唐代 List of Authors
Bai JuyiLiu YuxiZhang ZhiheLi Bai
Wen TingyunWang WeiWang ChanglingLi Shangyin
Dou GongDu FuHan YuWang Bo
Wei ChengqingLu LunHuangfu SongWumingshi
Yu ShinaWang JiWang FanzhiHan Shan
Lu ZhaoLinLuo BinwangDu ShenyanSu Weidao
Yang JiongLiu XiyiSong ZhiwenShen Quanqi
Guo ZhenChen ZiangHe ZhizhangGu Kuang
Duan ChengshiZheng FuLi DuanLiu Caichun
Zhang RexuZhang JiulingWei ZhuangWang Zhihuan
Meng HaoranLi QiZu YongWei Yingwu
Cen ShenCui HuHan HongLiu Fangping
Qiwu QianWang HanYuan JieLiu Zongyuan
Meng JiaoGao ShiLi HeLi LongJi
Wang WanChang JianLiu ChangqingQian Qi
Cui Hao
唐代  唐(704 AD754 AD)

Poetry《The Yellow Crane Terrace》   《Passing Through Huayin》   《A Song of Changgan I》   《A Song of Changgan II》   《The music diction an Road》   《In proper proportion Songs Encounter line》   《Potpourri songs Weicheng Junior Bank》   《Potpourri songs Errantry book》   《Potpourri Songs Passerby adversity》   《杂曲歌辞·长干曲四首》   More poems...

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  Bianzhou (Kaifeng) native of, Emperor Xuan of 11 years (AD 723) Scholars. He creativeness agile, good at writing poetry, Department of poets, the "old Tangshu Wen Yuan Chuan" to him and Wang Changling, Gao Shi, Meng and mention, but he officialdom drifting, eventually unsuccessful. Accounts of the history of his small hometown Bianzhou few legends and stories about him handed down, the old "Tangshu Cui Chuan-hao" in a very brief, even his literary achievements have not mentioned, these are Why? Is worth thinking.
  First, the "Yellow Crane Tower" Achievement of the Cui Hao Shi
  Yellow Crane Tower in Wuchang, is one of the Four Great Towers of China, the Yellow Crane Tower of poems written many ages, but Cui Hao's a Qilu, known as the best, see how he wrote:
  Old saying goes, has to go by Yellow Crane, Yellow Crane Tower spare here. Yellow Crane gone, clouds air a lengthy Thousand Leagues.
  Qingchuan distinctly Hanyang trees, fragrant grass Parrot Island. Where is the village close sunset? Yanbo river is indeed worrying.
  Mood poem written in the open, boldness grand, picturesque, sincere. And simple living, as spoken, can not breath. This poem is not only for Cui Hao's fame, as handed down, I, for he laid the foundation for poetic name. Such a conclusion is by no means any person, nor I to Kaifeng who insist on claiming credit. "Poetry 300" is the descendants of the Tang poetry anthology, put Cui Hao's poem as the first known poem Qilu. With much seen this poem. Yuan Xin Wen room "Tang Chuan," Remember the Yellow Crane Tower was about to write poetry of Li Bai Teng, Hao Cui see this as a result of, worth Lianshou said: "When there is no King Road, Cui Hao poem in on top." Some people that the said laws or for future generations will not necessarily answer is yes. But I think also by no means all non-existent, Li Bai's poems written in the Yellow Crane Tower, I do have two: one for "send Meng Yellow Crane Tower Yellow Crane Tower": "enemies West speech Yellow Crane Tower, the fireworks in Mar. Next Yangzhou. Gufanyuanying blue sky to make. the only see the sky flows the Yangtze River. "Another first for the" Yellow Crane Tower and hear the history of the imperial doctor piper ":" One is to move off to Changsha, Review Of not see at home. Huang Crane House in Blowing Yudi, River City in May off the plum. "Although with the Yellow Crane Tower is related to another by natural care are not fully describe the scenery. He's "Parrot Island" before the four "parrot East over Wujiang water, river Island parrot name transfer. Parrot flew west to Long Hill, Fang He Qingqing Tree Island" and Cui verse method to repeat itself. The "Tang Jinling Phoenix" Poetry is the case, there were distinct traces of imitation Cui poetry style. Thus, not only as "eyes are not King Road, Cui Hao poem in on top" two non-Li Bai's words, recognition of excellent poetry Cui, Li Bai is still to be identified. "Changlangshihua" (Yan Yu): "The Chinese Seven verses, when Cui Hao" Yellow Crane Tower "as the first." Really mean that we are fair to the views of language. As a result, Cui Hao's "Yellow Crane Tower" fame is even greater.
  Second, "there is no line of text," said Cui Hao
  "Yellow Crane Tower" has gained world renown. With this poem, Cui Hao could have a very high profile, but why put it there at the beginning of this article, his account of successive small then? Some materials are even doubts about his date of birth, and written (? -754 Years). I looked a bit old, "Ci Yuan", on Cui Hao's comments, in addition to Li Bai's "eyes can not have King Road", the only "person of Tang, there are no line of the text. End Sixun Yuanwai Lang ... ..." sentence. How a non-line? Not recorded. Cui Hao ups and life, life just got mixed up a Taipu Si Shing, Si-Xun Yuan Wailang - an obscure official, the more people want to inquire what happens. Then I finally found from a number of books some remarks: First of Cui Hao early poem, "to write Exquisite, flow in the floating-yan", and then said, "Only a wife who choose the United States and Russia had given up on, whenever 45 married . " Yan and poetry tend to float all 45 married, of course not good, even very bad. But we can not just look at his early works, should also look at development, see post, see if he has not changed. As the only wife who choose the United States should not sign as evil. Heart of beauty in everyone, who does not beauty? "Russia has abandoned the" really bad, but it and write articles, poetry, are two different things, we can not negate all his. In my opinion, a bad impression of him caused the main experience in this respect may be Cui Hao "Youth proud" of his victims, according to legend Li Yong (Tang Beihai Prefecture, it is called Lee the North Sea. Moral standards were re-am) News Cui Hao title of the poem, invite the virtual homes, Hao to offer poetry, the first chapter called "The 15 married WANG Chang," Yong said: "Children, rude, not to take away." Cui Hao we take a look at this first Poetry is what is written offer it! "Wang young woman" (it was the question to "old-fashioned") as follows: "15 married WANG Chang, Ying Ying picturesque church. Zijin years are less complex to rely husband Lang. Dance love before the river green, midnight songs long pity. Busy When fighting hundred herbs, live not a makeup. "is such a poem written boudoir music, annoy the Founder old fashioned Li Yong, not take away. Cui Hao real lack of people to feel sorry attitude of life experience. It is precisely because people are not strong recommendation, Cui Hao was in the Scholars in the future, the only thing from the capital Chang'an and rove lakes. His 20 years throughout China, since the Huai of Chu and Wuchang, and east of the river, and finally to the northeast. He estimated that 20 years is put a foreign government or foreign officials for staff to follow, and finally returned to Chang'an, Beijing officials have done an end to the suffering Aeolian. But Cui Hao 20 years of roaming, in particular his trip to the northeastern frontier, although the physical suffering by some cold, but it is a good thing can be said, from his poetic style changed considerably and become forceful and imaginative. The Frontier, praise the brave soldiers guarding the frontier, to express their hopes and determination to serve the country Funan, passion, grace and awe-inspiring, very impressive. One example is the "Ancient Paladin was the military Zhujiang": "Juvenile negative courage, good to know Yong complex machine. Zhangjian go out, isolate them every encirclement. Kill Liao water, fishing was Yuyang return. Scattered Jinsuo A, Meng Rong marten mouse clothing. also at home and hunt, bow and arrow speed flying. to return to bird dog diseases, grass rabbit fox deep fat. waist with two ribbon, turn ogle the brilliant students. Guwei today's war, ru with the construction of prestige. "
  Another example is "western Liaoning Province as": "Year-end Yanjiao Fang, Xue frozen Border Town. April grass together, Liaoyang spring water hygiene. Barbarian is Wrangler, Han will be on recruitment. Dew heavy sword wet sand virtual Ku Ming. Winter clothing done and spring clothes and who become. message to Luoyang to make, to preach the frontier situation. "
  "Yin Pan" the editor said Cui Hao Yin banner "section suddenly become the norm of late, awe-inspiring strength of character, a glimpse of plug wall, said Rong best trip." But some people still look at his early works, the final word, no change, it is very appropriate.
  3, boudoir poetry may or may not float Yan
  Cui Hao's poem, handed down by the contents of the 42 poem can be divided into three categories, described the poem as a class of women, Frontier and landscape poetry as a class, message for notebook and other poems as a class. Description of women's poetry have been handed down 15, it is probably that he "had no line of text, were trapped light," the most powerful evidence against it. But his poems are not "floating Yan," Take the previously mentioned to Li Yong Cui Hao's poem was first offered, "Wang young woman", the last sentence of the "live not a makeup" on a good illustration of these women though Kam Yi Yu Shi, fighting grass play music, but also full of resentment and helplessness worry, too lazy to even the makeup of the. In particular, his "Meet and transport", "Nvdi new commitments pet, Moroe near worship Hou" sentence, one can always tell sighted Cui Hao Yang Yuhuan and mapping is a cousin of the Huang. In the Royal died, Young stolen handle ever before, bit extreme ministers, most of the time swallowing their anger, Cui Hao dare to point it out and write "Life is too proud of your today, who Tao Lu Ji subtle body" (See "Lu Ji Chapter"), "Mo Yan thorny hand hot, even for a moment the fire to make ash also destroyed" (see "Chang'an Road") and other unhealthy tendencies, ironic poems Young is undoubtedly required great courage. If we are not confined to the ancient teachings, a comprehensive view of Cui Hao Cui Hao should be said that women write poems, most of the content or health, the arts is also successful. He wrote poems to reflect the lower women's lives is very small, but his "Kawakami F," Description boatman woman living: "Kawakami M, Evening fresh, sun light green Example Test Helps, Ting Man is back to take a long boat, twilight to switch to bear in wave windy, self-made this to Wang Tong near the Green River at night unaccompanied lone, lone melancholy mood endless. "or a woman write thoughts and feelings of the boat, fresh style, lively and natural, it is very warm.
  4, the end is not Retire Bianzhou Cui Hao
  Cui Hao, youth living in Kaifeng. He left his home on and went to Chang-an expedition, was in the Scholars have different views of time, Songchen Zhen Sun, "Direct fast Bibliography Explanation" Volume 19 in Notes, "Cui Hao Tang Kaiyuan Si-Xun Yuan Wailang decade Scholars." Yuan Xin Wen room "Tang Chuan," said he was "less good source Kaiyuan 10 next year, and the Scholars section." Masanori years carved out, "Cui Hao poems", they are marked "under the New Century Scholars Shigeaki Yao years." No matter which view is correct, Cui Hao of Scholars is only 18 years old when 20 years old. (According to a comprehensive reading of "Series of Poetry," saying he thought the 20-year-old in the Scholars are very young, 18-year-old is too small a number, so Mr. Wen Cui Hao's date of birth can be pushed to around AD 700. This is the beginning of this article will be marked Cui Hao Birth 704? reasons.) This means that the latest is a 20-year-old Cui Hao Bian Zhou to Chang-an exam leave home, and then he was roaming in the field for 20 years, and then to Kyoto, West Anju Guan . In the hometown of Kaifeng, in addition to adolescence, the time is very short. In the poems he left behind, only one is writing his return home, "the night into the Bianshui": "Last night south of Chu, eras North Anadromous. Melancholy to a few days off? Township Road, becoming no more. Harukage Shake Tianjin tree, spring from the Boating Song. Changhuai have to do, rather complex fear tidal waves. "(the first sentence of the poem Chu, means Chuzhou. Tang Chuzhou, where Sanyo rule, ie the present Huai'an County, Jiangsu Province. Therefore, the Huaian back to Kaifeng, which began there on the back Bianshui said.) from the poetic perspective, Cui Hao still miss home, and have returned home hermit Jiliuyongtui meaning of. But always eager for his fame, still return to Chang'an, the Tang Tianbao died thirteen years (754 years), without return to hometown. This may Cui Hao's story is circulating in Kaifeng, the main reason few. But as people in Kaifeng, in the bigger cultural industries do today, we should Cui Hao, a comprehensive, correct and proper understanding of, and give an appropriate evaluation.
  [Wang Changling Li Qi]
  Poetry in the Tang Dynasty, there were a high number of Suffering and poets, they are not career opportunities at La Tuo, but high-spirited of
  Spirit of the times was surging with its poetry, the creative talent they gushed. Despite their different emphases on the subject,
  In the form of their own good, but can expand poetry, break new ground, so that Tang has to "character" as called for in poetry
  Aesthetic ideals of the performance of full blood. The Audio, Wang Changling, Li Qi, Cui Hao is one of the few in the earlier generation
  Outstanding representative.
  Cui Hao (? -754), Bian Zhou (now Kaifeng City, Henan Province) who, ten or eleven years Kaiyuan Tang Scholars section, early
  South has been roaming the area, once in the east to serve the military scene, after the entry into the Taipu Si Cheng, Shang Si-Xun Yuan Wailang finally.
  He was renowned, such as sinus Ji said: "When talk poetry, Ze Yue Wang, Cui Hao" ("Shut Fu Note"), independent
  Alone and in the "Preface to the Collection of HuangPu" Cloud: "Shen, Sung either dead, while the Si-Xun Cui Hao, Wang You Cheng-dimensional complex rise in Kaiyuan, days
  Treasure room. "Yin Fan said he was" young as poetry, were trapped light, suddenly become the norm of late years, awe-inspiring strength of character, a glimpse of plug wall, that do
  Rong Tour "(" Yin Pan. ") Written after his military service" was Army Ranger in the Zhu Jiang Gu, "" gift Wei-old "and other poems
  Junior Ranger are to image or metaphor from the status of people with bold chivalrous atmosphere, such as "gift Wei-old":
  30 Habayashi will, origin common to see side. Spring wind shallow grass, hunting, riding what dancing. Two-phase plug Yu Gu, Ming-bow the new winding.
  Shoot elk into the ravine, shortage of water the horses spring to vote. Were immediately pour wine, fresh cut field in the chat. Must look at no time to drink, mixed Krupp Kou yan. War
  To rest, Hu Chen inter-day high. Long drive to save the northeast, the city is also fighting the whole solution. Funan line to serve the country, since ancient times are of course.
  A fierce fight lasting, in the poet's unusual hunting as easy as in the contrast between stare out how comfortable
  Spirit. His BAO, some Deck Lu, Luo Fu law lay out the way to Exaggeration, such as "Weicheng juvenile line," and so on; have
  Is a complete story of the narrative poem, such as "River Sorrow old" describes a noble family in the occasion of the dilapidated Chen Sui
  Process, "Handan Palace complained of" a woman wrote to the reintroduction of the fields favored by the palace's experiences are with the tragic subject matter
  Describe this world rollover of emotion. These poems, the next Kai Bai "Everlasting Regret", "Lute Song", Yuan Zhen, "with Chang-Gong
  Word ", Wei Zhuang," Qin Fu Yin, "all the way, can be said Chanting herald another new changes.
  Cui Hao Ge Xing skilful way into the modern style, Yan Yu wrote was called "Chinese Septasyllabic first" ("Canglang Poetry
  Words "), the" Yellow Crane Tower ":
  Old saying goes, has to go by Yellow Crane, Yellow Crane Tower spare here. Yellow Crane gone, clouds air a lengthy Thousand Leagues. Qingchuan distinctly
  Hanyang trees, fragrant grass Parrot Island. Where is the village close sunset? Yanbo river is indeed worrying.
  Yellow Crane Tower is said to swim when Li Bai, read this poem, saying: "When there is no King Road, Cui Hao poem in on top." After
  Otherwise, "Phoenix TV" over the outcome of poetry (see "Poetry Chronicle"). If a strict law to measure the body, the first poem
  A few Lianyong three "Yellow Crane", jaw joint without regular, rather "excess" is suspected. But the other side of that, to feeling
  Freedom to express and be willing to break the cells, is also a creative spirit of the performance.
  (History of Chinese Literature, Pei Luo Yu, youth sweep school)
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