字: | 明俨 | ||||||
网笔号: | 南明延平郡王招讨大将军 | ||||||
效忠君国 抗击满清
小学课文 <<郑成功>>
《郑成功的台湾时代》;陈锦昌;远足出版社;ISBN 957-29670-2-9
《郑芝龙大传》;陈文德;远流出版社;ISBN 957-32-3482-3
台中县大甲镇铁砧山的剑井 寻三宝复明
玉印 版本一:
乌杉柴 郑在阿里山时,找到三棵乌杉,其中两颗需约三十余人才能围住,另外一颗小一点,但也要二十七八人。第一天砍了树身的三分之一,但隔日见被砍的地方竟然自动愈合,像是没砍过一般。接连试了好几天皆如此,郑便祈神请求帮忙,当晚他梦见一老人对他说:“这三棵乌杉是神树,正果快修成了,谁砍,谁就会受伤。然而你之所以安然无恙,正是因为你是明朝忠臣,上天都在保护你。若你一定要取乌杉柴,请筑檀祭杉,若该你得则会自动倒下…”隔日郑照其指点而做,正祭祀时忽然一声巨响,较小的乌杉倒下了。
出米岩 郑途经大岗山时令士兵扎营,自己则去庙里拜祭,祈求早日得三宝以便复明。当晚郑就梦见佛祖带他四处游玩,并指点藏宝处,说道:“谷仓位于庙后面的岩穴中,左有千人斧,右有万人火。”,接着授与火斧的用法,嘱咐道:“产出的米只能在此食用,并照人数取之,不可多取。”
历史的城外 瘦楷绣青苔
昨页留的白 谁蘸墨来主宰
曾结拜 八仙血脉
独站在 日光岩外
尽抛开 史书沧海
夜半掩 人假眠
勿想念 月的圆缺
空白页 我书写
就算梦 在花甲圆
倒背如流 你的历史考卷
高谈阔论里面 模糊了视线
民族精神 回答接近精确
印刷机的见解 满分的危险
历史的城外 瘦楷绣青苔
昨页留的白 谁蘸墨来主宰
曾结拜 八仙血脉
独站在 日光岩外
尽抛开 史书沧海
夜半掩 人假眠
勿想念 月的圆缺
空白页 我书写
就算梦 在花甲圆
倒背如流 你的历史考卷
高谈阔论里面 模糊了视线
民族精神 回答接近精确
印刷机的见解 满分的危险
郑成功墓在南安市沿着福厦公路的水头镇附近的康店村复船山,为全国重点文物保护单位。郑成功是我国伟大的民族英雄,名森、字明俨、号大木,郑成功墓福建省南安石井人,出身于官商家庭。 1624年农历七月十四日,诞生于日本长崎县平户市千里浜。在日本渡过七个春秋,1630年间随从其叔芝燕等回国,住安平(晋江市安海镇)郑府。郑成功自幼聪明敏捷,八岁能通读四书五经,十岁能写入股文,文章过人,词藻华丽典雅,十一、二岁,兼习春秋左传,孙吴兵法,并能舞剑学射。十五岁的禀生,二十一岁攻入南京国子监太学,气宇轩昂,才华横溢,获得师长称赞:“此人英雄,非人所得比。”
1644, Manchus, occupied Beijing, the then two years of Manchu (1645) eliminated the leftover Ming Zhu backers of Fukuo established by the Song Mountain in Nanjing Hongguang Zheng right, so there is room descent Ming Tang Ming Wang Zhu Yu key in Fuzhou emperor, reign as the "Long arms." Long Feng Zheng Zhi for the construction of Emperor Amber, after the company sealed the country level. Zheng Zhi with a 21-year-old Sen-time audience with the emperor to Shane, in the meeting, the Emperor asked how salvation, with the Southern Song Yuefei Sen as saying: "Wenchen do not love money, Takeomi at death, peace and harmony carry on." Lung Emperor applaud Sen's verbal exchanges, surname as the surname Zhu Ming States, changed its name to succeed, and Chung Hau Po-seal, which is commonly known as Koxinga his origin. 22-year-old Emperor Wu of Zheng Chenggong Yu Ren Nan Minglong military camp military governor. Qing Shunzhi three years (two years Nanming Long Wu, 1646), the Qing forces captured Fujian, Tang Wanglong killed the Emperor Wu, National Tsing Hua University degree in Hong Chengchou the protection offered under the Ming Dynasty, Zheng Chenggong's father that the days are numbered, regardless of Zheng Chenggong's opposition surrender to the Qing court north alone. In this time looting Qing Cheng, Cheng's mother, Tian Chuanshi to avoid humiliation in the bowls, ritual suicide. "CIA hate country" under the Wu-two in December (January 1647) in Lieyu Zheng Chenggong (Little Kinmen) dispatched troops, flags on the title of "General Zui Chen Chung Hau Po Zhao Tao Zhu big success." Yongli three years (1649) conversion to reign Ming Yong Li, Yongli Emperor him as Koxinga, so those who have called Zheng Yanping. 1651 to 1652 in the Taiwanese small surplus Ling, Siena (now Hai) and other access to 3 major victory, wiped out in Minqing main army. Zhejiang Zhoushan commanded the troops after taking the North, South, Guangdong Jieyang broken. Junji year (1655), the Qing general economic degrees shuaibing set ambitious about 30,000 to Fujian, together with troops stationed in Minqing, offensive ZHENG. Qing Zheng Chenggong poor use of the weakness of the water war, induced the sea battle, in April the following year its navy destroy the Xiamen sea area around head. In the 16 years after the uprising, Zheng Chenggong, according to the present Little Kinmen and Xiamen (then a small island and the mainland are not linked) in the vicinity of the island, complete control of the sea power to collect and foreigners doing business capital, military preparations, and inland to establish more commercial base to collect a number of the Qing and the court's intelligence, has several times raised his army, and also to gain time for the Qing court to resume peace negotiations troops. During the Qing Zheng Zhi down the request of the Qing court several times to write to Zheng Chenggong summon somebody to surrender, the Qing emperor has issued an edict for the canonization of Jinghai Zheng Chenggong Siena general public, Cheng Jian, not speech; Junji 14 years ( 1657), Zheng Zhi and Zheng Chenggong of private letters was intercepted by the Qing court to collaborators in the offense of migration in Zheng Zhi Ning Guta.
Junji 16 years (1659), the Qing army captured the city in Yunnan Province, Yongli Emperor critical. The general Zheng Chenggong Zhang and Lu Wang in Fujian and Zhejiang Huangyan contain bowls, water command the army 170 000 Northern Expedition, the following year into the Yangtze River, grams guazhou, Zhenjiang, Nanjing, around and near Nanjing and Anhui recover parts. Zheng Chenggong Zhang Huangyan sent to Wuhu, maintains the city along the Yangtze River in Nanjing to the west of kung himself leading troops attacked the city of Nanjing. Qing Dynasty in Nanjing are two guarding the Governor Lang Ting Zuo Jiang, who is very cunning, for time, waiting for reinforcements, they make a delaying action, kung pretend to surrender, so that Zheng Chenggong off guard, and secretly sent out of town for help. Dawn on July 23, Qing Zheng Chenggong's troops were attacked, suffered heavy casualties. Xiamen Zheng Chenggong led back the remnants of base. After the withdrawal of Zheng Chenggong, Zhang Huangyan Anhui themselves they also defeated the Qing Kocide, makeup fled Zhejiang, Anhui and Nanjing, where they were near the Qing occupation. Although this attack, due to underestimate the enemy and Zheng Chenggong fail, but it shook the rule of the Qing dynasty in the southeast, but also shocked the Qing central government in Beijing.
Zheng Chenggong's most important ally - the king was John Reading
Zheng Chenggong's most brilliant performance of his life, not the recovery of Taiwan but against the Ching soldiers, and John Reading, one in Yunnan and Guangxi, one in the southeast coast, and frequently give bowls a fatal blow to support the Southern Ming regime, as long as two decades, called Qingtian double columns; forced the Qing court had to make concessions, as was the "Emperor Kangxi of the government" basis.
However, the historical facts, John Reading realignment plan is the development of Guangdong, in 1653,1654 years (Junji years, 10 year) his dream is something with the attack from Zheng Chenggong, made recovery of Guangdong, re Landscape of the the first step. However, this is only wishful thinking given country, Zheng Chenggong not want to do. Not because he could not see ZTE join forces in Guangdong is a key with Ming, but Zheng Chenggong Zheng led the group in his place the interests of the most important position. Of Zheng Chenggong raised his army after the whole experience, you can see he is a great people with great ambitions, in the Ming and Qing confrontation, land division cases, he not strong enough in view of its own strength, political influence can not be the same on the next, the coexistence of two competing power clean people (including the gentry), so his strategy was the Ming and Qing two parties who can give him arbitrary, or cede territory from the male, he would the Holy Spirit, "Zhengshuo." In his own words, his ideal is to do a "vertical and horizontal and by the" in "Phoenix", do not want to become a "trap threshold into" and "Butch." So he would say so: "If the letter Qing children, compared with the Qing Dynasty; If you do not believe children made, it was clear Morrison." In short, the only "remote Feng", not "invaders." This is Zheng He, and later raised by the usual "than in Korea," the ideological roots.
Zheng Chenggong will not take into account their relative independence will be very limited military and political affairs should be always given in the court otherwise escape the encroachment of the meeting. More importantly, own strength, nobility and prestige, both slightly behind John Reading, to John Reading, the relationship with Yongli court more closely than he, these factors must Zheng Chenggong's foresight in being. Therefore, no matter how Reading is to develop the right strategy, and regardless of the country in order to achieve Ming Chung Hsing set on how he painstakingly persuaded, Zheng Chenggong, as a total sea area in Fujian inserted flexible steel bars as the size of external force can cause shaking around him degree, finally I own immovable Southern pillar. Ming and Qing Dynasties of the best military strategist John Reading, the tragedy is that: Sun has been out front against the Qing Dynasty in Yunnan is expected to hate, can not Huguang (now Hunan, Hubei), Jiangxi battlefield displaying such thing; medium high hopes with Bing Yue Zheng Chenggong , Min, join forces north, get in return went through the motions, Xinhui defeat, bereavement division lost, Ming ZTE from hopeless, he can do is follow the example of Zhuge Liang "A dedicated, die."
Zheng Chenggong on Chaozhou, Guangdong Province has attached great importance, it is Zheng major source of family rations. Zheng Hongkui and made many soldiers Chaozhou Zheng Chenggong reason why. But his intention was, hope to surge, according to their own benefit areas to forage, to supply troops, and ZHENG Yong Li court in between is best left a clear party jurisdiction, destroyed by fire resisting walls on this Cheng Group adversely. So, he and Mr John Reading anxious situation, blindly put off delaying strategy. As noted above, John Reading, the second into the broad deployment of six months before the battle has already scheduled rendezvous date of notification of the Guangdong Yi division, may not notice not expect to play a key role in the global strategy of Zheng Chenggong.
From the "kings Record" in the know, Li Jing and will bring the country messenger response is returned to Xiamen three days of no later than September, the "fan must join forces two books, Justice Being the Desire troop movements, loyalist south. To prisoner to the spring, so that temporary difference Golden Gate. " However, he was chosen to drag the country had set October as specified in the letter expected before (on the 15th ago) division of, to October 19 was "laid off teachers south, and the king was (is when John Reading, the king was not yet closed), etc. loyalist rendezvous . Committee left the military auxiliary Ming Hou Linta Governor for the land and water, put all the machines should adjust the military; Committee Youjun Min An Hou Zhourui guide for the Navy, "shuaibing tens of thousands of ships 100," Krzysztof Nanzheng ", also sent officials loyalist Biao Yi Lin Yunqiong turn to line, and the book will be the king was so held (scheduled for plotting when the country), the book goes: "JI Qiu Xing respect to access, read John taught Ponder, skin repair spears and playing power, big break long-cherished wish. ... ... hereby stack bearing large teaching, those things since the accident aircraft How to delay? Chennai respect so spacious camp, the value of Nam Fung Shing Fat, without benefit Nanzheng help the Northern Expedition. ... ... that Yuqian division south, and Five Rams were to take your department, a letter of non-edge style, the find smth hairdressers. ... ... hereby session MENG Dong, north wind can push to make The auxiliary Ming Hou Linta, Min Hou Zhourui other security command, sailing east (?) that, although ashamed of non-VSC banner, however Mian effective hand. Navy focusing on three sides by land division to do its a web, the Guangdong Emirates capture carry on from time to fight. "
Zheng Chenggong this out a few points are worth noting military. First, Cheng has since raised his army command in person whenever there are major battles, the battle into the Guangdong side of the Ming and Qing significant, Reading is plotting a western route is any coach, to his letter has repeatedly stressed the realignment Guangdong's strategic significance, such as saying "something harmonic and Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, direct transfer of a Xi war," then why did he refuse to hand the West on what the military system? The only explanation is that he has been shirking its responsibility in the following preparation. Second, many general Zheng Chenggong, select Linta in land and water division is Admiral can be described as discerning, Li Yongli, when the court is the first backers Shaowu Zheng Linta right, big civil war, then let him reunification Jun Yong Li Cohesion in a sense, the main court is indeed "the best candidate." Third, Jiu Li Rong Zheng Chenggong is a line of command, in faithfulness to his brother in the world, also said he "use of troops are old men", let alone fighting the Qing ZHENG several times with no time for rescue and funeral division lost city He certainly understand that "winning the occasion, hair's breadth" of the truth, then he set the country in early September before the October 15th earnestly urged to arrive at the designated location ZHENG letter, why drag it on the 19th the mobilization of soldiers, "Krzysztof Nanzheng" do? Fourth, Zheng Chenggong Reading is something I already knew from the attack from the previous year, in one fell swoop Guangdong plans to restore, during which the country is also set to urge him to lead the troops repeatedly sent envoys collusion.
Clear view from the archives, who started on October kung licensing soldiers will mobilize, deploy, Nanzheng matters; fourth day on his person at Copper Mountain (now Dongshan County) by the soldiers, boatmen, "Professor Fu Ming Hou Linta positive Admiral , Min-An Hou (Ralph CHOW) as Vice Admiral, 100 under the jurisdiction of the ship, sent to Guangdong Province and the Western Zeibing join. " October 22, Qing Xu Long report Guangdong navy lieutenant, "there are hundreds of boats upstream assembly, security Houzhou Rui Min, Fu Ming Hou Linta have shuaibing south trend. Covered in 23, on the 24th trip have made to Tateishi, have made a visit to Guangdong. " November 19, Linta park in the South Australian Department of camp, "discuss military affairs." Copper Mountain from South Australia, but Barry, Cheng said the letter, "is hereby session MENG Dong, north wind stirring up" a time when the wind one day can be. Zheng Chenggong military parade on October fourth day life at Copper Mountain will be a half months after the camp parking discuss what military affairs in South Australia. Then, after a week that November 25 to 27, Linta s Strategy, led by three hundred such ships to Haifeng, Guangdong Hom Zhai Jin (Kan xiazhai immediately, in Haifeng County South Beach) . Early in December the 5th, Linta Over a hundred leading four boats, his soldiers to the sea level 30 000 Yuzhong into the arrival (the sea level this Huidong County). Linta the same month on the 14th sent a team of white wooden cargo boat boat arrived Dapeng (across the sea with the level of Daya Bay) levy lose fact that rice village, where you hear of Guangdong coastal justice division Wanrong, Chen Qi-making team, it was clear party reconnaissance, Wanrong Zeng Yi pig, wine rewarded ZHENG. On the 15th, Linta boat three hundred ships and other units near the temple door (in Humen two hundred miles south, away from Guangzhou, four hundred miles).
Above have already said John Reading, the defeat in the new session date is December 14, that is, the removal Linta part of the vessel to the same Wanrong Dapeng Chen Yi Qi Policy Division encounter that day. At that time only knew Wanrong so new session is fighting, it is impossible to know given the country retreat, almost certainly because of their strong persuasion, Linta was only one day into the sea from the flat to the Buddhist Church. Some few days later, they will get from the Department of Guangdong righteous army rapidly defeated army of the West will withdraw the country's news, watching the sea for a very long time (which must have sent referrals to the matter of Zheng Chenggong), in Shunzhi years (1655 year) in May returned to Xiamen.
Ming and Qing archives and records left by the two sides show that Zheng Chenggong although sent troops, war is not the intention. Qing Fujian and Guangdong provinces ZHENG senior officials pay close attention to trends, reports to the court date Linta and activities such as the south is quite detailed, but not the contents of any matter of war, that Linta, Rui Zhou was by no means the Department of can not be reached early Qing check the country specific location; fourth day from October to December 14 on a dawdling two months and 10 days reached the level sea, sent some warships to the collected food Dapeng the village, and Yang records Linta, Rui-troops, his status with the loyal subjects to account Bohong Xu Zhen, "according to the proposed" ten months of total food distribution, lack of visible or because forage. The only remaining explanation is in order will be entered into when Zheng Chenggong Qinshou machine should: not Jiaxizhenzuo. The judge can not only delay the time from everywhere on the ZHENG see, from the Qing Fang Fang Zheng records from archives and also could not find any trace of operations, gives the impression that the South China Sea Koxinga organized a large-scale tourism, the organization The change in the Ming and Qing war situation in the battle of John Reading, the means taken to courteously but without sincerity, the consequences are very serious.
"Chi of Taiwan," volume IV in mind Linta, Rui-returns Xiamen report "s Strategy plays Steller's door (that is, Humen), detect defeat John Reading, Wuzhou fall, not into the military, but also teachers." Zheng Chenggong play politics, blame Linta, Rui Zhou and other "loyalist into the aid, Jun Ming of the original free ride once, lingering wait while back, Chao Dian not? Haier Six Prevention recoil, when do is sin." Then ordered Ralph CHOW "wins Jazz cut level, solution of its soldiers handle, never the Public Service"; Linta, who have poor downgrade. In to Reading is the letter wrote: "off-year-old Qu so remote to the same hatred of fellow soldiers of the set, and even break Su heart. With a tie up dry Earnings stomach, large set of floor boat, side carved-way stage, while the spacious member Li Jing Fu Taiwanese life to, to read and then four, to know His Highness the worry within the emergency Jun Fu, Chou Chou circumscribed pain; not eloquent wished he could Yukiho You Hu, straight sweep the Pearl River, focused on the vital homeland to meet with Cheng Yu. nothing was intended to ship division yet to come, while the master has been first class back to several days. have your officers and men from the Department of Guangdong to vote who, hearing it so thin, covered with arrogance caused soldiers fell. the outcome of military strategists of the ordinary, less anxiety. but spacious vessels lingering, can not join forces in advance, but also can not be excited map backup, real and guilt Yan. has land and water all will, validation functions sin, I realized that by complying or not the former, Min An Houzhou Rui, has re-bundle responsibilities, dismissal busy lives, is a study of its active, or have Fa carry on. ... ... "
In summary ,1653-1654 John Reading, the Battle of Guangdong Planning is the last chance Ming ZTE. State plan will focus on what contact Koxinga attack, with the first wipe out the divisions in Guangdong Guangdong Qing Yi, exhibition. These three forces against the Qing Dynasty in China, John Reading, the military justice division of Guangdong are all-out, just as Zheng Chenggong his intention, and finally lost by the wayside. Guangdong justice division in order to achieve the performance given the country's strategic intentions quite enough enthusiasm and praise. States battle new session scheduled after the failure of justice responsible for liaison with the Guangdong Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi Normal Liancheng Bi Ming still campaigned for this thing a joint attack strategy. He Yong Li in June 1655 to the memorial to the throne in the appeal court: "The Swansea division fast hair re-Min Fan Yang, and Qi Chen and Fu-chen GUO drum of a drum and then, by the enemy's weakness, the strong with me, Yuedong inadequate level also. "the following year (1656, Junji 10 years, Yongli years) in July, Liancheng Bi Shu said again to contact him justice division in Guangdong," Caine Department Beach, ... ... pillow to be the king of teachers Ge years, and Fujian division of Council previously received the power is not economic. " Reading is the new session as troops battle equipment to greater losses, but also eager to rush into Enron to meet the Emperor Yongli of Yunnan, attend to the battlefield of eastern Guangdong. Excellent opportunity to naught.
Recovering Taiwan, the expulsion from Dutch
Kangxi Huang Di Chu came to the throne in 1661, before falling to Huang Cheng-Wu Chen off thieves five policies, including a 20-year Evacuation orders from Shandong to Guangdong coast twenty years, cut off financial support Zheng Chenggong; destruction of coastal vessels, inch board allowed the water; also killed the father of Zheng Zhi on Ning Guta successful migration in office, (a city that I cut firewood in Beijing, the government school term of the present West Side alley, Yuan place of execution); dug graves Zheng; moved to the officers and men surrendered, sub-reclamation land.由于 Qing Government's new strategy, Zheng Chenggong and his army cut off the source of income, is facing a serious financial crisis, had to abandon the coastal islands Wei base, southeast coast of the military strategy of harassment, has been a long time to turn Voyage Shi Dai Jin Gong Since the duties and went to Asia, the Portuguese, Spanish, British, Dutch colonial separatism of Taiwan respectively, as a new base year on March 23, Cheng personally led 25,000 soldiers, warships Hundreds of ships, starting from Kinmen Liaoluo Wan, after Penghu, the enemy unexpectedly in Luerhmen and Wo Laos and Hong Kong landing. First to superior force to win the Dutch defense topic begins with a weak city (now in Tainan City), following the strong defense again the capital of Taiwan Town (now Tainan) long siege. After nine months of hard work, by the parent to assist in the early years of Han Chinese immigrants crossing the support to defeat the Dutch in 1662, forced the Premier of a colonial Governor in the same year on December 13 (February 1, 1662) in surrender book signing. Dutch troops to hand over all arms and materiel, including the sick and wounded, including the remnants of about 900 Dutch soldiers and civilians, evacuated the island by boat. The campaign to end the Dutch invaders in the 38-year colonial rule of Taiwan, Taiwan and Taiwan back to the motherland, but also to Zheng Chenggong become a national hero in the eyes of the Chinese people. After recovering Taiwan, Cheng Ji Gao mountains, awarded Settlement Act, to open the East Ningwang Guo, Li Cheng world, has now in southern Taiwan and eastern part of the land, set up a "commitment Tianfu" Tainan change to "Eastern Capital" to show clearly designate the meaning of the East Timor Yongli, Chen left for Ming allegiance. Open up overseas events, anti-Qing overseas. In the same year in April passed between Gui Wang Zhu died in Myanmar from the nut the news. Although there are other Ming imperial clan in Taiwan, but has decided not to own a successful Lixin Emperor, from the Lord of Taiwan. Zheng Chenggong was established in Taiwan, the first Han Chinese regime, however, because the sanitary conditions were poor tropical areas, Zheng Chenggong infection epidemic, finally sick of the same year in June (lunar) died at the age of 38 years. The original burial Tainan wei, 1699 exhumations Nan Anzu tomb. Zheng Jing legend was killed. Emperor Kangxi title essays elegiac couplet: "Four more II Town Center, two islands Tuen division, dare dispute banbishan Southeast; kings free inch of land, corner of anti-Zhi, Fang Zhong knowledge alone overseas."
The protection of overseas Chinese
"Zheng Zhi mass communications"; Chen Wende; Yuan-Liou Publishing; ISBN 957-32-3482-3
Gu Cheng, "Ming Shi"
That the situation of overseas Chinese in the Philippines after 1657, Cheng sent a letter to the island of Java, Batavia had a Chinese Kapitan asked him to stop and the Philippines, the Spanish colonizers to trade. Chinese Zheng Chenggong has repeatedly expressed concern about the Philippines, and proposed to shuaibing capture the Philippines, to punish the Spaniards.
Later, the Zheng Jing also in 1670 and 1671 campaign against the two prepared to send fleet in Manila, but eventually did not send troops.
China has the hands of Zheng Chenggong recovered Taiwan from the Dutch as a national hero Zheng Chenggong and Taiwan independence elements classifies as Han Chinese from Chinese rule, migrants in Taiwan, the establishment of new world model.
According to legend, 1660s, Cheng and their armed forces when passing through the river reach, meet with the supernatural fantasy resulting from large waves, the V strange, Zheng Chenggong throw a sword around before surrender supernatural. Commemorate this event after the man-made, it covered the river and lake basin tailor named sword. However, research by the later generations, this folklore is not true.
A printed version of Jade:
Zheng Yushan with a few generals to find jade, but a pedestrian that day, and saw over and over stones, There is none jade. When a pedestrian intends to go home when the god appeared Yushan, and that without permission, and anyone can find jade.
Yan Zheng passing out rice season Dagangshan soldiers camped, and went temple to worship, pray to see again soon have three treasures. Zheng night around the dream of the Buddha with his play, and pointing hidden treasures Office said: "barn located at the back of the rock, left a thousand axes, there are people the right fire." And then grant the use of fire ax, asked: "The output of rice only in the food, and according to the number taken from, not to take on more."
Tsaotun Township, Nantou County
Keelung City and Seas
Jian Wang Shi temple guarding the Taiwan Strait landing, the door to remain solid history of heroic drive deer ear load graph. - Town Gate Palace Luerhmen
Founding German gas industry life Zhong Shan Zhuang, Xun name Thousand Years the world the spirit of ASE. - Changhua chutang day open house
Song: Zheng Chenggong
Lyrics: after the string
A history full of heroic elements of a full history of the Biographies of heroic biography of pop elements. Deep inspirational sentiment smooth one, the chorus part of the "Mother of the hands of the line, sewing a few hundred years," the poignant and add excitement, so that everyone can not help moving.
Night, from tomb by Zheng Chenggong, told him the history of pen and paper, all waiting for everyone to write their own ... ...
Kai Embroidery thin outside of history moss
Who left the white page yesterday dipped to dominate Mexico
Throughput over the surging sea
Do aside historical sea
Tomb by rolling
Line of mother's hands
Even if the dream in his sixtieth round
Close to the exact answer to the national spirit
Heroes reborn in the middle of the night
Tears never be documented
Eight Immortals had sworn blood
Put up your age
Zheng Chenggong as in the past
Do not miss the moon and new moon on
I am writing a blank page
The shore
Rhetoric which obscures vision
Wind off the body of a compromise
Zheng Chenggong life's greatest achievement is the recovery of Taiwan, and large-scale expulsion of Dutch invaders development of Taiwan. Yongli 15 years (AD 1662) Gan three days in December, led his army three thousand people, most of Quanzhou, the Dutch invaders away from China, Taiwan and Taiwan. Zheng Chenggong realized he recovered Taiwan and the development of Taiwan's ambitions. At that time poem "open Jingzhen by He Yi, ten years before the first base to overcome. Tian Heng There are 3000 visitors, mushrooms bitter relations between the bear to leave." Recover Taiwan, he visited four community to understand their needs and social circumstances, On that bleak island of Taiwan, the implementation of "combine Military agriculture" in law, settlement wasteland, "training in order to force farmers gap is something that the police are Hege to war, no police came to farming is negative." At that time, Taiwan's new land environment is very poor, malaria Li epidemic, "seven or eight of ten patients, the deceased Quito," and even a few of feet python infestation, land clearing tasks are very arduous, the new rate of Zheng Chenggong all officers and soldiers, and actively develop , while taking various measures to step up consolidation of Taiwan's coastal defense, holding the fort from the Dutch invaders "Revenge", weight accounted for Taiwan. Zheng Chenggong led his army through the clutter and blood and sweat, difficult undertaking. As the decade campaign, galloping battle, overwork, in Yongli 16 years (AD 1662) died on eighth day of the lunar month in Taiwan, at the age of 30, nine, burial in Taiwan, Tainan, wei. After 30 years, the Sun Ke-Shuang surrendering after eight years in Kangxi 30 (AD 1699) on May 22 Mao Shi Nan moved coffin burial site in the county, pat buried in ancestral Ying Zheng Kang chomchon's, along with transfer Also buried in the coffin of his son Zheng Jing. In addition to severance under Emperor Kangxi was imperial soldiers pallbearer, but also give a pair of elegiac couplets, Japan: "Four more Janus-faced two-island town of Tuen Southeast Division dare dispute banbishan; kings defend the corner without known anti-Zhi Fang Zhong overseas alone." Later also sent care Misasakimori Tomb Guards. At the same time re-interment in the ancestral Ying Yue Zheng Zhi Vegetarian There is also his father, his mother and his wife's tomb, moved to re-establish after the tomb tombstone.
In 1929, Zheng Ling stolen, immediately save the stone epitaph of two, one for Zheng Jing in 1674 when they returned home repair graves established (the Mount of Olives Epitaph). Ke-Shuang when the other is the re-interment of the "ancestral tomb of Zheng Wen return Epitaph." Zheng Chenggong coffin coffin outline with two inside the first layer of fresh red paint Ze, coffin filled with mercury, bones intact, remove the helmet 1, a robe, waist circumference, jade Xiang Yu 17, each pair of footwear , there is a hair and other precious relics, from Nan Zheng Chenggong Memorial Collection Ishii.
Family genealogy records, according to Zheng Zheng Chenggong
Zheng Zhi five child health
Zheng Jing, Zheng Cong, Paul, Zheng Rui, Zheng Zhi, Zheng W, Cheng Yu, Cheng Wen-Cheng soft, Cheng Fat
Ke-Shuang Health and three sons