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萧道成 Xiao Daocheng萧承之 Xiao Chengzhi萧赜 Xiao Ze
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萧道生 Xiao Daosheng萧长懋 Xiao Changmao
萧赜 Xiao Ze
南齐  (440年493年)
字: 宣远
网笔号: 武皇帝
庙号: 世祖
陵墓: 景安陵

  齐武帝萧赜(440年-493年),字宣远,齐高帝萧道成长子,母刘智容。南朝齐第二任皇帝,病死时54岁,葬景安陵。年号永明。 武帝十分关心百姓疾苦,即位后,就下诏说:“比岁未稔,贫穷不少,京师二岸,多有其弊。遣中书舍人优量赈恤。”不久,再次下诏说,“水雨频降,潮流荐满,二岸居民,多所淹渍。遣中书舍人与两县官长优量赈恤。”
  第二年,他又下诏酌情遣返军中的囚徒,大赦囚犯,对于百姓中的鳏寡和贫穷之人,要加以赈济。他提倡并奖励农桑,灾年时,还减免租税。在位第四年,他下诏说: “扬、南徐二州,今年户租三分二取见布,一分取钱。来岁以后,远近诸州输钱处,并减布直,匹准四百,依旧折半,以为永制。”
  武帝还下令多办学校,挑选有学问之人任教,以培育人们的德行。 武帝以富国为先,不喜欢游宴、奢靡之事,提倡节俭。他曾下令举办婚礼时不得奢侈。

  The next year, he even ordered the repatriation of military prisoners, where appropriate, the amnesty of prisoners, for widows and poor people in person, to be relief. He advocated and reward Nongsang, bad years, they also reduce tax. The fourth year in office, he issued an edict said: "Young, South Xu two states this year, taking two-thirds of households rent, see fabric, a minute withdrawals. To years later, near and far states were losing money, and review the cut fabric straight match prospective 400, still only half that the system permanent. "
  Qi Wudi time, also with the Northern Wei Tonghao, more stable border. And the rule of Emperor Wu of the Ching Ming Gao and southern economy to a certain development, social stability and also for the time being.
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