍,後因和拿破侖意見不合而失寵,去世時年僅四十四歲。

1824年   1月16日,茶花女的原型瑪麗-杜普萊西(原名阿爾封西娜-普萊西)出生於諾曼底。

7月27日,小仲馬(1824 -- 1895)出生於巴黎。他是大仲馬與住在同一樓面的鄰居縫衣女工卡特琳娜-拉貝的私生子;出生時未被大仲馬承認。

1827年   小仲馬最初的回憶記載於他的話劇《剋洛德的妻子》(1873)的前言之中:那是在他母親卡特琳娜-拉貝的傢裏,當時的意大利人廣場(現在叫布瓦埃勒第安廣場)一幢房子的閣樓裏。他的父親正在兒子的哭叫聲中寫作,突然抓起孩子,扔到了房間的另一端。



1828年   大仲馬住在聖德尼城郊他母親、仲馬將軍的遺孀傢裏,她開着一傢煙鋪。這位年輕的戲劇作傢總是在奧代翁劇院度過他的夜晚,和女演員調情,把自己的家庭責任置之腦後。在《亨利三世和他的宮廷》(1829)取得成功後,人們很快便把大仲馬跟維尼和雨果相提並論。奧爾良公爵給了他一個王宮圖書館助理管理員的位置。這位趾高氣揚的年輕的劇作傢下决心遺棄他的妻子和兒子。他藉口鄉下空氣好,把他們兩人安置到一個叫作帕西的農村裏去了。不論生活條件多麽艱苦,小仲馬還是在那兒成長起來了,心中充滿着對他天才父親的崇敬之情。

1831年   小仲馬和他的母親一起觀看了大仲馬的戲劇《安東尼》的首場演出。這場戲的女主角是大仲馬的情婦瑪麗-多爾瓦勒;她的精湛的演技使這個劇本取得了巨大的成功。觀看這次首場演出的還有巴爾紮剋、戈蒂埃、聖伯夫、貝爾利奧茲......






1839年 小仲馬十五歲。他要離開聖維剋托寄宿學校了;在《剋洛德的妻子》的前言中他說:"我不再長高了,我既不喜歡學習,也不喜歡賭博。"他有神秘主義的傾嚮。


1840年   大仲馬娶了早已是他情婦的伊達-費裏埃,小仲馬非常氣憤。夏多布裏昂是證婚人。這對夫婦於1846年離異。



1842年   小仲馬十八歲時有了第一個情婦,很漂亮,她是著名雕刻傢普拉迪埃的妻子。很多年以後,她成了《剋萊芒索事件》中那個的伊薩的原型。他有一套單身漢的小公寓。他經常出入風月場所。



1843年   大仲馬住進了聖日耳曼高級住宅區的梅迪西別墅。他這時才思如泉,巨著不斷,同時他和他的出版者,情婦以及新聞記者之間的糾紛也日益增多。

1844年   小仲馬終於在雜耍劇院結識了瑪麗-杜普萊西,瑪麗當時的情人是富有年老的德-斯塔凱爾貝格伯爵。小仲馬很快便成了瑪麗-杜普萊西的最最心愛的情人。小仲馬到處藉債。

1845年   這一年夏天,小仲馬和瑪麗之間産生了糾紛。在瑪麗去世後的1884年發現的以下這封信也許是他們之間這段故事的唯一可信的證據:




1846年   小仲馬設法忘掉瑪麗,並想自己掙些錢。他寫了一些詩歌,編成一本書名響亮的集子《青春的罪惡》,用他父親的錢出版;結果售出十四本。他同時着手寫他第一本小說:《四個女人和一隻鸚鵡的奇遇》。這時,他正處於寫作旺盛時期的父親在寫《約瑟夫-巴爾薩摩》。





1847年   1月15日,從西班牙回來,小仲馬暫住在馬賽他父親的一位朋友、約瑟夫-奧特朗傢裏。






1848年   小仲馬一個人住在聖日耳曼區的白馬旅館,他重讀《瑪依-萊斯科》,加上他的回憶,在一個月內寫出了《茶花女》。





1849年   小說《一個女人的小說》出版。

1850年   小說《二十歲的生命》和《特裏斯當-勒-魯》出版。

1851年   《茶花女》取得成功的影響歷久不衰,早已有人鼓勵小仲馬把小說搬上舞臺。起先他和他父親的一個朋友,一個情節劇作傢安東尼-貝洛合作改編。小仲馬對結果不滿意,决定獨自一個進行改編,並從此顯露了他寫劇本的才能。他把小說內容大量修改,寫成了一個五幕劇,劇本中有大段獨白和精彩的對話。劇本的內容是浪漫主義的,但是用的全是日常語言。小仲馬為一些演員念他的劇本時,聽的人都失聲痛哭......可是要上演這個劇本還很睏難。這時候大仲馬遇到了麻煩,不得不用不到原價十分之一的價錢賣掉他的山別墅。





1852年   2月2日,《茶花女》在巴黎雜耍劇院首場演出,瑪格麗特由多什夫人扮演,取得了偉大成功;這次演出成了這一世紀戲劇界的一個重大事件,意大利作麯傢威爾第也是當時的觀衆之一。後來又有很多著名演員扮演了茶花女的角色,其中有羅絲-謝裏,德剋萊,拉塔朗蒂埃拉和薩拉-貝納爾。小仲馬打電報給父親:"巨大的成功,就像我是在參加你的作品的首場演出!"父親立即回電:"我最好的作品就是你,我的孩子!"《茶花女》的成功伴隨着小仲馬很久很久,他由此得到的光榮甚至使他的劇作傢父親相形見絀。後來他一共寫了十六部戲劇,在這些劇本中,他以道德學家自居,攻擊的矛頭始終離不開女人,金錢和腐化。


1853年   《中短篇小說集》出版。



1854年   小說《珍珠夫人》出版。


1855年   現實主義戲劇《半上流社會》出版;小仲馬和浪漫主義徹底决裂。可是這位專門講道德的作傢卻瘋狂地愛上了一位已婚女子納迪亞-剋諾林;她是個波羅的海沿岸的斯拉夫人,是納雷什基納親王的妻子。小仲馬在1861年給喬治-桑的信中說,這位親王夫人就像"一條緑眼睛的美人魚","我隨時準備像愛一個天使般地愛她,也隨時準備像殺死一隻野獸般地殺掉她"。

1856年   《拉特拉維阿塔》在倫敦和紐約上演。

1857年   劇本《金錢問題》出版。

1858 -- 1859年   受他與父親的關係啓發的兩個劇本《私生子》和《一個荒唐的父親》取得成功。

1860年   12月20日,納雷什基納親王夫人生下一個女兒,取名科萊特;她是前私生子小仲馬的私生女兒。

1864年   在喬治-桑的不幸的婚姻中得到靈感,寫下了《女人們的朋友》。此劇遭到冷遇,使小仲馬暫離戲劇舞臺。在與父親同去那不勒斯旅行時,得了嚴重的神經衰弱癥。有人看到他跪在臥室裏的地上苦苦思索:他想掐死睡在他隔壁房間裏的父親。



1866年   和"緑眼睛的美人魚"的結合併不美滿。納迪亞不時生病,而且生性嫉妒,不善理傢。這時候仲馬一傢住在帕西,經常去第埃普附近的普依。小仲馬在那兒買下了兩幢別墅;他在那兒接待喬治-桑,大仲馬最後也是在那兒去世的。



1867年   小仲馬第二個、也是最後一個女兒雅妮娜-仲馬出生。小仲馬因沒有生兒子而感到遺憾,一直用男孩的名字雅諾稱呼女兒。



1868年   10月22日,卡特琳娜-拉貝去世。

1870年   大仲馬去世。他的光輝由於兒子的成就而有所削弱。小仲馬自認為是當代最偉大的作傢,是資産階級道德的捍衛者。此年發表攻擊女人的《剋洛德的妻子》,引起了埃米爾-德-吉拉爾丹和埃米爾-左拉等激烈的反擊。

1871年   劇本《參加一次婚禮》和《喬治公主》出版。

1874年   《阿爾豐斯先生》取得成功,此劇使他在女人中的印象稍有改善。


法蘭西學院提名小仲馬接替詩人和劇作傢皮埃爾-勒勃倫(1785 -- 1873)的席位。

1875年   2月11日,小仲馬被接納為法蘭西學院院士。他嚮他父親表示了敬意,受他青睞的有保爾-布爾熱和莫泊桑。

1872 -- 1880年   1872年他修改了《茶花女》,以後又寫了一些短篇小說和對哲學和社會問題的感想:其中重要的有《歌德的浮士德》的前言(1873);《普萊服神父的瑪儂》(1875);後來又寫了《萊翁-托爾斯泰的惡癖》。



1881年   劇本《巴格達王妃》出版,完全失敗。

1885年   劇本《德尼斯》出版。

1887年   劇本《弗朗西榮》出版。

1889年   小仲馬寫了一篇標題為《手》的文章,第一次嚮公衆表明了他對占星術和手相術産生了興趣。他和當時著名的手相術傢戴巴洛爾和德-泰勃夫人過從甚密。從1895年9月17日他給女兒雅妮娜的一封信中可以看出,暮年的小仲馬熱衷於神秘學和宿命論。在最後的歲月中,他竟扮演了世俗的神秘主義者的角色。

1895年   4月2日,妻子去世,被葬在納依,和卡特琳娜同一個地下墓室。




1934年   小仲馬第二個妻子昂利埃特-雷尼埃去世,也葬在蒙馬特公墓。

Alexander Dumas, Alexandre Dumas, 1824 年 7 月 27 日 -1895 on November 27, French dramatist, novelist. In order for the writer's father with the same distinction, more known as Dumas, Alexandre Dumas, fils (fils equivalent Junior English meaning). Dumas's masterpiece is "La Traviata."
Dumas Biography and Filmography
1824 - 1895
July 24, 1802, Dumas (1802 - 1870) was born in Paris, near the town Ville - Cauteret. His father, Dumas - Damrey is Santo Domingo de - Lapadeli Mingjiaomali Marquis and a half-breed born to female slaves, was once under the command of Napoleon, a heroic general, the latter due to and the Napoleon of opinion out of favor, died at the age of 40-year-old.
January 16, 1824, La Traviata prototype Mary - Dupulaixi (formerly Ming Aer seal Xena - Plessy) was born in Normandy.
July 27, Dumas (1824 - 1895) was born in Paris. Dumas and his neighbors living in the same floor seamstresses Katrina - the illegitimate son of Rabe; birth, not Dumas acknowledged.
1827 Dumas was originally recorded in the memory of his drama, "Claude's wife" (1873) among the preface: It was in his mother's Katrina - the home of John Rabe, the then Italian Square (now known as cloth Vejle No. An Plaza) a house attic. His father was the son of the cry sounds in writing, suddenly grabbed the child, thrown into the room at the other end.
In this year, some British actors come to France for the Paris performance of Shakespeare's plays the audience. Dumas began to write this under the influence of his five-act poetic tragedy "Christine" (1828).
Dumas when young, at first by his mother, maintenance, get a good family education. His outstanding, burly and fickleness of the woman's father made him feel confused and scared. Dumas illegitimate child of another, including and Bell - the daughter of Marie Claire Semel students (1831 students), and Anna - Palestinian students in Egypt, Henry (1851 students), as well as in his old age and a Cole first Egyptian born wife Micaela (1860 students).
1831, Dumas and his mother watched Dumas's play "Anthony" and first show. The heroine of this drama is Dumas's mistress, Mary - dorval; her superb acting make the play achieved great success. Watch the first show were Balzac, Gautier, Shengbo Fu, 貝爾利奧茲......
March 17: Dumas acknowledged his son.
April 21, Katrina, also admitted his son. Maintenance in order to get the right son, came in Dumas Dumas hide her, or him jumping through the window to escape, and so on; final court ruling, by the Dumas maintenance. But at this time, and Bell Dumas is - Clare Semel house on fire, so the year-old Dumas sent to boarding school.
Dumas initially was taken to St Navier Yefu Hill V Pelletier boarding school and later go to Blanche Street, Saint-Victor boarding school. Dumas both memories of boarding school life is very scary. His last novel, "Clemens claims the incident" mentioned in mind when he and his mother broke up the pain and at boarding school his classmates on him the illegitimate son of discrimination and.
In "Claude's wife," the preface, Dumas also referred to in the boarding school as unbearable insult and have tried several times to stand with the people; also in this period, the young man's character evolved: The people bear grudges, apathy, suspicion; dislike prostitutes.
Dumas many mistresses; on one called Ida - Ferrie, and Dumas later wrote: "In my childhood, because of the attitude of Miss Ida, I have to tolerate a lot of things." But Dumas has also I remember this time Dumas for his friendship as partners. In one called "Tuoertuoni" British coffee shop, Dumas and his father long ago friends got to know each; which was once the mistress of Napoleon, Miss George, Liszt, Musset, Frei Day Creek - Lemaitre.
1839 Dumas 15 years of age. Boarding school he had to leave Saint-Victor; in "Claude's wife," the preface he said: "I do not grow taller, and I neither like learning, do not like gambling." He has a tendency to mysticism.
Dumas did not take him home, but he was placed in a family apartment accommodation, and to non-resident students in the name of Bourbon to his high school (now Condorcet secondary) school. The students are mostly romantic literature, the republicans. Dumas studied there for two years.
In 1840, Dumas had married his mistress Ida - Ferrie, Dumas is very angry. Chateaubriand is a witness. The couple divorced in 1846.
Dumas has become a pretty tall guy, but he did not have confidence in the HKCEE are not passed. His father loved him very, give him to wear the most fashionable clothes, rue d'Antin often invited him to his house, with his street juggling theater in Montmartre and the Avenue at the end of Italians between the UK coffee shop hanging around. Sometimes in a coffee shop and the United Kingdom with the Lord Palmell Stone or Balzac Dumas to drink...... sometimes the mistress of his father's many things to look slightly to persuade his father, but not always listen to his father, said: "I do not want to accept the advice of your......"
Sometimes the relationship between them become less harmonious, but Dumas side often persuade his father, but by the side of his father's influence, had been idle life, he was the father of his spendthrift habits gradually adapted to the...... later had his own kind "and" defense of life, said: "I had this kind of life following the herd, out of imitation, because doing nothing, it is not my hobby. "
1842 Dumas 18 years of age had their first mistress, was beautiful, she is the wife of the famous sculptor Puladiai. Many years later, she became a "Clemens claims incident" that the Isa prototype. He has a bachelor's small apartment. He frequented brothels and places.
One day this summer, he met a man in Exchange Square on a white muslin dress, wearing a straw hat of the stunning Italian woman, he suddenly suffered a lightning strike like a general. This woman is Mary - Dupulaixi.
Mary - Dupulaixi then 18 years old, being a Mingjiao De - Grammont support the young Duke, and she lived a very dissolute life, many lovers, some are well-known figure; she can call and whim sent them. Jockey club members are win her favor. Later Dumas and often in the theater, opera house and met her promenade, but this woman extraordinary tolerance of fireworks that he would not rashly introduce ourselves.
1843 Dumas moved into senior residential Medici Villa Saint-Germain. He then creativeness, such as springs, great work constantly, and he and his publisher, his mistress, as well as disputes between journalists are also increasing.
1844, Dumas was finally met in vaudeville theaters Mary - Dupulaixi, Mary was the lover is rich in old German - Sitakaier Berg count. Dumas soon became Mary - Dupulaixi the single most beloved lover. Dumas debt everywhere.
The summer of 1845, the year, Dumas and Mary had a dispute between. Mary died in 1884 after the discovery of the following letter between them this story may be the only credible evidence:
Dear Mary:
I hope I can love you like a millionaire adding that, but I can not; you want I can love you like a pauper wildly, but not so I have nothing. So let us all forget it, forget you is a name almost does not matter, for me to forget an unattainable dream.
In the next few months, Laura - Meng Daisi once as Dumas's mistress, Mary became the mistress of Liszt.
1846 Dumas to forget Mary, and want to earn some money themselves. He wrote some poetry, compiled a collection resounding title "youth crime", with the publication of his father's money; results sold 14. He was hand-written his first novel: "Four women and a parrot adventure." At this time, he was the father in writing during the writing strong, "Joseph - Baersamo."
February 3, seriously ill Mary - Dupulaixi secretly in London, and Germany - Beilei Ge married Count, which attempts may want her to fall after not been the kind of life. But after her return from London, all Paris still considered her past Mary - Dupulaixi.
She later went to Baden, the condition deteriorated; she was receiving a very famous doctor.
She was admitted to the Madeleine Avenue 11, rarely go out. Almost no one went to visit her.
Dumas to accompany his father and his father's two friends went to Spain.
January 15, 1847, came back from Spain, Dumas staying in Marseille, a friend of his father, Joseph - Autran home.
February 3, Mary - Dupulaixi died in Paris and was buried in Montmartre cemetery. Her coffin was covered with camellias. To attend her funeral just a few of them: Germany - Sitakaier old Earl Berg, Germany - Beilei Ge count, one from her home to the unidentified friend, and her maid.
Dumas returned on February 10 in Paris, learned the news.
Mary property auction, Dickens also took part.
February 16, Mary's coffin was exhumed and moved to Montmartre Cemetery in a permanent cemetery. I do not know morality - whether the count Beilei Ge wrote to Dumas, asking him to return to Paris to attend the re-burial ceremony.
Dumas is the history of theater, then president, while at the Paul - Marly event decorating his mountain castle.
1848 Dumas a person living in the Saint-Germain district of the White Horse Hotel, he reread "Mayer - Lescaut," with his memories, in writing within one month of "La Traviata."
A published novel will hit; at this time Dumas was also unhappy 20-year-old.
Dumas is at its peak: the history of his theater was fully packed.
Broke out. Historical Drama courtyard to Los Angeles, one of the romantic passion recession. Dumas on current events disappointment miss the old system of production.
Dumas joined, but no success. Dumas is still tirelessly working: in between 1848 to 1852, he wrote 12 novels. These novels lack imagination, but his personal life experience and then the combination of popular thinking.
1849 novel "A Woman's Fiction" was published.
1850 novel "two-year-old life" and "Treece when - Le - Lu" was published.
Dumas occasionally been Chopin to George - Sang letter, he gave the letter to George - Sang; George - Sang burned these letters, from and Dumas forged a profound friendship.
This year, Dumas has written three novels: "three strong" and "Deanna - Germany - Leith" and "Ghost."
Spring Dance Theatre Manager ready for "La Traviata."
Interior Forche that "La Traviata" immoral, ordered the ban on speech. Dumas economic difficulties; him again and his mother Katrina - Rabe live together. Through a Monet, the script submitted to the then President of the Republic Louis - Bonaparte. Authorities set up a review committee members are Jules - Janin, Levon - Ghozlan and Emile - Aoji Ai et al; review concluded that the play did not prevent weathering. December, Louis - Napoleon military coup, the establishment of military, Dumas went to Brussels; Monet was appointed Minister of the Interior to approve "La Traviata" plays performed.
The "Deanna - Germany - Leith," adapted into a screenplay.
1853 "in the short story collection" was published.
Composed by the Italian composer Verdi, opera script writer Pia Wei wrote, "Latelawei Atta" (that is, "La Traviata", but people in the film's name had been changed.)
Phoenix Theatre in Venice; not to attract attention, only for the performance of the 10 games.
1854 novel "Lady Pearl" was published.
May 6, Venice, San Benedetto Theatre again "Latelawei Atta," a great success.
1855 realistic drama "Half the upper class," published; Dumas and thoroughly romantic break. But the writer has specifically ethical crazy in love with a married woman Nadia - Knorin; she is the Baltic Slavs, is 納雷什基納 Prince's wife. Dumas in 1861 to George - Sang's letter said, the wife of Prince as "a green-eyed Little Mermaid," "I'm ready to love an angel like a camel love her, too ready to kill one as camel beast to kill her. "
1856 "Latelawei Atta," staged in London and New York.
1857 play "money" was published.
1858 - 1859, by his relationship with his father inspired two plays, "bastard" and "the father of an absurd" a success.
December 20, 1860, his wife gave birth to a daughter of Prince 納雷什基納, take Mingkelaite; she is the illegitimate son of Dumas's illegitimate child.
1864 George - Mulberry's unfortunate marriage inspired, wrote "women friends." Produced Zaodaolengyu to Dumas relinquishing the stage drama. Naples with his father to travel with, got serious neurasthenia. Some people see him kneeling on the bedroom floor of hard thinking: He wanted to strangle the next room to sleep in his father.
納雷什基納 of Wales died. Dumas married his widow, their daughter Colette at the age of five will speak French, Russian and German.
"Latelawei Atta," staged in Paris, renamed "Violetta", after two plays were used interchangeably, or as a deputy opera the same time.
1866 and the "mermaid green eyes" is not a happy combination. Nadia often sick, and by nature jealous, poor homemaker. Ma Zhong this time lived in Passy, often to the first Epp nearby Pouilly. Dumas bought two villas there; his reception there, George - Sang, Dumas eventually died there.
Finally a novel, "Clemens claims the incident" appeared, because of its bold realism and well received: the book's hero to kill his wife.
Published the same year, the script, "Mrs. Aobo Lai views" (also by George - the impact of mulberry) described a open-minded mother agreed to marry his son's already had an illegitimate son repented for his wife, a girl.
1867 Dumas second and last daughter Ya Nina - Dumas was born. Dumas for not regret a son, has been called with the boy's name Jarno daughter.
Ya Nina was married to the historian 埃爾內斯特 - Duotelifu; there for a long time, wearing her father gave her the necklace Lady of the Camellias. Like her sister she did not like the baptized. She died in 1943.
August 7, Dumas received the Légion d'Honneur (1888 was the third level the Légion d'Honneur). From then on he often and Turner, Goncourt brothers, Rene and other famous writers out of the Jana - De Duobei wife, Aubert farmer and Madierte Princess Sharon. Because of his handsome demeanor and witty conversation, he is welcome everywhere.
October 22, 1868, Katrina - Rabe died.
Dumas died in 1870. Because of his brilliant son's achievements has been weakened. Dumas thinks is the greatest writer, is the guardian of bourgeois morality. The attacks on women published in the "Claude's wife", caused Emir - Germany - Girardin and Emile - Emile Zola and other fierce counterattack.
1871 play, "attending a wedding," and "George Princess" publication.
1874, "Mr. Alfonce" success, the play made him the impression of a woman in a slight improvement.
Dumas wrote an offensive article, "to the gradual liberation of women": women should be like men, have the same rights; But at home, should obey her husband.
French Institute of nomination to succeed poet and playwright Pierre Dumas - Lebo Lun (1785 - 1873) of the seats.
February 11, 1875, Dumas was admitted to the French Academy. He paid tribute to his father, by his favor were Paul - Bourget and Maupassant.
1872 - 1880, 1872, he revised the "La Traviata", and later wrote some short stories and thoughts of philosophy and social issues: One of the important ones are "Goethe's Faust" Introduction (1873); " Pleasant service Manon Father "(1875); and later wrote" Levon - Tolstoy's cribbing. "
1876 play "foreign woman" was published.
1880, Dumas literature takes a serious attitude. He would like to sum up his work in a number of legal norms, such as "woman looking for illegitimate relationship between father and son and daughter," "illegitimate child inheritance woman", especially "divorce." "Divorce Law" in France to develop large, late in the first empire was abolished. As Dumas and others to divorce in 1884, it re-enacted. Dumas's daughter Colette by this law in 1892 and divorced her husband Lipman.
1881 play "The Princess of Baghdad," published a total failure.
1885 play "The Wilderness" was published.
1887 play, "Francis Wing" was published.
1889, Dumas wrote a article entitled "Hands" article, for the first time to the public that his astrology and palmistry generate interest. He and his family was well-known palmistry Daibaluoer and Germany - Tai Bo wife because of the close. From September 17, 1895 letter to his daughter Ya Nina can be seen, are old Dumas interested in occult and fatalism. In the final days, he actually played a secular mystic role.
April 2, 1895, his wife died, was buried in nay, and Katrina, with an underground tomb.
June 26, Dumas married than he was four years old Angliaite - Rainier; she is the painter Felix - 埃斯卡特埃 ex-wife.
July 27, his intestate.
November 27, Dumas at Marly - leroy died, was buried in Montmartre cemetery, from Mary - Dupulaixi near the tomb.
1934 Dumas second wife Angliaite - Rainier's death, also buried in Montmartre cemetery.

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