唐代 List of Authors
Bai JuyiLiu YuxiZhang ZhiheLi Bai
Wen TingyunWang WeiWang ChanglingLi Shangyin
Dou GongDu FuHan YuWang Bo
Wei ChengqingLu LunHuangfu SongWumingshi
Yu ShinaWang JiWang FanzhiHan Shan
Lu ZhaoLinLuo BinwangDu ShenyanSu Weidao
Yang JiongLiu XiyiSong ZhiwenShen Quanqi
Guo ZhenChen ZiangHe ZhizhangGu Kuang
Duan ChengshiZheng FuLi DuanLiu Caichun
Zhang RexuZhang JiulingWei ZhuangWang Zhihuan
Meng HaoranLi QiZu YongWei Yingwu
Cen ShenCui HuHan HongLiu Fangping
Qiwu QianWang HanYuan JieLiu Zongyuan
Meng JiaoGao ShiLi HeLi LongJi
Wang WanChang JianLiu ChangqingQian Qi
Li He
唐代  唐(790 AD816 AD)

Poetry《hadorwould urge sb. to drink (at a banquet)》   《Li with Harp cited》   《残丝曲》   《还自会稽歌并序》   《Send out of town right to Qu Yang Jingzhi》   《示弟》   《Bamboo》   《s son-in-law Fu de A ditch which flows through the imperial garden water》   《Feng Li Yi started the Chang-gu to live away from civilization》   《the seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid meet in Heaven)》   More poems...

Read works of Li He at 诗海
  China's Tang Dynasty poet. Word length Kyrgyzstan. Longxi native, born in Fok Cheong (today Yiyang) Chang Valley, later called Li Chang Valley. Zheng Wang Liang Tang imperial clan descent, but family has lost. When young, talented, were moving the Capital. Father Name Jin Su, due to avoid the taboo father (Jin, Jin homonyms), the end must not be the first. Life, sorrow, depression, weak and sick, had only had 3 years Feng Li Lang, Death is only 27 years old when the descendants called devil's. Li He Yisheng to poetry as a career, his poems can be divided into four classes. ① dark satire of political and social ills. Some of these poems straight Chen current affairs, and some Jiegufengjin. "The Usual Yanmen Prefect line", "the old lady Cai Yu Song," and so on. Such poems, five ancient, Qi Gu less, mostly verse poetry. Or by the old title, or innovation issues, most concise gorgeous. Also some obscure meaning, such as the "Bronze Statue Leaving Han Song." ② individuals determined lyrics. Such poetry with personal hardship and frustration, depression and disease-ridden time goes by, life is short of lament, there are "other forever no knowledge" of the injustice and the "heroes of this world without the Lord," "charged off Hill 50 states," the lofty sentiments and aspirations . ③ immortal ghost theme. These poems show his twists and turns and no aversion to reality. He therefore called devil's descendants. ④ Chanting and other topics. Poetry on the performance of such Li Poems in the breadth and depth of thought. Li He imaginative fancy, deep odd deceitful, saying the word forging refining, the magnificent colors, romantic atmosphere. But a few understand that to understand the poem, he specializes in short, "Heavenly Mountains", "Dream Days", "Imperial Son Song", "Xiang Concubine" and so is his masterpiece, long known as Ji body. Him to write poetry and folk, modern style small, no Qilu. His poetry draws on the Qi and Liang Court Poetry of the words adopted, but also contaminated a number of unhealthy things. As much attention polish, and some poems are often obscure meaning of the word, a pile of rhetoric. Li has set its self. The "Li poetry variorum." Life see yin "Li Biography" and the new and old, "Tang" this biography, "Room Zhi Xuan", "leisurely and carefree advocate", "The Corrections."
  Li He Yisheng of poetry as a career. "High-Xuan Guo," praise for Fu Han Yu "pen up fortune-day reactive," and also as self-assessment of his praise. His poems, including four aspects:
  ① dark satire of political and social ills. He wrote such works, has some basis in reality. Chang Valley home early years, the proximity of Luoyang to Chang'an Avenue, requisition transport must pass through, VIPs have contacts so that he suffered heavy tax on the exploitation of the people, the ruling class is obscene extravagance evil, some knowledge to understand, to precocious poet provides a creative material. Then travel north and south, official career dynasty, the ruling clique of corrupt incompetence of the upper, disparate administrative regions of the disastrous, corrupt officials of the rampant illegal activities, the lower the people's suffering to further stimulate the poet's indignation. Li He wrote poems in this category, some bluntly current events, some old stabbed by this. One irony Tang court Hange dinner dance, live music day and night of the Lost, such as the "king drinking"; vaguely reflect the court incident, such as "Ji Han and Tang Yin Jiuge"; critical Kenso Immortality, such as "immortal "" Kunlun Envoy "; against military governors split caused by the disaster and tribute to level military governors rebellion, such as" Tiger "and" We Yanmen prefect line "," Ye Ancient City boy stabbed Ballad effect Cao Wang Can, "" on the back "; reflect the domineering power door nobility, Jiaosheyinyi, good times never last, such as" Wing Wah Music "," Qin Gong Shi "," Peony Divine Comedy "," night drinking song towards sleep "," your son Ye Lan Song, "" ridicule Boy "and" beam old-fashioned "; irony eunuchs in power, more capable frustration and failure, such as" Song of General Lu "," Allegorical 6 "Third, Fourth, the" green seal of Chapter affairs "; reflect the frontier enemy harassment, against the enemy soldiers, the hard life, such as "multi-floor sub-Moldova"; expose the feudal ruling class exploitation of the people of persecution, such as "the old lady Cai Yu Song," "Allegorical 5" one; sympathy court lost Chongfei Pin The misery of life, such as the "Palace Doll Song," "dignified"; reflect the ethnic military resistance activities, such as "Wong Ka-hole"; reflect the vicious man-eating society, honest people in the ones to suffer, such as "no go public" , "such as Zhang Ai"; criticized imperial examination system can not select real talent, such as "send SHEN Ya-Song", "Ren and Li miscellaneous Syria Huangfu □" and so on. Reflected in the social life is quite broad. Minority in five of these poems, Seven Poems, and extensive use of verse form, or to use the old title, or self-innovation issues, most concisely and beautifully. Some obscure meaning, such as "Chinese Bronze Statue Leaving Song", "also from Huiji song" Du Mu that "strike situations were never gone away, ink Kwai Path, the special also can not know" ("LI Chang-ji Costa sequence "). In the contemporary "element, white", "Zhang, Wang" factions verse, the poems of Li He distinguished from state, unique. Wang Fu-chih, "Poetry Award," said: "Long Ji in irony, Heritage and move straight to sound and feeling." Mao Xianshu "Poetry identified islet", said: "After Dali, Xie Yue who left France, but Li one. Set □ wonderful color, but the word more Apartments articles aimed outside. engraved on the essays language, intended to muddy on. "This is the most important part of Li He's poetry.
  ③ ghost writing fairy themes. Li is a young poet, but his work appears in the "dead" word has reached more than 20 "old" word up to more than 50, reflect his good times never last, Time goes by a sentimental mood. "Qushui fragrance did not return, shed all into Autumn Pear Garden" ("Henan House music word test Dec. March"), "status is a youth day to evening, peach disorder such as Falling down" ("will into the wine "), expressed his feelings of helplessness on the reality of life;" vaguely serious winter gas row has been a long day on speech night "(" Henan House Music Words December trial in December "), disclosed that his a bright vision of the future. Contradictions between his and explore ways to get rid of the death, then had a wonderful fantasy of the fairy realm. Queen Mother, goddess of the moon and other mythological figures, silver pumps, the moon and other heavenly beauty, appears in the "Heavenly Mountains", "Dream Days" and other masterpieces, the very strange and beautiful magic of the concept of lying. In the "old line comes first", "whisk Dance Songs," "Crown Street, drums," "God □" and other works, then write the imaginary gods and the vicissitudes of changes in birth. Since death can not escape, so he appeared on another terrible evil world description: "ghost light, such as paint point Songhua" ("Nanshan Tanaka Bank"), "Space Ghost sprinkled grass" ("Allegorical five" of its 3), "Autumn grave ghost Chanting Bitter Lines, hate blood Thousand Years" ("Autumn in"), "a hundred years old □ into wood charm and laughter from the nest Pitt fire" ("God □ Song"). Haunted, ghastly and horrifying. Song Qian Yi, Song Qi Li and other so called for the devil's. Du Mu said: "Of Mang Chiu Loong, is also less than its sad bitterness," "demons, magic is also less than its virtual absurd" ("LI Chang-ji lyrics of order") is a type of poetry of General Comments.
  Li Artistic Style is a very rich imagination, strange, highly confidential, saying the word forging refining, magnificent colors. Such as "Xi and the sound of knocking on the glass," "Jiuhan drink to pour on line" ("Emperor Qin drinking"), "Silver Pu learn acoustic clouds" ("Heavenly Mountains") and other bizarre odd language abound Yes. In particular, he specializes in short stories such as "Heavenly Mountains", "Dream Days", "Imperial Son Song", "Xiang Concubine" and so on, later known as the "long Kyrgyzstan style" masterpiece. He also works a few intelligible, such as "Mian love line", "Allegorical Five" First, "capital", "satirized Youth" and other. He was more to write poetry and folk, seldom was a popular modern style poetry, Qilu poem is not written, the performance of his dissatisfaction with the attitude of poetry at that time. On the other hand, he Qi and Liang Court Poetry by the impact of reference adopted their words, but also contaminated a number of unhealthy things. Because too much attention to polishing and some work is also intended to obscure words and rhetoric of the problems piled up. But look at the basic achievements, then, as he appreciated the work of Han Yu as the "heart Ershibasu Luo, Yuan Jing dedicated consistently among the" ("high-Hin-off") of. In the Tang Dynasty, yin, Wen's poem, is taking the path opened up by Li. Song Liu Zhuang, Xie Ao, Yuan Sa □, Earlier Ming Dynasty, Qing Li Jian, Yao Xie, are subject to Li Poems. Song Edition of "LI Chang-ji corpus"
  Li poetry of poetry on the evaluation, both favorable and unfavorable. Du Mu praised as "the refuge in Sao" ("LI Chang-ji lyrics of order"), high □ called him "the day of longitudinal Wizards" ("The Collection of Tang"), Wang Fu said he was "true and dedicated (Li Bai) enemy" (" Poetry Award "), Yao Wenxie that he" regain Saying "(" Chang Annotations Valley Legend "). Derogatory Lee who said that the "monsters and freaks too much" (tables Chen "Coral hook Poetry"), and even considered a "demon Poetry" (Pan opinion "to support a fast Poetry").
  Li He's Life, a yin "Li Biography" and the new and old, "Tang" this biography, "Room Zhi Xuan", "leisurely and carefree advocate", "The Corrections", as well as Anthology, "Li Chronicle" and the money Chung United's "chronicle Commentaries LI Chang-ji", "Li Chronicle Commentaries" available for reference.
  [Jiao, and around the poet Han Yu]
  Surrounding the poet Han Yu, the artistic achievement is the highest Li.
  Li He (790-816) word length of Kyrgyzstan, was born in Fok Cheong (today Yiyang), is a precocious talent, is also not
  Fortunately, the poet. "New Book of Tang," said he, "Zheng Department of the Queen" is the royal imperial clan, but the pedigree far, James is not on the mercy
  The. His father had been a magistrate, and he has since Father name "Jin Su", and "graduates" euphony, they can not participate in the Block
  Test, only when the last gift from the Nine's Bong Lang, 20-year-old died on Yang Yang. The "LI Chang-ji Costa."
  Li Heshi way flow, but very early fame in the poetry. Legend Kenso dollars and two years (807), 18-year-old Li
  To a "Yanmen Prefect line" to surprise the great poet Han Yu (see Zhang Gu, "leisurely and carefree advocate"), poetry as follows:
  City Buildings For dark clouds break, a light to open the Japanese Jin Lin. Herald sky autumn, a stuffed purple night Ning Yan fat. Half of the volume red
  Pro Yi River, Cold Cream heavy drum sound can not afford. Jun gold platform reportedly intended to guide and support Dragon King and die.
  Magnificent colors poems instead of stagnation, rather than imposing tragic decline of cold, depressed and not rhythms chaos, no wonder one see Han Yu
  The startled, much appreciated.
  Precocious talent has made Li heart is full of romantic ideals, "South Park" the poem said:
  Why not hook with a man named Wu collect Guanshan 50 states. So please temporarily on Lingyan Court, if a scholar 10 000 Hou?
  However, the cold reality has given him a second blow to the ideal of Li were smashed, jeopardizing their hearts full of sadness.
  "Dedicated to Chen-business", said: "Chang has a man, 20 heart was corrupt." Lankavatara "from the case before," Songs of the South "series after the elbow. People
  Students have poor humble, chat sunset drink. Road only has this plug, what must be white first. "Therefore, the romantic ideal and the reality of exhausted
  The conflict between the heart is full of melancholy to Li, this translated into a deep melancholy awareness of life. Life is short,
  Time is fleeting, but a major theme of poetry, Li look so weak and sick, they are particularly sensitive on this subject. Underappreciated,
  Another theme of poetry, whose ideals and the greater the gap between the reality of conditions, who's suffering more deeply. The people are
  After repeated setbacks in fact, will be more strongly felt life is short, time goes by tragedy. Therefore, this life and the reason
  A two themes intertwined to form the main theme of Li He's poetry, he often put on the life and ideals of depression and pain
  Repeated chewing on the heart, writing in the poem, such as "autumn":
  Surprised warrior Tong bitter wind, cold cry bad light contact Wei Su. Youth who read the book simply a compilation, not laid off an empty flower beetle insect powder. Best Soul Tonight
  Intestine should be straight, lifting Lake of Scented Soul book off the cold rain. Chanting Bitter Lines Autumn grave ghost, hate blood Thousand Years.
  This depression and anger emotions, most of the poems of Li He penetrated.
  Li sometimes relief to pin their hopes illusory ghost world, the famous "Ballad of heaven," "Dream
  Days "and" Yaohua Music "," the Clouds "in fiction have depicted the joy of his heart, magical, beautiful world.
  But when he faced the reality and opened his eyes, he saw more ugly, dark. This is the real world there are corrupt officials
  The transverse collected illegitimate, domineering, such as "Allegorical 5" wrote one woman magistrate to force the more satisfied silk; have rulers luxury prostitution
  Lost and hungry Kuxin the grievances of workers, such as "the old lady Cai Yu Song," written for the rulers Caiyu frame of mind and experience of the elderly,
  And so on. More from his own frustrations felt the fate of the world's indifference, cruelty, his mind a world day of faint
  In the dark: "days vacantly, to thick. Bear snake eating human soul, Xueshuang broken bones. Incite dogs yelp with soso, lick the palm side should Perrin
  Off. ... ... Drug Qiu phase as the vibration gold rings, Suan Ni Ya mad dog saliva spit greedy. "
  ("No go public") and even the natural landscape is gloomy, he saw, was dead orchids and hibiscus
  Is the aging horse rabbit fish crow is a rainbow ruins of dew, is Xiu Fu's Tong Gui Zhubai. "Laojing heavy non-flush, fall red
  Calyx irregular dark residue "," Shang Lin Ying-day watery loose, Zhuhuang pool of cold hibiscus death "(" House of Henan word test Dec. music ").
  So, in his poem, we see the fate of a young poet in the face of the suffering soul. From the personal fate of the
  Hair, feeling, experience and human nature and society against the oppression, is the main content of Li He's poetry.
  As with Han Yu, Li is the most imaginative, but there are obviously different between the two. Han Yu's imagination funky light
  Land off, Furama looking, but very obvious traces of human pursuit, and Li's imagination, but in recent days in a pathological
  The illusion is very difficult to access ordinary people's thinking. Just as Du Mu said, "Whale suction Ao throwing, monsters and freaks, its lack of
  Virtual Magic also absurd "(" LI Chang-ji lyrics of Syria "), strange and even absurd to imagine that constitutes the first poems of Li He
  An art feature. In his poem, he imagined the flying time is a kind of light the sun, while the sun is pulling the running title dragon candle,
  Kill the dragon, the time will be solidified ("hard day short"); the sun is a transparent vitreous body, knocking up to issue
  Glass sound ("King of Qin drinking"); moon like a wheel ran over the grass will be issued around the dew foggy soft
  ("Dream Days"); he could imagine the people and the camel Copper shed tears and tears as heavy as lead juice ("Bronze Statue Leaving Han
  Song "and" copper camel sad "); thin horse bone is copper, and urge them to issue metal sound (" Horse Poems "); ghost can point
  Lamp, which lamp is painted like bright ("Nanshan Tanaka Line"); the sound from the harp Kunshan he could think of the saying, Phoenix
  Phoenix tweet, hibiscus weeping dew, a ground-breaking, I feel that music can make the empty mountains, cloud condensate, Jiang E whining, old fish jumping waves, thin Jiao
  Dancing ("Lee with harp cited").
  Also, like Han Yu, Li He most attention to language and imagery of the novel, this is his second feature Art of Poetry.
  He is said to poetry worked hard to be his mother sighed, said: "It is a child to mind when Ouchu has Seoul!" (Yin
  "LI Chang-ji Biography"), but also will have a speech, not Daoxi predecessors, Han Yu and more with the ancient words, rare words, Li is
  With unusual combinations to obtain special effects; Han Yu's image gives a power shock, Li He then gives a psychological
  Stimulation. Depression, pain of mind, so that Li new image search, the more emphasis on Kuji enclosed in a class,
  "Old," "death", "thin", "dry", "hard" that he frequently used vocabulary.
  However, Li is also a very strong desire to life a poet, he does not like pure deserted lonely, but
  Waste in the pursuit of gorgeous colors, the silence in the performance of the activities of life. Thus, thick dark and gorgeous, infirm and the shock-Song,
  You Leng and China and the United States, constitute a unique aesthetic Li Poetry. Such as "owl into a century-old wood charm, laughter, fire nest Pitt
  Play "(" God Chord Song ")," white fox mountain to the month number, Qiu-swept clouds remain blue sky "(" Stream cool night "), so
  Li He's poems abound in the sentence. The recording of a complete "Nanshan Tanaka line" as an example:
  Akino Ming, Autumn White, ponds Xiao Xiao insects Gee. Cloud mountain moss rock roots, cold red weeping dew Jiaoti color. Absurd plot in September
  Rice fork teeth, low-flying Long Path ramp sting fireflies. Spring pulse flow drops sand stone, ghost lights, such as paint point Songhua.
  This rich and peculiar imagination poetic imagery constitute the main material of Li He, and Li You Yi erratic, jumping
  Ups and string them together ideas. The idea of jumping great, is Li's third characteristic poetic art. Ordinary person
  The idea is to have continuous and context could be found, while Li He preached the art of thinking peculiar characteristics. His favorite poem thread
  Changes in unprovoked, sometimes low, sometimes excitement, sometimes of heaven Now they enter, the contrast is particularly large. Such as "Henan government test 10
  February Fun words in February, "wrote the former 7 mid-spring in February, long-blooming grass, Yan Nan language does, Tianjin head dancer skirt beneath the bitter, end
  2 is converted to crisp the tune: "Jin farewell to sing the first flow, drinkers back Nanshan cold dead." "Heavenly Mountains" written 10 days ago
  On the music, the last two sentences of a sudden sigh, back to earth: "East refers to Xi and to cursory, the sea of dust under the new Rock Hill."
  Unreal's music played by real sad all of a sudden disappear. Another example is "Hao Ge," First, the two wrote the valley flat, the sea
  Shift, the third, four transcription degree of opening in fall 1000 Peach Queen Mother, the fairy enough even death on a few back, five, six further transfer
  To write human pleasure, scenery, 7th to 10 people drinks upon written Zheng, said students who did not know this when the body where such materials,
  Not our sorrow, life would have no fixed number, the 11th, 12 The prince was identify what the cause for nostalgia
  Endless, 13, 14 and then laments the time had drive, the old life easily, the last two sentences high in turn, encourage ourselves not to
  Trouble, do not waste a years, nothing. 2 between the two may even appear off, jump ups, but they show the entire poem
  A kind of mood changes that sigh-year-old Chinese, sad life is not complacent and expect to achieve the desired theme of this double spear in the heart
  Shield to tangle with. This jump put together ways and means through the fluid compared with more flavor.
  These three characteristics can also be reduced to a general feature, that Li's poems focus more on performance than the previous inner feelings
  Xu, feel and even hallucinations, while ignoring the inherent characteristics of objective reality and rational logic, upset that people are accustomed to thinking
  As a result, he opened up to Chinese poetry, a new realm. Of course, Li He's poetry also has its flaws, First, some of
  Poems written in obscure messy, it is figuring out its meaning clear; the second is due to poets often indulge in personal narrow, distorted
  Mood, the poetry seems so deep dark emotions, the lack of high-spirited spiritual strength.
  From the late Jiao Zhen Yuan, Yu and poetry is set off from New Poetry, to the Japanese years, and around the poet Han Yu
  From the poetry of language, content, style, style, and other aspects of innovation, so that the forum presents the flourishing Tang prosperity
  But the prosperous era of the Tang Empire gone, this group of poets and most are experienced ups and downs, in the community feel
  Heavy depression, their mind, emotions tend to become distorted or even perverted. Their inner world of poetry in the performance of individual
  Sector is a rich and sensitive, but can no longer have the kind of nature poems, cheerful, and macro release, vigorous weather.
  Innovation in language and form, they take the correction of partial front shock, intentionally different and strange from the insurance, Gui Qi, jerky and other parties
  Change up the old and something new that not only enriched the traditional art of Chinese classical poetry, but also left a number of drawbacks, this particular table
  Now Prose Poems, by learning the tendencies for the poem. In any case, these poets (especially of Han Yu and Li)
  The ingenuity shown by the enthusiastic pursuit of art and their creative talents, is first of all should be affirmed.
  Dollars and nine (814) and Meng Jiao's death, 10 year (816), Li's death, Changqing four years (824), South Korea
  More death, Japanese years, Lu Tong, Huang Fushi also died, and only Jia Dao, Yao has lived to Huichang, medium and large
  Years, and led by Poetry of Han Yu, he gradually degenerated and was replaced by Late Tang.
  (History of Chinese Literature, Pei Luo Yu, youth sweep school)
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