現代中國 人物列錶
柳亞子 Liu Yazi(現代中國)瀋尹默 Shen Yinmo(現代中國)海子 Hai Zi(現代中國)
洛夫 Lo Fu(現代中國)舒婷 Shu Ting(現代中國)徐志摩 Xu Zhimo(現代中國)
席慕容 Ximurong(現代中國)餘光中 Yu Guangzhong(現代中國)食指 Si Zhi(現代中國)
劉半農 Liu Bannong(現代中國)北島 Bei Dao(現代中國)顧城 Gu Cheng(現代中國)
卞之琳 Bian Zhilin(現代中國)戴望舒 Dai Wangshu(現代中國)多多 Duo Duo(現代中國)
昌耀 Chang Yao(現代中國)嚮明 Xiang Ming(現代中國)孤夜賞雨 Gu Yeshangyu(現代中國)
離離 Chi Chi(現代中國)陳忠坤 Chen Zhongkun(現代中國)熊焱 Xiong Yan(現代中國)
絶壁孤俠 Jue Biguxia(現代中國)迪拜 DiBai(現代中國)祁鴻升 Qi Hongsheng(現代中國)
杯中衝浪 Wang XuSheng(現代中國)魯緒剛 Lu XuGang(現代中國)餘刃 Yu Ren(現代中國)
白琳 Bai Lin(現代中國)太陽島 Tai Yangdao(現代中國)秋葉 Qiu She(現代中國)
佚名 Yi Ming(現代中國)周夢蝶 Zhou Mengdie(現代中國)鄭愁予 Zheng Chouyu(現代中國)
蘭語凝嫣 Lan Yuningyan(現代中國)劉華明 Liu Huaming(現代中國)陸華軍 Liu Huajun(現代中國)
離開 Chi Kai(現代中國)郭沫若 Guo MoRuo(現代中國)林泠 Lin Ling(現代中國)
商禽 Shang Qin(現代中國)羅門 Luo Men(現代中國)西川 Xi Chuan(現代中國)
歐陽江河 Ouyang Jianghe(現代中國)翟永明 Di Yongming(現代中國)楊煉 Yang Lian(現代中國)
張錯 Zhang Cuo(現代中國)田間 Tian Jian(現代中國)阿壠 A Long(現代中國)
紀弦 Ji Xian(現代中國)灰娃 Hui Wa(現代中國)馬驊 Ma Hua(現代中國)
覃子豪 Qin Zihao(現代中國)林亨泰 Lin Hengtai(現代中國)蓉子 Rong Zi(現代中國)
瘂弦 Ya Xian(現代中國)楊喚 Yang Huan(現代中國)羊令野 Yang Lingye(現代中國)
林徽因 Lin Huiyin(現代中國)白萩 Bai Qiu(現代中國)管管 Guan Guan(現代中國)
黃仁宇 Ray Huang
現代中國  (1918年2000年元月8日)
籍貫: 湖南長沙

史論史評 a historical treatise historiography《黃仁宇全集》
通史 comprehensive history《中國大歷史》
斷代 division of history into periods《萬歷十五年》
軍事紀實 arm record of actual event; on-the-spot report《緬北之戰》
都市生活 urbanism《長沙白茉莉》

閱讀黃仁宇 Ray Huang在历史大观的作品!!!
  黃仁宇(Ray Huang,1918年-2000年1月8日),湖南長沙人,曾從戎於第二次世界大戰和戡亂期間的國軍,後赴美求學,密歇根大學歷史博士,以歷史學家、中國歷史明史專傢,“大歷史觀”的倡導者之名而為世人所知。著有《萬歷十五年》等暢銷書。
  黃仁宇先生是史學界的異數,緻學於哈佛學派和劍橋學派之間。他的“將宏觀及放寬視野這一觀念導引到中國歷史研究裏去”從而高瞻遠矚地考察中國歷史的“大歷史” 觀,在史學界影響深遠。他的作品在不失史傢謹嚴之基本原則下,同時又能讓大衆願意去接受,使得瞭解歷史不再被識為畏途、不再是幾個歷史學家齋中之物。按現代大史傢錢穆先生之不知一國之史則不配作一國之國民以觀之,則黃仁宇先生之欲樹國民歷史性格功不可沒。從歷史觀點和著作風格來看,他繼承了錢穆先生的特點:作一個真正的平民學者。
   黃仁宇(1918年——2000年)似乎註定了是一個充滿傳奇色彩的人:他自十四、五歲起就開始嚮當地報紙投稿,寫作熱忱自此從未間斷,當時的《湖南日報》副刊,連續登載他寫的世界名人傳記,每篇都有他自己手描的人物畫像;18歲考上天津南開大學;抗戰開始,他投筆從戎;戰後負笈美國,以34歲的“高齡 ”從大學三年級讀起,先念新聞係,後轉至歷史係,1954年大學畢業,其後又在該校繼續上研究所,分別於1957年和1964年獲得碩士和博士學位;因多年沒有新著問世,在62歲時被紐約州立大學紐普茲分校從正教授的職位上解聘。具有戲劇性效果的是,在他被解聘後的第二年,他的屢屢碰壁的《萬歷十五年》由耶魯大學出版社印行,並由當時美國名作傢厄卜代剋(John Updike)在New Yorker雜志撰寫書評推薦,1982和1983年該書獲得美國國傢書捲奬(American BookAwards)歷史類好書兩次提名。翌年《萬歷十五年》中文版在北京出版……從此黃仁宇的著作一部接一部地出版,幾乎每本都受到熱烈追捧,作品普遍受到註目,從早期的英文論著,到後期的中文論著,都有不少學者撰寫書評評介,以致一時"黃書走紅",有人開始籌辦"黃學研究會",並申請創辦《黃學研究》學術叢刊。難怪有人感嘆在二十世紀最後十餘年間,一名華裔歷史學家、美國的退休教授,竟成為史學界在中國大陸影響最大、名聲最著的一人,也真算是一個"異數"。
  衆所周知,黃仁宇的讀者群幾乎涵蓋各類職業,尤以受過高等教育的非歷史專業者為主。然而有趣的是,有人也不買他的賬,甚至說黃仁宇“是歷史學界的瓊瑤 ””正如耿立群先生在《黃仁宇研究資料目錄》一文指出的:黃仁宇在學術界卻是毀譽參半,褒貶互見,未能獲得一致的肯定,歷史學者或漢學家常質疑其半路出傢,學術著作不夠嚴謹;驟然處理數百年、上千年的大歷史架構,總讓歷史學者覺得過於冒險,將歷史解釋簡單化。
  那部被人很稱贊,至今在亞馬遜網上書店還列為普通讀者評定為"五星級"的黃仁宇《萬歷十五年》,其實英文名字就叫"1587A Year of No Significance",意思是"1587年,一個沒有重要意義的年頭",儘管我對這部書另有看法,但是這個名稱中寄寓的一種歷史觀念,我卻很贊成。
   ——衛建民 《讀〈關係千萬重〉》
   ——鄺海炎 《史學的“下裏巴人麯綫”——從黃仁宇到易中天》
  黃先生的著述,以《萬歷十五年》成就最大。該書打破了學術與通俗的分界,以生動之筆演繹深刻之理,字裏行間充滿了微言大義,以超然獨到的眼光,典雅曉暢的手筆,由小見大,為中國歷史的研究和寫作開闢了一塊新天地。……黃先生的史學成就,不在於對具體史實的考訂,也不在於他所倡導的“大歷史觀”有多大的效力,而在於他對中國史實、甚至是司空見慣的史實所做的深刻、新穎的剖析和解釋。黃先生是當代中國學者中,罕見的具有見微知著、融會貫通的駕馭史料能力的 “通史”之才。他對中國的歷史進程所做的獨到思考,已經影響了並將繼續影響許多中國學人。
   ——方舟子 《悼念黃仁宇先生》
   ——吳思、甘琦《 “黃仁宇旋風”風起何處?》
   ——筆公 《黃仁宇:一個“不倫不類”的歷史學家》
  《萬歷十五年》的走紅還有深層的原因,那就是黃仁宇所謂的“大歷史觀”在發揮作用。它實在是一個純粹的學術問題,數十年間在史學界掀起陣陣波瀾;但是它能在當下掀起大衆閱讀的狂潮,那就不得不佩服黃先生的才智與膽識了。讀他的書,在“淺閱讀”的層面上,我也常常激動不已。我好說黃先生是“三反分子”,其一是“反道德”,他認為中國失敗與落後的結癥正是“道德治國”;尤其是用道德代替技術與法律,那是很危險的事情。他認為,應當最大程度地將道德排除出歷史討論的範疇,在看待歷史時,應當考慮當事人能怎麽做,而不是應該怎麽做,道德評判並非史傢的責任。其二是“反性善”,黃仁宇藉萬歷皇帝的“嘴”指出,人都一樣,一身而兼陰、陽兩重性。既有道德倫理的“陽”,就有私心貪“陰”,這種“陰”也絶非人世間的力量所能加以消滅。其三是“反歷史”,黃仁宇既然有了 “大歷史觀”的武器,就要評判以往的“小歷史”。他提倡在歷史的棋局上,應當從縱深去看問題,一匹馬被車吃掉,直接原因,或許是因為它被別住了腿;然而馬之所以被車吃掉,乃是從棋局開始雙方對弈之綜合結果。你不覺得這種“把一切事件的發生,均納入歷史的潮流”的作法,似乎帶着一些歷史决定論的痕跡嗎?
  這部著作的主要特色之一在於,通過書中這類維妙維肖的勾勒,黃氏為讀者創造了一個虛擬的“歷史現場”,讓讀者好似直接目擊事情發生的過程,且又得以窺見這些歷史人物的內心世界;這種樂趣通常是閱讀小說時纔會獲得的。英文版《萬歷十五年》的兩則封底書評,頗值玩味。一是 David Lattimore 的看法,他認為該書“不凡而又富有思想。……懷着詩人或小說傢的喜悅,將尋常的末端小節轉變為揭示其意義閃現的觀點喜悅,將尋常的末端小節轉變為揭示其意義閃現的觀點。”另一則是美國著名小說傢 John Updike 的評論,他指出:”儘管深富歷史學識,然而《萬歷十五年》卻也具備着卡夫卡(Kafka)的優美而又令人頓挫之故事《中國萬裏長城築成之時》(The Great Wall of China)的超現實的虛構特質。”
  ——(臺灣)邱澎生 《審視明清中國市場與政府關係的演變》
  ——(臺灣)劉季倫《 “大歷史”下的個人》

  Native of China, Changsha, Hunan, into the United States after the nationality of the famous historian.
  Huang was born in 1918 in Changsha, Hunan. Graduated from Nankai University in Tianjin (1936 ~ 1938), War and the post-war period, junior officers have worried Ren Guojun years; from Chengdu Central Military Academy graduate (1940), Marshall became the 14th platoon leader and deputy division commander. In 1943 joined the army stationed in India to the new captain of a military staff. May 1944 Myitkyina in Myanmar, was wounded by the first prize award of the Armed Forces Chapter. End of the war, the security of any third side and the commander of the Northeast Command, Major General Staff. In 1946 to participate in the national examination, be sent into the U.S. Army and General Staff College; graduate (1947) Ministry of Defence after the former chief of staff. In 1950 the Chinese Mission to the Chinese members of the identity of ex-Major. Again to the United States, studying history at the University of Michigan, Ph.D. (1964). Southern Illinois University, has taught, 1968 ~ 1980 appointed professor of New York State University NewPaltz campus, but also served as Visiting Associate Professor at Columbia University and Harvard University researcher at the Institute of East Asia. January 8, 2000 died at a hospital in upstate New York in the age of 82.
  Major work
  "Sixteenth-century Ming Dynasty on the financial and taxation" (1974 English / Chinese triple 2001)
  "Wanli 15 years" (English 1981 / Chinese Zhonghua 1982 / triple 1997)
  "Relax the horizon of history" (1988 / Joint Publishing 2001)
  "China History" (1988, English / Chinese triple 1997)
  "Hudson River on the history of China" (1989 / Chinese triple 1992)
  "Syria south to north-day Ancient and Modern" (1991 / triple 2001)
  "Capitalism and the twenty-first century" (1991 / triple 1997)
  "From the perspective of great historical reading of Chiang Kai-shek Diaries" (1993)
  "Modern Chinese History" (1994)
  "Relations must re" (1998 / triple 2001)
  "The Yellow River, Castle Peak: Huang Memoirs" (Taiwan, Linking Publishing Company 2001)
  Participated in "nominee Biography" and "Cambridge History of China" in preparation.
  Mr Wong's "Wanli 15 years," a book widely praised. "Hudson River of Chinese history", "Confucius and Mencius," the article selected for high school language textbooks.
  Huang (1918 - 2000) seemed destined to be a legendary: he from the 14, the age of five began contributor to the local newspaper, write passion never stopped since then, "Hunan Daily" supplement continuously published in the world he has written celebrity biographies, each has his own hand-drawn character portraits; 18-year-old was admitted to Nankai University in Tianjin; war began, he Pen for the Sword; war stay in the United States, 34-year-old "old age" from third year of Reading, the first to study journalism department, later transferred to the Department of History, graduated in 1954, and later in the school to continue to graduate, respectively, in 1957 and received master's and doctoral degrees in 1964; for many years no new the advent of the age of 62 by New York State University, Professor Niu Puzi campus positions from being fired. Dramatic effect, in the second after he was dismissed, his repeated failures, "Wanli fifteen years" by Yale University Press published by when the U.S. writer Ebo Dyke (John Updike) at New Yorker magazine to write book reviews recommendation, in 1982 and 1983 the book received the National Book Award (American BookAwards) twice nominated for History books. The following year, "Wanli 15 years" published in Beijing, the Chinese version of Huang's work...... from a pick one to publish, are subject to almost every hot pursuit of this, work in general by the attention, from the early English treatise, to the Chinese of the late, many scholars have written book reviews Review, which temporarily "yellow book became popular," people began to organize the "yellow Research Society", and for founding the "yellow Studies" Academic Series. No wonder some people lamented in the last ten years of the twentieth century, a Chinese American historian and retired professor of the United States, historians have become the greatest influence in China, most famous one-man reputation, but also really be a "different number."
  And Huang's death, also has the legendary Color - January 8, 2000 when he suffered a heart attack in the movies died on the way in to the cinema, he and his wife, the topic of conversation is the funeral. Huang smile on Mrs. Younger said: "The older people have so many ailments, it is best discarded body, left the earth."
  As we all know, Huang readers covering almost all kinds of occupations, especially highly educated professionals, most of whom are not historical. Interestingly, however, is that some people do not buy his account, even said Huang, "is the Historians Qiong Yao" "As Mr. Geng Liqun," Huang of data directory "points out that: the Huang has been mixed in the academic community, Opinion has, certainly not be the same, historians or scholar often questioned their mid-life switch is not stringent enough academic work; suddenly dealing with hundreds, thousands of great history, architecture, history scholars think it is too general to take risks, to simplify interpretation of history.
  In this, the cross-strait academic editors will comment on Mr. Huang Renyu external sort out some of the comments, so readers can have more side, multi-level to get to know him.
  Today, living historians, was probably not a person to enter college in the accumulation of a large wall as the bottom of a deep experience, and no one could invoke these experiences as a resource, a large wall in the new to be as much innovation and unique academic achievements.
  - Zhu Xueqin
  That department was very much praised, so far as the Amazon online bookstore also assessed the average reader as a "five star" Ray Huang, "Wanli 15 years", in fact, English is called "1587A Year of No Significance", meaning " In 1587, a year of no significance ", though I have a different view on this book, but the name Jiyu's a historical concept, I really agree.
  - Leaving "continued the drafting history of ideas"
  Historians have endlessly controversial regarded academic works this time, readers have made their choice, and not a low cultural level, a writer. If you are interested in the cultural history of the elite is not favored domestic historical works, then who gave these books to see?
  "Ray Huang phenomenon" is actually a history of academic warning, academic research should be out of the narrow world, from the upper face and a few elite-oriented non-specialized readers to realize the transformation of social services.
  - Liu Zhiqin "Huang phenomenon"
  "Great history" concept author, shortly before the death of Mr. Huang Renyu just created a new historical essay, with fresh handsome words to precisely in Broadcom's history knowledge and melt in the furnace of tension, the academic work becomes a the public spirit of the cuisine. Huang opening said: "The Wanli 15 years actually nothing exciting year." Influenced by this, not the amateur to focus on "big issue" Searching for a vision, can only through the history of the sea appears calm, inquiring culture the continental shelf to plunge to the seabed, analysis how historical calamities, the end of play on the Qingping.
  - Zhuang "Let's figure of"
  Because there is such a positive attitude, so, despite the author's thought cold and cruel historical events described are quietly, but his basic view is optimistic. However, his optimism, is a historian's optimism, not the author's optimism. Scholars look at history, often slip into fishing Qiao gossip: "How many things past and present, are into jokes." Literary entertainment today works to "joke" of history as yet, is the author's history of graft and consumption times. Mr. Huang Renyu literature ink used to write history, but he remains a serious talk about history.
  Most worthy of careful consideration, is the author of a purely "private scholar" status bird's eye view of history, not as a group "to do the project." He certainly has the eyes of the times, there is the hair; he did not write general history, with only microscopic analysis of the history section, organic blend of official history and unofficial history, reading Mr. Huang's book, I was reassured: the academic, personal the voice is not weak!
  - Wei Jian-Min "Reading" relationship must re> "
  As the saying goes: "Stones from other hills may serve to polish jade," Huang scholars in American history has been dismal unsuccessful, his masterpiece, "Wanli 15 years" published Shihai struggle to find, even in his old age "memoirs" are also indignant on the matter, but who would have thought that this book is the one on the mainland Shaoqi, "Wild Fire."
  Clearly, Wong is able to work quickly swept the continent to study circles, and the enduring twenty years, The reason is closely related to their writing style....... He created a new historical essay, handsome with a fresh text to careful and precise knowledge and Broadcom's history are melted in a furnace of tension, the academic work becomes a public spirit of the cuisine. It is said that Huang's pen has a "Kafka-like magic," when this magic show is unique narrative calm, restraint and precision.
  - Mr Kwong Hoi-yan, "History of the" low class curve "- from Huang to Yi Zhongtian"
  - Fang "mourn Mr. Huang Renyu"
  (Huang's) One of the advantages of giving the book a "vital sense of history." This is the history books of the unique charm of it, if deprived of the concrete, sensuous things, history will become suspicious of the concepts and symbols, and why people read history, not in order to listen to a bunch of dogma.
  - He Zhaotian (by the Academy of Social Sciences Literature)
  Huang's method of study of History, not difficult to find, "from a technical point of view of history, not from a moral point of view the review history," This is quite different from the Confucian tradition as the center of the history. The re-induction, re-integrated, long time trying to look at the history of style is also different from the mainstream of American Sinology, "microscope" view, it touches won the French Annales school of nutrition.
  In fact, Huang's readers, covering almost all kinds of occupations, especially highly educated professionals, most of whom are not historical. If not from the occupation by the cardiac division, we might borrow a history professor at Peking University Yan step Sadik, a chat room saying: no more than two. One is already history-loving people, just as it was martial arts-loving, people loving essay; the other is the wise man type of people who found in all levels of society.
  - Richard Wu, Qi Gan, "" Ray Huang Cyclone, "the wind from where? "
  "Wanli 15 years" in the youth school and the popularity of the scholars related to much higher than in the history of academia, which shows the history and related disciplines and the academic community has a great divide....... Huang's achievement is that he really draws attention to the other side often say.
  - The studies of "irreplaceable Ray Huang"
  Huang's book is not an ordinary in the history books, not just to scholars and experts to write, but for writers, most Chinese people read, the sense of the times particularly strong, was able resonates, and the reformers in China's Zhishifenzi, also has the largest number of readers.
  Huang's experience in not only China, but also the West (such as lending his understanding of operating a financial capital, no one in China and historians); in academic as well. For the others, young, holding the gun or grip hoe handle the experience, but also with his future professional ware? Huang did not bit by bit almost word "waste", so reading his book, people can not help but yearn for can be said that Huang is a product of the times through his professional and historical knowledge, the individual's life to play extreme, and also left us with a lot of spiritual wealth. We have to keep pondering the future of his teachings, and his recall.
  - High-Ling Wang, "Huang relax History Vision"
  His Contribution to the history of China from 1587 that cross-section of the knife Wanli 15 years, which not only made him get a new observation point, also made him get a new sense of the text.
  - Li Fang "to the Mandarin writing acupuncture"
  Li Ao, Wang Rongzu cooperation out an evaluation of Chiang Kai-shek's book, the book has an introduction to the book on Mr. Huang, a junior officer to the effect that former KMT Huang wrote a book on the Chiang Kai-shek, in order to defend Chiang Kai-shek. Light sentence, it will be Wong's fair As credible position. Successful Association of strokes that are poisonous though, not to be encouraged, but the real point of the problem.
  - Liu Wei "History you need to Chiang Kai-shek? "
  Huang young anti-Japanese front in the future, probably have not thought to study history, but historians of his potential as a communication in the field have been showing these years, his writing was then a first-class amateur newspaper "Ta Kung Pao," fancy, not without reasons. He not only careful observation, and is rich in language ability, even in the extreme tension which can open a dawdle, calmly dwell.
  - Fu Kuo-Chung "Huang presence of history"
  In my piece the impression that Huang was a soldier to retain the old bad habits of Xingqingzhongren --- despite his many achievements in historiography...... Huang's research and evaluation of the Chiang Kai-shek, but concede a historian should have sought an objective, fact-speaking basic position....... This article do not wish to denounce the sins Chiang Kai-shek, Chiang Kai-shek to explain the issue in the treatment, Huang indeed biased disgrace to the basic style of a historian.
  History of advance and retreat, Huang's own experience; Huang gains and losses, but also their own criticisms of later generations.
  - Wang Chunyu "Huang Memories"
  Is in such a great reputation in the big crash, Mr. Huang brilliant academic spring boarding. A simple logic is: the greater the praise or blame, the better the book sales.
  Although not free, "nondescript" impression, Huang is still a rare cultural figures.
  - Document the public, "Ray Huang: a" nondescript "historian"
  "Wanli 15 years" there is deep popular reason is that Huang called "big history" in the role. It is a purely academic question, few decades historians ripples; but it can set off the current wave of public reading, it would have to admire the intelligence and courage of Mr. Huang. Reading his book, the "light reading" level, I am often excited. I am easy to say Mr. Huang is a "three-anti-elements", one is "anti-moral," he says failed and backward China is the crux of the "moral rule"; in particular, instead of using technical and legal ethics, it is a very dangerous thing. He Ren Wei, should be to maximize possible moral excluded from the scope of the Discussion of History, in the view history, should consider how parties can do, not how to do it should be, moral evaluation Bingfei historian's responsibility. The second is the "anti-good nature," and Huang Wanli emperor by the "mouth" that people are the same, a while and Yin and Yang duality. Both moral ethics, "Yang", there selfish greed "Yin" and that the "Yin" is also the power on earth can not be eliminated. The third is "anti-history" and Huang as have a "big history" of the weapons, we must judge the past, "small history." He advocated the chess game in history, and should be depth look at the problem from a horse eaten by a car, direct, perhaps because it is another to live in the leg; However, the reason why horses eaten by a car, but starting from the chess game both the consolidated results of games. Do not you think this "to all events are included in the tide of history" approach, it seems that a number of historical determinism with traces of it?
  - Yu Xiao group "Huang: Let wandering of souls, holding back the skirt of their loved ones"
  Huang's view of history, real history for the winner-takes, completely modern "ending" as the right to judge whether or not the basis of past history: in the success of modern civilization, its ancient history to prove that it is reasonable and correct; failure in modern civilization, to prove that ancient history is absurd, wrong.
  - Hu Wenhui (Hu Yidao) "partial or see, is still largely without - great history Huang Critical"
  His narrative history approach, in the College outside the mainstream of historical writing, as we lay out a road exploring the possibility of history, which is currently written in Chinese history, the most lacking.
  Huang is working on the analysis of the structure of a narrative, the text and in personal opinion and expression, between narrative and analysis, and there is no fracture. Unfortunately, most of the works of professional historians (in Chinese natural world in particular), this type of fracture is extremely significant, because most historians are no longer "story" of the.
  - (Taiwan) Jiang, Masahiro "History, fiction and narrative discourse: On Huang's"
  Mr. Huang Renyu from the provision of a name, called "Big History" (Macro-History) The history school history, in eight ○ half of Taiwan's historians to cast a stone, the stimulation bursts of feedback.
  - (Taiwan) Alan Li Zhong, "Huang and his great history"
  Interpretation of this paragraph of fine thread, Mr. Huang so-called "insights" are not confined to his initiative a "great history" and "the figure of management" concept, but a researcher of all history high hopes. However, this text I was most impressed, and still is to give Wong history "Practical" care and concern: "if we give the hesitation, the future's writings, I am afraid there are not many people saw it."
  Review of this history, Mr. Huang repeatedly stressed the need to escape characters characterize and evaluate the "moral" level, while "From a technical point of view of history." At this point, "the figure of Management" and "big history" has become the essence of one of history Huang sides.
  - (Taiwan) Peng Qiu students "examine the relationship between the Ming and Qing China and the Government of evolution"
  Huang great historical perspective, the historical event of the factors of non-attention. In contrast, the history of the people, are inevitably a degree of ordinary people into.
  Even we can say that Wei Ang Lee's novel, the background is the main character.
  - (Taiwan) Chang Hui-ching "when the book has become the Qingming Festival ─ ─ historian and novelist, Huang Wei-Ang Lee"
  Huang's story speaks more exciting, more concentrated flavor irony of history. On the contrary, the more deadly the traditional organization, Huang to get more space, the more precise characterization of these characters traits and strengths; and the more readers can enjoy the experience of Chinese society, the collective tragedy. Effort, ethics, have been the fate of genius, which is ridiculed by the absence of modern society. In traditional Chinese society, eating is not the propriety of Lu Xun said, but management capabilities.
  Qing Dynasty Chinese and the West but is a "Westernized" one sheets from the present, but Huang said the Western system in China, is a modern and historical teleology of harmonic under the said.
  - (Taiwan) Chen Zhengguo "When East Meets West: Huang discussed the modernization of Western History"
  For Huang, the "big history" style of, and even close to the areas of theology: "Generally the far horizon of human history from the time the position of the review, however unexpected imagination would consider close to the field of theology "
  - (Taiwan) Chi-Lun Liu, "" great history "under the individual"
  President of the "good" reading assessment claimed that its "sometimes a bit too much made of the general impression, reading feverish description of China as a foreigner, however, such an approach makes Wong's literature and narrative have a different History textbooks in the traditional fresh. " And readers have often felt "great history", as Mr. Wang said the Yellow Book "to the problem of Chinese history was cut for the program"
  - (Taiwan) Wang trouble Sen
  "I read the book Mr. Huang, Zhe for their lack of Chinese thought, literature and art of the knowledge of the shock," "Mr. Huang's history and the history of knowledge is simply not involved in any area of philosophy and literature," and "technology only only this, Bian Yu Toward lower, old, I am? "
  - (Taiwan) Professor Gong Pengcheng

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