楚国 List of Authors
Qu YuanLao-TzuXiong ZaoXiong Li
Xiong KuangXiong YiXiong AiXiong Da
Xiong ShengXiong YangXiong QuXiong Zhi
Xiong YanXiong YongXiong YanXiong Shuang
Xiong XunXiong EXiong YiXiong Kan
Xiong XuanXiong TongXiong ZiXiong Jian
Xiong YunXiong ShangchenXiong LvXiong Shen
Xiong ZhaoXiong YuanXiong WeiXiong Bi
Xiong JuXiong ZhenXiong ZhangXiong Zhong
Xiong DangXiong YiXiong CangXiong Liangfu
Xiong ShangXiong HuaiXiong HengXiong Wan
Xiong HanXiong YouXiong YuanChang Pingjun
Xiong XinXiang YuYuxiong
Xiong Zhang
楚国  (?488 BC432 BC)
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 惠王
Reign488 BC432 BC

  During the reign of King Wu beat Goujian, as a party harassing. King Hui of nine more countries by Wu defeated by the machine, the rate Bing Gong Wu. Chu long-term involvement in Soochow situation ends.
  King Hui of Chu Kang became XU Guo-jun has been closed primary, then in the King Hui, Jane Wang Xu occasion of the country has perished.
Translated by Google

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(488 BC432 BC)
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