字: | 秉吾 | ||||||||||||
网笔号: | 高皇帝 | ||||||||||||
庙号: | 西太祖 | ||||||||||||
张献忠字秉忠,号敬轩,明万历古三十四年(1606年)9月18日出生于陕西省定边县郝滩乡刘渠村(古称柳树涧堡),《明史》称他与李自成同年生,张献忠少时曾读过书,成人后参军,供役为捕快、边兵。因犯法当斩,主将陈洪范观其状貌,为之求情于总兵官王威,重打一百军棍除名,从此便流落乡间。 明崇祯三年(1630年),张献忠积极响应王嘉胤的反明号召在米脂起义,自号八大王,一作西营八大王。次年,参加王自用联军,为三十六营之一。他英勇善战很快成为三十六营的主要首领并以能谋善战的八大王出名。 王嘉胤死后,与李自成等归附高迎祥,高迎祥称闯王,张献忠、李自成号闯将,崇祯八年(1635年)参与荥阳之会,议决进取,献忠与高迎祥等共攻略东方。不久张献忠与李自成因小故开始分裂,张献忠率部攻长江流域,李自成攻黄河流域。十年(1637年),遭明军总兵官左良玉部的进攻,张献忠的起义部队严重受损,本人也受伤,政治上发生动摇。次年正月,张献忠率本部义军进驻谷城(今属湖北省谷城县)受朝庭招安授予副将。驻地王家河,易名太平镇,以示休兵。 张献忠被招安,既不按原安排遣散义军,更不参加对李自成部义军的战斗,而是把守一地加强军事训练,保持自主权。崇祯十二年(1639年),张献忠因对官府腐败官僚无止境的索贿、敲诈、对自己的刁难、不信任已感不满,加之受到李自成的影响,五月初九采用“避实捣虚”“以走致辞敌”的有效战术,重举反明的大旗。以走制敌,转战四川境,使明军疲于奔命。十四年,大败明军于开县黄陵城,长驱出川,破襄阳,杀襄王朱翊铭,进破光州等地。明督师杨嗣昌因病在沙市去世。十六年据武昌,称大西王。不久克长沙,宣布免征三年钱粮,从者愈众。崇祯十七年(1644年)8月9日攻破成都,巡府龙文光,蜀王朱至澍及其嫔妃全部自杀身亡,其他官员当了俘虏。义军进入成都号称60万大军,很快控制了四川大部分地区的州,县,在成都,张献忠先号称秦王,接着宣告建立大西国,改元大顺。建立健全制度,后称帝,以成都为西京,8月16日登基王位。 是年冬,绝望之下,在四川进行空前的烧杀破坏;以开科取士为名,杀知识分子于青羊宫,又坑成都民于中园,杀各卫军98万,遣四将军分屠各县,将亿万宝物掷入锦江,决水放流,自谓“无为后人有也”,残忍变态至极。清顺治三年(1646年12月1日),局势越来越紧张,而张却自命不凡,不以为然。10月20日,部队到达川北西充县与盐亭县交界处凤凰山坡时张献忠中箭身亡。(被豪格射死)
崇祯七年(1634), 张献忠入川,攻陷夔州(今重庆奉节),进围太平,重庆女总兵秦良玉提兵赶至,献忠慑于秦良玉及其手下"白杆兵"威名,苍惶逃走,秦良玉率军追击,与正好回川的儿子马祥麟前后夹击,打败张献忠,使之退走湖广。
接着,张献忠挥师出川,一昼夜急行军,兵锋直指鄂中。当义军到达当阳时,驻守的官军还在睡梦之中。张献忠还作了一首歌谣嘲笑官军:“前有邵巡抚(邵 捷春),常来团转舞;后有廖参军(廖大亨),不战随我行。好个杨阁部(杨嗣昌),离我三天路!”
每屠杀一地,都详细记录所杀人数,其中记有人头几大堆,人手掌几大堆,人耳朵几大堆。打下麻城后,他把妇女的小脚砍下来堆成山,带着他最心爱的一个小妾去参观。小妾笑着说:“好看好看,只是美中不足,要再有一双秀美的小脚放在顶端,就再好也不过了。”张献忠笑咪咪地说:“你的脚就最秀美。”于是把小妾的脚剁下来放到 “山尖”上。张献忠兵败溃退,更是杀妇女腌渍后充军粮。如遇上有孕者,刨腹验其男女。对怀抱中婴幼儿则将其抛掷空中,下以刀尖接之,观其手足飞舞而取乐。稍大一些的儿童或少年,则数百人一群,用柴薪点火围成圈,士兵圈外用矛戟刺杀,看其呼号乱走以助兴致。
扬州城破,扬州顿成地狱,死者达80余万。比地狱更难忘是人民引颈受戮的场面。史载:只要遇见一个满族士兵,“南人不论多寡,皆垂首匍伏,引颈受刀,无一敢逃者。”一个清兵,遇见近五十名青壮男子,清兵横刀一呼:“蛮子来!蛮子来!”这些人皆战战兢兢,无一敢动。这个清兵押着这些人(无捆绑)去杀人场,无一人敢反抗,甚至没一人敢跑。到刑场后,清兵喝令: “跪!”呼啦啦全部跪倒,任其屠杀。
张献忠与清兵入侵使四川人口由600多万锐减至50万,只剩下10%左右。整个中国, “县无完村,村无完家,家无完人,人无完妇”。敢反抗的忠勇之士几被杀尽,留下的大抵是一些顺服的奴才。此外,满清又杀苗民一百万,杀回民数百万,把漠北蒙古的准葛尔部落杀到最后一个幼童!在世界历史上都是罕见的残忍!
Chongzhen eight years (1635), and the brightest volunteer army is trapped in the Henan government troops. For out of encirclement, 13 volunteer army chief, held in Henan Xingyang military conference. Discuss the results, decided to divide our forces orientation, plan to break the siege of government troops. After the meeting, Zhang Xianzhong and Li Zi Cheng Chuang Wang Gao Yingxiang, led in the east march. Zhe Zhi Zhang Xianzhong Eastern Group is the main force troops. His forces fight fierce, Crack Gushi Henan and Anhui huoqiu other counties, directed at both the Ming Fengyang.
Chongzhen nine (1636) early, volunteer army forces had grown to hundreds of thousands, in Henan meet, often with Barry camp, the troops at a time when there are thousands of Zhang Xianzhong over. September, captured in an ambush Chuang Wang Gao Yingxiang unfortunately, died a heroic death. Li Zicheng fought in Tongguan most other areas west, east Tongguan Zhang Xianzhong his troops became the main objective of regional government troops attack. Zhang Xianzhong his troops fought in Hubei, Henan, Anhui, the repeated defeat government troops. "Into the state of Henan Province Xu Xi Po, killing Zuo Liangyu brother", was made goods giant million. March, the fighting in Anqing has killed the store next to Pan, who can be great. However, due to the lack of unified ministries volunteer army deployment and concerted action, each separately and Chongzhen 10 year (1638) spring, and the brightest volunteers to have suffered a setback. Particularly Chongzhen decade (1637) April, Ming Bingbushangshu, 内阁大学士 Yang Sichang planning the "four is" and "six corner", "10 face sheets net" encirclement strategy, Li Zi Cheng in Shanxi were several failures Liu Henan submission to the court, etc. Also, the team gave Zhang Xianzhong tremendous difficulties. Zhang Xianzhong into the attack in the battle were Zuo Liangyu Nanyang military defeat, I was hurt, fortunately was expected to force Sun to save his men out of danger, then bring troops retreated SPEED (modern Hubei). Strong offensive in the government troops, in order to preserve their strength, Zhang Xianzhong in Gokseong, Luo Rucai in Yunyang were accepted Bingbushangshu Xiongwen Can the "pacify." Subject to "pacify", the adaptation and Zhang Xianzhong refused to accept the assignment, do not accept the offering, he maintained his independence. He distributed four million people in the military headquarters in the suburbs Gokseong, four battalions, each with a commanding lead. During the break, set Tsaotun food, building weapons of war, recruiting, training his soldiers. Zhang Xianzhong often asked people to tell him, "Art of War", combined with wars, sum up experience and lessons, waiting for a chance to stage a comeback.
Zhang Xianzhong resurgence, the Luoru Cai, Ma Shou should also played while the Department of response, and to join Gokseong and Zhang Xianzhong. Hidden in the mountains in the business Luo Li Zicheng also rallied, with Hubei Yun, both into the Henan region. Peasant uprising in the war, once again burning up the Central Plains.
Yang Sichang one to Xiangyang, he put forward his plan of "four is" and "six corner", "10 net in face" strategy. Realignment of thousands, and Xi Henan, Sichuan, Shaanxi, all ask the town of Yunyang generals, red points briefly, its main task is to fully suppress Zhang Xianzhong and Li Zicheng. At first, Zhang Xianzhong do not understand the situation, successive defeat, very passive. Later, through the ins and outs of information to find out the government troops, he persuaded Luoru Cai, military alliance, strengthened the power of volunteer army. Volunteer army "to take the enemy", "avoid the virtual strike" tactics of the Fuguan Jun haunted impermanence. Meanwhile, Zhang Xianzhong enhanced intelligence, sent a lot of clever sergeant dressed businessmen, hawkers, four lay ahead. People often tell the volunteers to the movement of government troops, but also often a guide to Zhang Xianzhong team. Therefore, to grasp the enemy, quickly to take military action, playing government troops by surprise. Then quickly transferred to the whereabouts of government troops lost in volunteers to difficult to chase. Not come away empty-handed government troops of the main forces that were ambushed soldiers off the expense will be. However, the volunteer army encirclement trapped in the government troops in a very negative, always has been to surround and annihilate the danger. To this end, Zhang Xianzhong that government troops crushed the siege must be thoroughly planned, getting bumped out to battle, to more effectively fight against government troops.
Chongzhen 10 years (1640) Run the first month, Ping Zhang Xianzhong off by Zuo Liangyu in Citrus medica defeat, led his troops broke into Sichuan. The way in Sichuan, in the Pacific County Agate Hill by Zheng Chongjian and Zuo Liangyu has the attack, suffered heavy casualties. Followed by Hubei and Hunan Army, Sichuan and Shaanxi army military chase intercept, volunteer army with serious injuries and retreated to the mountain state of Larix return, they were surrounded by Zuo Liangyu and other military, volunteer army in dire straits. To this end, using Yang Sichang and Zuo Liangyu Zhang Xianzhong contradiction sent to carry treasures bribery Zuo Liangyu, said: "Xianzhong in, so the public see the weight. Hall more Shalue Department, while the cabinet and special guess. No offer loyalty, that the public off numbered. "Zuo Liangyu fighting relaxed and everything is dead Zhang Xianzhong income opportunity, with the help of the mountain, out of Larix, and Luo Rucai Ministries join. Zhang Xianzhong took advantage of the spring and the Sichuan governor Shao Jie Yang Sichang contradiction between the concentration of troops, stormed the defense of the new spring Jie Shao Ning (now open river in Sichuan). Shao Jie Chun did not expect volunteers to so rapidly, government troops Yichujikui. Volunteers to break through after the new line of defense rather smoothly into Sichuan. Volunteer army of Sichuan, to break the encirclement of the Yang Sichang plan and the military from defensive to the offensive. Yang Sichang opinionated, thought that government troops have Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai other units surrounded Hubei, Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces border, won. But the fact is "that the Governor could not do in the generals, generals of the Order can not be OK in his soldiers." Zhang Xianzhong to avoid fighting with government troops positional warfare, and to "to take the enemy" strategy, one night can do it three hundred years, the rapid flow, often government troops Gaode loss, got hit, we were exhausted.
Then, Zhang Xianzhong commanded the troops on the River, a night forced march, soldiers pointing E in front. When the volunteers to arrive Dangyang, the presence of government troops are still sleep. Zhang Xianzhong also ridiculed government troops made a song: "before the governor Shao (Shao Jie spring), and often turn to group dance; joined the army after the Liao (Liao Daheng), no war as I can. A Good Young Court Unit (Yang Sichang), I am three days away from the road! "
Volunteers to capture Fancheng followed by crossing the Yangtze River, together with Luo Rucai soldiers north. April, the attack should be Mountain high, to offensive Suizhou, grams. Jun, Zhang Xianzhong led his troops to fight in Nanyang, Xinyang slightly east. In July, Zhang Xianzhong another depression Yunxi to Xinyang. Yang Sichang death, Chong Zhen Emperor ordered the Governor of Shaanxi Normal triangular Governor Ding Qirui take over and continue to suppress the volunteer army. In watching and waiting is not the original war Zuo Liangyu, also led the troops to come chase Zhang Xianzhong. Autumn in August in Xinyang Zhang Xianzhong defeated by the Department for the Zuo Liangyu, Injured a mall, take the direction of the British Mountains, was again defeated Wang Yuncheng, "Chung San Road, and do, from riding only dozens." Prior to this, Luoru Cai and Zhang Xianzhong substandard, they go to the Chuang Wang Li Zicheng. After the defeat of Xinyang, Li Zi Cheng Zhang Xianzhong also to vote. Rereading the "case of the-steps, not from, from as Yusha the" for Luo Rucai stop. Luo Rucai 500 private gifts to ride, Zhang Xianzhong from Henan Anhui East through the next. At this time, the volunteer army is besieging Kaifeng Li Zicheng. Governor Division Ding Qirui and Zuo Liangyu and other main government troops are north rescue Kaifeng. End of the year, Zhang Xianzhong by Bozhou between depression, into the United Kingdom, Huoshan area, and the "reform camp left five" each other, "reform of the fifth left Camp" is the old Ma Shou-Ying Hui, leather in eye He Yilong, left Kim He-Jin, Wang war world Xi-Yao Liu, Lin Wang disorder to develop a coalition composed of five battalions. Since then, the volunteer army's momentum and revitalization.
Chongzhen 15 years (1642) in February, after the volunteer army Zhang Xianzhong rate of convergence, capture Shucheng, Luan, into grams of Luzhou, killing prefect Zhenglv Xiang. Also with the next inaction, Lujiang, and training in the lake water forces. Then they defeated the Famous Official Huang Gong, Liu Liangzuo government troops. Zhang Xianzhong volunteers to victory, "South earthquake." Governor fighting Fengyang high light, Anqing governor Zhenger Yang caught governance of establishing MA Shi-ying replaced. October, Zhang Xianzhong volunteer army defeated by government troops Liu Liangzuo Department, led his troops in the West take Dan Zhang Xianzhong water. "Leather left five camps" Beitou Li Zicheng. Zuo Liangyu to avoid Li Zi Cheng, make withdrawal of troops east under Huguang. Huang Mei Zhang Xianzhong took the opportunity to capture.
Zhang Xianzhong occupied Changsha, declare the food tax exemption for three years. Then, they took it and their respective counties Hampshire, wherever, volunteer army discipline. Qing Liu Xianting record, said: "I heard Zhang Xianzhong to Hampshire, Slaughter is not one to ask Lou Shenggong, it really has."
While the volunteer army captured Wuling, Jiangxi Pingxiang Zhang Xianzhong led troops to attack, set trap million, two-way divide our forces capture Yuanzhou. Jiang Yuanzhou the right portal, lost Yuanzhou, the "right-Jiang province are bad, the Guangdong and Guangxi throat off, while the barriers Jinling withdraw carry on" ④. Zuo Liangyu government troops in the counter-offensive, the Yuanzhou it as government troops capture. Department of soldiers as Zuo Liangyu oppressive, Ming court was forced to withdraw its soldiers to recruit local soldiers guarding. Zhang Xianzhong use of government troops exchange time, raid Jian, even accounting for Yoshimizu, Yongxin, Anfu, Taihe counties, and is divided into local officials, to appease the people, back again Yuanzhou. In December, leading troops in Jiangxi Governor Lu amplifier counterattack, the Jian counties successively fall. Zhang Xianzhong blocked in Jiangxi immediately after return in triumph and then, according to Yuezhou. Issue from the town of Wuchang urgently send Zuo Liangyu shift and divide our forces for two-way, one attack Yuezhou, an attack Jiangxi Yuanzhou, both to government troops re-occupied. To this end, Zhang Xianzhong decided to go north, in the char (now Hubei Province) along the river ambush on troops, defeated Zuo Liangyu's elite troops, so that "Liangyu Army, then weak." Zhang Xianzhong again in closing down government troops along the way, compiled for the new subsidiary business, the military capacity than the former flourished. At this time, Hunan, Zhang Xianzhong control all, and the southern Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi, large areas of the north. For future development, Zhang Xianzhong decided to enter Sichuan.
In the military setting Atlantic political power 5 Military Government, the military Wangshang Li, Jun Wang Dingguo before and after the military Pingshuang Li, left the military Mayuan Li, Long Zhang Youjun. Divide our forces 120 battalion, the "Tiger, leopard Tao, Tao Long, Ying Yeung for the Old Guard," leader of the military governor set. City peripherals Camp 10, a small business 12, in the old camps set, called the Royal camp, Xian-zhong home of. Sun Life is expected to level further east for the General Supervisor 19 camps; John Reading as Anxijiangjun, 16 prison camp; a Tool To ask the Southern General, 15 prison camp; Ai can be odd for the North, General Supervisor 20 camps. Divide our forces go out, "thus far have all Shu."
Dashun years (clean Shunzhi years, 1645) Xia, Nan Mingfu Wang Hongguang regime destruction. In November, and Shi Qing Fu with suppressing the strategy side in what will be the West Los large general military offensive in Sichuan, sent edict side Seductive Zhang Xianzhong, to persuade him to pledge allegiance the Qing Dynasty. Edict said: "Zhang Xianzhong previously disturbed, all things Ming," said the understanding, "Zhang Xianzhong know if the trial days, leading his men to return from Syria as excellent plus pull out the ages of children and grandchildren will enjoy a lasting wealth." And threatened to "wait and see if the delay is not welcome back down, army Ji Zhi, Huizhiwuji." Zhang Xianzhong ignored, however, have strengthened the determination against the Qing Dynasty. At this time, what will be led by Luo Qing's volunteer army was held in check in Shaanxi, Sichuan, it has not.
Dashun in early, Prince Su Qing reassignment to Jingyuan Haug Great General, and Wu Sangui and other Manchu army command, full to the Atlantic forces impinge upon the peasants. At that time, Yang Ming will participate in exhibition wins to lead the troops complex southern Sichuan counties, rates of division north, south, and Zhang Xianzhong Pengshan troops fighting in the estuary, Zhang Xianzhong defeated, returned to Chengdu. Young has driven a development from the south of Chengdu. Ying Wang Ying Xiong also sent to Chief General, Wang Xiang as the reference to the Joint Division attacking, blocking the eastern army under farmers. They were wild Atlantic peasant army attacks, a serious threat to Atlantic power of peasants. In this regard, Zhang Xianzhong tit for tat, to give resolute counterattacks. May, Haug rate of the Qing captured Hanzhong.
Zhang Xianzhong death, his department will be expected to Sun, Mr John Reading, a Tool to Qi Ai, Feng Shuangli peasant army led by the south such as in Chongqing by the British Department of the Ming troops have preemptive, farmers, after the British army killed Morimasa has continued to Guizhou the direction of transfer. Ming after joint, joint fight against the Qing, fought in the vast areas in the southwestern provinces, insisted for nearly two decades until the early years of Qing Dynasty Emperor Kangxi.
Get out of silver ingots ventral excavation Kuchiki
Crowd in silver bullion is picking gone, the site quickly to head style Pengshan County Council and report back Pengshan county government office. Pengshan County Heritage and other relevant departments in charge of people rushed to the scene to conduct an inquest investigation unearthed full trying to stop the outflow of silver bullion. Style Pengshan County Council, the Public Security Bureau immediately set up inventory group, 30 were sent two further pairs of the villages of Jiang thoroughly investigated, to publicize conservation, and encouraging people to donate out consciously picked up the silver ingots by Pengshan County heritage of the people to donate reward. Currently the work is still ongoing.
According to thank the Secretary Pengshan County Kaiyuan style introduced 300 years, Zhang Xianzhong in Pengshan County jiankouzhen Silver Shen said the world has always been a puzzling mystery. The excavated silver ingots, silver ingots itself or in terms of its packaging, are consistent with historical records, which confirmed Shen Zhang Xianzhong 300 years ago, Silver said, in this fully in line with historical reality. Style will, in due course the site representation Zhang Xianzhong Shen silver.
Geng Law
November that year, Zhang Xianzhong announces "teco" test, ordered all members of the prefectures of Health to Chengdu Fukao, disobedience act is committed by the Israeli army. Thus, a constant stream from the sea around the Scholars, the land was sent to Chengdu, concentrated in the Great Mercy Temple. When assembled, around the basic Scholars, Zhang Xianzhong suddenly surrounded by a massive excuse Dabei Temple, all Scholars will kill all the examination, the number of over 5000 people dead. This is really unprecedented in Sichuan scholars a calamity. Dabei Temple 1:00 corpse product such as mountains, rivers of blood, ink into a mound mound, known to history as Great Compassion Temple killing Scholars event. The original, so-called "teco" test from the realm of a well-planned fraud. Zhang Xianzhong around for Onishi regime officials have been killed by local forces in Sichuan, Sichuan against the Atlantic around the tide of increasingly violent power, then anger at the Sichuan people, in particular anger in Sichuan, intellectuals, that is a member of the gentry class students around the subject and elite, determined to massive retaliation, set the plan together and annihilate a clean sweep. Sichuan Yaan the only power in one place as Onishi Jianjun Hao Meng Xuan prior notice of a local insider, another heart is different ambitions, conspiracy defection, then forged Zhang Xianzhong's edict, saying: "Ya frontier line, bearing usually from concentrate Schwimmer, today Qiang Yi steal hair from time to time, long-abandoned poetry and literature and things carry on dry scull. Bin Xing Code, should different day soon. "ordered to have left the AGB in the way the state health workers recovered, so that they survived. Health and other parts of Sichuan, could hardly be caught. This event is an intellectual and cultural circles in Sichuan fatal hit, so on the reading exam scam people to collectively set the bloody massacre of those who, in Chinese history is unique.
How do Great Mercy Temple killing Scholars event? Regarded as a matter of ancient history books on the Holocaust Zhang Xianzhong counts in one of Sichuan, with the matter and noting also the year on Nov. 22 ordered the Chengdu Zhang Xianzhong flagrantly "action to exterminate all city residents," the military to driven to the south gate of Chengdu residents group on the criminal, murderous, then heralds the township village "can be moved to the city of Chengdu residents in Kyoto", and later a fire will burn in Chengdu, its like the most brutal. Some historians liberation is due to Zhang Xianzhong peasant uprising leaders, this or kept silent, or disregard of historical facts, do everything possible to justify Zhang Xianzhong defense, including the bloody massacre of Dabei Temple events and public events, including Chengdu. Defense of the main reasons are: Ming Zhang Xianzhong is an outstanding leader of peasant uprising, the feudal rulers because of class hatred, deliberately exaggerated the number of their murder, slander Zhang Xianzhong "Tu Shu"; Zhang Xianzhong in Chengdu, the early establishment of the regime, did not slaughter, considerable attention to recruiting local talent in Sichuan, open branches were admitted, it is also for talented people, has opened two branches, the candidate is eager; only later as big landlord in Sichuan gentry rebellion, the situation becomes serious, Hung Kuang Ming court at this time became the eyes of orthodox Sichuan gentry landlords banner, a serious threat to the survival of the regime Onishi, Zhang Xianzhong was compelled to slaughter; of course, I am due to historical limitations Zhang Xianzhong, "the town" generated excesses, killing a bit too wide , resulting in gradual loss of political power Onishi people, this is also should bear in mind the lessons of history. It appears that this view seems very dialectical, sometimes filled with all kinds of history books. At that time, anyone who argues about the true face of the history of Zhang Xianzhong brutal expose Zhang Xianzhong set "teco" exam scam, the bloody massacre of a reader's criminal acts, is to bear the peasant uprising of the reactionary slander standing position on the political risk.
Zhang Xianzhong feudal rulers "Tu Shu" really exaggerated side, such as "Ming Dynasty" Volume and nine, said Zhang Xianzhong "Six hundred million men and women were killed and strange", apparently deliberately exaggerated, the total population in the late Ming was only six over 10 million. But Zhang Xianzhong bloody massacres in the Sichuan people and intellectuals, after all, historical facts and must not be because he is a peasant uprising leader and avoid, or to find excuses to justify, mitigate, lessen their guilt. To Dabei temple killing Scholars incident, Zhang Xianzhong is not accidental impulse impulse move. To open branches on the first two were admitted, the smell of blood already implied. Zhang Xianzhong provision "does not take child health must not dodge, has been in are not allowed to Ning at home, not in those not in the rural living", "scholar in the village made made trouble, and family members do drive into the city, 10 people a knot, an emergency, even the ride nine. " Also provides that if father and brother would dare to block someone's children to go to trial, will be severely punished. Such a forcible type of "open branches were admitted as" Not a respect for the intellectual? It not a ladder, the people's guts? Basic understanding of Schwimmer's Zhang Xianzhong musicians for many years, has a strong military power, full head king became the emperor thought, he represents in fact a homeless vagrant thought and culture, intellectuals have always had contempt, hatred, watch, control and use of attitude, if the intellectuals do not obey little, they have to their heads chopped off. He was two years on February 13 Dashun Hitachi's an "Imperial Mandate monument," pretty well that his true ideology, the inscription is only two sentences: "God has all things and people, people without a thing and days. Spirits obviously, think to overrate themselves. "where" days ", referring to his own, he thought to represent God, all things have been a gift to the people of Sichuan, and Sichuan, the people have lost his Daendade, is ungrateful, He is extremely disappointed with the people in Sichuan and the public resentment. He knew, the majority of students were members of that reading the minds of the people, the gentry of the backbone, is his most difficult to control the crowd. Once the situation has become serious, becoming unfavorable to him, he will slaughter the people of Sichuan, of course, bear the brunt of the first scholars to remove this scourge. To this end, Zhang Xianzhong that Takeo has no scruples, dared to defy world opinion, set "teco" exam fraud, blatant dishonesty in the whole world at examination Scholars, single-handedly created a bloodbath Great Mercy Temple tragedy. This savage, wiping out a culture of most wild animal, must be ruthlessly exposed and given the profound criticism, this is the correct attitude towards historical materialism.
Zhang Xianzhong school emperor stripping of human skin, "Sincere in the Sichuan government imperial clan, sub and non-Qu Wenwu officials, but also time and gentry, but also time and the camp will be promoted. Where the stripping of human skin, infiltration with lime, real straw, plant with bamboo poles, Insert the stand on both sides of King Fuqian Street, lined countless, thousands of people out, look into the distance, such as funeral figurines. " Zhang Xianzhong created many killings of tricks, such as sending generals to attack on all fronts, "Tu the sub-counties," name "the grass and kill." Towards a time, the King in below their knees, he greeted dozens of dogs under the house, heard a dog who took who pulled out a cut, called "days of kill." He wanted to kill scholars, to open branches were admitted, students will cheat to kill thousands of Sichuan.
Change of dynasties in Chinese history to rogue warlords to kill each other up and powerful than anyone, is to prevent competitors access to land and people, let rivals more powerful than themselves, would rather destroy everything!
Jiangyin a county, and they killed 17 million people, the city only 50 survivors. Jiading 3 killed more than 50 million. After the 1649 occupation of Xiangtan, Hunan massacre; the same year, put down the anti-movement of Datong, Datong City of soldiers and civilians were slaughtered to make, "Betrayal resist" counties and the city is not divided Fenzhou good and bad Yigai massacre; in 1650 when the massacre break Guangzhou , "a very tragic killing, residents of several non-Jiao class ... ... tired skeletal embers into Fu, pedestrian in 23 years and looked like snow."
Dabei Temple massacre Scholars event, once again demonstrates the history of peasant uprisings and the leaders of the time limitations and their serious flaws. Specifically Zhang Xianzhong, violent person by nature, capricious, shortsighted, lack of basic humanitarian and political insight, led to his later single-handedly created a number of great tragedy from inhumane. He became a short-lived Pianju corner of Sichuan, the Sichuan people, of course Tu Huangdi was a disaster, but relatively speaking it is a blessing, because of his limited powers can only harm one place in Sichuan; if he really become the generation of the emperor established a dynasty, then the people must be a scourge of the country's tyrant, evil will be much larger, but never have any vision of politics as the history of China will not have any role in promoting progress. His penalty is extremely cruel, including peeling like to take the living. His adopted son, trusted Sun is expected to also use as many times as he skinned his torture claims against not follow the subjects. Therefore, Mr. Lu said: "The Ming dynasty and once to start stripping to stripping the end, indeed always the same." ("且介亭杂文 illness topics for"), Zhang Xianzhong's private life is shameless dissipation, only after the emperor as many as three hundred concubines who, using a large number of eunuchs for the Temple service, the extent of his corruption and Rereading Late less striking. He is also the same as with the feudal rulers, ordered to avoid all over Christine Yu taboo, people are not allowed to use the "offer" and the word "loyalty" and the words even before the stone ages handed down the "offer" and "loyalty" are all words to shovel out, and even later generations sigh, "No End Shu monument."