金国 人物列表
完颜阿骨打 Wan Yanaguda完颜晟 Wan Yansheng完颜亶 Wan Yandan
完颜亮 Wan Yanliang完颜雍 Wan Yanyong完颜璟 Wan Yanjing
完颜允济 Wan Yanyunji完颜珣 Wan Yanxun完颜守绪 Wan Yanshouxu
完颜承麟 Wan Yanchenglin
完颜守绪 Wan Yanshouxu
金国  (1198年1234年)
姓: 完颜
名: 宁甲速
网笔号: 闵皇帝
庙号: 哀宗


  This is a sad were compared as the emperor's reign, to encourage agricultural production, to stop aggression Song war with Western Xia reconciliation, internal reform, elimination of crafty, reuse of anti-Mongolian champion, recovered a lot of land, the gold country shows a new scene. But this time the Mongol irresistible, Chia Tai four years (1227) Cutting off the Western Xia after full payment, the first year in the days Xing (1232) Battle of the three Mountain gold main military defeat Jin forces of destruction have been inevitable. MENG Jun Jin Wai Bianjing, defenders struggling to resist, then Bianjing epidemics, where the 50 days, shipped out from the gates of the dead have Jiushi Yu million people, the poor who can not be buried yet included. Bianjing sad to leave in the December, North crossed the Yellow River, after Ben Duguid (now Shangqiu), and finally to Cai Zhou (today Runan), however the way the Mongolian general Shi Tianze hot pursuit, in Pucheng annihilated Wanyan Caesar's 80,000 white elite. Tianxing years (in 1233) in August, Mongolia Zhao Song Bing Tang break the state (now Tanghe), were the desire SONG Lian and sorrow, sent messengers to the Song Dynasty, said: "Mongolia Annihilated 40, and Xia, Xia death and me, I will die, and Song. lips are gone, Ziranzhili. "Song allowed. Xing three days the first month Jiyou (Julian calendar February 9, 1234), Song Mongolian forces defeated Cai Zhou, sorrow lost his country were not willing to do, he gave the Yancheng Lin finished the throne passed to the commander, his orchids in Cai Zhou Xuan hanged himself. Modi End Yancheng Lin learned of the death of sad cases, "rate of ministers into tears, sorrow were posthumous said," "crying laying unfinished, the city collapse." Modi died the same day, army, the golden death.

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