唐代 人物列錶
李隆基 Li LongJi李世民 Li Shimin李治 Li Zhi
李顯 Li Xian李旦 Li Dan李亨 Li Heng
李適 Li Kuo李昂 Li Ang李忱 Li Chen
李曄 Li Ye李豫 Li Yu李淵 Li Yuan
李重茂 Li Chongmao李誦 Li Song李純 Li Chun
李恆 Li Heng李湛 Li Zhan李瀍 Li Chan
李漼 Li Cui李儇 Li Xuan唐哀帝 Tang Aidi
瀋法興 Shen Faxing李子通 Li Zitong劉黑闥 Liu Heita
王摩沙 Wang Masha
李純 Li Chun
唐代  (778年820年)
網筆號: 昭文章武大聖至神孝皇帝
廟號: 憲宗
陵墓: 景陵

  首先是越來越喜歡斂財——跟德宗的晚年如出一轍。這個傾嚮在元和十三年八月的那次宰相任命中就表現得極為明顯。當時憲宗執意要提拔戶部侍郎、判度支皇甫鎛[ 鎛bó ]與衛尉卿、????鐵轉運使程異為相。表面的原因當然是他們善於為帝國理財,內在的原因是他們更善於進貢“羨餘”以供皇帝開銷。時任宰相的裴度和崔群感到這是一個不好的苗頭,於是極力勸阻,可憲宗不聽。
  其次是迷上了道教的長生術,下詔徵召天下方士。皇甫鎛不失時機地嚮天子舉薦了一個叫柳泌的方士,此人自稱能煉出長生不死的丹藥。柳泌來到長安不久就嚮天子提出:“天台山是神仙居住的地方,有很多靈草。臣雖然知道,可無法得到,如果派臣去當那裏的地方官,就有希望找到了。”李純立刻任命柳泌為代理臺州[ 今浙江臨海市]刺史,並賜三品金紫衣。
  其二,在這年六月最早動議皇太子監國的劍南西川節度使韋臯,在八月十七日,突然暴病而死,時年 61歲。這是偶然的巧合還是事出有因,很值得索解。與韋臯上表差不多同時,荊南的裴均、河東的嚴綬也不約而同地給朝廷發來表章,內容竟然也與韋臯的相同。劍南、荊南和河東,三地節度使相距何止千裏,如果沒有幕後的指使,這樣的步調一致真的很難理解。那麽,幕後的指使是誰?從當時的蛛絲馬跡來說,就是那些在宮中掌握禁軍、擁立憲宗的宦官。
  將太上皇順宗直接殺死,正是擁立憲宗的那些人為了消除一切可能的隱患,打消那些有着和羅令則等一樣想法的人的幻想,目的最終自然不外乎是穩固自己的地位。而憲宗個人在當時早已是成熟的年齡,整個過程他自然不會茫然不知,權力的誘惑自然不會使他拒絶對太上皇用粗,利欲熏心,更何況九五之尊!元和十四年(819)七月,群臣討論給憲宗上尊號時,一個宰相主張加“孝德”二字,另一位宰相崔群認為“睿聖” 的尊號已經可以包括其含義,不必再加“孝德”,憲宗聽了怒不可遏,竟然把崔群貶到湖南任了一個觀察團練使。憲宗對“孝德”二字如此在乎,正說明他“內有慚德”,心中有所顧及,這從側面反映出他很有可能參與了逼順宗內禪的事件。總之,在永貞內禪、憲宗即位的過程中,一定有隱秘而又不能明言的內容。韓愈與宦官俱文珍關係尚好,在他所作的《順宗實錄》中也隱約透露出了宦官對順宗相逼的痕跡,以致憲宗即位以後,俱文珍等屢屢說其記載內容不實,要求下詔進行修改。這樣做的目的,顯然是為了掩蓋事實真相。

  After the success of cut-fan, Li Chun victory and success in the face, lost his own.
  They have expressed opposition remonstrant Shang Shu: "Chronicles Renjun like alchemist's a lot of, but never had to send their management of local government." Emperor with disapproval, said: "do all the power of a state, to the eternal youth in exchange for Ren Jun, so why begrudge Robinson is the one state! "
  Kenso an early age to the civil war, his own family relationships are also some confusion. His mother, Wang was the only person Daizong, another bit of the same father grandfather brother was adopted as the son of Corrections. Kenso their marriage relations are paradoxical. Zhen Yuan nine (793), when the Kenso Guangling Wang Kwok wife married. Kuo, is Shang Fu Guo Ziyi's granddaughter, her father was Fuma Du Wei Guo warm, dancing figurines mother is the eldest daughter of peace and prosperity Daizong Princess. Princess Sheng Ping Guo warming story between being compiled later in a "play the Princess," the drama, widely circulated. As the daughter of the mother is Daizong, this means, Kuo and Shun were cross-cousin brother and sister, Kuo on the long Kenso generation. Or, on the generational, Kenso concubine than their married to a generation of low Kuo. Them into marriage, when the Crown Prince of Shun Kwok mother because you were the parent, there are big Fun at the royal ancestors, on his daughter expressed tremendous favor. Kenso own concubine did not seem to how the cold, because Zhenyuan 10 year (795) hours, that is, they married two years, gave birth to a son, Lee Kwok forgive, namely later Mouzon.
  First, Kenso just been established as a Crown Prince after the "two kings" by Shi Du Group's land mass has been advice given the opportunity, stop by Kenso: "Your Majesty that I explained by Mr. justice, how can they pull the other the matter? "shows at the moment Kenso have their own political views. In other words, Kenso in this process may not be passive, do not seem aware of.
  Fourth, that the conspiracy occurred in Romania spent Kenso be crowned the strange. This October, so from Chang'an to Romanian Hermits Qinzhou, correction overlord edict, to Longxi Jinglue Shi Liu Yong Please soldiers, planning a separate waste Kenso emperor. The results, Liu Yong was the informant, that the arrest of Lo, Kenso one hand, gold and silver property Houci name Ma Liu Yong, on the other hand edict to make the imperial guards interrogated Law, stick to his gang dead. The emergence of this there are many doubts and cause and effect, but for Kenso, the greatest convenience is the opportunity to Heaven's a political enemies.
  Shun were directly killed by the overlord, it is those who own constitutional cases in order to eliminate all possible risks, discourage those with and Luo are, like the idea that people's fantasies, the ultimate purpose of nature is nothing more than a solid their status. The Kenso individuals are mature age, long time, the whole process, naturally he will not know how to respond, the natural temptation of power will not make his refusal of the overlord with the rough, blinded by greed, not to mention was the emperor! Dollars and 14 years (819) July, the ministers discussed the appellation to Kenso, a prime minister for an increase, "filial piety" word, another prime minister Cui group that "Core Sage" appellation may include the meaning has been , no need to "filial piety", Kenso heard furious, even the Cui group had fallen to an observation of any militia in Hunan to. Kenso of "filial piety" word so care is indicative of his "moral there ashamed," the heart has been taken into account, it reflects from the side, he is likely to participate in the force were within the Chan Shun events. In short, within the Zen Yongzhen, Kenso the process of ascending the throne, there must be secret but are not explicitly content. Wen Chun Han Yu and eunuchs all relations were good, he's "Shun cases Record" also works reveal a eunuch I am surrounded by traces of cis were so Kenso ascended the throne after all such paper has repeatedly said Jennifer false contents of their records, required even ordered modified. The aim, apparently to cover up the truth.
  Hengyang Princess, flea death of a prince.
  Qi Yang Zhuangshu Gong master, Yi-An Empress born. Married Elsie Helen, Emperor as imperial temple temporary removal, Yao West Chodo out complex Royal Engi door, only the main car, big guests from giving money. Kai-Changhua, the sparse pool for marsh dragon first. Chase after the home on the Shangfu other museum in the main pavilion. When you shock the world. However, officiating principal Jiugu to hear, the gift of slaves Yan Jian, are still, beggars directly from the city. Mrs Helen prefectural governor for the Li River, the main and Chung-kai, 20 from those who do not tick, by donkey, not meat, for counties with, refused to be. Kou Qin Ji, the Princess did not understand, clothing, medicine does not taste does not enter Mi. Into the open, Helen Chungmu for Korea since the main disease invasion, said: "I hope the DPRK Imperial palace, although died Road, not hate." Road demise.
  Nam princess, married Shen Fen. Northern Sung Painting pass away the time.
  True source of the Princess, before sealing anling. Marry Du Zhongli.
  Princess Wing, early Changqing Xu Bao Yi married Uighur Khan, Khan will die, just not work. Wo, the beggar for the priests, Zhaoci eup India, such as seeking sun princess story, and marriage go cheap.
  Princess your village, flea death of a prince.

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