太平天国 人物列表
洪秀全 Hong Xiuquan洪天贵福 Hong Tianguifu杨秀清 Yang Xiuqing
韦昌辉 Wei Changhui萧朝贵 Xiao Chaogui冯云山 Feng Yunshan
石达开 Dan Dakai
杨秀清 Yang Xiuqing
太平天国  (1820年1856年)
网笔号: 东王
籍贯: 广东嘉应州

  1853年1月12日,太平军攻占华中重镇武昌,杨秀清传令:“官兵不留,百姓不伤。”并将船户水手,组建成“水营”。太平军占领武昌之后,又面临著新的战略决择,即下一个打击方向应该指向何方?这在太平天国领导集团中又产生了各种议论:有的主张以武昌为都城,遣兵北伐;有的主张进据中原,“以河南为业”,有的仍坚持进军金陵,据为根本。几种主张一时统一不起来,最后杨秀清“托天父降凡,今其直犯江南。”(汪堃:《盾鼻随闻录》卷二,《太平天国》 (四)第367页)用这种办法统一了认识。1853年2月9日,太平军放弃武昌,以号称50万之众,沿江东下,水陆并进,帆幔蔽江,衔尾数十里,一路滔滔,势如破竹。3月4日进抵南京城下,经连日围攻,于19日攻克。
  太平军是一支具有严密组织和严格纪律的农民起义军。早在金田起义前夕,天王洪秀全颁布了五条纪律(《太平军目》参照《周礼》,规定了军队编制,以军为基本单位。军设军帅,下辖5个师帅,师帅下辖5个旅帅,旅帅下辖5个卒长;卒长下辖4个 两司马,两司马下辖5个伍长,伍长下辖4个圣兵。总计一军共编13156人。),南王冯云山制定了《太平军目》(太平军的五条纪律是:一、遵条命;二、别男行女行;三、秋毫莫犯;四、公心和傩,各遵头目约束;五、同心合力,不得临阵退缩。),使太平军具有极为严格的组织性。杨秀清主持军务后,也始终坚持从严治军的精神。他说:“令严方可以肃兵威,命重始足以整纲纪。”(《太平天国》(三)第199页)在广西期间,他就对五条纪律进行补充和发展,颁布了《太平军条规》,包括“定营规条十要”和“行营规矩”各十条,其中规定要恪遵天令,各遵有司约束,别男营女营,谙熟日夜点兵号令,要各整军装枪炮,以备急用,听到号角喧传,急速赶往禁地听令杀妖,不得躲避偷安,不得吸烟、饮洒,藏匿金银器饰;不得僭分干名坐轿、骑马及乱拿外小,不得入乡造饭取食、毁坏民房、掳掠则物,不许乱拉挑夫,不许在途中铺户堆火困睡等等。

  Yang (1820-1856), born Si Long, Han nationality, native of Guangdong Jiaying (now Meixian) people.
  In 1848, Feng was arrested imprisoned, managed to rescue Hong in Guangdong, worship God without leadership, the congregation members was back, it was shaken, and worship of God will face the danger of division and disintegration, in order to reverse this serious situation, Yang "suddenly Health dumb disease, two months unable to speak, the congregation have felt strange thought it was ominous. " He use this as an excuse, under the guise of Father down to earth, his Heavenly Father on behalf of the rumors, to their keen insight and skilful combination of religious superstition, so did a lot of ideological work, to clarify the worship of God will be much confusion in thinking, to avoid the worship of God will collapse, consolidate the unity of the revolutionary ranks as the Taiping uprising phase of preparing a critical turning point. Kaneda intifada, Yang two months pretending deaf mute mouth, Jintian uprising, he suddenly opening, claiming to be asked Father down, paying attention, organizing the masses, instigated the uprising, commanding military operations, all organized. When Hong, Feng Ping County in the state to spend village siege by the Qing, Yang Meng Deen Department quickly send rescue defeated the Qing, rescued Hung, Feng two. Yang then talk with the strategy on behalf of Father carved series of books, namely, the Taiping army staff at all levels to learn, to grow the Taiping Army played a good catalyst.
  The early Taiping Rebellion, the Taiping Yang as the actual commander in chief, to save power and the place is basically spin the negative operational guidelines. In late September 1851, the Taiping captured Guangxi Wing fuzhoucheng (now Mengshan County). When discussing the next course of action, Nanjing, Hong made the strategic objectives to win. Yang said he completely agreed, and began the march with clear strategic objectives. April 1852, the Taiping Yang skillfully command breakout from Wing, North attacked the city of Guilin. Because of Guilin City Yishanbangshui, the city high and strong, though heroic combat the Taiping month, but failed to capture. Yang timely change battle plans, ordered the withdrawal, Hui Ge north, captured on June 3 statewide, 12 Hunan Road, occupied the state. Since Yang took avoid the virtual strike strategic guidelines, out of the inside operations of the passive situation of the enemy began to consciously hit the outside to the weak, so he made into the future direction of the Taiping is: "Today the best policy, ...... along the East River, a little castle, house vital, specifically intended to Jinling, according to the fundamental ......"。 Accordingly, Yang did not care about the pros and cons of a city location, in late July 1852 on the initiative of attack Changsha no less than evacuate, while the capture of Yiyang, across the Dongting Lake, Yueyang occupation. December capture of Hankou and Hanyang. January 12, 1853, then g Wuchang. At this time the rapid development of Taiping to 50 million people. February 9, Yang ordered the evacuation of Wuchang, land and water in hand, along Jiangdong under 18 grams in Jiujiang, 24, Sok Ching. March 8 under the gates of the city of Nanking, after 12 days of the attack, on March 20 led war Jinling. Taiping quickly into such a smooth, one of the important reasons is due to Yang's superb command of strategy. Qing chieftains then commented: "the situation and degree of force, such as Guilin attack high, and was stuck across the state, is under attack Changsha fought on channeling the power of Hubei ;...... husband crucial times and more damage, then attack flaw Provincial and effective force speed. " Because of the Taiping avoid the long-suppressed before the fortified city under the waste of time and consumption of troops, which led to the peasant revolutionary war score one victory.
  Synonyms: Yang Si-Long
  Anniversary of the death: September 2, 1856 (six years on July 27 Taiping Bing-chen)
  Occupation: army, division, left the East King Fu is
  40 mid-19th century, Hong, Feng Guangxi publicity thanks to the teachings of God. 1846, Yang met Feng, attended worship God, and quickly accepted the idea plotting rebellion, he actively contact and organize the masses to worship God, the congregation Zijingshan area rapidly to more than 2,000 people, he also became worship around God's head.
  1851 (first year of Emperor Xianfeng) early in January, thanks to God, the congregation gathered around the gold Tamura, and on the 11th (the day in December during the first ten years of the Lunar GengXu for Hong's birthday) celebrated the successful uprising regiments and battalions. 23, Hong Wu Xuandong township board in the King said very formally announced the establishment of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. At the same time the establishment of five military chief commander system to Yang as chief commander in the Army, Xiao Chaogui for the former army chief commander, the military chief commander for the post-Feng, Shi left the military for the Lord, Wei as Youjun Lord. In the six months after the uprising Kaneda, marshalling and directing Yang shoulder the heavy responsibility of Taiping, and come to suppress the Qing fought in Guiping, Takenobu, as the state level the South and other places. As the Qing increasing in many more tight siege, they decided to Win to get rid of the Qing. September 15, Taiping Village in level officials who came to suppress the south of Admiral Xiang Rong Qing Department organized a successful ambush, not killing the Qing defeat, loss of ordnance pot off and exhausted, Xiang Rong also retreat Ping South county. Yang seize the opportunity to break through the military command of north Pacific, and in 25 states occupied Wing (Mengshan County) City. Here, King Dahir praised Hong Feng Yang for the East King, Xiao Chaogui West King, Feng was Nanwang, Wei Wang for the North, Ground in the Yi Wang, and clearly announced that the king of the closure, all by the East King restraint. Since then, Yang has become the commander of the Taiping.
  Taiping leadership group into clear objectives and direction of the struggle, the on August 10, 1852 State Road from the east to the occupation of Chenzhou, has expanded its 23 million people in this area, and in which thousands of workers dug focus formation is "Earth Camp" (the equivalent of Corps of Engineers, which the history of our military system is a pioneering work), specially dug trench fortification, digging tunnels, laying of mines, castles and other bombing missions, in the future play an important role in combat. At this time, the city of Changsha in Hunan Province Taiping noted that "city base anti-dredging", the king will be determined by the West, Cheung Sha Xiao Chaogui shuaibing 2,000 range raid. Unfortunately, Xiao Chaogui guns in the siege of the expense of junior high school, Hong, Yang then rate Brigade troops rushed to Changsha. At this time, the Qing gathered reinforcements from various quarters, Changsha, strength has been greatly enhanced through more than two months siege, and finally did not capture. Taiping is withdrawn on November 30 around the north, occupied Yuezhou (now Hunan Yueyang). In this zone, the Taiping for the last 10 000 vessels, in order to enter the Yangtze River has created important conditions. December 17, Yang led the Taiping exit Yuezhou, sub-surface two-way into the Wuchang. This time, the Taiping have grown, "1000 Chuan master, the two sides Xiong Bing, whip struck gold ring stool, singing along Kay" (Li Ruzhao "mirrors the history of the mountains," "Heavenly Kingdom" (c) p. 5), good faction victory march scene.
  Taiping army occupied Nanjing, immediately sent two units, captured Zhenjiang, Yangzhou, to surround and protect the safety of Tianjing. Almost at the same time, the Qing Yangzhou also Tianjing and external, to establish the South have thousand troops, Jiang Bei Daying, close surveillance of the Taiping movement, and opportunistic attack complex of Nanking. In this situation, the Taiping leadership group decided: home of the southern periphery of Nanjing, Jiang Bei Daying expense, and sent two units, the Northern Expedition Capital, expedition Yangtze River.
  May 8, 1853, an official deputy prime minister Lin Fengxiang by the day, the prime minister Li Kaifang local officials are more than 20,000 elite troops, led by the Northern Expeditionary Army composed of Pukou starting from the shoulder, "take Yandu illness," the mission, break through the Qing layers of block, overcome difficulties, after more than six months of fighting and marching, arrived at the end of October near Tianjin Jinghai; single drainage area, was forced down in only to fall into more and more surrounded by the Qing. Force away from Tianjing, can not be reinforced rear arms forage increasingly difficult, forced to retreat steadily, but soon after a meeting to Win Qing surrounded by a very difficult situation. During this time, Yang has dispatched a team of other Lichang, who had led the reinforcements, starting from Anqing, Shandong Linqing advance to the state, as was the Qing's check and collapsing. In 1855, Lin Fengxiang, Li Kaifang the rate of the Northern Expeditionary Army has in Zhili and Shandong with the town of Qing Ping Guantun been wiped. Taiping Northern Expeditionary Army is the elite, and its destruction, is the Taiping uprising Kaneda since suffered from the most disastrous defeat. So failure of the Northern Expeditionary Army, the strategic decision-making error is the main reason, and as the military commander of the Taiping Yang is to bear primary responsibility. So Li Xiucheng Taiping failures later concluded, said: "harm the country first in the East Wang Ling Li Kaifang, Lin Fengxiang great sweep north of destruction error." ("Li Xiucheng readme", "Taiping Texts," No. 543) This is also But points.
  After starting in the Northern Expedition, June 3, 1853, by the spring is the prime minister official Hu Huang, summer and other officials, led by deputy prime minister Lai Hanying military expedition from Tianjing, rapidly captured the Anqing, Luzhou (Anhui Hefei today), Jiujiang, Wuhan, Yuezhou other city, striker had arrived in Jingzhou, Hubei province and Hunan Xiangtan. Zeng Hunan as encountered after the check, a defeated Xiangtan, two defeated Yuezhou, three defeated Wuhan, almost unstoppable. But the expedition's situation is better than the Northern Expedition, due to close from Tianjing, water transportation is convenient, the whole war situation can be said is carried out under the direct guidance of Yang. When, after the fall of Wuhan, Yang in October 15, 1854 Order Yan Wang Qin Gang Tian Town, such as stick defense, asked expedition Taiping where "build strong Ying Pun, and build wooden plaque Watertown, rolled in the middle of the river Royal Park block. "(" Heavenly Kingdom Texts, "p. 180) in order to enhance the town's defense force Tian, Yang also sent people to reverse water from Tianjing while escorting a line of wooden Pai (Pai Mu is a great creation of the Taiping It wood outside the city, in slab houses, watchtowers, dense rack guns, in fact - Block Sports fortress.) went tianjiazhen for front-line copy, use. Tian defense was again after the town of Hunan breakthrough losses Taiping naval vessels and forced to retreat Jiujiang, Hukou line. In this serious moment, Yang Yi Wang Ground in order to reinforce the Anqing shuaibing. Ground in sits Hukou, in Luo Dagang, Lin Qirong and other cooperation with the achieved Hukou victory, to defeat the Hunan Army's offensive, reversing the expedition war situation, to counterattack, re-occupation of Wuhan, and thus captured the Hubei and Jiangxi vast areas.
  Taiping army expedition is rewarding, it Anhui, Hubei, Jiangxi control of large areas, a heavy blow to the Hunan Army, which guarantees the security of Tianjing and food supply upstream. Expedition's outcome better than the Expedition, but paid a heavy price, especially water, camp and almost lost to the war situation thereafter a serious impact.
  Ministry Qin Gang Taiping aid Zhenjiang East, North River Beida Ying break even on campaign, the unit is very tired, wanted to break into the city, but east of Jiangnan Wang Yang, see "The situation is very tired soldiers," and ordered the army continue to attack, wait until break the rear access to the city of Jiangnan. Chen Yucheng, Li Xiucheng representations such as Yang went to Beijing to face to face: long camp Jiangnan Camp Kennedy, not speed attack. Yang said sternly, "do not listen to orders by cutting off!" Yu-Cheng Chen, Li Xiucheng did not dare to seek, only Mikurube for attack preparations.
  Taiping is a tight organization and strict discipline with the peasant rebel army. Jintian uprising early in the eve of the promulgation of the five disciplinary Hong King ("Taiping project" reference "Zhou", provides the military establishment, the Israeli army as the basic unit. Army set Junshuai has jurisdiction over five division commander, division commander under jurisdiction five brigade commander, brigade commander under the jurisdiction of five Death of; Death of jurisdiction over four two-Sima, Sima under the jurisdiction of the two 5 Wu long, Wu long under the jurisdiction of four holy men. totaled a military made up 13 156 people. ), Nanwang Feng formulated the "Taiping eye" (Taiping five discipline are: 1, comply Mania; Second, do male and female lines lines; 3, taking anything away from Mo guilty; 4, public spirit, and Nuo, the chief constraint compliance ; 5, work together, not chicken out.), which has extremely strict Taiping organization. Yang presided over military affairs, he, too, always strictly and spirit. He said: "The serious side to make Su-Bing Wei, life enough to re-start the whole discipline." ("Heavenly Kingdom" (3), p. 199) in Guangxi, he complemented the on the five disciplines and development, issued the "Taiping regulations, "including" the rules of 10 to be doing, "and the" business rules "the 10, which provides day to abide by that, the follow Yuji constraints, do men and women doing business, familiar with the soldiers on the night of orders, to the entire uniform gun gun to prepare for emergencies, to hear horn noise transmission, forbidden reflexively defer to the rapid rush to kill the demon, not to avoid live secure, no smoking, drinking, hiding gold and silver ornaments; not arrogate to itself the sub-dry name Zuojiao, horseback riding and chaos to take Minor shall not be fed into the cooking village, destroying houses, looting the property, not allowed to Luanla porters, and not to heap the fire in the way the sleep shop operators and so on.
  Yang's military thought, as the situation develops and enriching. Taiping army captured Nanking, the discipline is more strict, has released a series of bans, banned opium, prostitution ban, and ban drinking, smoking yellow smoke, etc., and offenders on the cut, especially on the Taiping army of the severe requirements, declare whether "any official What people into homes who dare not make cut is not amnesty, his left leg into the homes on the door, that is, cut left, right leg into the homes on the door who cut his right leg. "(" Li Xiucheng readme ") 1854, Yang In recent years, organizers concluded that the lessons learned, developed and issued the "Order march" for troops to follow. Yan Wang Qin Gang said in a report it wrote: "kept me East King presented 'marching orders' book 1, British Columbia Jazz kneeling Reading Bian, grateful extravagant career. Indicates the I East Wang Keke labor center, tackling these aircraft state, every possible way. "(" Peace Days Photo Book Series, "p. 220) Here" marching orders "is engraved 1855's" march always. " "March always," the preface said: inscribed enacted, the purpose is to study the military officers and soldiers pass through the chant, know what to quickly adapt to be disciplined, skillful practice, both whole and leisure, to achieve the million war Mansion House and invincible. This is a cover combat rules, disciplinary rules and regulations such as the contents of the House an important document, is "Peace piece" based on the experiences and lessons learned many years of war written. Its land and sea forces marching camp, security patrols, command set, named Cha Ye, have made specific provisions and requirements. Also stressed how to prevent the enemy then destroy the enemy, onslaught how to use terrain and cross the bridge across the river to cover up the rear. Reaffirming also the various disciplines, such as the illicit sale of gunpowder, back to those who do not go out without permission, have beheaded. With particular emphasis on official will have to cherish the soldiers, such as in cases where injury, young and old can not walk, no matter who's all horses, all pull and riding to sit; provided to the wounded "by name to the flesh, are provided for nursed back to health"; on patrol Shou-card soldier, In case of rain and snow profile for the night, especially when to be compassionate, if clothing is insufficient and should be added, without reserve, "to place it beyond the official overnight Pipao Couture and the soldiers wearing the card." All These provisions reflect complement Rigid Yang, economic incentives and the military thinking, but also to a certain extent reflects the Taiping ranks of the working class really a class character.
  Taiping victory march, even if the landlord class, the Qing dynasty Sanghunlapo, also the Taiping leadership group deeper into the minds of superstition and ignorance. After the capture of Nanking, Yang and others have been greatly exaggerated victory, underestimate the power of the Qing side, which in addition to the performance of the military made a wrong strategic decision-making, also caught in the political ideology among the blind unprecedented. Once they entered the Nanjing (Nanking at the time though is still an island surrounded by the Qing), it has been made as if to itself as the world's emperor, start massive construction projects, and create a palace mansion, swing-up of feudal Emperor Wang's show and having to corruption extravagant life. According to historical records, Yang out, to carry out a "Zeizhong thousand people, a large gong dozens of pairs, Long Feng Tiger Crane flag dozens of pairs of animals and birds taken down dozens of pairs, followed by foreign crepe colored dragon, about tens of husband, OK but not people, high-Zhang Yu, drums from the later Wei of the 'East Dragon'. music has been, to a large public opinion. and the husband 56, public opinion to influence the legislature two young boys, flies Pengcha row, it means that Pushe; public opinion after the pseudo-phase and Zhongzei Rank 100 from Yan. Also as before, following the dragon-like Yan, line is complete. "(Xiejie He" Jinling Kuei-A Brief Chronicle "," Heavenly Kingdom "(d) Section 668) Such ostentation, and the feudal emperor to go out no different. At this time of Yang, the right set of education, political power, military power in one, a "once great, is the first one people", actually became the supreme ruler of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Power is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, Yang use their power, effectively driving the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the huge machines that stand to create a lot of great performance, on the other hand, when it is free from any constraints to the development of the time, also did many wrong things, stupid things and bad things. According to recently discovered in the UK, "Father edicts" (Volume III) ("Heavenly Father, Heavenly Brother edict," Philosopy Editors note, Liaoning People's Publishing House in 1986 edition) said: from early 1854 until July 1855 two and a half hours , the Yang Wei Tuo "Father descended to" a total of 21 times. Every time down to earth, regardless of day and night, staff from the start his side until the Hong King summoned all the list, all to be present kneel down to listen to "Father" imperial edict. These sacred, filled with religious nonsense, the government, military affairs, the contents of the very few, most of the internal contradictions of the Tianjing. "Heavenly Father" on the disposal of these contradictions is harsh, frequently "beheaded." One of the more important examples are: Winter officer was also in the prime minister Chen Zongyang so, because husband and wife with places, smoking foreign cigarettes to be beheaded, a day officials are also taking the prime minister has water, etc. because of "neglect the East King," "bullying Wo (Pansy) does not Intrinsic "and beheaded, with Yan Wang Qin Gang, etc. escorted by battlefield losses and the" East prison "; even North King Wei, for" Father down to earth "when" not a homogeneous mass so that the children "has been flogging 40 Great board.
  Ago from the clear side of the historical records of that, Yang favor relatives, Liao Shu, bullying others. If person A, he saw his uncle Yang District without stand such a minor matter, finally, causing a "East thief furious, lock fat, North thief, battle Rigang 100, 200 Rong Cheng, Yu Kun 300, person A Wumafenshi "(" A Chronicle of Nanking Kuei Huang Yukun slightly, "" Heavenly Kingdom "(d) Section 671), and as a person because of quarrels with the East repeated Book of Houjin Fang, Yang was executed last race. The clean side of the record does not seem entirely unfounded.
  Hong, Yang, live in the middle of the 19th century in China, although they moved from the West of Christian doctrine, combined with the situation in China, founded the worship God, but Western science, democracy and thought of the information, too little shred did not affect them, which determines the scale of this unprecedented vigorous peasant revolution, only in the context of the old peasant war lingered. Yang was born in the Township as a farmer in the peasant uprising leader, he's thinking only of Western religious teachings, small producers of the patriarchal system and a mixture of feudal despotism.
  Great peasant revolutionary movement within the Taiping Yang temper became the only military and political power in one set of characters. Yet his abuses, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom has caused great internal resentment. He was killed, once the capital in the days aroused cheers (McGowan: "Taiping East King North King infighting detailed record"). However, after the incident, people's feelings gradually cooled down to start the geek Yang, from the full measure of both positive and negative, and gradually feel that since he left the great Taiping vacated by the vacancies, 1:00 no to fill in the Yi Wang Shi Dakai, especially after the flight. As a result, people began to miss him, in his honor. Li Xiucheng said, the East King alive, military orders rigorous, and reward and punishment, the people admire. Hung Jen J said in the past East King alive, expand territories, Kai Jiang, worse than the provision of hundred miles on the situation, and now back into the inch ruler, over and took it worse than in former times when great! Hong also presented at the 1859 edict, announced that Yang killed that day, as the "East King Ascension", "read July 7 Dongsheng section, some forgotten kingdom from generation to generation Mok." It seems that men's feelings in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, as Yang's death, has forgiveness of his mistakes. Hong and general officers and men of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, such a prominent figure on the Yang had been done for the Taiping revolutionary achievements, to give a positive evaluation.
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