现代中国 List of Authors
Liu YaziShen YinmoHai ZiLo FuShu Ting
Xu ZhimoXimurongYu GuangzhongSi ZhiLiu Bannong
Bei DaoGu ChengBian ZhilinDai WangshuDuo Duo
Chang YaoXiang MingGu YeshangyuChi ChiChen Zhongkun
Xiong YanJue BiguxiaDiBaiQi HongshengWang XuSheng
Lu XuGangYu RenBai LinTai YangdaoQiu She
Yi MingZhou MengdieZheng ChouyuLan YuningyanLiu Huaming
Liu HuajunChi KaiGuo MoRuoLin LingShang Qin
Luo MenXi ChuanOuyang JiangheDi YongmingYang Lian
Zhang CuoTian JianA LongJi XianHui Wa
Ma HuaQin ZihaoLin HengtaiRong ZiYa Xian
Yang HuanYang LingyeLin HuiyinBai QiuGuan Guan
Zhang Yueran

Read works of Zhang Yueran at 小说之家
  Women, the National Writing Contest A group of new concepts the first prize winner, "Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao" freelance writer, "the new concept of writing" one of the most outstanding representatives. Born in 1982, Jinan, Shandong Province, Shandong Province in 2001 graduated from the Experimental High School, later admitted to Shandong University, English, law double degree courses, and is a graduate of National University of Singapore Department of Computer Science. Zhang Yueran from the 14-year-old began to publish literary works, has in the "Harvest", "People's Literature," "Lotus," "Flower City", "Novel," "Shanghai Literature" and other important works of literary journals. Its for "Tao of the meteorite," "black cat does not sleep" and other works in the "Seed" magazine was published, received a tremendous response in adolescent literature, and was "Xinhua Digest" and many other newspapers reprinted. 2001 was the third "New Concept Composition Competition" prize. 2002 was the "bud" website as "the most talented female writers," "the most popular writer." 2003 was the fifth in Singapore "Singapore Literature Prize college," the second, the same year the "Shanghai Literature", "Literature new Grand Prix" Award. 2004 was the third "Chinese Media Award" Award for most promising newcomer. Prize for Literature in 2005 was the spring. Latest novel, "Bird Under Oath" was named "2006 Top Chinese novel" best novel.
  "Lost in 1890" in August 2003 Press Writer
  "Red Shoes" in July 2004 Shanghai Translation Publishing House
  "Oath bird" in November 2006 Guangming Daily Publishing House
  "Cherry away," June 2007 publishing tomorrow
  "Day and night if the room" June 2007 publishing tomorrow
  "80 Chi" is published by someone else without the written permission Zhang Yueran, its existence not only to deceive the readers, it damages the natural Yue honor.
  No consent of the original "Red Shoes," a book designer Yan Wo Miss binding agreement, directly from the original "Red Shoes" book scanning can be accomplished, the picture quality is extremely poor.
  The authors and works, "carp" is an elegant and sharp containers, the good novel, and moving pictures in full bloom up pavilions. To readers, "carp" is a new reading portal, open it, caught them, can begin a different kind of reading journey.
  "Carp" by the young writer Zhang Yueran editor, created in China "theme book" The publication of this new concept. This series of books followed in the form of a book form, edit and design the concept of integration of the magazine and lighting, in terms of content across the barriers of traditional books, are each around the same themes, from the arrangement of contents, highly literary works-led care is the present subject matter on young women's living conditions and the inner world so that they find themselves growing from girl to woman in the companion course, know the real self.
  Tail beam
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