西辽 List of Authors
Si YuandiYe LvdadanXiao TabuyanYe Lvyilie
Ye LvpusuwanYe LvzhiluguQu Chulv
Ye Lvyilie
西辽  (?1150 AD1163 AD)
Temple Name: 仁宗
Reign1150 AD1163 AD
绍兴1151 AD1163 AD

  Liao Yi Ren Yelv out (? -1,163) Was the son of Liao Corrections Yelü Dashi for Liao third monarch. Corrections died young barbarians out, in accordance with his father testament, by the sense of Empress Xiao tower does not smoke management affairs of state power, reign title salty clear.
  Yelv reign of 10 years died barbarians out, the posthumous names of "Ren." Because young son, Yelv removal Zhao Yi Yi Mei Yelv out general management affairs of state the right to speed completion.

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