东汉 List of Authors
Zhang ZhongjingZhu DaliHan GuangwudiHan Mingdi
Han ZhangdiHan HediHan ShangdiHan Andi
Liu YiHan ShundiHan ChongdiHan Zhidi
Han HuandiHan LingdiHan ShaodiHan Xiandi
Wang JingBan ChaoKui AoKui Chun
Zhi YaoKang MengxiangTan GuoLokaksema
Xu ShenYuan KangWu PingNāgārjuna
Zhang Zhongjing
东汉  东汉末(152 AD218 AD)

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  Crew, was known as the Medical St. Yang Nanyang County Line (now Dengzhou Rang Dong Zhang Zhaicun Henan Province, Nanyang City, Henan Province, said the other) people. Born in the Eastern Han Emperor Huan Yuan Jia, Wing Hing years (about AD 150 ~ 154 years), died in Kin Dynasty (about AD 215 ~ 219 years) lived about seven years old. Legend has held Xiaolian, done prefect of Changsha, Changsha, Zhang is known so there.
  Zhongjing small hobby medicine, "Broadcom group of books, potential patients Lock Road." When he was ten years old, had read many books, particularly books about medicine. Ho Yong appreciate his hometown talent and expertise he had said to him: "Jun Jing and rhyme with thought is not high, will the good doctor" ("Ho Yong Biography"). Later, Zhang Zhongjing really become a good doctor, was called "Medicine in the Santa, the ancestor of prescription." This of course, and he was "fine with the thought" about, but mostly he loves the Chinese medicine profession, good at "ground seeking old saying, Bo mining the public side "of the results. Young medical student, worked with Zhang Bozu county functionaries. After years of hard studying and clinical practice, doctors were boosted by, became a distinguished physician in medical history.
  He was in turmoil during the Eastern Han dynasty, successive melee, "people give up farming," the city over the Grange into the wilderness, people are displaced, hungry frustrations. Continuous around the outbreak of plague, especially Luoyang, Nanyang, Guiji (Shaoxing) epidemic is serious. "Every family has zombies pain, Room room has boohoo Mourning;" Zhongjing family is no exception. Of this miserable scene of grief, Zhongjing witnessed the heart-breaking. It contains the first year since the Emperor Xian of Han Jian (AD 196) onwards, ten years two-thirds of people die of infectious diseases, including typhoid fever accounted for 70 percent. "The old sense of mourning, trauma of cross-yao Mo save" ("Treatise on the" Preface). So he energies of Medicine, determined to save its people from suffering can be a doctor. "On the disease to treatment Kimichika down and helped to save the lowly, in order to ensure full length to keep their students" ("Treatise on the" Preface). At that time, in his clan in person named Zhang Bozu, a highly prestigious doctors. Zhongjing to study medicine, they worship him as a teacher. Zhang Bozu see him smart, studious, but also assiduously spirit, put his medical knowledge and skills, taught to him unreservedly, and Zhongjing actually make obtaining the transfer. He Yong in "Xiangyang Fu Zhi", a book has been praised, said: "Jhongjing surgery, skilled Bizu."
  Zhongjing study hard "Classic" The medical extensive collection, handed down to write a great book "zabzabinglun." It established the principle syndrome differentiation is the basic principle of clinical medicine is the medicine of the soul. In Medica, the "zabzabinglun" also made a great contribution to creating a number of formulations containing a large number of valid prescription. After they established six principles of dialectical therapy, esteem by ancient physicians. This is the first from theory to practice, the establishment of syndrome differentiation of medical monographs, medical history is one of the most influential work is necessary after the classic scholars studying Chinese medicine, widespread clinical medical students and doctors attention.
  "Zabzabinglun" order in this passage: "on the disease to treatment Kimichika down and helped to save the lowly, in order to maintain the growth of the whole, in order to keep their body", showing all of Ren Zhongjing as medicine Heart Rende, posterity dubbed him "the holy doctors were."
  Determined in troubled time
  Eastern Han dynasty, China experienced a great therapist Zhongjing. He not only has rich clinical experience, superb medical skill has saved many patients, but also wrote an innovative medical opus "zabzabinglun." The advent of this great work, so our study clinical medicine and prescription, to a more mature stage of development.
  Zhongjing was born in the fall of the bureaucratic families. Zhang Zonghan his father was a scholar, an official in the court. As special conditions of the family, made him an early age are exposed to many books. He is also a solid footing, studious, well read, and love of medicine. Bian Que he expected to see from the history books the story of attending the Duke of Bian Que superb medical skills are admired. "I view each of the more everyone attending Guo, Wang Qi Hou of color, perhaps a sigh the only show not too generously." Occurred from his interest in medicine, which later became his famous doctors laid the foundation for a generation.
  At that time the social, political darkness, affairs of state corruption. Peasant uprising after another, Binghuo stretches everywhere the war, Lebanon's war-torn people of the disaster, coupled with the epidemic, many people killed, really
  "Loss of life, strewn with dead bodies," appalling. The official bureaucratic reluctance to save, but blindly fought for power in the situation, war, oppress the masses. This Zhongjing childhood aversion to bureaucracy, neglect career, have mercy on the people, germination of the country and the people desire to study medicine. Emperor Huan of Han Yan Xi four years (AD 161), when he was 10 years old, Dr Zhang Bozu county functionaries on the prayer for the teacher to learn medicine.
  Zhang Bozu was a famous physician. His steady personality, lives a simple life, the medical study assiduously. Every time a patient see a doctor, prescription, are very careful and thoughtful. Patients treated by him, in all likelihood be able to recover, people respect him very popular. Zhongjing studied medicine with him very carefully, whether it is out medical consultation, fill a prescription copy side, or herbs in the mountains, home cooked, not afraid of suffering from the fear tired. Zhang Bozu very much like the students to practice their own wealth of life experience, unreservedly to him. Zhongjing older than a fellow quite understand what he Yong, said: "Jun Jing and rhyme with thought is not high, as the good doctor will be." Means that Zhongjing extraordinary creativeness, Shansi, studious, intelligent stable, but no official of temperament and style, not official. As long as the focus on medical training, will surely become a famous physician. He Yong Zhang Zhongjing if further strengthened the confidence of a medical student, from his study and work harder. He read medical books, draw upon the experience of the physician for clinical diagnosis, great progress will soon become a famous doctor, and "excel the predecessors," more than his teacher. He was hailed "the know how to use subtle than his teacher."
  Zhongjing advocate "ground seeking old saying," earnestly study and summarize the theory of previous experience.
  He had carefully studied the "Plain Questions", "Miraculous Pivot", "Classic", "Yin Yang Tai On," "tire group of drugs were recorded" in the ancient medical books. The "Plain Questions" the greatest influence on him. "Plain Questions", said: "Cardiff were fever, typhoid and the like are also." And that "person injured in the cold too, was sick with heat." Zhongjing according to his own practice, made the development of this theory. He believes that the total of typhoid fever the name of all, that is all because of diseases caused by exogenous and can be called "typhoid." He also survived from the past of "syndrome differentiation" of treatment principles, to earnestly study, which proposed the "Six of typhoid fever" of new ideas.
  In addition to his "ground seeking old saying", and "homage to party", a broad collection of ancient and modern treatment of the effective herbs, or even try to collect folk recipe also. His folk like to use acupuncture, moxibustion burning, warm iron, drug Moldova, sat medicine, bathing, Run Guide, Baptist feet, filling our ears, blowing ear, sublingual drugs, artificial respiration and other specific therapies are all to study, extensive product information.
  In order to broaden their horizons, "homage to party", and exchange experiences, Zhongjing to practice along the bustling capital of Luoyang. At that time the history of literature known as "the Seven" (Kong Rong, Chen Lin, Wang Can, Xu Gan, Ruan Yu, Ying Yang-Liu Zhen), one of Wang Can (Zi Zhong Xuan), is "Seven" the most successful writers in the, poet. He and Zhongjing close contacts. In the contacts, Zhongjing years of medical experience in their own, gradually found that only 20 old writer who hides terrible "Pandora disease," the source of the disease. One day, Wang Can he say: "You have been sick, and should be treated as soon as possible. Otherwise, the four-year-old, eyebrows will fall off. Eyebrows off the second half will die now serving five stone soup, but also save. "But Wang Can listening to very unhappy, and claims that elegant, noble, has no physical discomfort, they will not listen to him, but do not take medicine. A few days later saw Mr CHEUNG Wang Can, asked him: "medicine does not?" Wang Can cheat He said: "we have eaten." Zhongjing serious look at his face, shook his head, seriously and affectionately Can the king said: "You do not take medicine when you look like to the general. Why are you afraid of asking for his life to see this light it?" Wang Can not believe Zhongjing always the case, two years later the eyebrows really slowly to fall off the eyebrows off the second half died.
  At that time, Zhang Zhongjing although an official, but not keen on an official post. Soon, he "see the political affairs of the day is not", lamented by saying: "Jun disease can be cured country stricken doctors." Resign Dunqu then caught Shaoshi Shan ("get even Chinese medical books Kwei Kee"), specifically sum up experience, engage in medical work.
  After decades of struggle, Zhongjing collect a lot of information, including his personal experience in clinical practice, write a "zabzabinglun" 16 volumes (also known as "Febrile"). This book is about the year two years written and O "to larger world the." To the Jin Dynasty, Wang Shu, and famous doctors to order. In the Song Dynasty were gradually divided into "Treatise on" and "Golden Chamber" two books. "Golden Chamber" is part of the book of miscellaneous diseases.
  Original medicine
  Ancient feudal society, superstition, witchcraft prevailed, the Witch and the momentum diabolism rise, hurt people, cheat money. Many poor people was sick, please catch strange witches and diabolism Jiang Yao, treatment with Fu Shui, the result being illness claimed innocent lives, end up with both life and wealth. Zhongjing of these witch doctors, diabolism is hate. Whenever they Zhuangshennonggui, misuse other people's lives, he would intervene, confidently, and they argue, and to refute the effectiveness of medical magic and superstition, advise people to believe that medicine.
  On one occasion, he met a woman, while crying while laughing, always suspicious. Patient's family believed the witch's deception, that it is "spirit possession", to ask the witch for her "evil spirits." Zhongjing observed color and sick patients, but also asked about the situation of patients, then the patient's family said:
  "She is not a form of spirit possession, but the 'blood burglary', is caused by the larger stimuli. She's disease can be cured. The real monsters are those nasty witch, they are 'living ghosts', do not so that they haunt the patient, otherwise there will be a danger to patients. "with the approval of the consent of the patient's family, he studied the methods of treatment for the patient bar a few needles. A few days later, the disease that women get better, suspected ghost Suspicious symptoms disappeared. Journal of Practical Traditional treatment for her some time to heal up. Since then, some poor sick, they no longer believe in witch doctor stuff, but find Zhongjing treatment. Zhongjing save a lot of poor people.
  "Syndrome differentiation" also called "syndrome differentiation" is the medical jargon. It is, first of all to use various diagnostic methods to identify a variety of symptoms, the patient's physiological characteristics and seasonal solar terms, the local environment, customs and so a comprehensive analysis, to study the cause of the disease, and then determine the appropriate treatment.
  Chinese medicine doctor, very seriously "syndrome differentiation." But Zhongjing before the system has not yet formed a complete set of clinical methods. Zhongjing their own experience and lessons of the scientific summary, it formed a relatively complete system.
  On one occasion, two patients also come to Zhongjing doctor, said a headache, fever, cough, nasal congestion. Upon inquiry, the original two have poured a heavy rain. Zhongjing them cut the vein, diagnosed as a cold, and opened them all the same dose of ephedra soup, sweating fever.
  The next day, a patient's family members came early to run Zhongjing, said patients taking the drug and then, out of a sweat, but the headache is more severe than yesterday was. Zhongjing remarks really wonder child, thinking that diagnosis went wrong, and quickly went home to visit another patient. After persuading the drugs the patient out of a sweat, getting better by half. Zhongjing also wonder why the same disease, serving the same drug, efficacy is not the same? Careful treatment he recalled yesterday, when the scene suddenly thought to the first patient in Qiemo, the patient had wrist sweat, pulse is also weak, while the second patient wrist Quewu Khan, when he was overlooked in the diagnosis of these differences.
  Patients do have a sweat, then sweat dose of the medicine, not the more fragile it? This will not only cure the disease, instead of exacerbations. So he immediately changed the treatment approach to patients re-prescribing fill a prescription, the results the patient's condition quickly better.
  This incident left a profound lesson. Similarly, the flu, symptoms of the different treatment should not be the same. He believes that a variety of treatments, doctors are required to use based on the actual situation, not static.
  Zhongjing systematically summed up the "syndrome differentiation", his medical skills greatly improved, its superb. Zhongjing practice have been to many cities, access to many politicians and writers, who are respected on Zhongjing. Jian years, a famous poet in the court made sijung (an official), named Wang Zhongxuan, and Zhang Zhongjing have deeper contacts. Zhongjing contact with him a few times, a kind of on the spot a lurking called him "sick sick" (leprosy) in the pathogen. Zhongjing said to him: "Do you have a disease, get early treatment, or else to the age of 40 will be off the eyebrows, eyebrows to six months off, there will be life-threatening. I advise you to first serve a few doses five stone soup." At that time Wang Zhongxuan twenties. Suffering from "sick sick" is very dangerous at that time, it is considered very shameful thing. Zhongjing disease name does not say so, say only symptoms. Wang Zhongxuan understood what he meant, but thought it was to scare themselves, they did not listen to the advice of Mr CHEUNG. Two soon meet again, Mr CHEUNG asked Wang Zhongxuan: "Do you serve a five-stone soup yet?" Wang Zhongxuan some resentment and said: "After a service." Zhongjing careful observation of his color, said: "not like to see your color, certainly did not take off. Why do not you listen to a doctor's advice, and despise their own lives? I advise you to more quickly serve it, or the trouble! "may Wang Zhongxuan it or not, failure to do so, Mr CHEUNG said. Sure enough, 20 years later, Wang Zhongxuan started off eyebrow, eyebrow to 187 days off, then died. Unfortunately, this extremely talented writer, passed away prematurely.
  Write medical book
  Although Zhongjing childhood aversion to bureaucracy, neglect career. But because his father had done in the court official, on the imperial examinations, to have gained an official position is that value, we must Zhongjing take the test. Lack of filial piety in ancient times people with infidelity as the greatest shame, though Zhongjing reluctantly, but do not want to go against Fuming, down the reputation of a filial son. Therefore, the time of Emperor Ling (about AD 168 ~ 188), who took the exam and in the "Exams." In Kin period (AD 196 ~ 219), was Zhao Tingpai to do prefect of Changsha. But he still used his medical skills, for the people to lift pain. In feudal times, an official can not be easily entered homes, close to the people. But do not touch the people, we can not treat for them, also can not grow their own medicine. So Zhongjing think of a way, selected grade and 15 days per month, large-scale bureaucratic, do not ask political affairs, so that sick people come in, he sat upright on the hall, one by one to careful diagnosis and treatment for the masses. He let runners posted advance notice, to tell people the news. He had a strong move on the ground vibrations, people clapped and cheered on Zhongjing more support. Over time these will become established practice. During the first and fifteenth day of Lunar New Year, and his Yamen gathered from all parties before the doctor doctor the masses, and even some people with luggage from afar. Later, sitting in herbal medicine shop where people put people as doctors, known as "visits at the doctor", to commemorate the Zhongjing.
  Zhongjing see him very much trust the people, has become even more excellence in medicine, continuing to explore. He collected a large number of non prescription, be carefully studied. Sometimes even defying a long way, coach learn. Once he heard the city of Xiangyang Tongjitang have nicknamed "the king god" of doctors, sore back very briefly on the treatment experience. He immediately took luggage, travel long distances to a few hundred years, to worship the "god king" for the division. The "immortal king" in the herbs, unique in all aspects of medical knowledge are carefully studied it, had benefited greatly.
  Although Zhongjing of medicine is very sophisticated, but he can not cure some disease. As the saying goes, "After the soldiers, there must be the Year of Disaster." Eastern Han Dynasty, frequent wars, continuous wars lead to an epidemic. Jian years, the plague pandemic, up to 5 times before, many people were killed and a number of towns into ghost town, particularly among those who died of typhoid fever the most. Zhongjing family as the original more than 200 people since the first year of Emperor Xian of Han Jian (AD 196) Since the beginning of a period of less than 10 years, died two-thirds, of which seven tenths died of typhoid disease. Looting of some quack will not give the patient carefully diagnose the troubles,
  This time, the Eastern Han Dynasty divided, Zhang Zhong Jingguan can not do, it is difficult back home. So he went to the South seclusion to focus on medical research, write medical books. To Jian fifteen years, culminating in a landmark clinical famous "zabzabinglun", a total of sixteen. Order by later generations as "typhoid fever" and "On Golden Chamber" two books. "Zabzabinglun" systematic spirit of the "syndrome differentiation" theory, the cause of China's Traditional Chinese Medicine theory and the theory of the development of prescription and made important contributions. Later the book was regarded as a "side letter of the motherland," Zhang Zhongjing also known as "The party master."
  Zhongjing written in the book to concentrate on research after the medicine, until he died. Emperor Wu Emperor Wudi in AD 285 after the reunification of the world, the descendants Cai Bei Zhang Zhongjing's body back home for burial, and was built in Nanyang Zhongjing Medical shrines and tombs.
  Zhongjing story
  Nanyang Zhongjing when the Eastern Han dynasty, a famous doctor. He not only rigorous scholarship, and the noble medical ethics, medical treatment life for the people, people deeply loved. Medical holy people dubbed him, the relevant amendments in the east of the city of Nanyang House "Medical shrine" to his memory. Many folk also spread his story.
  Xiangyang visit doctor
  Zhongjing was young, there will be a reputation in medicine. But he still work hard, four visits were based, door ask for advice.
  Ask a brother to his brother ask vein, said: "Next year I'm afraid you have to take a long a sore back!"
  Brother surprised said: "Oh! Often heard you say, well-known sore afraid, afraid of unknown disease, long a tower back sore, my eyes see, hands touched, how do you cure it?"
  ZHANG Zhong-jing's brother to do a year business in Hubei. The second year in Yangyang, one day I suddenly felt back on the pain, according to his brother busy taking drugs prescribed medicine to take up paid. A few days, really sore from the butt made. He begged the doctor over the Xiangyang, this is boils, canker that is, do not know too, and later, Tongji Medic has a great doctor, "King fairy", and he was laughed and said:
  "This was originally a ride back sore it! Who moved to bottom on it now?"
  Replied: "Yes my brother moved to."
  Immortal King said: "since he can move, certainly can cure it!"
  ZHANG Zhong-jing's brother said: "He is far in Nanyang, distant water understand thirst. Mr. Wang is also trouble cure that right!"
  Wang immortal moment some medicine. ZHANG Zhong-jing's brother took the pills, they posted a few plaster, before long, like sore, and he immediately wrote a letter to his brother. Zhongjing received the letters, very pleased, and immediately prepared to set fees, packed well pack up and walk from Ben Xiangyang.
  This day early in the morning, Xiangyang Tongji Medic's main gate, stood a baggage-toting, holding an umbrella young young man, he begged the steward of: "I come from Henan, life did not become a reality, please take me when you shop Folks it! "
  The king heard this fairy to come out from the pharmacy. He see below neat younger students, said: "All right! I have here a lack of people, they take you as a buddy herbs cooked it!" This young man, is Zhongjing.
  From then on, Zhang Zhongjing in Tongji Medic stay. He was intelligent, studious, pharmacological skilled, well-versed in the performance of various herbs, and cooked ingredients, done faster and better, just a few days, he was king of gods to the pharmacy when the pharmacist replaced. Secretary drugs in his possession, and also see the doctor, who has a headache store heat, also came to his attention, everyone praised his two sir!
  Mr. Wang did You Liangshou gods to see 2 miles, let him make his own helper. Wang Fu fairy clock medical care, he copied prescriptions; king of gods hear of difficult cases, ask a pulse then told his touch, so that he understand the diseases where and how to heal. Zhongjing these principles of medical science are deeply in heart, and write in a book and spent a year on it.
  That day, a donkey the old man, rushing to pharmacies, said his son got acute symptoms, please visit the king to the gods.
  Girl of half an hour the old man picked up a prescription, to medicine from pharmacies. Zhongjing see Garcinia prescription poison inside, knowing the patient bottle it has worms, this means that the drug is pest control. But see also Garcinia only opened five money, it hesitated a moment, then caught drug called away. Soon the king god back. He gave the donkey, it is necessary to rest the back yard. Zhongjing busy stepped forward: "The President walking! Patients will soon also came to ask for!"
  Wang immortal surprise: "The Well of patients, but also to do what?"
  Mr CHEUNG said that "let the students respect. Garcinia can poison the body of insects, they amount to one or two Caixing. President opened only five of money, only to faint insect poison, so it returned to wake up, will be more ferocious. Another drug no soul, and I'm afraid there is a danger to patients mile! "
  Immortal king heard this, is half a year and a half suspect, that old man suddenly came up somersault water, call Road: "Mr. Wang! Terrible! My child hurts very tough battle, you go and see it!"
  King of gods suddenly panic so upset at the amount of cold sweat, afraid to go to the store Zuozhuanyouzhuan. Zhongjing read, laugh went up: "The one after another, whether Kyrgyzstan is fierce, students take the liberty, Mr. willing to go for a trip!" Present Jizhuomaolv away.
  This time, the patient straight to the ground rolling in pain. Zhongjing to see that this is a bug in the mischief. Saw him hurry, took out a three-inch needles, who called the patient off clothes, sights points, twisting fingers, according stabbed into the insect's head.
  Worm was stabbed in the head, doom struggle. Oh just listen to the patient soon as pain, fainted. Old man looked alarmed.
  Zhongjing but Oh said with a smile: "Do not be afraid, insects have been stabbed!" Having said patient moaned twice and woke up.
  Journal of Practical Traditional open pay laxatives, the patient eat. Instant, a long destroyer to do to be excreted, the patient is completely healed.
  Wang god knows, the surprise and delight, asked: "Mr. Second, what were you in the end?" Zhongjing said: "I am Zhang Zhong Jing crew word to coach here, a medical student coming!"
  Immortal King said: "Aiyo Yo, can not when!" Immediately Bai Yan hospitality.
  Zhongjing later returned to Nanyang, two had a mutual exchange, became the medical good friend.
  Prescription of the disease
  Zhongjing made a name in medicine, but also with an open mind for the peer medical treatment, lost no time in learning to another doctor.
  In the past, a number of doctor who, only the skills to pass their own children, are generally not rumor. Then there is a great doctor called Nanyang Shen Huai, has more than 70 years old, no children. His melancholy day successors, rice could not eat, felt unable to sleep, anxiety gradually become ill.
  Local doctor who came to see the doctor Huai Shen are shrinking one. Old man's disease who could not see well. Getting heavier. Zhongjing know, the respect of Ben Shen Huai-house.
  Zhongjing inspected the condition, diagnosed as illness is concerned, immediately opened a prescription, face each year with whole grains, eggs into the eggs, beads coated sand outside, so that the patient meal consumption.
  Shen Huai know my heart not feel funny! He ordered his family to face that pills made from cereals, hung under the eaves, Feng Renjiu Zhongjing scoff, pointing it to some pills.
  Relatives to see him, he smiled and said: "Look! This is Zhongjing my prescription. Who could have seen cereals medical treatment? Joke! Joke!"
  Friends came to him, he smiled and said: "Look! This is Zhongjing gave me the prescription, who can eat meal of jin face, really funny! Funny!"
  Fellow doctor to see him, he smiled and said: "Look! This is Zhongjing my prescription. I see decades of disease, hearing no hear, hehe! Hehe!" He was only intent on this funny, worried about more things into account all thrown behind, and unwittingly disease was cured.
  At this time, Zhang Zhongjing to visit him, said: "Congratulations, Mr. disease is cured! Students venture to playing in front of Ben Lo Pan was." Shen Huai a tumble and admiration, but also ashamed. Zhongjing went on to say: "Sir, we do doctor's, is to give people the benefit of, illnesses and sickness, sir, no children, we do not these young people are your children? Need to worry successors?"
  Shen Huai heard, that makes sense, the heart is touched. Since then, doctors took out their impart to Zhongjing and all the other young doctor.
  Qiao "governance" the government set
  Eastern Han Dynasty, Nanyang have a government station, he did a lot of bad air that people hate him, anxious to find outlet opportunities.
  This year, the government sets the daughter sick, for a few months time seeking famous doctor, but also cure the disease. That day, the government sent his family to Taiwan Zhongjing, to give her daughter see a doctor. This experience, typhoid fever is a procession, Zhongjing daily morning to evening, to the countryside for people with medical treatment, only son at home. They took the son of Mr CHEUNG invited to.
  Zhongjing year round with his son to study medicine, is also a well-known doctor. He came to Ching Governor, inquired about the group's condition, the government did not Mrs. Chang Tsui station, tears falling on the first: "Oh! She Mianhuangjishou, Tea Food does not enter, but also do not live break to vomit!" Spoke, said her daughter called diagnose the troubles.
  At that time, the young doctor to the woman doctor is unable to meet. So I had to pull out from the curtain curtain in a red, a lady of middle finger tied, one to the son of Zhang Zhongjing pulled, on the ears and listened. He carefully listened for a long time, heart not feel funny: ha ha! Jing Mei people on this disease that out?
  Taiwan is the daughter of the original House of pregnancy it! But he did not know "patient" was a no Chuge girl shouted toward the government on Taiwan, said: "Congratulations to adults! Miss no Shabing, he's happy or pulse! You going when the God of the outside!"
  Government sets an arbitrary whole body trembled with anger, Howl: "The bastard thing! Pure nonsense, reach him out!" Family members surrounded them and he beat them out of the door of the house.
  Evening, Zhongjing heard back was so angry, he asked his son: "You see real fruit is?"
  Son said: "It truly is pregnant, has six or seven months it!"
  Zhongjing thought for a moment and said "this government units, takes part in a bad outlet to go with him tomorrow!"
  The next day, Zhang Zhongjing call her neighbor with a gift, to the Ching Governor, are catching up with the city where the rules of procedure of the gentry and celebrities. Zhongjing see the government sets Shiyi Li, said: "unworthy son of medical knowledge unknown, uttered rude words, hope and adult sea letter! Today, one to apologize, and secondly, I personally love to make medical treatment diagnose the troubles!"
  Government sets a great rejoicing, and quickly said: "cheap female District small itch, Mr. He Lao Da Jia Yeah!" Talking should a banquet.
  Zhongjing said: "It would let that love would tell the important thing." Servant government platform Mangjiao daughter, please come out.
  Zhongjing color view that women have long been aware of the sort. Small Farm with the right dark nail cut out a little drugs, hidden in the wide sleeve, and then sat to the panel ask vein.
  Fu Zhang Zhongjing a clock, and sure enough this woman pregnant six to seven months it! The patient said: "The open mouth, tongue state to see!" Miss had just opened his mouth, he would move his right hand a small thumb bomb, bomb the medicine into the mouth, Miss, also known as end to water, little miss drinking. Zhongjing This Xiao Hehe to Taiwan on the government, said: "medicine to cure diseases, to send love to the penthouse that observation, a moment that will be good."
  Taiwan government is very grateful, put the banquet entertainment. He just put that to King Zhongjing wine, penthouse side of Miss groans came, the government sets a surprise, Mr CHEUNG said: "This is the drug is up, you may rest assured that love will heal instantly!"
  Voice did I hear, just listen to wah-wah cries of babies coming from the penthouse. Government units and his wife suddenly shocked, momentary blush with shame, can not wait to drill into the ground crevices. Celebrities are also surprised that a gentleman you see me, I look at you, whispering secretly laugh.
  Zhongjing outraged, laughed, pointed at Taiwan, the government said: "The truth came out you mouth now sound Honesty and Honor, it is dry Prostitute Oh!" Government platform, and his wife heard, angry and fainted away. Zhongjing out of gas for the people who happily go back.
  Mr. Zuo Tang
  Zhongjing made prefect of Changsha, the people adhere to treatment. In accordance with the provisions of that time, an official close to the people he can not be free to think of a way, started this month, 15 days open Yamen. Sitting in the lobby on the admissions. To Memorial Zhongjing, and their descendants to sit on drugstore where doctors give medical treatment known as "Mr. Zuo Tang."
  Later effect
  Now things are about Zhongjing Zhongjing LDB. Currently there are doctors in Nanyang city shrine, is to commemorate the Zhongjing place.
  Zhongjing treatment of typhoid fever, has a unique effect, the drug's point is fine, simple, straight in the disease, unlike modern medicine, as with the Western way of thinking and logic to see a doctor, a model for the future generations and learning Chinese model!!
  Zhongjing is a genius Chinese medicine, "zabzabinglun" is a Wonderful, also known as "Treatise on Zhongjing." It establishes important theoretical medicine one of the pillars - Differential Treatment of thinking in medicine the development process, it is "the crowning touch."
  Zhongjing respect of the important reasons for man, one of which is reflected in this book of "syndrome differentiation" of important medical thinking, can be said that it appears on the later development of Chinese medicine has played a dominant role in the absolute. Use of cold and cool drugs hot sexually transmitted diseases, is of Chinese medicine, "Masaharu Law"; and use warm medication belongs to "anti-government Act." But these two very different treatment methods are used to treat febrile diseases, the same symptoms, different treatment methods, how to distinguish and choose? Is to differentiation. Not just the surface symptoms, but also through a wide range of diagnosis (Wang Wen asked all four diagnostic) and medical analysis (dialectical analysis) derived syndromes can be prescribed. This "see through the essence of the phenomenon of" diagnostic methods, is the famous Zhang Xian teacher "syndrome differentiation" perspective. The formation of this theory is to establish Zai intensive medical knowledge and rigorous dialectical analysis of the basis of Shang, and it completely negate the symptoms alone to Panduanjibing the subjective nature and Zhiliaofangfa Zhenduan France, also established the Zhong Yi of You an important pillar of the theory - "syndrome differentiation" principle. laid the later theoretical basis of traditional Chinese medicine clinic.
  This is the enduring Chinese medicine for thousands of years, doctors have still standing proudly in the world forest "specialty skills children", that is by looking, smelling, questioning and four diagnostic and comprehensive analysis of the nature of the disease, people, because disease, medication for permits to choose sides in the interest of changing physical conditions and different patients can achieve relief from illness. Can also say that the whole "zabzabinglun" is a specific analysis for the doctor was not accurate for drugs and writings of a "correction" of the book, many of which are the so-called "bad disease", is the wrong treatment of a doctor problems which emerged after the corrective treatment.
  Meanwhile, the book made the treatment of exogenous disease when an important classification is the greatest depth of pathogenic factors and is divided into six stages, each stage has a number of common symptoms and the derived features many changes that period square and drug selection in a certain range can be limited, as long as accurate differentiation, the use of prescription will have a good effect. This method later known as the "Six Meridians", but "by the" absolutely different from the meridians "through", it contains much broader in scope. The book of 113 prescriptions, are also rather strange effect of the classic formula, was later called "The Party", used properly, serious illness can often be Dunqi of ills, so the "Treatise on the" also known as the "party of Medicine ancestors. "
  "Zabzabinglun" is the earliest clinical treatment of theory with practice books. Doctors were later described as "Jesus Christ Collection," which systematically analyzes the causes typhoid fever, symptoms, stages of development and processing methods, creatively set of typhoid fever "six by Category" the principle of Differential Treatment, laid a reason and law Fang, medicine theories. The book also has 300 multi-featured, compatibility of these prescription drugs more refined, clear indications. As Ephedra Decoction, Gui Zhi Tang, Chai Hu Tang, Tang, Ching Long Tang, Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang. These well-known prescription, after the test in clinical practice for thousands of years, have confirmed a higher efficacy, and for the Chinese medical formulas to provide a basis for future development. Later, many of prescriptions are coming from its development and changes. Famous doctor Hua Tuo read this book and say tut-praise, said: "This book really living it." Yu Zhang Zhongjing Deeds praised the "Treatise on," said: "To the public square of the cases, social side of the ancestors." "If the sun and moon Guanghua, Dan and Fudan University, everlasting and that" ("Examination of Chinese medical books.") Ages the notes, expounding the works of many of the book. Note in particular, elucidation of "Treatise on the" book, as much as three or four hundred kinds. Its impact goes far beyond the borders of the Asian countries such as Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Mongolia and other countries greatly. Especially Japan, there were special cases in the history of the Cuban camp Zhongjing, until today, the Japanese also like to use Chinese medicine Zhongjing side. Some well-known Chinese pharmaceutical factory in Japan, such as small Hashimoto, Uchida, containing agents such as pharmaceutical companies together produced the proprietary Chinese medicines (leaching agent), the typhoid side generally 60% or more (some of which is clearly the evolution of typhoid square side). See "zabzabinglun" Chinese medicine in Japan has far-reaching influence in the entire world has a profound impact.
  Han Zhang Zhongjing life is not, is the history of China a very turbulent times. Dukes emerged within the ruling class against each other with the eunuchs slaughter "of Dong disaster." Warlords, despots Central Plains and go to war for hegemony. Peasant uprising of war is come and go. 1:00 in frequent wars. People have fled to avoid war and, no less than the millions of displaced persons. Emperor Xian of Han Chu Ping Dynasty (190 AD), Emperor Xian of Han Dong and relying on millions of people moved westward in Luoyang Chang'an and Luoyang in all palaces, houses have been burned within the radius of two hundred years to do for the scorched earth, the people who died in exile is not the way to count.
  According to historical records, when the Han Emperor Huan three major epidemic, when large epidemics of five of Emperor Ling, Emperor Xian Jian even more years of epidemic diseases. Thousands of tired million people were swallowed disease, resulting in the almost totally deserted, an unprecedented catastrophe. Particularly in the East Emperor Ling of Han (AD 168 1 188) 171 AD when, 173 years, 179 years, 182 years, 185 times of epidemics such as the largest. Nanyang area was also suffered from plague pandemic, many people were killed. ZHANG Zhong-jing's family was originally a Han population of as many as two hundred people. Since the early years Jian has been less than a decade, with two thirds of people suffering from the disease and died, died of typhoid fever were accounted for seven tenths.
  The face of the plague epidemic, up Zhongjing very indignant heart. He hated the corruption of the rulers, the people into the abyss of misery. In this regard, Zhang Zhongjing make a determined effort, painstaking research and treatment of typhoid fever, typhoid fever must be uniform in this god of plague.
  Jian years, he traveled around the practice and witnessed a variety of epidemic serious consequences on the people, but also to his many years of research on typhoid put into practice to further enrich their experience, to enrich and improve the theoretical understanding. After decades of efforts to put up with hardships, culminating in one called "zabzabinglun" the immortal. This is the "Yellow Emperor", the another one of the most influential medical texts brilliant.
  "Zabzabinglun" is a culmination of Chinese medicine theory since the Qin and Han dynasties, and is widely used in medical practice, books, medical history of China's most influential classical medical works, is one of the first clinical study of China's masterpiece.
  "Zabzabinglun" contribution, first of all is to develop and establish the basic rules of TCM syndrome differentiation. Zhongjing the disease, arising in the development of a variety of symptoms, according to the invasion of pathogenic factors and the meridians, organs of the depth extent, patients with weak or strong, healthy atmosphere of the rise and fall, and the disease potential of the advance and retreat priorities and the availability of chronic disease (other old diseases), etc. circumstances, be a comprehensive analysis to find disease law, in order to determine the principles of treatment under different circumstances. He creatively all the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases, exogenous heat, grouped into six syndromes group (that is, six levels) and the differentiation program of eight to six by the (Sun, Shao Yang, Yang Ming, Tai Yin, Shao, Jue Yin) to analyze the induction process of the disease in the development, evolution and prognosis, with eight classes (yin and yang, exterior, cold and heat, deficiency and excess) to identify the properties of the disease, disease location, right from wrong and pathological growth and decline of performance. Because of established disease, understanding and clinical treatment of Syndrome testimonies, the syndrome differentiation treatment not only made all the Exogenous Heat programmatic rules, but also to clinical medicine clinic subjects identified the law, later to become physicians guide clinical Practice the basic criteria.
  "Zabzabinglun" The style is based on six patients by the system permits, comprehensive and practical. In addition to present the evidence by the typical features of disease, but also Syria and some atypical symptoms,. Such as fever, aversion to cold, the first items of strong pain, floating pulse, is a table card for the Sun disease. However, patients with the sun, but also points to sweat, rapid pulse bradycardia apart. Including Khan, who is the sun slowly floating pulse disease Gui Zhi Tang Fung's evidence; no sweat, floating and tight pulse who is the sun of Ephedra Decoction typhoid disease; no sweat, pulse and gain tight trouble speaking and the person who is a big Dragon Decoction. This fine differentiation and selection rules for drugs, so physicians can Executive Jane Yu Fan, to cope with various types of complex can be sure of success syndrome. In addition to syndrome differentiation of immunogenicity, the Zhongjing also proposed dialectical flexibility to cope with some of the more special cases. Such as "house clock from the card," and dwelling on evidence from the pulse "of the diagnosis. That differentiation must be expected, news, questioning the premise The combination of all, if pulse, evidence does not match the situation, it should be based on actual conditions, serious analysis, exclude false or minor conflicts and to seize the essence of the situation permits, or round clock from the card, or residential certificate from the clock. yang see Yin clock, table cards, see Shen pulse. and proven false pulse, its essence is evidence pulse more than the lack of evidence that when the house was saved from the connections inside; the evidence, see Yin Yang clock, suggesting that there are pathogenic factors and trends to the table, see the floating clock in cards, table cards and more prompt solution deficiencies; card virtual real pulse, then pulse from the card should care. pulse, permits choice of main points from the "virtual" word of view, the virtual from the real clock pulse, pulse permits virtual reality from the card. This is undoubtedly physicians sort out the complexity of clinical symptoms, general mess, to provide the outline of regulations to follow.
  And prescriptions for treatment are, "zabzabinglun" contribution is also very prominent. The book made the whole concept of governance Zeyi guidance, adjust the yin and yang, righting evil spirits, as well as sweating, vomiting, and, warm, clear, eliminate, fill dharmas. And on this basis, creating a series of highly effective prescription. According to statistics, "Treatise on the" set side 113, "Golden Chamber" set side 262, to remove duplication, two books actually received 269 prescriptions. These formulas are combined with strict and sophisticated, such as Gui and Peony Combination, if the same amount (each 32), that is, Gui Zhi Tang; if Guizhi 32, on a red gas can rule Bentun, if times peony Serve the belly of Ji Tong treatment of Xiao Jian Zhong Tang. If Guizhi Tonga aconite root, ginseng, rhubarb, Poria, etc. can be derived from dozens of prescriptions. The change in essence, efficacy of good, compelling. In particular, the book Science of Prescriptions for later development, such as addition and subtraction of drug compatibility and the principle of change and so has far-reaching implications, and has been followed by physicians for future generations. Many famous people in the modern health care prescriptions continued to play a significant role, such as: treatment of B angry inflammation Tang, treatment of pneumonia Ma Huang Xingren gypsum Decoction treatment of acute and chronic appendicitis Rhubarb Root and soup, treatment of biliary ascariasis of Wu Mei Wan, treatment of diarrhea Pulsatilla soup, the treatment of acute jaundice hepatitis YCHT treatment arrhythmia Decoction, treatment of angina pectoris include wilt Allium white soup, are commonly used in clinical cure. The other book is also on the dosage form and innovative as many of its kind, has greatly exceeded the various parties before the Han Dynasty book. Namely, decoction, pills, powder, cream, wine agents, lotions, bath agent, fumigant, ear drops, nasal irrigation, nose blowing agent, enema, vaginal suppositories, anal suppository, etc.. In addition, a variety of dosage forms of very detailed records of production method of decoction of the frying method, Dosage also account for quite small. So later that Zhongjing's "zabzabinglun" as a "side letter of the ancestors," said the book listed in the recipe for "by the parties."
  "Zabzabinglun" on acupuncture, moxibustion burning, warm iron, drug Morocco, blowing ear and other treatment methods, there are many elaborate. Another way for many first aid are also collected, such as hanging, poisoning, etc. where the rather special. One of the hanging of the rescue, and is similar to modern artificial methods. These are valuable information in Chinese medicine.
  According to historical records, Zhang Zhongjing's writings except "zabzabinglun", there are "identified typhoid fever," XXX, "Commentary disease prescription" roll, "the woman treatment side" two volumes, "Wu Zang of" volume, "articulate on the" roll, unfortunately does not exist already lost. But only this one "zabzabinglun" outstanding contribution, was enough to Zhongjing a great man of the World Medical admired at home and abroad.
  Zhongjing, crew, characters Zhongjing, Nelson Line Zhongyang County, the Eastern Han (Nanyang County, Henan province) who, as the great ancient physician. His medical work, "typhoid and Miscellaneous Diseases" in promoting the development of future generations of medical played a huge role.
  Han Zhang Zhongjing life is not, is the history of China a very turbulent times. Dukes emerged within the ruling class against each other with the eunuchs slaughter "of Dong disaster." Warlords, despots Central Plains and go to war for hegemony. Peasant uprising of war is come and go. 1:00 in frequent wars. People have fled to avoid war and, no less than the millions of displaced persons. Emperor Xian of Han Chu Ping Dynasty (190 AD), Emperor Xian of Han Dong and relying on millions of people moved westward in Luoyang Chang'an and Luoyang in all palaces, houses have been burned within the radius of two hundred years to do for the scorched earth, the people who died in exile is not the way to count.
  According to historical records, when the Han Emperor Huan three major epidemic, when large epidemics of five of Emperor Ling, Emperor Xian Jian even more years of epidemic diseases. Thousands of tired million people were swallowed disease, resulting in the almost totally deserted, an unprecedented catastrophe. Particularly in the East Emperor Ling of Han (168 1 188) 171 AD when, 173 years, 179 years, 182 years, 185 times of epidemics such as the largest. Nanyang area was also suffered from plague pandemic, many people were killed. ZHANG Zhong-jing's family was originally a Han population of as many as two hundred people. Since the early years Jian has been less than a decade, with two thirds of people suffering from the disease and died, died of typhoid fever were accounted for seven tenths.
  The face of the plague epidemic, up Zhongjing very indignant heart. He hated the corruption of the rulers, the people into the abyss of misery. In this regard, Zhang Zhongjing make a determined effort, painstaking research and treatment of typhoid fever, typhoid fever must be uniform in this god of plague.
  Jian years, he traveled around the practice and witnessed a variety of epidemic serious consequences on the people, but also to his many years of research on typhoid put into practice to further enrich their experience, to enrich and improve the theoretical understanding. After decades of efforts to put up with hardships, culminating in one called "zabzabinglun" the immortal. This is the "Yellow Emperor", the another one of the most influential medical texts brilliant.
  "Zabzabinglun" is a culmination of Chinese medicine theory since the Qin and Han dynasties, and is widely used in medical practice, books, medical history of China's most influential classical medical works, is one of the first clinical study of China's masterpiece.
  "Zabzabinglun" contribution, first of all is to develop and establish the basic rules of TCM syndrome differentiation. Zhongjing the disease, arising in the development of a variety of symptoms, according to the invasion of pathogenic factors and the meridians, organs of the depth extent, patients with weak or strong, healthy atmosphere of the rise and fall, and the disease potential of the advance and retreat priorities and the availability of chronic disease (other old diseases), etc. circumstances, be a comprehensive analysis to find disease law, in order to determine the principles of treatment under different circumstances. He creatively all the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases, exogenous heat, grouped into six syndromes group (that is, six levels) and the differentiation program of eight to six by the (Sun, Shao Yang, Yang Ming, Tai Yin, Shao, Jue Yin) to analyze the induction process of the disease in the development, evolution and prognosis, with eight classes (yin and yang, exterior, cold and heat, deficiency and excess) to identify the properties of the disease, disease location, right from wrong and pathological growth and decline of performance. Because of established disease, understanding and clinical treatment of Syndrome testimonies, the syndrome differentiation treatment not only made all the Exogenous Heat programmatic rules, but also to clinical medicine clinic subjects identified the law, later to become physicians guide clinical Practice the basic criteria.
  "Zabzabinglun" The style is based on six patients by the system permits, comprehensive and practical. In addition to present the evidence by the typical features of disease, but also Syria and some atypical symptoms,. Such as fever, aversion to cold, the first items of strong pain, floating pulse, is a table card for the Sun disease. However, patients with the sun, but also points to sweat, rapid pulse bradycardia apart. Including Khan, who is the sun slowly floating pulse disease Gui Zhi Tang Fung's evidence; no sweat, floating and tight pulse who is the sun of Ephedra Decoction typhoid disease; no sweat, pulse and gain tight trouble speaking and the person who is a big Dragon Decoction. This fine differentiation and selection rules for drugs, so physicians can Executive Jane Yu Fan, to cope with various types of complex can be sure of success syndrome. In addition to syndrome differentiation of immunogenicity, the Zhongjing also proposed dialectical flexibility to cope with some of the more special cases. Such as "house clock from the card," and dwelling on evidence from the pulse "of the diagnosis. That differentiation must be expected, news, questioning the premise The combination of all, if pulse, evidence does not match the situation, it should be based on actual conditions, serious analysis, exclude false or minor conflicts and to seize the essence of the situation permits, or round clock from the card, or residential certificate from the clock. yang see Yin clock, table cards, see Shen pulse. and proven false pulse, its essence is evidence pulse more than the lack of evidence that when the house was saved from the connections inside; the evidence, see Yin Yang clock, suggesting that there are pathogenic factors and trends to the table, see the floating clock in cards, table cards and more prompt solution deficiencies; card virtual real pulse, then pulse from the card should care. pulse, permits choice of main points from the "virtual" word of view, the virtual from the real clock pulse, pulse permits virtual reality from the card. This is undoubtedly physicians sort out the complexity of clinical symptoms, general mess, to provide the outline of regulations to follow.
  And prescriptions for treatment are, "zabzabinglun" contribution is also very prominent. The book made the whole concept of governance Zeyi guidance, adjust the yin and yang, righting evil spirits, as well as sweating, vomiting, and, warm, clear, eliminate, fill dharmas. And on this basis, creating a series of highly effective prescription. According to statistics, "Treatise on the" set side 113, "Golden Chamber" set side 262, to remove duplication, two books actually received 269 prescriptions. These formulas are combined with strict and sophisticated, such as Gui and Peony Combination, if the same amount (each 32), that is, Gui Zhi Tang; if Guizhi 32, on a red gas can rule Bentun, if times peony Serve the belly of Ji Tong treatment of Xiao Jian Zhong Tang. If Guizhi Tonga aconite root, ginseng, rhubarb, Poria, etc. can be derived from dozens of prescriptions. The change in essence, efficacy of good, compelling. In particular, the book Science of Prescriptions for later development, such as addition and subtraction of drug compatibility and the principle of change and so has far-reaching implications, and has been followed by physicians for future generations. Many famous people in the modern health care prescriptions continued to play a significant role, such as: treatment of B angry inflammation Tang, treatment of pneumonia Ma Huang Xingren gypsum Decoction treatment of acute and chronic appendicitis Rhubarb Root and soup, treatment of biliary ascariasis of Wu Mei Wan, treatment of diarrhea Pulsatilla soup, the treatment of acute jaundice hepatitis YCHT treatment arrhythmia Decoction, treatment of angina pectoris include wilt Allium white soup, are commonly used in clinical cure. The other book is also on the dosage form and innovative as many of its kind, has greatly exceeded the various parties before the Han Dynasty book. Namely, decoction, pills, powder, cream, wine agents, lotions, bath agent, fumigant, ear drops, nasal irrigation, nose blowing agent, enema, vaginal suppositories, anal suppository, etc.. In addition, a variety of dosage forms of very detailed records of production method of decoction of the frying method, Dosage also account for quite small. So later that Zhongjing's "zabzabinglun" as a "side letter of the ancestors," said the book listed in the recipe for "by the parties."
  "Zabzabinglun" on acupuncture, moxibustion burning, warm iron, drug Morocco, blowing ear and other treatment methods, there are many elaborate. Another way for many first aid are also collected, such as hanging, poisoning, etc. where the rather special. One of the hanging of the rescue, and is similar to modern artificial methods. These are valuable information in Chinese medicine.
  According to historical records, Zhang Zhongjing's writings except "zabzabinglun", there are "identified typhoid fever," XXX, "Commentary disease prescription" roll, "the woman treatment side" two volumes, "Wu Zang of" volume, "articulate on the" roll, unfortunately does not exist already lost. But only this one "zabzabinglun" outstanding contribution, was enough to Zhongjing a great man of the World Medical admired at home and abroad.
  Zhongjing noble medical ethics and medical contribution to the history of medicine in China enjoys his honor. Han dynasty, seminars zabzabinglun's on the more than 500, Zhongjing's reputation far beyond national borders, especially in Japan, Korea, some Southeast Asian countries, a significant influence. Today, the Japanese Kampo prescriptions and medicine preparations, the majority still Zhongjing by side.
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