唐代 List of Authors
Bai JuyiLiu YuxiZhang ZhiheLi Bai
Wen TingyunWang WeiWang ChanglingLi Shangyin
Dou GongDu FuHan YuWang Bo
Wei ChengqingLu LunHuangfu SongWumingshi
Yu ShinaWang JiWang FanzhiHan Shan
Lu ZhaoLinLuo BinwangDu ShenyanSu Weidao
Yang JiongLiu XiyiSong ZhiwenShen Quanqi
Guo ZhenChen ZiangHe ZhizhangGu Kuang
Duan ChengshiZheng FuLi DuanLiu Caichun
Zhang RexuZhang JiulingWei ZhuangWang Zhihuan
Meng HaoranLi QiZu YongWei Yingwu
Cen ShenCui HuHan HongLiu Fangping
Qiwu QianWang HanYuan JieLiu Zongyuan
Meng JiaoGao ShiLi HeLi LongJi
Wang WanChang JianLiu ChangqingQian Qi
Zu Yong
唐代  唐(699 AD746 AD)

Poetry《Looking Toward an Inner Gate of the Great Wall》   《On Seeing the Snow-peak of Zhongnan》   《Interest and charm of antique taste 2》   《Duhuai River Send quell rebellions》   《return Ru grave Village give souvenir on parting Lu Xiang》   《Xiciputian Store》   《田家即事》   《扈从御宿池》   《赠苗发员外(一作李端诗)》   《answer Wang wei stay》   More poems...

Read works of Zu Yong at 诗海
  Luoyang (now part of Henan) who later moved to the north of Yu Shui, New Century Scholars twelve years. Zeng Yin Zhang said that the recommendation of any short period of driving the Department of Yuanwai Lang. Descriptive poetry and more like King to promote recluse life. The poem emphasizes parallelism, also with the color pictures in poetry, with Wang Wei-friendly, covered "Like attracts like groups" or "A man is known 近墨者黑" it also. Ming series of "Zu Yong-set."
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