美國 人物列錶
戴爾·卡耐基 Dale Carnegie
美國 現代美國  (1888年十一月24日1955年十一月1日)

演講 address《提升口才的60個法則:高效說話的捷徑》
勵志感悟 to pursue a goal with determination be moved and comprehend《人性的優點》
魔奇俠玄 Magic Fairy Mystery《人性的弱點》

閱讀戴爾·卡耐基 Dale Carnegie在百家争鸣的作品!!!
  戴爾·卡耐基出生於1888年11月24日,逝世於1955年11月1日,享年67歲。他一生結過兩次婚。他的第一任夫人,是法國的一位女伯爵, 1921年與他結婚,十年後離異。他的第二任夫人姚樂絲.卡耐基於1944年和他結婚,是他的門徒和事業的繼承人,並給他生一女孩,取名丹娜。
  卡耐基16歲時,不得不在自傢的農場裏幹更多的活。每天早晨,他騎馬進城上學。放學後便急匆匆地騎馬趕回傢裏,擠牛奶、修剪樹木、收拾殘湯剩飯喂豬…… 在學校裏,瘦弱、蒼白的卡耐基永遠穿着一件破舊而不合身的夾剋,一副失魂落魄的樣子。有一次上數學課時,卡耐基被老師叫到黑板前解答問題。他剛走上講臺,就聽見身後爆發出一陣哄堂大笑。下課後纔明白同學們笑話他的原因。班上一名搗蛋鬼坐在他背後,在他的破夾剋的裂縫處插了一朵玫瑰花,還在旁邊貼了一張字條,寫着:“我愛你,瑞德·傑剋先生。”在英語中,瑞德·傑剋與破夾剋是諧音詞。卡耐基非常難受。回傢後他對母親說:“同學們老是笑話我穿的破衣服,我不能集中精力聽課。”媽媽說道:“你為什麽不想辦法讓他們因佩服你而尊敬你呢?不必傷心,今年秋季,我一定給你買套新衣服。”卡耐基在童年時代受到他母親很大影響。母親生性樂觀,百折不撓。一次大水災,洪水衝出了河堤,把農場的所有農作物衝得不見蹤影。父親用絶望的聲音喊道:“上帝,你為什麽老是和我過不去?我什麽時候才能走出睏境!”而母親卻十分鎮靜,她哼唱着歌,將傢園重新收拾好。母親對卡耐基寄予厚望,一直鼓勵他好好讀書,希望他將來做一名傳教士,或做一名教員。
  但他沒有演說的天賦,參加了12次比賽,屢戰屢敗。三十年後,卡耐基談及第一次演說失敗時,還以半開玩笑的口吻說:“是的,雖然我沒有找出舊獵槍和與之相類似的致命東西來,但當時我的確想到過自殺…… 我那時纔認識到自己是很差勁的……”經歷失敗後,卡耐基發奮振作,重新挑戰自我。
  《語言的突破》 (出版於1931年)
  《人性的光輝》 (出版於1932年)
  《人性的弱點》 (出版於1936年)
  《美好的人生》 (出版於1936年)
  《偉大的人物》 (出版於1943年)
  《人性的優點》 (出版於1948年)
  《快樂的人生》 (出版於1948年)

  Dale Breckenridge Carnegie (originally Carnagey until 1922 and possibly somewhat later) (November 24, 1888 – November 1, 1955) was an American writer and lecturer and the developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, public speaking and interpersonal skills. Born in poverty on a farm in Missouri, he was the author of How to Win Friends and Influence People, first published in 1936, a massive bestseller that remains popular today. He also wrote How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, a biography of Abraham Lincoln entitled Lincoln the Unknown, and several other books.
  One of the core ideas in his books is that it is possible to change other people's behavior by changing one's reaction to them.
  Born in 1888 in Maryville, Missouri, Carnegie was a poor farmer's boy, the second son of James William Carnagey (b. Indiana, February 1852 – living 1910) and wife Amanda Elizabeth Harbison (b. Missouri, February 1858 – living 1910). In his teens, though still having to get up at 4 a.m. every day to milk his parents' cows, he managed to obtain an education at the State Teacher's College in Warrensburg. His first job after college was selling correspondence courses to ranchers; then he moved on to selling bacon, soap and lard for Armour & Company. He was successful to the point of making his sales territory of South Omaha, Nebraska, the national leader for the firm.
  After saving $500, Dale Carnegie quit sales in 1911 in order to pursue a lifelong dream of becoming a Chautauqua lecturer. He ended up instead attending the American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York, but found little success as an actor, though it is written that he played the role of Dr. Hartley in a road show of Polly of the Circus.
   When the production ended, he returned to New York, unemployed, nearly broke, and living at the YMCA on 125th Street. It was there that he got the idea to teach public speaking, and he persuaded the "Y" manager to allow him to instruct a class in return for 80% of the net proceeds. In his first session, he had run out of material; improvising, he suggested that students speak about "something that made them angry", and discovered that the technique made speakers unafraid to address a public audience. From this 1912 debut, the Dale Carnegie Course evolved. Carnegie had tapped into the average American's desire to have more self-confidence, and by 1914, he was earning $500 - the equivalent of nearly $10,000 now - every week.
  Perhaps one of Carnegie’s most successful marketing moves was to change the spelling of his last name from “Carnagey” to Carnegie, at a time when Andrew Carnegie (unrelated) was a widely revered and recognized name. By 1916, Dale was able to rent Carnegie Hall itself for a lecture to a packed house. Carnegie's first collection of his writings was Public Speaking: a Practical Course for Business Men (1926), later entitled Public Speaking and Influencing Men in Business (1932). His crowning achievement, however, was when Simon & Schuster published How to Win Friends and Influence People. The book was a bestseller from its debut in 1936, in its 17th printing within a few months. By the time of Carnegie's death, the book had sold five million copies in 31 languages, and there had been 450,000 graduates of his Dale Carnegie Institute. It has been stated in the book that he had critiqued over 150,000 speeches in his participation in the adult education movement of the time. During World War I he served in the U.S. Army.
  His first marriage ended in divorce in 1931. On November 5, 1944, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, he married Dorothy Price Vanderpool, who also had been divorced. Vanderpool had two daughters; Rosemary, from her first marriage, and Donna Dale from their marriage together.
  Carnegie died at his home in Forest Hills, New York. He was buried in the Belton, Cass County, Missouri, cemetery. The official biography from Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. states that he died of Hodgkin's disease on November 1, 1955.
   The Dale Carnegie Course
  The Dale Carnegie Course is a program for businesses based on Carnegie's teachings used worldwide. It was founded in 1912 and is represented in more than 80 countries. More than 8 million people have completed Dale Carnegie Training.
  The course comprises a proprietary process that uses team dynamics and intra-group activities to strengthen interpersonal relations, manage stress and handle fast-changing workplace conditions. Other subjects included are communication, creative problem-solving and focused leadership.
  The course is based on a five-phase continuous improvement cycle:
   1. Build Greater Self-Confidence
   2. Strengthen People Skill
   3. Enhance Communication Skill
   4. Develop Leadership Skill
   5. Improve Our Attitude
   * 1913: Public Speaking and Influencing Men In Business. An introduction to public speaking.
   * 1932: Lincoln the Unknown. A biography of Abraham Lincoln.
   * 1936: How to Win Friends and Influence People. A self-help book about interpersonal relations and how to succeed.
   * 1946: Five Minute Biographie
   * 1944: How to Stop Worrying and Start Living. A self-help book about stress management.
   1. ^ How To Win Friends And Influence People, by Dale Carnegie, Introduction by Lowell Thomas, p. 9, copyright 1964.
   2. ^ Current biography 1941, pp. 138-40.
   3. ^ a b Id.
   4. ^ http://www.dalecarnegie.com/about_us/history.jsp
   5. ^ TIME Magazine, November 14, 1955.
   6. ^ How To Win Friends And Influence People, by Dale Carnegie, Introduction by Lowell Thomas, p. 6, copyright 1960.
   7. ^ http://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/bday/1124.html
   8. ^ Staff. "JOSEPHINE CARNEGIE WED; She Becomes Bride of Gerard B. Nolan at Forest Hills", The New York Times, May 30, 1937. Accessed June 18, 2009. "The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. P. Holland at the home of the bride's uncle, Dale Carnegie, author, in Forest Hills, Queens."
   9. ^ Shelokhonov, Steve. Biography for Dale Carnegie at imdb.com
   10. ^ http://www.dalecarnegie.com/about_us/history.jsp

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