北洋政府 人物列錶
袁世凱 Yuan Shikai黎元洪 Li Yuanhong馮國璋 Feng Guozhang
徐世昌 Xu Shichang周自齊 Zhou Ziji高凌霨 Gao Lingwei
曹錕 Cao Kun黃郛 Huang Fu段祺瑞 Duan Qirui
鬍惟德 Hu Weide顔惠慶 Yan Huiqing杜鍚圭 Du Yanggui
顧維鈞 Gu Weijun張作霖 Zhang Zuolin
曹錕 Cao Kun
北洋政府  (1862年1938年)
字: 仲珊
籍貫: 天津

  黎元洪雖然復職,但軍政大權操於曹、吳手中。為使曹錕早日爬上總統寶座,揚言黎到1923年10月任期已滿,應行另選。1923年6月直係軍閥把黎元洪逼下臺。曹錕采納收買議員的辦法,在北京甘石橋設立議員俱樂部,為進行選舉的活動機關,規定選舉時出席議員每人賄以五千元支票。為了籌集賄選經費,他以藉軍餉為名,通令直隸所屬170縣分大中小級,每縣籌藉1萬元到3萬元不等。他用搜刮來的1300萬餘元,收買了一批國會議員。1923年10月5日,選為中華民國第五任大總統。10月10日,曹錕由保定入京,粉墨登場。這是中國現代史上罕見的醜聞之一。 1926年4月,馮玉祥軍鹿鐘麟不滿臨時執政段祺瑞與奉係軍閥勾結,發動驅段兵變,將曹錕釋放。5月1日因病辭職,由總理攝政。
  天津曹錕舊居五、退天津保持晚節 曹錕本人具有比較強的民族意識,另外,劉夫人亦從中起了一定作用北京政變後,馮玉祥和張作霖主宰了北方,他們一邊電邀孫中山北上共談和平大計,一面又推段祺瑞出來組織北方臨時政府,由於段政府的包庇,曹錕並沒有因"賄選竊位、禍國殃民"而受到製裁。
  附: 曹錕雖然在歷史上名聲更不好,為了過把總統癮,不惜大把花銀子賄賂選舉者,留下了“賄選總統”的惡名。不過他卻有着最底的底綫,那就是不當漢姦------------1937年盧溝橋事變後,華北淪陷。曹錕的老部下紛紛落水,出任漢姦政權要職。日本侵略者還千方百計地拖曹錕出來當俘虜,年邁的曹錕在劉夫人勸導下,立誓寧肯喝稀粥,也不給日本人辦事。

  April 1914, they Ren Changjiang River garrison commander, the third division stationed in Hunan Yuezhou rate, monitoring the revolutionary forces in the south. October 1915, Cao Kun, and active support for the provision of Emperor Yuan Shikai, was awarded the general of the title. Monarchy, after been called the first-Pak. January 1916 Feng Yuan of Sichuan, ordered troops to the suppression Protection Movement. Yuan Shikai's death in June, Cao Kun, another of its important military power, still rely heavily on the Northern Government, in September appointed military governor of Zhili, stationed in Baoding.
  First, sell Brown angry enlist
  Cao Kun parents see not a device, then 17 years old in his Trustee of matchmaking, the West Taku, a girl surnamed Zheng Qu Guolai. Cao Kun Cheng longer than two years old, looks flat, but the sensible man, interlude after the King-laws, aunts and uncles, under pain of Cao Kun is a very thoughtful, young couple and live in harmony, little mouth.
  Cao Kun uncle of Yuan Yuan heard of a three sworn brothers have a brother named Cao Kezhong, very powerful at the local, known as "Commander" Then she went to pay respects next gift. As the saying goes: "politeness costs nothing." This Caoke Zhong is from Tianjin, a former Admiral in Guangdong, a month seems a little fellow named Cao was very happy. Then a genealogy search and found that Cao Kun was actually his own grandchildren, naturally more happy, it was officially recognized family of Cao Kun Sun, and sent his concubine to go there for his accommodation Yuan, Cao Kun soared since then opened the broad road, Bangdai and help from the system by the help system and a guide, the command and control.
  Second, its prestige in Baoding Great succeed
  In 1922, in Guangzhou, China held its first National Congress of the Socialist Youth League, Xi-Jiang Yu's School students and others on behalf of Baoding league organizations attended the meeting. After the return of Baoding, Baoding Wang Xi Jiang presided over the work of the Socialist Youth League, the same year, Xi-Jiang Yang in a sixth high school students sent a letter to King Hill, "Social Problems of Constitution", the authorities seized by warlords. Because of which relate to "Bolshevism" and so on, Cao Kun, and it ordered the arrest of Wang Xi Jiang wanted. Wang Hao Zhongqing the help of the school principal, to get out to Beijing, the summer after Deng with revolutionary work by Deng Xia Jieshao joined the Communist Party of China, becoming the first Communist Baoding.
  Cao Kun love to watch play, he will play Temple into park, known as the "Cao Kun Opera House." He often invited to perform at the theater stage star to Baoding. Zhang Xun restoration failed, Cao Kun Jian Shu Zhili governor. Cao Kun in this time of brilliance, Mei Lanfang Peking Opera masters invited to perform in Baoding, and personally led a trusted horse and carriage to the north of the city of Baoding, welcome.
  60 Birthday Celebration of the show and unprecedented - Lunar on October 21, 1922, Cao Kun's 60th birthday is. At this point, immediate war in the direct instructions from the control of the Beijing regime, the North as if the immediate world. As leader of Cao Kun smug immediate decision Daqing 60th birthday, in order to expand their political influence.
  Cao Kun birthday this extravagant luxury, big spenders, but the military has often owed their pay, which caused a mutiny.
  History can not be covered, then revealed the truth behind the scenes is: total 480 participants, have received the bribes on Cao Cao to the most famous in history that his bribery President. A once all-powerful figure, finally being fixed grid in the shame point, very interesting. The bribery in history is an interesting comedy or farce, the seemingly solemn political greatly laugh about that. Cao Kun fans this is like the tune, the theater, holding actors, does not want to have a history of starring in this comedy.
  Since the Republic of China since the democracy was destroyed a few, after Sangluan Congress, Members are mostly destitute and out of the current situation of disappointment, Chi shortage has already spent time, give up on themselves, and the early Republican era had radically different. Cao Kun at this time so that means, but it is dipped in sugar, cotton, sweet and gentle, just hit their weak spots. People often say, "Heroes do not eat hard food soft", so participants were members from the field back to Beijing a constant stream, most of us that holds the money they leave a psychological, it was able to narrowly're done bribery . Members would like to account for the ready-made cheap, but do not want to take any responsibility, this also led to uncertainty about the future of parliamentary politics in China.
  These 28 people, Chen San, Yan Xiu is a celebrity, Sun Meiyao a robber, high-tin, Nai Fu Sheng is the local representatives of the people, also 22, were all well-known political power to send the whole country. On the military and political talent, than Cao Kun, who is not fit to be president next fight; even if the military power for the time being as Cao Kun, but the gap will never vote so huge. Therefore, regardless of whether or not bribery, this is out and out election fraud.
  As for yesterday morning, members from four pull straight people, there are those who pay, but also increased prices by 5,000 yuan outside and smell the former defeating the last attendance, Mr Hsu to vote in free, or pay the fare. The houses of members served by the Secretary-General as well as clean up husband, the other to the payroll two months, issued by the Wu Jinglian, a total of 8 million, that the reward, this is probably the case of bribery also.
  Number of people gather. Election time, though set at 10 am, in fact, to 13:20, before not gather a quorum, so Ishibashi Gan Cao Kun election campaign some Members of secret commitment to the club: only attend the meeting, even if not elected Cao Kun can receive 5,000 yuan. This trick really work, to the afternoon, there Three against the yellow more than ten members arrived by car, ready to clean and neatly vote - money - leave. Even so, the final number of people still missing, the club went to the hospital bed for some members to carry with a soft bed, so just gather a quorum.
  Torture will be monitoring. According to electoral law, presidential elections must have a certain number of supervision meetings as observers.
  But on election day observers particularly strict control must be for referee (Mr) came forward to prove their identity, and was found to be started behind. In the yard, put up a shed in the interim, there are observers waiting early in the morning, a total of about 100, as many people to narrow, almost no place. Time for lunch was not any food to eat, then the organizers pretty "kind", brought a group of bread, do not let them hungry fainted. Billing allowed to attend before the election, until 3 pm Admission is only possible, but the overall situation has already formed, and meetings have also been exhausted supervision, where there is energy to exercise supervisory powers? Members counterfeit. Although the attendance that day nearly 600 people, but not are all Masachika. House and Senate members have a Mongolia Mongolia is a truly Members pointed out that counterfeiting, and Shanxi, Jiangxi also have a members accused of being a good impression. Venue "sign everywhere," the deacon staff are the roles assigned in advance, and the remaining persons should not be near; actually "signed around" is much support for Cao Kun's "Big selected" members around the surround, outsiders can hardly close. Just closing, Wu Jinglian command will sign books immediately sealed cabinet, and ordered management personnel shall not leak.
  After the success of Cao Kun bribery, October 7, the Chinese Nationalist Party issued a declaration, denounce Cao Kun. October 9, Sun Yat-sen in Guangzhou headquarters presided over the meeting to discuss the CAO to discuss the matter and made countries in the diplomatic corps, please deny Cao Kun as president, to marshal ordered the crusade on behalf of Cao Kun, members wanted bribery and power Duan Qi-rui, Chang Tso-lin, Lu Yongxiang concerted action.
  Cao Kun by means of bribery, so that their dream president boarded the "throne." After taking office he made a statement saying: "Kun military, in politics early inexperienced, this according to the National People have placed the weight out and seek a country welfare, food for thought familiar terms, numerous Jing Ti! The private Fortunately, the State of the establishment, in order to foundation of the rule of law; president of duties to abide by the law as to meaning. presidents, all be a moment of Fame, only the fundamental law of the state is not established, untried, not grams implemented. Kun took office when the appropriate occasion in Dafa rolled together, political initiatives since Shu, 11 Jie You follow, there are too selfish theft Fortunately, our predecessors have faced. ... ... When the affairs of state is not rather, people's livelihood are difficulties, financial Jiejue, when the military did not put away, Zhangu future, not that sincere There will be up to the capacity. However, brave, for primality, so those who answer my elders Kun quarter, provided that such sincere it. In recent years, political trends, changing, arm of the doctors who do not want to Neanderthal, since limited by side book, not aim too new to the country for the trial. saying: 'politics is not to say, how the ear care to exercise.' would like to subscribe to, served on a government. "Cao to the date of taking office, also announced the" Constitution of the Republic " Of course, this Constitution is promulgated by the ROC Constitution, the Conference, but the constitution is not being attentive to, later known as the "Cao Constitution."
  October 30 Cao Kun Sun Baoqi cabinet nomination to the House of Representatives, November 5 meeting of the House of Representatives voted Sun Court agreed to vote on Nov. 9 passed in December quasi-Gao Ling Cao rising of clouds cabinet to resign as Prime Minister of any Sun Baoqi Sun cabinet is as follows : Prime Minister: Sun Baoqi House General, Cheng Ke finance minister, foreign affairs chief Wang Kemin, Wellington Koo army chief, Lu Jinhai military chief, Assistant Attorney General Ralph Lee, Hui Wang minister of education, Zhang Guogan traffic chief, Wu Minlin General of Agriculture and Commerce. In fact, this is not the first time that bribery of Cao Kun. In 1918, Feng Guozhang on behalf of the presidential term expires, Duan Qirui Anfu under the control of Congress elect the president and vice president. Prior to that, Duan Qi-rui Feng Guozhang for the confrontation to the next Vice-President as bait to draw strongly Cao Kun. Unexpectedly, on September 4 for the new president elect Hsu, vice president election day, much as Bacheng 430 members absent. The reason is that the traffic department, research is driven by members of unbearable man again, Anfu electoral system, however, consider Vice President unprofitable short to be bribes are all sitting posture. At this point, Wu Pei-fu sent a telegram questioned the results of the presidential election, Duan Qirui to placate immediate, so the pro to the Congress "strongly recommend" Cao Kun, vice-president on, he paid 1.5 million yuan Cao allocated to military spending in the name, as its Vice-election The "campaign expenses."
  But until every vote open to the high price of 2,000 yuan, most of the members still do not buy it, or to play the animal park, or party food Sanhua, just do not attend the election. Was to clarify the bottom line, I discovered that Mr Cao Kun stroke transfer from Wuhan to spend 100 thousand silver dollars to buy a bit concubine, net worth turned out to be members of the 50 times, see Cao Kun arrogant sufficiently circumspect, 是可忍孰不可忍, was elected Vice-matter thoroughly abortion. Cao Kun consciously loses face, said the disease back to the rest of Baoding.
  Fourth, the event coup behind bars
  Cao Kun bribery before the first forced Li to step down. Cao camp owned by the activists then hit the first burst of Feng Yuxiang, Li claims to discuss salaries for army officers surrounded the presidential palace every day, surrounded by the State Council, Li could not stand the departure of the main military force the emperor to abdicate, and the army's mastermind is Feng.
  Therefore, saying that the three major contributor bribery Cao Kun, Feng Yuxiang first, second, Wang Chengbin, third, Wu Jinglian. Cao Kun became president, to power high-Feng grew out condescension. At that time the Prime Minister has not yet produced, the State Council, the Secretary-General Ting-Ngok as the link between the government hospital. Not after the Lunar New Year Lantern Festival, a day to find Feng Ting-Ngok, he: "Straight Ching (Ting-Ngok word) brother, please go with me to see the president." Ting-Ngok thought he was courtesy of his audience, to accompany the see Cao . How can one imagine to see Cao, Feng Cheng and weight and said: "who started the day, the Presidential Palace Guard soldiers fought to the president know? Do not know if the president is the president shield their mistakes; If the president does not know is being deceived. "Feng said these words a, ZHANG Ting Ngok surprised that something that is a presidential speech on the attitude of the military. Cao Kun, and although the fabric vendors came, what did many important functions, not seen not widely been around, let alone the president now, he is amiable in this report, von, von saying when finished, he had one eye opened again to sit upright to Feng said: "Huan-zhang, who started the Presidential Guard soldiers to fight, and you as a Senior Executive, why not thoroughly investigate the accident punish the bad elements, I am President, I am such a small thing but also to deal with ? I intercede for you when maintenance over the Presidential Palace Guard? "Feng hit a big nail, whom dumb, ZHANG Ting Ngok had to smooth things over, said," We immediately follow the above instructions of the President, Huan-zhang the president's men, Like the president, like his father, words can excessive, ask the President Yuan You. "So the attitude is quite Jie Ao Feng.
  In fact, Chang Feng Feng has been secretly and with a secret link, as has been secretly boarded Manchurians Feng, so the military is not how the positive. From September 4 to respond to Zhejiang Lu power "shuaibing Entering" post, at 15 September into force until the sunrise side, keep straight in this area, Chaoyang Wang Huaiqing Department of Army, as well as standard vibration meter Springboard Department of Army supplement. After the sun has not Manchurians disease into the scoring.
  Wu Pei-fu Feng are on view, among them hidden deep contradictions. Interaction with the Sun Yat-sen Feng Yuxiang, Wu Pei-fu is the cause of his hatred of reason. Back in 1920, Feng Yuxiang in Hunan chenjiaji, the Sun Yat-sen sent Xu Qian, button Tisheng with his personal letter to see Feng. Xu, Feng is a button with two old acquaintances, we are also a Christian, the two urged Feng and Sun Yat-sen in revolutionary work the same. Feng also believe that the pernicious influences of the north most affected by the Qing court, and the country people by the people and the national aspirations of the generals are looking at Sun Yat-sen. Later, the Secretary of Renyou Min Feng also sent to Guangzhou to visit Sun Yat-sen, Sun Yat-sen that need it as long as he was, he invariably try to make it.
  Wu was deputy commander of troops sent Tao Ni Wang Chengbin rate on 3 October Chi posterior reinforcements arrived Gubeikou, acting commander in chief powers to fight to attack the Fengtien Jing-Lin Li Department. However, this was Wu wrong again, because the real early and Feng Wang Chengbin secret association, he has participated in fall Wu School, was naturally not at the front to fight tough battles.
  At half past four on October 12, 1924, Wu Pei-fu's car arrived at Shanhaiguan, docked on the long wall beside, Wu Pei-fu that rate staff and guards gallops front, Deng Changcheng inspection war situation. Then direct instructions from military fierce fight, booming cannons shaking the earth, the smoke slowly rise.
  Mukden forces launched air strikes over in Qinhuangdao, Fengtien four aircraft, seven of the formation, constantly circling the bombing, but the injury is not serious. The reason why the air Manchurians Qinhuangdao, Qinhuangdao is a straight side because the Navy concentrated, was parked in a lot of Qinhuangdao sea fleet, namely, direct troops and transport of the Bohai Sea Fleet of six Army transport ship more than 20 vessels, in addition to more than 20 ships of foreign warships, sea side rudder, mast everywhere. Are troops gathered on shore, between tension.
  Lu Zhonglin troops to take the lead into the city, with Sun Yue's 15th mixed brigades joined forces in the city. The soldiers all wear blue cloth white armbands that read "absolute salvation, not disturbing, really love the people." Divide our forces guarding the military coup of all major intersections, and martial law cut off traffic, and quickly occupied the ministries, the Department of Yamen.
  Lu Zhonglin active into the city, he was promoted to commander and commander of the Beijing garrison stationed in the Dongdan Shuaifuyuan. And the police chief sent Luzhong Lin Feng Zhang Bi rate of police and guards into the Forbidden City with Pu Yi Shen Wumen to negotiate, forcing their wives to move out of Pu Yi, the Forbidden City, retreat to the Regent Palace.
  He is said at the time Okano and his aides said: "This thing can be said that I expected, because the troops had I asked the former Lao Feng, to be put down after the Manchurian, sent him to the Northeast Xunyue Shi Chang Tso-lin of the vacancy to continue, I told him: the Northeast and Japan have a special relationship, our Diplomatic very subtle, so the appointment of the Northeast Xunyue Shi, Japan can not ignore trends. You have always been considered pro-American, most blame the Japanese for bogey, so the Northeast is very affordable, but the exploits of the reciprocate with a single step, the state plenty of fame, I will consider other positions, and will satisfy you. I speak the words of the lung is also Fu, Feng for the purpose may be less than, then the dark enemy. In fact, he claims to my military, I have made hundreds of thousands, and later increased to 150,000 yuan, he reluctantly ordered, the rate marched Gubeikou. Many people suggested to me, Third Army commander von exemption to inter troubles, President of the center intercede for Feng, Feng-free program was not carried out. When Feng to Gubeikou front, another excuse for the enemy advantage, request for an additional million rounds of rifle ammunition, I am more Feng do not worry, it is not issued to him. In recent days I am at the headquarters in every evening, can not sleep, toss and turn, turn right into the thinking and disposal of Chang Tso-lin of the law, left the Mindful of the possible betrayal of Feng Yuxiang, and now unfortunately the compound the thought of the day set aside 150,000 yuan Feng cost of the war, does not pay up too. "Wu Lament to the three links Okano T threw detective, he was very calm and asked us to keep a secret on this incident to avoid front-line morale shaking.
  October 31, from Shanhaiguan to the Tangshan area have all lost the direct military resistance, Fengtien separate ways to connect, the group was a long drive into the off to Peter Woo, the new cavalry in the vanguard, since Guye and lutai, to Tanggu disease into, and In Beijing's Feng, HU Jin-wing forces in concert with direct military almost all caught Fengtien and Feng, Hu surrounded by large armies.
  Tianjin, former residence of Cao Kun five back later section on Cao Tianjin remain relatively strong, I have a national consciousness, In addition, Ms. Liu has played a role from Beijing after the coup, Feng and Chang Tso-lin dominated the north, their side telegraph north of Sun Yat-sen peace plans on the one hand, and pushed out of tissue northern Duan Qirui interim government, due to the government's cover section, Cao Kun, and not because of "bribery burglary bit disastrous" and subject to sanctions.
  Since the Wu Pei-fu comeback, they and Chang Tso-lin hostility into friendship, thanks for the sworn brothers, together with Feng enemies. Soon, Cao Kun Lu armed forces because of direct competition for Baoding, no shelter, only to seek refuge in Henan Wu Pei-fu, lived in Kaifeng Dragon Pavilion (site of the Song court). He was writing every day, there are various aspects of the military and political correspondence. Chang Tso-lin often go to the letter, still refer to as "relatives by marriage," "Third Brother."
  Ms. Liu Quan mountain people fear more noise, not conducive to Cao to recuperate, they rented out a house, then went to live Cao Kun, has invited Western doctor LIANG Bao Jian, a German doctor burgh brother to give their best to treat themselves all day long waiting carefully in the bed to take care of. Several months later, Ms. Liu Cao Kun's disease see more improvement from them in his back Quanshan.
  Cao Kun is not only good at painting, but rather literary talent. According to Ms. Gao's descendants say, Ms. Gao's son Libo Fu is the son Cao to several of the most pampered one. Day, Libo Fu please Cao Kun as his new arrangement of a study from a number, Cao Kun Luejiasisuo three characters after the book Getting to Know illness, "Boya Xuan" and with the "more than a thousand years straight pine, red Peng Gao Xiang Animal Heart "couplet.
  Cao Kun later years a Buddhist, he often burn incense and chanting, but also spent heavily to buy up a golden Buddha on the Tianjin "Dabei Yuan" in, and asked people to draw a picture of "shrines map", a daily worship.
  Cao to have guests at home all day, Qi Xieyuan, high Ling Wei, Zhao Yuke, Charles Ng Fang, Wang Bichen, Xiongbing Qi, Yang Qin Shan, Du Xijun, Caihu Chen, Sung Che-yuan, Xiao Zhenying, Tan Qinglin, Yanzhi Tang, Jin Yunpeng Cao, who is a frequent visitor. In particular, to accompany almost every day Yanzhi Tang Cao Kun. These people sometimes talk about the political situation Cao, sometimes playing mahjong, Cao Kun and does not feel so lonely. Cao Kun and Wu Pei-fu is most thick, but he has declared his "three no's" (that is, borrow abroad, not into the concession, not concubinage), so just send their children often come to visit Cao Kun. New Year, Cao Kun, and Ms. Liu also sent their children to visit Wu Pei-fu.
  Japanese home run into a wall after Cao Kun, and did not give up, also sent in the "Hopei-Chahar Political Committee" members do Qixie Yuan Cao Kun's friends do lobbyists. One night, Qi Xieyuan door ask to see. Cao Kun's guard in accordance with Ms. Liu's orders, not to open the door, then on Cao Qi did not go.
  Cao Kun in old age, their families, there are two things a great blow to his spirit.
  Second, Cao Kun's adopted son, the son of Cao Rui Cao Kun Cao Shaoshan Although the son of Cao Shiyue Renzuguizong shortly after birth, but in fact he still held the power Cao Kun family property. Cao Kun, and their children are very unhappy, and often do fall apart. Cao Rui Cao Kun in the face to see, do not have the heart of the Cao Shaoshan too harsh, so he can not mess around at home in this situation, it became a piece of his heart, and often sighed, it was trouble.
  Cao Kun family and the old unit staff, family and friends hundreds of per capita Phi filial to the funeral, the coffin temporary house in the Tianjin British Cemetery.
  Attachment: Cao Kun, although more bad reputation in history, to the President through the withdrawal, at the election a lot of bribe money were spent, leaving the "bribery president" of notoriety. But he has the bottom of the bottom line, it is inappropriate traitor ------------ Marco Polo Bridge Incident in 1937, North fall. Cao Kun's old men have fell into the water, as a traitor government positions. Japanese invaders also do everything possible to drag out when the prisoners Cao Kun, Cao Kun elderly persuasion in Ms. Liu, the vow would rather drink the gruel, not to the Japanese act.
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