西周 List of Authors
Zhou GongdanZhou TaiwangZhou GongjiZhou Wenwang
Zhou WuwangZhou GongdanZhou ChengwangZhou Kangwang
Zhou ZhaowangZhou MuwangZhou GongwangZhou Yiwang
Zhou XiaowangZhou YiwangZhou LiwangGong Bahe
Zhou XuanwangZhou YouwangZhou XiewangDou Ying
Gong Bahe
Reign841 BC
共和841 BC828 BC

  Republicans have a saying found only in "Historical Records Zhou Ji," Duke said that the so-called Republican, called the two-phase public administration. Here called the public for the church duke Ji tiger, and the same period recorded in the literature did not name the Duke of Zhou (Zhou Dinggong one that comes from the puppet "Today the Bamboo Annals"), so future generations of scholars have suspected.
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(841 BC)
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