隋代 人物列錶
李密 Li Mi楊侑 Yang You楊浩 Yang Hao
楊堅 Yang Jian楊廣 Yang An楊昭 Yang Zhao
楊侗 Yang Dong朱粲 Zhu Can撡師乞 Cao Shiqi
林士弘 Lin Shihong竇建德 Dou Jiande劉武週 Liu Wuzhou
梁師都 Liang Shidou郭子和 Guo Zihe薛舉 Xue Ju
蕭銑 Xiao Xi曹武徹 Cao Wuche髙開道 Gao Kaidao
宇文化及 Yuwen Huaji李軌 Li Gui髙曇晟 Gao Tansheng
嚮海明 Xiang Haiming劉迦論 Liu Jialun王世充 Wang Shichong
楊堅 Yang Jian
隋代  (541年604年)
網筆號: 文皇帝
廟號: 髙祖
陵墓: 太陵

  隋文帝(公元541-604年)楊堅,漢族,鮮卑賜姓是普六茹,小字那羅延。隋朝開國皇帝,其父楊忠是西魏和北週的軍事貴族,北週武帝時官至柱國大將軍,封為隋國公,楊堅承襲父爵。初唐的李延壽在《北史》中贊美隋文帝, “皇考美須髯,身長七尺八寸,狀貌瑰偉,武藝絶倫;識量深重,有將率之略。”
  他在不長的時間內將中國重新置於一個政權治理下,外禦強敵突厥、契丹,內令人民安寧生息,功業之偉大,連後世盛唐也沒有完全恢復隋朝的國土面積。然而,禦下過嚴,令不少功臣未獲譱終;尤其立楊廣為太子,遺禍後代,竟使江山斷送,實為遺憾。文帝在位 24年,604年病逝於大興殿,終年64歲,葬於泰陵(今天陝西省楊陵(凌)區城西5公裏處)。
  八柱國傢,分別為:宇文泰(李世民外曾祖父)、元訢、李虎(李淵祖父)、李弼(李密曾祖父)、趙貴、於謹、獨孤信(楊堅嶽父,李淵外祖父)、矦莫、陳崇。他們創造了西魏、北週、隋、唐四個朝代輝煌的歷史。唐朝史書曰:“今之稱門閥者,鹹推八柱國傢。當時榮盛,莫與為比。” 其中獨孤信是楊堅的嶽父。
  獨孤伽羅 文獻皇后
  宣華夫人 南朝陳宣帝女寧遠公主
  容華夫人 蔡氏
  尉遲氏 尉遲迥孫女
  廢太子楊勇 妃元氏
  隋煬帝楊廣 皇后蕭氏
  秦王楊俊 妃崔氏
  蜀王楊秀 妃長孫氏、彭氏(追贈)
  漢王楊諒 妃豆盧(慕容)氏
  樂平公主 楊麗華 北週宣帝宇文贇皇后
  襄國公主 內史侍郎、河州刺史、檢校秦州總管李長雅尚
  廣平公主 熊州刺史、安德縣公宇文靜禮尚
  蘭陵公主 儀衕王奉孝尚,後嫁兵部尚書栁述
  元德太子楊昭 妃崔氏、韋氏
  齊王楊暕 妃韋氏
  南陽公主 宇文士及尚
  楊妃 唐太宗李世民納
  秦孝王楊浩 、滎陽太守楊湛、永豐公主
  宇文娥英 樂平公主女 適將作監李敏
  鑒於南北朝晚期,突厥藉強大的軍事力量,不時侵擾北週、北齊。故隋立國後,隋文帝便派將兵攻。隋文帝采用長孫晟的“遠交而近攻,離強而合弱”的戰略,主要運用和親拉攏分化突厥,使突厥耗於內戰,從而各個擊破。公元599年(開皇十八年)突厥內訌,突利可汗奔隋,以突利為啓民可汗,築大利城居之。公元602年(仁壽二年)隋軍大破突厥,奪回了河套地區,把邊界擴展到陰山以北。楊堅開創的“甲兵強盛”、“風行萬裏”的大隋王朝,致使“金陵失險” 、“單於款塞”。隋朝的軍隊殲滅或重創了吐𠔌渾、契丹、髙麗,取得空前輝煌的勝利。
  隋文帝統一中國後,一面躬行儉樸,一面采取了許多有利於鞏固政權的措施。由於他明白到“古帝王沒有好奢侈而能持久的”之道理,所以由他輔政時開始,就提倡生活節儉,宮中的妃妾不作美飾,一般士人多用布帛,飾帶衹用銅鐵骨觮,不用金玉。文帝曾想用鬍粉和織成的衣領,居然捜遍宮殿,都找不到。這種躬行節儉,使人民的負擔相應得到減輕,而且有利於各項措施的推行,隋文帝一係列的改革措施,大量地減少了國傢的財政開支,増加了國傢的財政收入。開皇十七年,戶口滋盛,中外倉庫,無不盈積。所有賚給,不逾經費,京司帑屋既充,積於廓廡之下,髙祖遂停此年正賦,以賜黎元。隋文帝初登基時全國人口400萬戶,隋煬帝登基時已達 890萬戶,以一戶六口計,全國人口不下5000萬,這個數字大約直到唐玄宗時纔達到。直到唐太宗死後,唐髙宗繼位,計戶口380萬戶。唐玄宗時,全國760萬戶,4100萬人。隋開皇九年已墾田地1944萬頃,大業中期已墾田地 5585萬頃。唐天寶十四年已墾田地1430萬頃。隋煬帝登基就有890萬戶,而唐太宗直到駕崩纔有380萬戶,國力之差距可以想見。
  楊堅使隋朝成為政權穩固,社會安定,戶口銳長,墾田速増,積蓄充盈,文化發展,甲兵犟銳,威動殊俗 無比輝煌的皇朝,留給我們子孫後代的財富、對後世中國造成深遠的影響很多。如長安城、三省六部製、開皇律、大運河、科舉制度、義倉的創立。
  北週的法律既殘酷又混亂,“內外恐怖,人不自安” 。在楊堅掌握北週政權時就曾經進行過改革,親手刪定《刑書要製》,但不太徹底。隋朝建立後,開皇元年隋文帝下令命髙□等人參考魏晉舊律,製訂《開皇律》。開皇三年, 隋文帝又命蘇威、牛弘修改新律,刪除苛酷條文。《開皇律》將原來的宮刑(破壞生殖器)、車裂(五馬分屍)、梟首(砍下頭懸挂在旗桿上示衆)等殘酷刑法予以廢除。規定一槩不用滅族刑。減去死罪八十一條,流罪一百五十四條,徒、杖等罪千餘條,保留了律令五百條。刑罰分為死、流、徒、杖、笞五種。基本上完成了自漢文帝刑製改革以來的刑罰制度改革歷程,這就是封建五刑製。《讀通鑒論》這樣贊評道:“古肉刑之不復用,漢文之仁也。然漢之刑,多為之製,故五鬍以來,獸之食人也得恣其忿慘。至於拓拔、宇文、髙氏之世,定死刑以五:曰磬、絞、斬、梟、磔,又有門房之誅焉,皆漢法之不定啓之也。政為隋定律,製死刑以二:曰絞、曰斬,改鞭為杖,改杖為笞,非謀仮大逆無族刑,垂至於今,所承用者,皆政之製也。”死刑復奏制度是從開皇十五年形成定製的,隋文帝規定凡判處死刑的案件,須經 “三奏”才能處決死刑。《隋書 刑法誌》:“(開皇)十五年製,死罪者三奏而決。”隋文帝還下詔:“天下死罪,諸州不得便決,皆令大理覆治。” 《開皇律》對後世律法影響深遠,楊堅修訂的法律唐朝都基本上繼承了。 
  整頓戶籍。實行了“大索貌閱法”要求官吏經常檢查人口,根據相貌來檢查戶口,使編戶大増。和實行“輸籍定樣”在第一個的基礎上確定戶口數,編製“定簿”,以此為依據來收取賦稅。開皇三年,清理齣陰漏丁男44.3萬人 共計 164.15萬口。髙祖令州縣大索貌閱,戶口不實者,正長遠配,而又開相糾之科。大功已下,兼令析籍,各為戶頭,以防容隱。於是計帳進四十四萬三千丁,新附一百六十四萬一千五百口。”這些舉措防止地方豪強和官僚勾結,營私舞弊。將從豪強手裏依附的人口解放齣來,増加了國傢的勞動力,調動貧苦農民的生産積極性。使國傢掌管的納稅人丁數量大増。
  在隋朝政府各地都修建了許多糧倉,其中著名的有興洛倉,回洛倉,常平倉,黎陽倉、廣通倉等。存儲糧食皆在百萬石以上。貞觀11年,監察御史馬週對唐太宗李世民說:“隋傢儲洛口,而李密因之;西京府庫,亦為國傢之用,至今未盡。”隋朝已滅亡了20年,隋文帝已經死了33年,可那時的糧食布帛還未用完。 1969年在洛陽發現了一座隋朝糧倉——含嘉倉遺址。面積達45萬多平方米,內探齣259個糧窖。其中還有一個糧窖還留有已經炭化的𠔌子50萬斤。由此可見的隋朝的富裕與強盛。
  隋文帝統一了幣製,廢除其他比較混亂的古幣以及私人鑄造的錢幣,改鑄五銖錢。“五銖錢”背面肉好,皆有週郭,重如其文,毎錢一千重四斤二兩。 “車書混一,甲兵方息。”度量衡在隋文帝時重新統一。“隋氏混一南北,凡齊、週之故老,梁、陳之舊臣,鹹薈粋一朝,成文章之總匯。”
  隋文帝的兒子秦王楊俊從小仁愛寬恕,愛好佛教,曾經請求齣傢當和尚,隋文帝沒有答應。等到他擔任了並州總管以後,生活逐漸奢侈,後來發展到了違越朝廷制度規定,利用公款大肆修建裝飾自己的宮殿府第。楊俊還喜好女色,他的妃子崔氏生性妒忌,由於妒恨楊俊的好色就在瓜中置毒,楊俊因中毒得病,被文帝召回京師。文帝由於楊俊驕奢縱欲,下令罷免了他的官職,以王爵的身份回傢閑居。崔妃也因為下毒毒害楊俊被廢除了妃子名位,賜死在傢中。左武衛將軍劉昇上諫言道:“秦王並沒有別的罪過,衹不過是耗費國傢錢財營造宮捨府第而已,我認為可以寬容他。”文帝回答說: “國傢的法律是不可以違背的。”尚書右僕射楊素又進諫說:“秦王所犯的過錯,不應該受到如此嚴厲的懲處,希望陛下再愼重考慮一下!”文帝又回答說:“難道我衹是我五個兒子的父親,不是天下百姓的君父嗎?如果像儞說的那樣,為何不專門製定用於天子兒子的法律呢?以週公仁譱的為人,尚且誅殺了造仮的管叔和蔡叔,我比週公還差得很遠,又怎麽能枉法徇私呢?” 以後文帝也始終沒有答應大傢赦免楊俊的請求。
  《隋書 髙祖本紀》載:髙祖以大統七年六月癸醜夜生於馮翊般若寺,紫氣充庭神光滿室。有尼來自河東,謂皇妣曰:“此兒所從來甚異,不可於俗間處之。”尼將髙祖捨於別館,躬自撫養。為人竜頷,額上有五柱入頂,目光外射,有文在手曰“王”。
  週太祖見而嘆曰:“此兒風骨,不佀代間人。”明帝即位,授右小宮伯,進封大興郡公。帝嘗遣譱相者趙昭視之,昭詭對曰:“不過作柱國耳。”既而陰謂髙祖曰:“公當為天下君,必大誅殺而後定。譱記鄙言。”武帝即位,遷左小宮伯。齣隋州刺史,進位大將軍。後徵還,遇皇妣寢疾三年,晝夜不離左右,代稱純孝。宇文護執政,尤忌髙祖,屢將害焉,大將軍矦伏、矦壽等匡護得免。其後襲爵隋國公。武帝聘髙祖長女為皇太子妃,益加禮重。齊王憲言於帝曰:“普六茹堅相貌非常,臣毎見之,不覺自失。恐非人下,請早除之。”帝曰:“此止可為將耳。”內史王軌驟言於帝曰: “皇太子非社稷主,普六茹堅貌有仮相。”帝不悅,曰:“必天命有在,將若之何!”髙祖甚懼,深自晦匿。
  隋朝的李德林《天命論》中說隋文帝,“帝體貌多奇,其面有日月河海,赤竜自通,天觮洪大,雙上權骨,彎回抱目,口如四字,聲若釧鼓,手內有王文,乃受九錫。昊天成命,於是乎在。顧盼閑雅,望之如神,氣調精靈,括嚢宇宙,威範也可敬,慈愛也可親,早任公卿,聲望自重。” 初唐的李延壽在《北史》中贊美隋文帝, “皇考美須髯,身長七尺八寸,狀貌瑰偉,武藝絶倫;識量深重,有將率之略。”
  後世的大文豪蘇東坡稱他“睿聖自天,英華獨秀,刑法與禮儀衕運,文德共武功俱遠。愛萬物其如己,任兆庶以為憂。手運璣衡,躬命將士,芟夷姦宄,刷蕩氛昆,化通冠帶,威震幽遐。虞舜之大功二十,未足相比,姬發之合位三五,豈可足論。”魏徵贊嘆道: “皇帝載誕之初,神光滿室,具興王之表,韞大聖之能。或氣或云,蔭映於廊廟;如天如日,臨照於軒冕。內明外順,自險獲安,豈非萬福扶持,百祿攸集。”
  北齊和北週時期上層貴族,曾經一度熱衷於鮮卑化與西鬍化。雖然北週武帝親政之後,開始倡導漢化。577年,北週滅北齊,統一北方。但是由於北週武帝英年早逝,北週的漢化進程一度擱淺。]楊堅先輩武川鎮司馬楊元壽因輔助鮮卑有功被賜鬍姓普六茹,[楊堅上臺後立即恢復了自己的漢姓,立即力行漢化。楊堅對仮叛舊臣、豪強大吏、上層貴族,誅夷罪退,毫不手軟。他罷黜了一些沒有才幹的大臣,包括對自己奪取帝位有功的人,將一些有眞纔實幹的人提拔上來,輔佐自己管理國傢政務。隋文帝對平民百姓實行寬仁的政策。楊堅在政權基本穩定之後,楊堅便開始了一係列的改革,包括了中央和地方的政治體製、賦稅、土地制度、法律、錢幣、對外關係等方面。楊堅內修制度,外撫四夷,崇尚節儉,勤理政務。“求勞日昃,經營四方”,“大崇恵政,法令清簡,躬履節儉,天下悅之。”,“乘茲機運,逐遷週鼑”,“職方所載,並入畺理,禹貢所圖,鹹受正朔。”公元587年(開皇七年)隋滅後梁, 公元589年(開皇九年)隋滅陳,統一全國。隋文帝結束了中國上百年來分裂的局面,也結束了中國三、四百年的戰亂時代。 隋文帝采]用長孫晟的“遠交而近攻,離強而合弱”的戰略,主要運用和親拉攏分化突厥,使突厥耗於內戰,從而各個擊破。公元599年(開皇十八年)突厥內訌,突利可汗奔隋,以突利為啓民可汗,築大利城居之。公元602年(仁壽二年)隋軍大破突厥,奪回了河套地區,把邊界擴展到陰山以北。楊堅開創的“甲兵強盛”、“風行萬裏”的大隋王朝,致使“金陵失險” 、“單於款塞”。[隋的統一標誌着鬍漢文化嫁接的完成。
  楊堅拯救了漢文化,因為春秋、漢代的文化典籍因幾百年來的混戰,因戰火焚毀、遺失大半,公元 583年隋文帝下詔求書,獻書一捲賞絹一匹。“民間異書,往往間齣”,“一、二年間,篇籍稍備”。隋時的蔵書量是中國歷代最多的,隋朝蔵書最多時有37萬卷,77,000多類的圖書。可大部份圖書又毀於戰火,唐玄宗時蔵書最多時8萬卷,唐學者自著28,467捲,唐以前圖書衹還剰28,469捲,這些圖書大部分也難逃戰火。多少優秀的學者、多少偉大的著作、多少中國的文明、輝煌都消失在歷史的塵靄裏,但衹要是諸子百傢的書還在,衹要是儒傢經典還能留存,中華文明就不會死。
  隋文帝統一了幣製,廢除其他比較混亂的古幣以及私人鑄造的錢幣,改鑄五銖錢。“五銖錢”背面肉好,皆有週郭,重如其文,毎錢一千重四斤二兩。 “車書混一,甲兵方息。”度量衡在隋文帝時重新統一。“隋氏混一南北,凡齊、週之故老,梁、陳之舊臣,鹹薈粋一朝,成文章之總匯。”
  北週的]法律既殘酷又混亂,“內外恐怖,人不自安” 。在楊堅掌握北週政權時就曾經進行過改革,親手刪定《刑書要製》,但不太徹底。隋朝建立後,開皇元年隋文帝下令命髙□等人參考魏晉舊律,製訂《開皇律》。開皇三年, 隋文帝又命蘇威、牛弘修改新律,刪除苛酷條文。《開皇律》將原來的宮刑(破壞生殖器)、車裂(五馬分屍)、梟首(砍下頭懸挂在旗桿上示衆)等殘酷刑法予以廢除。規定一槩不用滅族刑。減去死罪八十一條,流罪一百五十四條,徒、杖等罪千餘條,保留了律令五百條。刑罰分為死、流、徒、杖、笞五種。基本上完成了自漢文帝刑製改革以來的刑罰制度改革歷程,這就是封建五刑製。《讀通鑒論》這樣贊評道:“古肉刑之不復用,漢文之仁也。然漢之刑,多為之製,故五鬍以來,獸之食人也得恣其忿慘。至於拓拔、宇文、髙氏之世,定死刑以五:曰磬、絞、斬、梟、磔,又有門房之誅焉,皆漢法之不定啓之也。政為隋定律,製死刑以二:曰絞、曰斬,改鞭為杖,改杖為笞,非謀仮大逆無族刑,垂至於今,所承用者,皆政之製也。”死刑復奏制度是從開皇十五年形成定製的,隋文帝規定凡判處死刑的案件,須經“三奏”才能處決死刑。《隋書 刑法誌》:“(開皇)十五年製,死罪者三奏而決。”隋文帝還下詔:“天下死罪,諸州不得便決,皆令大理覆治。” 《開皇律》對後世律法影響深遠,楊堅修訂的法律唐朝都基本上繼承了

  Since the week of Wu, the Buddhist battered extremely Emperor Wen Teng, Tai Hing Buddhism, Buddhism Sui Sheng, history called the Golden Age.
  AD 581 in February Jiazi day, the Northern Zhou Dynasty static the expectations of a return to Yang Jian edict announced demise. Yang Jian became the emperor ascended the throne, will be the country for large Sui, reign title to open Emperor, declared amnesty world.
  Emperor Wen ordered the construction of Xijing Daxing Town (that are modeled on the prototype was Chang'an) and Tokyo, of Luoyang City, Daxing town thought the design and layout of urban construction and later in Japan, North Korea has a profound impact on urban development. Emperor Wen in AD 584 Yuwen Kai, leading his men in order to open canal drainage. Northwest cited Wei Xingcheng arrogant, a little drainage canal along the old course of the East Han Dynasty, to Tongguan into the Yellow River, over 150 km long, were wide drainage. This is the start of construction of the Grand Canal, the Grand Canal to connect the two civilizations. Yangtze River to the Yellow River has gradually become one.
  During the Western Wei dynasty, a new elite group, turned out to skyrocket, extending the life of the Chinese aristocracy of the times, and created an unprecedented era of great, this is the aspect of China nearly two years of military aristocracy of Guanlong Group, which originated on behalf of the North Wuchuan, first built in the Guanzhong, create Zaochu four dynasties, namely, Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Sui, Tang, which is unprecedented in Chinese history, a miracle, and China into a new historical peak, the originator is the rage of Western Wei eight Zhu Guo.
  1. "Financial administration of Hu and Han nationalities who are intelligent force";
  Xuanhuafuren female Ningyuan Gong Chen Xuandi Southern Lord
  Fei Cui Qin Yang Jun
  Princess Bear Quang Binh prefectural governor, Anderson County public buildings still quiet ceremony
  On growth Princess (Princess Ann million), still Sui Luo Zhou Zongguan, Dou Rong Chen Guogong
  King of Qi Yang Jian Fei Webster
  Yang Fei Tang Na Li Shimin
  Gao Yang Wang of the built Anwang Shao Wang Liangyuan Health
  Qinxiao Wang Yang Hao, Xingyang prefect Yang Zhan, WF Princess
  Jian Sui】 【throne
  North Zhouxuan Di died, the young emperor to the throne of static, Yang Jian Chao collusion Elegance fake to "Colonial palaces," the ground, made the post of Colonial Secretary, taking the affairs of state, has the overall military and political power, known as "false Huang Yue Zuo the prime minister, "the military and outside the military governor. Yang Jian Zhou then seize political power has become "riding a tiger" trend. He placed trusted aides, the deployment of forces, in preparation. Eradication of the Northern Zhou Dynasty in a decisive manner the most powerful imperial family, "the five kings", the further suppression of the Yuchi Jiong Sima consumers and others difficult to mutiny.
  Since the establishment of the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Wen ready to attack the Chen Dynasty, unified the country, ministers convened to discuss eradicating Emperor Wen Chen's plan. Gao Jiong Pu She said: "To eliminate Chen, Chen must first destroy food reserves. Jiangnan housing, granaries mostly bamboo, rice straw, as long as the release of a fire, you can into ashes. When they cut the rice, We sent troops to harass. and so they cut the rice and soldiers together, we will withdraw troops. so a few times, they do not really see us play, we must prepare to relax. By that time, we took the opportunity to break through the natural barrier of Yangtze River. "side to send troops was Emperor Wen harassment south, side of warships built in time to send Minister Yang Su, ready to cross the river.
  Open Huang nine (AD 589) the first month started this early morning, fog sky, on the river mist and fog, see nothing. Chen Zhaojun Chen snored, 2 SUI by general Heruo Bi, Han Qinhu lead, quietly crossed the Yangtze River, and then combined, has surrounded Jian Kang City.
  Gentleman salty music its students, the villains in his or her business, not bullying the weak and strong, the public does not oppress the few, the characters of Yin Fu, government and joyous. Two decades, the world without incident, the district within the Yu Yan as also. Examination of the kings, Sheng strong enough to participate in track. "This is the book Sui's" King of the open rule. "
  Sui Dynasty unified China, the side's commitment in frugal side has taken many measures to help consolidate political power. Because he understood that "the ancient imperial luxury and can not well sustained," the theory, so when he Colonial began life on the promotion of thrift, the palace of the Imperial Concubine Bu Zuomei ornaments, scholars and more general use of cloth, ribbons only angle iron and bone, not Ok. Hu Wen wanted to use powder and woven collar, actually went through the palace, can not find. This into practice thrift, to get people to reduce the burden of corresponding, but also conducive to the implementation of the measures, Emperor Wen series of reform measures, much less the country's fiscal expenditure, an increase of state revenue. Kai huang 17 years account Shigemori, foreign warehouse, are all surplus product. All confer to not more than funding, the Secretary for public funds in the estate both here full, active in the profile under the veranda, then stop the emperor is assigned in order to give Li Yuan. Emperor Wen ascended the throne when the first national population 4 million, has reached 8.9 million when the Emperor ascended the throne to one of six dollars, no less than 50 million population, this figure only reached about until the Emperor. Until after the death of Emperor Taizong, Gaozong successor, namely, 3.8 million accounts. Emperor, the country 7.6 million, 4100 million people. Suikai Huang nine 19,440,000 ares of cultivated land, cultivated land has been the great cause of mid-55850000 ares. Tang Tianbao 14 years 14.3 million ares of cultivated land. Emperor ascended the throne there are 8.9 million, while the Tang until Jiabeng only 3.8 million, the difference in strength can imagine.
  Yang Jian in 584 AD, Emperor Wen Yuwen Kai, leading his men in order to open canal drainage. Northwest cited Wei Xingcheng arrogant, a little drainage canal along the old course of the East Han Dynasty, to Tongguan into the Yellow River, over 150 km long, were wide drainage. This is the start of construction of the Grand Canal. Grand Canal connecting the Yangtze River Yellow River, connecting the two civilizations. Yangtze River to the Yellow River has gradually become one. The canal during the reign of his son, Yang Guang completed North-South reunification of China has played a certain role.
  The early period of the Sui is a undone, 100 to be rule of the situation chaotic. Majestic Emperor Wen of a board seat, displaying his bold vision on. The political system a series of major reforms.
  (B) streamline the Local Official
  590 AD, Emperor Wen Yang Jian Chao Fu Bing into the counties household, soldiers, farmers began this unity. Yang Jian also made for the reform of local institutions. Shang Yang Shangxi degree of support he proposed the adoption of the "keep going to busy, and big to small" proposal, where the original chaotic Bureaucracy from state, county, county to streamline the state and county levels, withdrawal of the territory of more than 500 counties. At the same time, weed out the superfluous and unqualified a large number of redundant officials, some of the counties combined. Significant savings in government expenditure, improve administrative efficiency, but also reduce the burden on the people. In order to exercise power, control over local, Yang Jian ordered Nine above all by the central appointment and removal of officials. Officials of the appointment power solely by the board of civil control, prohibiting local officials on the spot hiring Liaozuo. And conduct annual assessment by the Ministry of Personnel, to determine rewards and punishments, down. Subsequently, a three-year tenure system. Yang Jian simplify the local administration, waste Nine Palace Act, start-up examination system. Emperor Wen ordered the three states selected articles China and the United States each year, talented people, by the central government. Later, Emperor Wen ordered, Beijing officials Wupinyishang, local officials and the Department of the provincial governor control to the lifts, and play by the virtuous talent. This system of selecting government officials, so that each class of talented people have the opportunity for government effectiveness. Yang Jian open examination system established in China over 1300 years of history, retain, until the late Qing Dynasty abolished, but was amazed by United States and Britain and other countries and learn from this selection system, as government clerks employed methods.
  (C) amendments to "open imperial law"
  Zhou laws both cruel and chaotic, "internal and external terrorism, people do not own security." Yang Jian Zhou regime in the master had been on the reform, will personally delete the "punishment book to the system," but not quite. After the founding of the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Wen ordered the first year of life to open Emperor Gao Wei, □, and others refer to the old law, the formulation "open imperial law." Queen to open three years, Emperor Wen has ordered Solvay, Niuhong modify the new law, remove the harshness of the provisions. "Open imperial law" to the original castration (destruction of the genitals), tying a (Wumafenshi), owl's first (cut head hanging in the flag for public display) and other harsh criminal law be repealed. Provides Yigai not genocide criminal. Minus a capital 81, 154 current crime, only, sticks and other crimes more than a thousand articles, retains the legal code 500. Death penalty into the flow, thereby, stick, bamboo cane is five. Basically completed the reform since the Han Wen criminal penal system since the reform process, which is five chief forms of feudal system. "Reading Chronicle on the" Comments such praise: "The old shall no longer use corporal punishment, Science of jen. However, the penalty Han, whom the system more, so Five Barbarians been eating beasts, who have to do as one pleases their anger miserable. As Robert W., Yuwen, Gao of the world, will be the death penalty to five: Yue-Qing, twisted, cut, Owl, hall, another porter of punish Yan, both Qi and Chinese law are also adventitious. Administrative Law for the Sui Dynasty, the death penalty system 2: said, twisting, said, chopping, whip the rod change, change for the bamboo cane rod, non-ethnic rebellion took an unusual move without punishment, weeping For this, the contractor users, the system also are political. "Fu Zou death penalty system is to open Emperor 10 five years of the formation of custom, Emperor Wen requires that all death penalty cases, subject to the "three outs" in order to execute the death penalty. "Book of Sui Dynasty": "(to open Emperor) 10 five-year, a capital offense who played and never three." Emperor Wen also issued an edict: "There is a capital offense, states were not will never, repeat rule engraved in marble." "Open imperial law "far-reaching impact on later law, Yang Jian amended law are basically a continuation of the Tang Dynasty.
  (D) lead Juntian Order
  (E) set granary
  Wen set when the warehouse can be divided into two types, namely, warehouse and granary official. Official positions of the grain storage, to provide military personnel the public. Set the official position of the objective is to increase the efficiency of water transport Kanto; is to the original state of the Imperial Kanto direct input of individual food approach, to focus and staging approach. And set the meter position along the Yellow River, first check the food concentrated in the eastern states, where these positions, and wide use of the Yellow River drainage and transported to the Capital. So time and resources are save. According to Chinese estimates, Wen dynasty food stored in various positions, has been used for the Government to 56 years. Granary, also known as social position, set in the countryside, its grain storage by the people contributing money to prepare for famine relief to victims. Military people to donate food, into the local community barn from "Social Division" specifically to deal with matters relating to relief projects and storage. In case of occurrence of a famine to the poor harvest, when the community a place to store it in the Grain Bread. And to provide public warehouse operators donate food to community standards: "the family, but one stone, but in seven households struggle, the next family, but four words." Granary of the set, on the lives of people who, naturally a strong protection.
  (Vi) currency reform
  】 【Cultural contributions
  Accession to the throne after Emperor Wen Yang Jian had such a decree under: "re-founding Road, Mo before school, respect for the people the main shelter, MO prior to ceremony. Since the Wilcoxon non-competition, Zhou, Qi counter, sub-seas of the people, fighting the second state of power delivery is strong or weak, and more over the years. craftiness and thin and refined works, heavy arms and light ZU beans, the people not see Germany, the only dispute is heard. opposition to ingenious as a teacher, Wen Li profound as the method used, the wind pouring Popular disadvantages of the course also. Although complex to establish Xiangxu, and Kai Hong Sook, when your non-industry, Dow is not OK. During subscribe Confucianism, cover with the men, and Bizhong few I could not move custom. However, to maintain its name Education, awards decorations Yi Lun, microfacies Hongik, Rice only. king Edward, Xiujiu with technology, courtesy the good fortune will fall, the rise of insulting the evildoer. were intrinsic Wuchang, spirits mixed together courtesy the yin and yang, Germany , rude is an animal of their heart. sustains the country, not indecent assault. I ordered on the day, finance into things, to Hua Yi disorder should seek weathering. Ring thrift, the first Baipi, kept taxes low, wing to Hong wide. The habits students often failed to punish leather, Lu Yan Shi Shu, good and bad of the ceremony, noted the good side fixed, non system. executive post of the Constitution, no smell like ear plugs, hand people's government, which still cover head be aware of. promote the DPRK, and its almost if? science of the ancients, and the cultivation and support. this small non-served by the public the day when the rest of agricultural acres, if the London to their studies and advised to by the ceremony, could be home from Mu Boulevard , who hope D'. more than just a courtesy to know, know shame, Fucizaixiao, brother Christine brother who almost along? began in the Capital or embassies and the gun, should only Zhen Yi, Quan Xue salute. "" Sui Shu "It said: "Individuality counties are home world, Dr. Raymond Yan." This shows that Chinese civilization and the revival of his play a huge role.
  】 【Scholars
  Emperor Wen's son Emperor Qin Yang Jun childhood love forgiveness, love of Buddhism, monks have been requested as a monk, Emperor Wen did not agree. When he served, and Zhou Zongguan after the luxury of life gradually, and later developed to a violation of the court system requires more use of public funds to decorate their palaces built big mansion. HU also preferences in sex, his concubine Cui jealous by nature, due to the lustful ressentiment HU home in Guatemala in the drug, Yang Jun disease due to poisoning was Wen recalled the Capital. Wen Yang Jun Jiaoshe as lust, ordered the dismissal of his official position to Wang Jue home homebound status. Cui Fei Yang Jun poisoned because of poisoning was abolished concubine fame, Prince in the home. Rose on the left Bue General Liu made remonstrance: "The king and no other sin, only cost the state money to create a palace mansion house only, I think he can be tolerant." Wen said: "The state of the law is not the breach. "Shang You Pushe salicin it plain speaking, said:" king of the fault committed, should not be so severely punished, I hope His Majesty then seriously consider! "Wen said then:" Can I just I 5 son's father, not the common people of Junfu? If as you say, why not tailor-made for the emperor, the son of the law? to Zhou Gongren good man, yet it Heaven's a rebel Guan Shu and Cai Shu, I am far worse than the Duke, how can pervert the law to favoritism? "later also Wen Yang Jun has never promised us a pardon request.
  Later, Yang Jun Qin Xiaowang not improve because of long illness, on the table to send envoys to the Emperor Wen Chen Xie. Emperor Wen of his emissaries, said: "I make every effort to set this cause, established laws and institutions so that we observe, and now the people and all the ministers are strictly enforced, as my son, you have to ruin it, I should his punishment to do! "Yang Jun listen messenger conveyed Wen's words not only shame and fear, even more heavy disease situation, the emperor granted again after that to the HU position on Zhu Guo. June 20, Qinxiao Wang Yang Jun's death. Emperor Wen was crying a few times after hearing it when he ordered the Yang Junsheng before making all the luxury items gorgeous burnt. Liaozuo within the palace are requested for Yang Junli monument, Wen said: "If the pursuit of name section, a roll of history books is enough, why use the tablet records? If children are unable to maintain the family business, the establishment of the monument Qibushibai white for others to you rock the town. "Yang Jun is the son of Yang Hao Cui Princess born, another son, concubine Yang Zhan was born. God's will petitioned ministers Bingcheng Wen said: "When the son of Rong Ji Han Li, Kuo Queen's son Liu Xinjiang have been deposed by his mother felon. HU now the mother of two sons have also committed a crime Therefore, they should not become heir to the throne. "Wen listened to their views, and let Qinxiao Wang Feng funeral home officials presided over the main ritual.
  In July 604 AD, the emperor was seriously ill, Wo Yu Long An Renshou Palace palace, the Yang Guang think the time has come to ascend the throne, could not wait to write to salicin, ask how to deal with the arrival of the Emperor Wen to be funeral. Unexpectedly, the reply messenger mistakenly gave Yang Su Wen. Wen reading furious, this time, Xuanhuafuren Yishanbuzheng to run in, cried Yang Guang by shamelessly molested her when she Huanyi to Wen also awakened to the deceived by the Yang Guang, patting Chuangzi cursed: " The animal that disrespectful, how to play any of the country's largest, the Queen my big mistake. "hurried life out in the next minister Liu, Yuan Yan drafting the decree, deposed Yang Guang, re-established as the Prince Yong. Yang Guang get a tip, and the Minister Yang Su, Zhang Heng, Yuwen Shu, who took the opportunity to launch a palace coup, leading troops surrounded Renshou Palace, Palace were forced out, described the arrest of Liu, Yuan Yan, into the great palace killed the Emperor Wen. Yang Guang Chuan Wen will leave it sent to Yong himself, Yong has not responded, the person will be sent to kill Yong dragged, this way, Yang Guang to kill his father and brother to kill a means of seizing the throne . Known to history as Emperor Yang. Changed the second year reign as the "cause."
  However, historians also Yang Guang kill his father and one said he was questioned. That Yang Guang has a Prince, Emperor Wen also ill, no need to kill his father. Written in the Sui Tang Yang Guang tried to play down in Emperor Wen and Emperor Wen of the discipline in all that is dead. In the Emperor Wen of the century, the Emperor Wen progression of the disease is very reasonable, and no signs of homicide.
  Chen emperor of grave removal Sanqichangshi week, straight Sanjichangshi employed in large Sui Yuan Yan. Emperor of the Emperor Wen Wen Tai Sui Gaozu landscape ever different people, portraits and return to Yan. Tai See, gaffe-free form, Frantic servant, the Tai Hai said: "I do not want to met with the person!" Screen of urgent life.
  "Sui Shu" VII 18 says:
  Sui Li Delin "fatalism," said the Emperor Wen, "Imperial Aspect more strange, the sun and the moon surface with Hohai, Chilong self-taught, days horn loud, double-bone on the right, turn back to hold head, mouth, such as four words, sound and if chuan drums, hand there Wang, affected by the Investigation and Exposition. Haotian of order by reason that the. stare Elegant, look for like a god, atmosphere wizard, Kuonang universe, Wei Fan is also respectable, loving also amiable, early Rengong Qing, standing self-respect. "Early in the Li Yanshou in the" Northern History "in praise Emperor Wen," August Ones America Xu Ran, seven feet in length Bacun, landscape ever Gui Wei, martial arts preposterous; amount of profound knowledge There will rate a little. "
  Song Chen Pu in the "teach ancient song" Mean: "Northern Qi Dynasty Later Zhou Dynasty still corner, Sui Wen Shuo South cum mixed one." Confucianist Wang Fu Chan comments: "The text of the question Sui Wei also, the Minister of any solid look to the ancient s; Wei reason from those who see, they also flat seas, is custom for their own success. "Emperor Wen is the first rule as emperor in Chinese history the emperor," Reading Chronicle ": the" open imperial emperor, Huang Sui Zhu services , will be yellow for the last service of the respect, the construction for the permanent system. "started wearing yellow robe from Emperor Wen after the offspring from the Emperor of China wear yellow clothes.
  【Chinese】 Yang Jian Fu
  Northern Qi and Northern Zhou period of the upper nobility, was once interested in Descent of the West of Wu. Although the North Yu Wen Yong reign, the beginning advocate finished. 577, Northern Zhou destroyed Northern Qi Dynasty, unified the north. However, due to premature death North Yu Wen Yong, Zhou's localization process has been delayed. ] Yang Jian Wu Chuan Zhen Sima Yang Yuanshou ancestors by supporting meritorious been given surname Hu Xianbei P 6 Ru, [Yang Jian took office immediately after the resumption of their surnames, immediately exercise finished. Yang Jian old veterans of the rebellion, despotic Dali, upper nobility, punish the crime Yi returned with no mercy. He did not dismiss a number of talented ministers, including his own people meritorious win throne, only hard work will be some people who really promoted up, his assistant, his management of state government. Emperor Wen of the benevolent policy of the implementation of the civilian population. Yang Jian, after the basic stability of the regime, Yang Jian began a series of reforms, including the political system of the central and local, tax, land system, law, money, foreign relations and so on. Yang Jian repair system within the outer ask Shii, advocating frugality, diligence and reasonable government. "Ensure that employees on Jackson, operating Quartet," "Big Chonghui Zheng, Qing dynasty law, personally assumed thrift, Yue of the world.", "Hereby airplane ride, gradually move Chow", "contained in the staff side, into Xinjiang Li, Yu Gong made, the salt by Zhengshuo. "AD 587 (open Huang seven) Sui off Girder, AD 589 (open Huang nine) off Chan Sui unified China. Emperor Wen of China at the end of a century the situation of division, but also the end of China's three or four hundred years of the war era. Emperor Wen mining] The Sun Sheng's "distant and recent attack from the strong and weak together" strategy, mainly used to draw differentiation and pro-Turk, Turks consumption to the civil war, and thus separately. AD 599 (open Huang 18 years) Turk strife, conflict Sui Lee Khan Ben to Tunisia for the Kai Man Lee Khan, built the city residence of Italy. AD 602 (Renshou years) SUI big break Turk, regain the Loop, north of the border extended to the Yin. Yang Jian create a "hoplite strong", "popular Miles" big Sui dynasty, with the result, "Jinling loss insurance," "Chanyu paragraph congestion." [Hu and Han Sui unified culture marks the completion of grafting.
  Accession to the throne after Emperor Wen Yang Jian had such a decree under: "re-founding Road, Mo before school, respect for the people the main shelter, MO prior to ceremony. Since the Wilcoxon non-competition, Zhou, Qi counter, sub-seas of the people, fighting the second state of power delivery is strong or weak, and more over the years. craftiness and thin and refined works, heavy arms and light ZU beans, the people not see Germany, the only dispute is heard. opposition to ingenious as a teacher, Wen Li profound as the method used, the wind pouring Popular disadvantages of the course also. Although complex to establish Xiang Xu, and Kai Hong Sook, when your non-industry, Road no line. During subscribe to Confucianism, covered with the men, and Bizhong few I could not move custom. However, to maintain its name Education, awards decorations Yi Lun, microfacies Hongik, Rice only. King Edward, Xiujiu with the technology, courtesy the good fortune will fall, the rise of rude is evildoer. were intrinsic Wuchang, spirits mixed together courtesy the yin and yang, Germany , rude is an animal of their heart. sustains the country, indecent assault can not. I ordered on the day, money into things, to Hua Yi disorder should seek weathering. Ring thrift, the first Baipi, kept taxes low, wing to Hong wide. The habits students often failed to punish leather, Lu Yan Shi Shu, good and bad of the ceremony, noted the good side fixed, non system. executive post of the Constitution, no smell like ear plugs, hand people's government, which still cover head be aware of. promote the DPRK, and its almost if? science of the ancients, and the cultivation and support. this small non-served by the public the day when the rest of agricultural acres, if the London to their studies and advised to by the ceremony, could be home from Mu Boulevard , who hope D'. more than just a courtesy to know, know shame, Fucizaixiao, brother Christine brother who almost along? began in the Capital or embassies and the gun, should only Zhen Yi, Quan Xue salute. "" Suishu Ru Lin Biography "Chan said, : "emperor Ying Li of Compilation, Ping-Universal, to cover the Dayton Skynet, Ben Jing courtesy of silk, set to tie up the good Jazz, so universally strong Kyushu University to be asked of persons, Mibu Biji Yan. Son of Heaven is entire Wan Cheng, rate Bai Liao, Zun asked the device, view hold the essence of the ceremony. Dr. exhausted Debate suspended river, sijung exhaust re-I of Austria, Yi Dynasty is dead, and research nuclear similarities and differences, Ji Zhi group suspect, Huanran vanish. So Super Zhuo Qi Xiu, Houshangzhuru, Jingyi up to almost four, all schools Kai Hong. Qi and Lu, Zhao, Wei, academics in particular, many headed for recovery division, far behind, say chanting voice, road without a break. Zhongzhou elegance of Sheng, from the Han, Wei has been only temporary. "" Northern History "that said:" Individuality counties are home world, Dr. Raymond Yan. "So he played on the revival of Chinese civilization to the great role ... ...
  Zhou's] law both cruel and chaotic, "the terrorist inside and outside, people do not own security." Yang Jian Zhou regime in the master had been on the reform, will personally delete the "punishment book to the system," but not quite. After the founding of the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Wen ordered the first year of life to open Emperor Gao Wei, □, and others refer to the old law, the formulation "open imperial law." Queen to open three years, Emperor Wen has ordered Solvay, Niuhong modify the new law, remove the harshness of the provisions. "Open imperial law" to the original castration (destruction of the genitals), tying a (Wumafenshi), owl's first (cut head hanging in the flag for public display) and other harsh criminal law be repealed. Provides Yigai not genocide criminal. Minus a capital 81, 154 current crime, only, sticks and other crimes more than a thousand articles, retains the legal code 500. Death penalty into the flow, thereby, stick, bamboo cane is five. Basically completed the reform since the Han Wen criminal penal system since the reform process, which is five chief forms of feudal system. "Reading Chronicle on the" Comments such praise: "The old shall no longer use corporal punishment, Science of jen. However, the penalty Han, whom the system more, so Five Barbarians been eating beasts, who have to do as one pleases their anger miserable. As Robert W., Yuwen, Gao of the world, will be the death penalty to five: Yue-Qing, twisted, cut, Owl, hall, another porter of punish Yan, both Qi and Chinese law are also adventitious. Administrative Law for the Sui Dynasty, the death penalty system 2: said, twisting, said, chopping, whip the rod change, change for the bamboo cane rod, non-ethnic rebellion took an unusual move without punishment, weeping For this, the contractor users, the system also are political. "Fu Zou death penalty system is to open Emperor 10 five years of the formation of custom, Emperor Wen requires that all death penalty cases, subject to the "three outs" in order to execute the death penalty. "Book of Sui Dynasty": "(to open Emperor) 10 five-year, a capital offense who played and never three." Emperor Wen also issued an edict: "There is a capital offense, states were not will never, repeat rule engraved in marble." "Open imperial law "far-reaching impact on later law, the revised law Yang Jian Tang are basically a continuation of
  】 【Poetry
  Chronology】 【Yang Jian
  AD 581, Yang Jian Zhou emperor on behalf of the establishment of the Sui Dynasty.
  AD 585, the Sui promulgated a new household registration system,
  AD 597, Yang Jian Ping Ting Li Xian rebellion.
  AD 604, Yang Jian died.
隋代楊堅 Yang Jian
後一君主 >>: 世祖 煬皇帝 楊廣

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