金国 人物列表
完颜阿骨打 Wan Yanaguda完颜晟 Wan Yansheng完颜亶 Wan Yandan
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完颜允济 Wan Yanyunji完颜珣 Wan Yanxun完颜守绪 Wan Yanshouxu
完颜承麟 Wan Yanchenglin
完颜承麟 Wan Yanchenglin
金国  (?1234年1234年)
庙号: 昭宗
陵墓: 簸箕湾

  天兴三年(1234年)正月,蒙古军挥军直进,加上南宋军的支援下,蔡州被围。哀宗深知亡国之日将至,不愿当亡国之君,遂下诏禅位予完颜承麟,承麟初执意推却,后哀宗苦苦哀求,曰: “朕所以付卿者,岂得己哉;以朕肌肥,不便鞍马。城陷之后,驰突必难。顾卿平昔以疾闻,且有将略可称。万一得免,使祚胤不绝,此朕之志也。”意思大概是哀宗认为自己身胖,不能策马出征。万一城陷,必难突围。故传位予身手矫健,有才有略的完颜承麟,望他如有幸逃脱的话,可延续国祚。故此,完颜承麟唯有答允继位。

  Jin Zhaozong End Yancheng Lin (? -1,234 On February 9), commonly known as King Modi, also known as gold Houzhu Golden State last emperor, the Jurchen were calling London. Former generals for the Golden State, the first month Jiyou Tianxing three years (Julian calendar February 9, 1234), Golden Isles were not Yuzuo lost his country, the defendant's transfer to his throne. Held the following day at the decreed transmission bit throne ceremony, but the ceremony due for completion Song Mongolian forces have invaded the city. Only complete the ceremony hastily complete Yancheng Lin Out in Compliment immediately soldier died confused army into. According to historians speculate that the reign of less than half finished Yancheng Lin, said that more time in office less than an hour, the shortest reign in history of Chinese emperors.
  After the arrival Cai Zhou, Mourning finished Yancheng Lin proposed rule were the central organization, actively preparing for the defense to commit a matter of Mongolia.
  The next day, mass-bit ceremony started soon after the army received a report on this victory has been scored, said the city Song Meng, Ai Xuan orchids were hurriedly fled, but had just ascended the throne of Modi End Yancheng Lin is anxious shuaibing go out to meet the enemy, started street fighting, the only Song Meng lost to the coalition, then retreated to the city child.
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