法国 List of Authors
杜洛 dosFrancois VillonJoachim du BellayPierre Corneille
Victor HugoCharles BaudelaireStephane MallarmePaul-Marie Veriaine
Comte de LautréamontArthur RimbaudRemy de GourmontPaul-Jean Toulet
Francis JammesLéon-Paul FarguePaul ClaudelPaul Valery
Charles PeguyJules SupervielleAndré BretonPaul Eluard
Guillaume ApollinaireJacques PrévertLouis AragonPaul Fort
Henri MichauxJosé Maria de HerediaAntonin ArtaudPierre Reverdy
Saint-John PerseSully PrudhommeRené CharYvan Goll
Alain BosquetYves BonnefoyAndré Paul Guillaume GideAlfred de Musset
Frédéric Mistral
Philippe III le Hardi
法国 卡佩王朝  (April 30, 1245 ADOctober 5, 1285 AD)
Reign1270 AD1285 AD

  Philip III, immediately after the request in the reign of his uncle Charles I and the Muslim leader talks to end the Eastern Campaign, and he was returned to France. Result the Crusaders and the Muslims signed a 10-year truce. August 12, 1271, Philip III officially crowned King of France. Another uncle near Toulouse, Count Philip Alphonse's death, because he did not have heirs, Philip acquired most of his territory. These new territories to the royal family's power was greatly expanded.
  1. Louis (not live to adulthood)
  In Isabella after the death of Philip III on August 21, 1274 married again, the object is the Duke of Brabant Henry III's daughter, Maria. They had the following children:
  3. France's Marguerite
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(1270 AD1285 AD)
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